InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Snowflakes and Coughdrops: When a Sword Can't Protect Her ❯ A Promise ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If you hadn't guessed yet, I don't own Inuyasha
Chapter 9~
He loved her. No, he loves her. There is no other reasonable explanation. After being so careful to distance himself from her, Inuyasha finally realized that he has fallen for the very girl he swore he would never get involved with. At first he thought she was just too much like Kikyou. After awhile, he realized the true reason that he could never be with her is because he's too afraid of losing her. What if they ended up breaking up? Kagome would leave for good. Then Naraku would complete the Shikon No Tama and Inuyasha would have lost his love for the second time. Even worse, what if Naraku actually succeeded in capturing and killing her? Inuyasha would never be able to live with himself.
Then the thought came to him as he watched his angel sleep. What if Naraku got her and Inuyasha never told her how he felt? What if something happened to either of them and Kagome never knew that Inuyasha cared for her deeper than he has for anyone ever before in his life. No, Inuyasha would not allow this to happen. He must forget all his fears and do what he knew he had to do. Only looking back once to make sure she had not woken, Inuyasha went off in search of the people he knew must be enjoying breakfast in the hospital dining hall. He knew that Kagome was going home today and he didn't have much time to accomplish what must be done.
Kagome awoke to a surprisingly silent hospital room. No distressed hanyou. No mother quietly humming. No half-psychotic grandfather. No restless little brother. Finally some rest that Kagome believed she more than deserved. She slid down into her hospital bed and closed her eyes. The room was silent. Just the constant beep of her heart monitor kept her connected to the real world. She opened her eyes again. Where was everyone?
Mrs. Higurashi slowly nodded. Yes, her first notions were correct. Everything was finally starting to work according to plan. This woman may seem simple, but she knew when to seize her chance. Smiling to herself she stood up and walked down the long corridors to reach the parking lot. One pair of feet clicked with each step sending piercing echoes through the empty halls, the other pair padded silently behind.
Kagome was going nuts. What did they expect her to do with herself? She could hardly manage to get 10 minutes in a row without some major drama happening. Balancing a crazy life is no easy task. Just when Kagome began eyeing the window cord longingly her family saved her from taking that last resort. Well, it was almost her family. It was just the two crazy boys. Her grandfather was lecturing Souta on some thing or another and it was now Souta staring longing at the window cord. Kagome might as well save her brother with the same fate she nearly received. “Grandpa? Why don't you go ask the doctors if I can go home yet? I just want to get out of here.” The man turned, processed the information, then left the room growling about how under appreciated he is. Her brother shot her a look of pure thanks.
Finally Kagome was heading home. Her mother and Inuyasha seemed to have vanished along with their family car. Kagome was treated to the backseat of a taxi. She tried to ignore the unshakeable reek of old vomit that seem to be standard in all taxis. Instead the young girl turned her attention to the window. She watched she scenery fly by. She lowered her window, deaf to the complaints of her younger brother sitting next to her. She was gone from the world. Focusing on only the treetops and sky she was transported, except this time the use of a certain well was not needed. Her arms were clasped tightly around his strong shoulders. The reassuring squeeze on her knees promised that she would never fall. The only alone time they ever seem to be able to find. The exhilarating rush of wind matched by the breathlessness of love. Jumping from tree to tree they were unstoppable together. No one could touch them. Nothing could hurt them. All the things she never said. It was their time, even if only she thought it of that way.
Suddenly Kagome snapped back to her time. Something was different. The world seemed fuzzy and confusing for a moment like the feeling you get when you get interrupted after delving into a book for hours. The taxi was stopping. She rolled up the window and tried to orient herself again. Slowly the rush of flying subsided and she was walking again up to her door. It was very strange. The car was parked just outside the house, but the front door was locked. She turned around. Souta and her grandpa weren't there anymore. Kagome smiled to herself. Her family might have disappeared, but they left footprints. Was this any way to treat a sick girl? Kagome didn't think so, but she needed the warmth that comes with being inside so she had no option but track her prey. It didn't take her long to realize that the steps lead straight to the well house. What kind of conspiracy was this? If they wanted to live in the well house that would be perfectly fine with Kagome, but if she had any choice she would be living in the house with her warm bed waiting for her just inside.
She opened the door. There they all were. To think Kagome thought it was only her grandfather who wasn't all there. Something strange was going on. Kagome's mother, brother, and grandpa all smiled at her. Her mother stepped up to hug her and whispered quietly in her daughter's ear, “he's waiting for you.” Kagome's heart skipped a beat. What does this all mean? She took one last look around her before dropping herself down into the well. The sting of cold rushed away from her as the immense feeling of time travel surrounded her. The cold rushed back at her as she reached the other side. At first she was confused. He wasn't there waiting for her. Did she misunderstand? Hurt and confusion surrounded her. Maybe she was the one that was nuts. She was just about to turn around and go back when she saw two ears peak over the lip of the well and disappear even more quickly than they appeared.
Reaching the top Kagome finally saw the man waiting for her. He didn't say anything yet. He just turned his back to her and crouched down. They didn't need words to communicate. In fact they almost never communicated with words. All they ever seemed to do was yell at each other, but Kagome never missed the slight undertone of worry in his words or jealousy in his eyes. Soon she was flying again, but this time for real.
The trip was just a flash to her. He was crouching again, which was her signal to dismount. He turned to face her. This time she knew that words would serve them perfectly.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome breathed.
“Listen.” Inuyasha replied softly back to the beautiful girl. “I'm not good with words. I've never said any of this before, but if there is ever a time for this to be said, it's now. Everything I've said to you before it's wrong.”
Kagome blinked at the hanyou. Maybe this wasn't the conversation she was expecting.
“I want you around. Forever. With me. We'll defeat Naraku. We don't have to tell anyone if you don't want, and…” Inuyasha took a deep breath, “I don't love Kikyou. I need you to know that-”
“I love you!” Kagome blurted out. She threw her arms around Inuyasha and after a moment of shock Inuyasha returned her embrace with his gentle strength.
“I guess you beat me to it,” the blushing hanyou replied back sheepishly with his half grin. “I love you, too. Your mother wanted me to give this to you. She said it was for a promise. Promise me you'll stay by my side?” Inuyasha pulled out a band of silver with small diamond pressed into it.
Kagome began to cry. She recognized the ring immediately. It was the promise ring her father gave her mother back in high school. Her mother had only stopped wearing it a year ago. “Forever,” was all Kagome could choke out.
The Beginning~
A/N: So…I'm not really happy with this story. It started well, but…eh. Oh well, I've procrastinated finishing it loooong enough. It was time for it to come to a close. I'm working on a new story that will hopefully be up soon. Perhaps this one will end up a bit better ^_^