InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some Good "Stuff" - Smutletts ❯ Kagome's To Do List ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Thanks for the great reviews. They do make me want to keep writing smut. Well, things in smutlett land have been getting a bit serious lately - to the point where I've moved the edgier ones into a whole new series called “On the Wild Side.” That's all well and good for serious moods, but Inu's dick is hard -- to shut up now that he's gotten out to play in the “Facets” Universe And I did promise to keep things light over here in “Good Shit” land, so, I'm fulfilling ArtimisMoon's request for Inu's dick to have his own `to do list' (a la the end of “Hanyou Fantasies”). And while I'm at it, I knocked off a few requests for Inuhanyounikkie (kerchief), 45 Cats (mirror) and sortof took a whack at Shiinabambi's requests for Inu wearing Kagome's clothes… but that last was really hard. He might have gone for it if they'd had time to put laundry on the `to do' list, but this thing is already one of the longest lemons I've written, so we stopped at the yukata. Get ready for some sexy silliness. Thanks to Kiyoko for the thoughtful review on “On the Wild Side: Smutletts” on I hope there's more of you feel that way.
Disclaimer: Inu (though I suppose not technically his dick) is still owned by Rumiko Takahashi…
Reposted to try and fix @#$@#$# formatting.
Inu's thoughts
Inu's dick's thoughts
Kagome's `To Do' List
“Promise you you'll practice your handwriting while I'm at school,” Kagome said to me as she packed her school bag. Only a few more months and she was outta that place and we could go back to my world…. maybe… for a while.
Except for that `college' thing… my dick said nervously… that's not gonna take her away from me more is it?
Shut up, I thought. We're not thinking about that right now, remember?
We sat on her bed and watched as she bent down to pick up a book off the floor. Her skirt hiked up over her underwear and I enjoyed watching the long lines and strong muscles of her thighs. I shook myself a little and started playing with the pen she'd given me, trying not to think of my hand slipping up over the curve of her ass, carefully tilting my claws to push up underneath her panties so my hand could palm her completely under those little green pleats.
“Whatever,” I was busy clicking the pen - hard and fast. I really liked that little snapping sound it made. She'd gotten mad at me the night before when she found out I hadn't been practicing my writing and that she couldn't read a thing I wrote. I couldn't read it either, but then, I didn't really give a shit.
“Don't `whatever' me, Inuyasha!” She really looked cute when she was angry, but I managed to school my face into innocence as she scolded me. No use making her madder. But as she talked on and on, I found it hard to hear her over the din in my head.
But we have to talk about it! My dick was getting upset. I don't get enough of her as it is! And she said at college she'd be working more and home less and we never get to go back home now that Naraku is dead and Miroku and Sango have a baby and are rebuilding the slayers village so they don't need us anymore and she won't let you come to school with her and all you do is mope around the house and-
Shut the fuck up! I do not mope! Jii-chan gave me a `job' and I get paid that `money' shit and-
“Inuyasha, would you pay attention?” Kagome looked really mad. Kind of pink actually.
Whoa… Look at the color in her cheeks. My dick had just noticed her glaring at me. Think that pink glowgoes all the way down to her breasts?Likeafter you'vebeen riding her and rubbing yourchest on hers? Her skin is always so rosy red afterthat. My dick blipped with the thought of riding her until her blood flushed pink under her skin.
No, I thought, examining her neck. I don't think she's that pink under her shirt right now... She's just mad, not really excited. If I ripped her shirt off now, the pink would stop just past her collarbones. If I took her bra off, her breasts would still be creamy white and her nipples that soft red-brown color.
But they'd probably perk up when the fresh air hit them, wouldn't they? My dick was very conspiratorial today.
Pretty sure. Yep. So was I.
“Are you even listening to me?” Kagome said something.
So? My dick was feeling pushy. You gonna ripher shirt off or not?
Idiot! I think I blushed a little bit at this. I can't just rip her clothes off!
WTF? You do it all the time when you're really into it! And now you got me all horny, so go ahead, get her naked and-
Not when she's going to school! The damned thing seriously didn't get it.
School/Schmool! You're talkin's got me stiff.Feel me... You can almost feel the nub of her nipple on the skin at the base of your thumb, can't you?Every time you imagine it, I get a little harder. See? Lucky for you your pantsare so loose- feels good instead of hurting like that time she made us put on jeans.
Don't go there… I didn't want to think about jeans.
So do it! My dick was not giving up.
She'll kill us if she figures out what we're thinking! I started to get worried, realizing I was so distracted that I had no idea what Kagome was even talking about now.
“Sit!” She yelled. Wham!
Ow! thought my dick, feeling a little squished. Probably should've worried a little sooner maybe, huh?
“Ow!” I grumbled. “What was that for?”
“You weren't even listening to me!” She was pouting. Not a good sign.
“Yes we were!” I got up rubbing my jaw and feeling defensive.
“'We'?” Kagome looked accusingly at me.
“Uh-” I started backpedaling, knowing that if I ever admitted to Kagome that I talked to my cock about her, I'd never live it down. “I meant `me.'… Uh, `I' was… uh… listening…” I was getting confused and winced at my own stupidity.
Oh, great recovery... My little friend was feeling cynical all of a sudden as it got the feeling back in its head.
Shut up. I rubbed my jaw some more. You're the idiot that just got us sat.
“Huh?” I looked up to see Kagome's face right in front of mine. Her hands were on my shoulders and I could smell the soaps she'd used in the bath that morning. As she leaned down in front of me, her blouse fell open so I could look right into the soft, warm crease between her breasts. I heard the word sex.
Yeah!See? She wants it too! My dick got all excited and bobbed a few times against the fabric of my pants. But I somehow didn't think she meant `sex' like it thought she did. Her eyes didn't look very sexy. They looked downright menacing.
“Huh?” I said again, really trying to focus on her this time.
“I said,” her words were measured, “no more sex until you produce an entire page of kanji that I can read.”
“Oh.” My ears drooped and my dick sagged too.
“If you're going to take over for jii-chan around here, you need to learn to read and write, Inuyasha.” Kagome said the same thing she did every time we had this discussion.
What? My dick was indicknant. She can't put conditions on us!
Don't be surprised, dumbshit. I was pissed at it. You made me ignore her. She hates it when I do that.
This is my fault?
Yeah. But you can help me get out of this.
My dick and I watched her turn on her heel so that her skirt flipped up nicely to reveal her ass for the briefest second. Sure, I'll help you with this one.
As Kagome was just about to leave the room, I grabbed her elbow and pulled her into a kiss while my dick snuggled into her, hot and hard against her hip. “Don't worry,” I snuffled into her ear, “I'll get my sex tonight, you just wait and see.”
“I better.” She smiled into another kiss and ground herself against me until my dick was growling in my ear. As I watched her leave it occurred to me that I really did need to figure out how to help Jii-chan more other than hauling boxes around and fixing fenceposts… and make her glad to come home after school. She's talked once about moving away from home for college…
I wandered around the house with a piece of paper and a pen. What could I write about? Most of my thoughts weren't very pen-worthy - having a lot to do with sex all of a sudden - and in my time you didn't just waste paper, so I wanted to choose something good. I was also procrastinating because I hated writing, even with good motivation. Unfortunately, my dick was really no help. Everywhere I went, it imagined Kagome lying under us or bending over in front of us - completely naked most of the time.
Sitting at the low living room table cross-legged, I tapped the pen against the paper and started clicking it again - fast and hard. Buyo the cat jumped up on the table and came to sit right in front of me, purring and swishing his tail. I tried to ignore him.
Despite the fact that the paper was still without a mark, all my dick could see was Kagome sitting in front of me on the table in her school uniform, her arms resting on my shoulders and her legs open so her knees were just under my arms so my elbows could rest on them.
I put my hands on the table as though they were cupping her rear. Buyo moved over and sat down, eyeing me suspiciously.
In the protected space of her imaginary body, I was only inches from all the places I loved, and so my dick started taking off her shirt for me and I wrapped my arms around her and started nuzzling her breasts with my eyes closed, pulling the silkiness of her bra aside just enough to lap at her nipple and hear her gasp as she arched her back. My dick liked where we were going with this, and it started bumping the bottom of the table.
Let's take her skirt off. The little guy was impatient - wanted to get to the good shit. Take her onthe floor, get me out of these damned pantsand pull her legs up over your shoulders-
No, I think this table is just about right.
No it's not.
Yes, it is. You can't see, idiot. Trust me on this, will ya?
Then take her skirt off at least.
No. I had another vision in mind. Her sweaty skin would get stuck on the wood-
Oh. That's right, leave her skirt on and just take off her panties. Finally, my dick was one with me again. We want to start with her on the edge. Pull her forward-
Flip her skirt up-
Lick at her until she's shaking and dripping and I'm hard and aching.
Lay her back and slide in-
Let you go crazy while I ride the waves-
I got up on my knees to see just where my cock would be if I was kneeling. Buyo watched me. My dick was gently bumping out the fabric of my pants above the table, which came to not quite the tops of my thighs. Buyo walked over the table to me, his eyes intent on my waist… and then he took a swipe at my friggin' dick!
Ack! My dick tried to duck - failing miserably - and took the claws right in the head. Luckily my firerat make sure it just got knocked around instead of skewered.
Shut up. You're ok, I thought as I threw the cat off the table. Kinda tickled, didn't it?
What does he think I am? A fucking cat toy? Those claws are scary-
Not as scary as mine and you don't seem to mind them- Hey look! I bumped the table with my thighs, noticing that my dick popped out over the table top just right. Perfect height. Told ya! I loved gloating at my cock. I might have to push her back a bit to get a good angle in her.
Yeah… I guess… My dick was still smarting from Buyo's attempt to play with it.
And you know when I get really pumpin' she's gonna slide around a bit. I put my hands on either side of the paper and tried to slide them back and forth on the table. My skin stuck a little bit. See? It'll be better if she's sitting on her skirt. She'll slide better.
“Oh!” Mrs. Higurashi came around the corner suddenly. How did I miss the sound of her in the hall? “There you are, Inuyasha. I was hoping you could help me get the lad-” I blushed fourteen shades of crimson and quickly knelt down so she couldn't see the massive cat-toy hard-on I had brewing, imagining jamming my cock into her daughter on her living room table. She looked at me rather strangely. “What are you doing?”
“Uh.” Ack! Don't tell her about me! “Uh…” I tried to think fast, but my dick had most of my brain juice at this point. I looked down at my hands, still on the table. “Uh… Just wondering if Kagome should polish the table for you later.”
Great recovery! And I mean it this time. My dick was really impressed with what I could pull off on my own.
“Oh what a good idea, dear,” Mrs. Higurashi said. “Actually, there are a few things you might ask her to do for me later today when I'm out with Souta.”
“Uh. Okay.” I was incredibly relieved as I looked down at my blank paper and pen.
Fuck no! Inudick was panicking. I'mall worked upand you gotta go get hera bunch of chores?When is she gonna have time for metonight?And don't forget you'vegotta writeso she gives it to me!
Shut up! I thought furiously, Mrs. Higurashi having come to stand over me. You just get down where she can't see you. I really didn't want to stand up and reveal my bulging pants.
I can't! You're there in the real world, and I'm still in la-la land fucking Kagome silly.
“Is something wrong, dear?” Mrs. Higurashi was really too sweet for my own good. I thought fast again.
“Uh.” I grabbed the pen. “Let me write down that Kagome needs to polish the table for you later, so I don't forget to tell her.”
“Oh, what a fine idea!” She knelt down by me and watched my painful and distracted efforts to write out `polish table', coaching me when I screwed up. “Why don't you just start a `to do' list for her? Just write `Kagome's To Do List' at the top and you'll be able to remember what to tell her.”
“Okay.” I said.
I got a few things for that list! My dick was still excited, but at least it relaxed enough that I could help Mrs. Higurashi get the ladder out of the shed.
When Kagome got home from school, I was busy finishing a job for her grandfather, but I'd left her completed `To Do' list on the desk in her room so she could see that we had plans for that evening. She came out to find me in the shed with the list in her hand. Luckily grandpa had gone in for the day, so it was easier to explain the list.
“Inuyasha,” she asked warily. “What is this?” Holding up the piece of paper.
“I dunno,” I replied, carrying the box over to the shelf. “What's it say?”
“I think it says `Kagome's To Do List'.” She squinted at the writing. “I'm pretty sure that's what it says.”
“Yep,” I grunted as I hoisted the box up. “That's what it says.”
My `to do' list?” She was getting angry.
“Yep, I promised your mom I'd make sure you did all that stuff today.” I dusted off my hands on my pants.
“And what is this?” She pointed at one of the things I'd written. “Does this say… `find cat toy'?” She turned the paper sideways just to double check.
Oh! My dick woke up after a day's hard labor. I liked that one!
I ignored my dick and walked up behind her to look over her shoulder. “Yep.” I put my hands on her shoulders and pressed my body against hers.
“Why did you write a whole list of jobs for me?” She leaned back against me, making sure to push her butt into my hips.
Woot! My dick was happy.
“I told your mom you'd help her get some things done around the house after you got home.” I leaned down to nuzzle her ear. “And I didn't want to forget what she wanted you to do so I wrote them down…”
“Why'd you go get me a bunch of jobs? I have homework! I have stuff to do! I- oh!“ She was pissed, so I shut her up by cupping her breasts and licking her ear.
“Shush,” I breathed softly. “I'll help you out, I promise.”
“You'll help me? She made a funny little noise.
And then some!
“Definitely. Handwriting's nice, huh?” I kissed her neck.
“It'll pass,” I couldn't see her smile, but I could hear it in her voice.
Hey! We worked hard on that! What does she mean, `it'll pass-`
“Hm…” My hands wandered up and down her body. “You wanted me to write, didn't you?”
“All day in class I kept hoping you were writing.” She giggled and twisted around to wrap her arms around my back. Lifting her face up, she licked me under the chin, playfully biting my jawbone.
“Told `ya I'd get my sex.” I slipped a hand under her shirt and felt the smooth skin of her sides and back.
“But mom expects me to do this stuff today, right?” She breathed warmly against my skin with little puffs of hot breath.
“Yeah, I figure you can do them now that everyone's out of the house.” My hands trailed up her arms and under her hair so I could hold the back of her head. “Your mom said she's taking Souta over to a friend's while she goes shopping tonight and Jii-chan has a card game across town.”
“So are we gonna have time for your writing reward?” She sounded irritated, but I felt her tongue slip out to lick me again. “You went and got me too many jobs.”
Heh! Feel that slippery little tongue of hers! Yeah, let's get to work, baby!
“Don't worry.” I tipped her chin up and lowered my mouth to hers, planting a soft kiss there. “We're gonna get a two-fer on that list.”
“Really?” She frowned. “Will I have time for my homework?”
“After your chores.” I opened my mouth and slipped my tongue between her lips, coaxing them apart. As I played my tongue across the slippery wet inside of her mouth I began to untie the red kerchief around her neck. She smiled into the kiss as I slipped it out from around her neck.
“What's that for?” she asked and I saw her eyes twinkle in the graying light of the afternoon.
“You need it for your first chore,” I kissed her again but she started laughing. “Here. Read it.” I pulled back and brought her hand with the list up to look at it.
“Finding the cat toys?” She squinted at the list again.
“Yep,” I turned her around and started pushing her out of the shed towards the house. “Poor Buyo was whining all day looking for them.”
`Poor Buyo' my eye! I think I heard a little “harrumph” from inside my pants. He had it coming after swiping at me like that!”
“How did he lose them?” She asked as we entered the front door.
“I hid them.”
We stood in her bedroom. She was sitting on her bed as I knelt between her knees. I took her kerchief out of my sleeve and flipped it over into a triangle.
“Close your eyes,” I brought the cloth up and gently tied it around her eyes.
“Uh…” She was very confused. “What does this have to do with finding Buyo's toys?”
“You'll see,” I coaxed her to stand up and made sure she wasn't peeking. “I'll admit this is not your typical `to do' list.” I slid my hands down her body as I knelt in front of her. My fingers slipped underneath her sock and I took it off in one smooth motion as she steadied herself on my shoulders. First one foot and then the other.
She laughed. “No. Definitely not `typical'.”
`Typical' is no fun…
My hands followed the slopes of her calves and thighs as I brought them up under her skirt, peeking my claws under her panties and cupping the bare skin of her ass in my palms, just like I'd imagined that morning. My dick was happily hardening between my legs at the feel of her smooth skin and the slightest telltale whiff of her arousal. I pulled her underwear down against the outside of my hands and as she leaned into me to step out of them. I couldn' help it and pressed my nose into her skirt where her scent became wonderfully overwhelming. The fact that all dogs liked to do this was lost on my dick.
Oh, fuck. My dick moaned in my ear. Whichever one of us thought of this one gets a bonus round.
It was me. I took the credit for instinct and nosed under her skirt to breathe hot breath into her hair, inhaling her scent again and taking a single, experimental lick at her. My dick popped up even more at the sound of her gasp.
I'm yours, then, boy. When you want it, just ask for two extra pumps before I go off…
Two pumps? I decided to go for another lick, a little deeper this time, and had to bring my hands up to her rear again as her knees softened a little and she made the most delightful huffy sound. You call two pumps a `bonus round'?
Uh… My dick was having a hard time thinking as her scent and noises had it pressing into my pants. Two pumps is a lot when I'm ready to go.
… uh… Three?
I gripped her hips lightly and began to pull her to the ground until she was sitting with the bed against her back. For fun, I lifted the kerchief from her mouth and licked her lips, playing with her tongue as she extended it.
“You taste good, eh?” I whispered.
She didn't answer but just licked at my tongue a little more. “Scoot forward and lay back,” I guided her with my hands until she lay on her back, the kerchief still on her face. “Now get under the bed.”
“What?” She laughed as I bent her legs up, opened her knees with my hands and bumped her butt with my knees, telling her which direction to go. “You hid Buyo's toys under my bed?” She sounded both annoyed and amused.
“Yeah. Way back. You can only get them from underneath. The kerchief will make sure you don't breathe in a lot of dust. See?”
“What were you thinking?” More annoyed now.
Um… She has a point,boy;I can't get in her very well, here…
You're not getting in yet, dummy. Shut up.
“You'll see,” I said. “Just poke your head under there and see if you can find the stupid cat toys.”
She started to scootch her upper body under the bed.
“Oh, now I get it.” Her voice was muffled as I lowering to my elbows and wrapping my hands around the outside of her thighs so her sex lay open beneath my mouth. Her skirt was already nicely flipped up against her raised thighs and the scent of her floated up to make me dizzy again. “Found one,” she mumbled. “This is the weirdest chore I've ever had to do.”
“Sorry,” I mumbled,. “It was either this, break the plumbing or have you scrape the gum off the underside of Souta's desk.” I took a lick, my dick pressing happily into the rug beneath me.
Glad you decided against the old gum… mmmm… very unsexy…
“Thanks for skipping the gum… mmm… very unsexy.” I laughed and she squirmed as my tongue moved deeply into her wet opening. “Found another- Ah! One.” My tongue slid down one side of her wet lips, burying itself in her entrance where I moved it around, exploring. “Uh…How many are down here?”
“Dunno,” I mumbled again as my tongue slowly swept up the other side, moving in a wide circle around her clit. “All of them I could find.”
“That's a lot…” She sucked her breath in. “I may be down here for a while...” Her hips wriggled underneath me as I barely touched her nub, which was hard. “Got another one.” I circled it more closely as she held her breath.
“You just keep looking.” I heard Buyo come in the room and felt him rub up along my side before he crawled up me to settle into the small of my back, purring loudly.
Oh, now he wants to make nice. My dick was not feeling magnanimous. Bet he's jealous…
I ignored the little cat-dick feud still brewing and went back down on her, slipping my tongue up and down, in and out, around and around…
A cat toy rolled out from under the bed followed by another and another. Buyo jumped on them. She moaned and her hips rolled slightly under me, as though she were rounding her back, pressing it into the ground to lift her open legs up into my mouth. I didn't stop but kept licking at her, toying with her until her hips were rocking beneath me and I hardly had to move to stimulate her clit.
I'm a little squished down here My dick was enjoying her movements and sounds, growing harder and wanting into the action.
One more cat toy appeared with a little squeak, and a frustrated growl came from Kagome as her hips bucked. There was a thumping on the bottom of the bed and some grunts.
Awww! There she goes without me! My poor dick was frustrated, which felt really, really good.
“Damn it! I can't move!” Her soft groan became louder and I heard little panting sounds as she came, pressing herself up into my mouth until her juices smeared all over my face and her muffled cry startled Buyo. I stilled my tongue when she started to jerk under me as though to get away and her thighs squeezed my head in a pincer move. After a moment she just shuddered under me and I kissed her gently.
As I backed away, wiped my mouth and grabbing a cat toy to dangle in front of Buyo, her legs relaxed open for a moment before she squirmed back out. My dick pressed into my pants at the sight, speechless for a change and totally ignoring the cat.
“Can I take the scarf off now?” She said as she sat back up, taking it off without permission anyway.
“Sure,” I tossed the toy in the corner to get rid of the cat and grabbed her hands, pulling her to her feet and dusting her off a little. “That way you can see how dirty you are.”
Heh. Good one. My dick smiled… somehow. `Dirty girl,' I like that, Inu.
Glad you approve. I steered her out the door towards the bathroom.
She stood in front of the large bathroom mirror and I stood behind her as I undressed her. I lifted her shirt off over her head and brought the straps of her bra down off her shoulders until the material rolled over the tips of her nipples, exposing one beautiful breast… and then the other. Her cheeks were blushing in the mirror and I didn't take my eyes off her as I unclasped her bra and let it fall to the floor.
“What's next on your list?” I nudged my chin towards the list in her hands as I brought my hands up to touch the skin around her nipples lightly, watching them grow darker and smaller as I felt them harden under my fingertips. My dick was right there with them as she lifted the list to look at it and glanced back and forth between the mirror and her list.
Oh, fuck the list, Inu! Can we just go polish the table already?
Shut up and pay attention.
Oh, I'm at attention, alright!
I placed my palms underneath the soft curve of each breast and watched as my fingers smoothed over skin so soft it felt like silk. I felt her heart and heard her breathing become excited as my hands explored her and began small squeezes and little flicks. My dick was silent but intently watching the show, as evidenced by its press into her rear through my pants.
“Uh… scrub the shower?” Her eyes flicked from the list back to the mirror in a second. “Like I'm really in the mood for that…”
Seriously. I'm with her…
“Oh. I already did that.” I sent a hand down the plane of her stomach so my finger could find its way into her waistband, sliding around the curve of her hip. “But I missed a spot.”
You did? Where was I when this happened?
You slept most of the day, remember?
Oh. Right.
“You did?” her smile was lopsided as I unzipped her skirt and pushed it off her hips to fall at her feet.
I didn't answer her because I was captivated with the sight of my hands rubbing her naked body and the feel of her warmth against me. She continued to turn pink watching herself in the mirror. I brought my hands up to her shoulders and filtered her hair through my fingers to massage her scalp before following the gentle sweep of her neck back down. I pressed harder and harder on her skin, careful not to be rough, but beginning to need to really feel her. After another minute, she turned to face me and I watched over her shoulder as my hands followed the curve of her back down to hold her ass carefully, tracing the rounded line of it as far as I could before moving back up her hips and waist to start the circuit again. The sight of her naked body made my blood rush and I began to feel warmer all over.
Warm? I'm fucking hot down here!Can't… breathe… lemme out!
Meanwhile she began to untie my shirts, slipping them over my shoulders to hang from my waistband so she could smooth her hands over my chest. She giggled.
“I don't know if we're going to make it to the shower,” she stepped around behind me, leaving my hands empty. I looked in the mirror and saw myself as I rarely did. My skin was pale and tight to the muscles that moved just under its surface. I looked lean and hungry, which I pretty much always was. After living a little more in Kagome's time I noticed that the beads looked kind of barbaric across my chest, but it wasn't the beads that caught my attention. It was the scars. I had never looked at myself in the mirror so closely and as she peeped around my shoulder to watch her fingers touch my skin gingerly, exploring the small crevices and rises of my chest and ribs, moving back up to toy with my nipples as they grew hard under her soft touch, I noticed how she lingered over the remains of past battles. Slowly her hands began to explore the many little lines of hardened wounds that had once been ripped, torn or punctured flesh. And she was gentle, moving slowly over them as if honoring them each. I felt a pang. She touched them, touched me, with care and respect and I loved her tremendously at that moment-
When's she gonna untie our pants?
Shut up, we're having `a moment' here.
Whatever. I'mhorny and she's `that close' to me. Tell her to hurry up.
Argh! I'll get her attention!
And with this threat, my dick pushed strongly against my pants so none of us missed its urgent cry to be noticed. Kagome sniggered behind me.
“Somebody wants out,” she whispered against my back and slid her hands down to enter the slits of my pants on either side of my hips, reaching in to pet my erect cock and move her soft hands lightly over my balls a few times. I caught my breath and my dick just vibrated in her fingers as she squeezed it gently, and then not so gently.
See? She loves me more than you do… Ah… ah… yeah… like… more like…
“Well…” I saw myself blush in the mirror as her hands came back out to slide across my stomach firmly, moving down to grasp the tie to my pants. “Can you blame the damn thing?”
Hey! Its head cleared a little once her fingers left stroking it. Nofuckingprofanity talkin' `bout me!
What? I call you `dickhead' and you don't mind.
That's different; that's descriptive and accurate. And-
I didn't have to tell it to shut up because Kagome did this quite effectively, by peeling my pants back off my waist and revealing my dick, standing thick and straight up over the tufts of dark pubic hair curling around my balls, which were pretty tight by this time too. As my pants fell to the ground, her hands resumed their exploration of me, encircling pale fingers over the darker skin of my cock, tracing its veins which throbbed under her touch, gripping it gently, and then harder when my torso contracted in excitement, pressing the breath from my lungs in a deep groan. My plan was backfiring on me. I was never gonna make it to polishing the table at this rate. I only had a little more restraint left…
I told you! Fuck the table and take her down right now!
I turned around and got a little thrill as she kept her eyes riveted to the mirror, sneaking a look as I felt her hands rest lightly on my hips when I turned in her embrace, coming to rest briefly on the muscle of my rear before skimming up the curve of my spine and under my hair. She spread her fingers across my shoulder blades and we both reacted with little intakes of breath as our bodies touched in small, soft places; her breast to my chest, my cock to her stomach, my thigh to hers, her toes covering mine… Our arms brought us together simultaneously, pressing my dick between us to pulse its own heat into our rising excitement, leaving no question whatsoever what it wanted even though it kept quiet for a change.
I crushed her mouth with mine and swept my tongue against hers probing to be inside her as she opened her lips to me. My detailed plan to take her back down to the table where this whole thing had started this morning began to crumble along with my knees and I would have dropped us to the floor right there if an extremely small bit of my brain didn't remember we were on cold, hard tile.
“I think the list is fucked,” I murmured against her cheek as I kissed and mouthed my way down her neck, pulling her body into me as closely as I could. I heard her laugh.
“Uh.” She was breathless but I felt her hand come up behind me and she seemed to be consulting the list over my shoulder. “Does this say `change light bulb in front hall.'?”
Light? Who needs light? My dick saw where this was going. I work best in the dark…
“Yeah, so?” I licked at the little dent between her collar bones and moved down further and to the side, realizing I hadn't licked her breasts yet tonight and needing to desperately all of a sudden.
“I think we should go do it now.” She sucked in a laugh when I took her breast in my mouth and sucked, holding her hips against me as hard as I could.
“Nuh wa,” I tried to protest, but my mouth was full.
“What?” She tried weakly to push me away, but I held her closer and tried to speak more clearly.
“No wayh.”
You go, boy! Don't let her get away with trying to tease me! Time to do this thing….
Tease you…I let her push me away just a little and brought my mouth back up to hers.
“No, really.” She was laughing again but for just a minute her mouth was full too. “I think we should try to finish at least a little more of the list,” she said as I pulled my tongue away from hers.
“That's easy for you to say,” I smiled too, liking the idea of my dick getting a little more teasing…
You big meanies!
“What's that for?” She still held the list in one hand and looked at the ladder with a funny expression on her face. “And why are you bringing it inside?”
I had to admit it probably looked weird for me to be lugging the ladder around wearing one of her old yukatas. She had one on that fit her, but the one I wore was tight around my shoulders and I heard it rip under the arm as I hoisted the ladder in from the outside. The flimsy blue and white cloth barely reached around my body and I was pretty sure my dick was going to fall out of the opening in the front any second. I ignored this embarrassing fact and hoped no late shrine visitors happened to be visiting at the moment. Putting the ladder down, I reached to close the door behind me, leaving us in the grey darkness of the front hall.
“I need a stable base,” I lugged the ladder further into the foyer and plunked it down, forcing its legs apart and pushing the little lock down on both sides to make sure they stayed open. Alright! The dick was happy. It had stopped grumbling and even relaxed a little while she rummaged around to find me this scrap of cloth to wear, but now it was already thickening up again at the mere thought of this chore.
“Why don't we just use a chair from the living room like always?” She looked confused.
“Because…” I grabbed her and pulled her into a bear hug, smashing my extremely happy dick into her stomach. “Because, I need… a stable… base.” I kissed her hard and started to let my lust lead my hands over her back and down to her rear where I cupped her cheeks again and tucked the soft cotton fabric up into the slight crease above her thighs. “Don't wanna fall off…”
“Hm....” A little smile played at the corner of her lips. “Think I could make you fall off?”
“Nope.” I said cockily as I started to climb up the ladder.
But I hope she tries!
As I stepped up the ladder, she handed me the entire package of the bulbs in her hand.
“You really think they're all going to be bad?” I asked, taking the package she offered.
“No, but it wouldn't surprise me if you dropped one or two,” She stepped up on the bottom rung. “And you need to turn around. Wouldn't want you poking any metal.”
She is so kind to me…
I wouldn't' be so sure, little guy-
I'mnot little!
I know, I know… but watch out. I think she'll have us begging here pretty fast.
Her hands were on my hips as I turned so the ladder was behind me, my left foot on the rung above my right and my butt leaning into the top rung as I steadied myself,. I was comfortable, like in a tree, except that I was wearing a girl's yukata that didn't fit and was just barely covering me. As I reached up to unscrew the dead bulb, her hand slipped up between the opening of the thin cloth to stroke my dick, which groaned in my ears and was back at full attention immediately, poking through the opening of the robe. I just breathed out heavily as it pressed back happily into her hand. I managed to get the dead bulb out before she had the tie at my waist undone. It fell away and the robe opened all the way. Blood was rushing from my hands and brain down to my dick in anticipation and I figured I had about sixty seconds to get the stupid light bulb screwed in before I forgot I was on a ladder.
I didn't make it.
She wasn't going for the tease. She had me in her mouth in thirty seconds and I just leaned back on the top of the ladder with a steadying hand, the bulb in my other hand hanging in the air doing nothing, my eyes closed, trying to keep my balance… and groaning loudly.
Oh yes! None of this teasing shit for her! Whoo hoo! She loves me so much! My dick was just filling up with pride and other things as she moved over it with her tongue and lips.
She doesn't love you, I thought. She loves me…
She went faster and harder and my dick wanted to pump something so bad that my legs started to shake and my hips moved slightly. The ladder shook under us.
Does too love me. It was pretty full of itself suddenly.
“Uh…” I lowered the hand with the light bulb in it, the one that had been hanging out doing nothing, down to her head. “Can I get the light bulb in first?”
“No,” She barely stopped and I just hung on, breathing heavily and loving her like crazy. My dick wanted to love her even more crazy…
Ah… Uh… Inu? … Get us the fuck off this ladder and go polish the fucking table already…
You don't mean that…
Yes. I do fucking mean that… it groaned in my ear again, spilling some incoherent sound into my throat and out my mouth. Now!
She just kept moving. Slowing. Speeding. Using her hands to stroke my balls and roll them around. Wetting her fingers with her tongue and slipping around the base of my shaft. I was getting dizzy.
Bad news, little guy… Somehow I had the presence of mind to figure this out.
I'm not-!
Whatever… I think we're not getting down until we get the lightbulb in.
Blinking, I looked up at the ceiling and tried to concentrate. I thought about big ugly demons. I thought about Shippou puking his guts out on some stupid mushroom he ate, even after Kagome told him not to. I thought about Kaede naked… and actually, that helped. Somehow I managed to get my hand up and start to screw… the thought of which actually didn't help and I had to go back to Totosai naked this time. That worked like a charm.
What are you trying to do to me? My dick had not enjoyed the Kaede and Totosai show one bit.
I'm trying to get us off the fucking ladder, idiot!
“I've finished… uh…” Concentrating was hard again. “Screwing… Kagome.”
She stopped, pulling her lips over me and holding my throbbing dick in her hand, rubbing her finger slowly over the wet tip.
“You haven't even started `screwing Kagome',” she said with a big grin.
See? She gets it
“Well, then…” I could breathe again suddenly though her little movements over me were still distracting. “Let me off the fucking ladder already.” I grinned back at her.
“Let me test the light.” She stepped away and I jumped off the ladder, careful not to fall to the ground on weakened knees.
Whoa! My dick blinked - sort of. It's bright in here!
Shut up! I put the package down and yanked the yukata around my front, trying to shield my huge hard on from the light and blushing a little. There was a loud rip as the material on the back ripped and I felt fresh air hit my shoulder blade.
“We're good here!” Kagome said brightly and turned to look at me, here eyes falling to my waist and a hungry smile on her lips.
She looks so cute in the light. My dick should know. It popped out of the stupid yukata and only had an eye for her.
“You're ripping my clothes up…” she had a teasing note in her voice. “I may have to rip them off you.”
And she's so smart…
“Let me put the ladder away.” I was a little more in control now. I handed her the bulbs and collapsed the ladder, moving it back outside to lean against the door frame. Saying a little prayer that no one saw the horny hanyou in the ripped yukata hanging around outside the front door, I came back in to find she was gone. “Kagome!” I yelled as I went in the house. It was dark and I stopped, listening for her heartbeat. Creeping carefully down the hall, I heard her breathing in the kitchen so I snuck to the edge of the doorway she hid behind and reached an arm around to grab her. She shrieked happily.
Yanking her into the doorway, I kissed her hard and she kissed back. My dick pressed into us both. The kiss grew more passionate and as I hugged her tightly to me, we heard the rip of cloth again. I brought my hand up to find her breast and I felt her fingernails scrape my skin when she took a handful of fabric on my back and ripped it down to my butt. The sound ignited something in me and I kissed her harder while she tore and ripped at her old robe. Soon it was in tatters on me and we were both breathless.
The table! Get her to the table!
“Ready to screw Kagome now?” She panted into my open mouth when we slowed.
“You still have your list?” I picked her up and quickly walked her the short distance to the living room table, setting her on the table and kneeling in front of her, just like I'd imagined that morning. But this time, she was naked under a flimsy yukata and she smelled like sex. I took some deep breaths and tried to calm down. I was really enjoying making this last.
“No.” She kissed my forehead as I parted her knees so that her feet were by my hips and my elbows rested on the tops of her thighs. I moved in closer to the table. Her fingers toyed with the fur on the edge of my ears and I flicked them out from under her touch.
I hate it when she does that… diverts your attention from me. This is all about ME! ME! ME! ME!
Shut up.
“Well, the last chore on your list is to polish the table.” I slipped the tie from her robe and parted it. She sat on the table just above my knees and my hands moved in comfortably around her rear, just above the table top, drawing her towards me so I could lick at her breasts. “Of course, we might have to use the table for its intended purpose first,” I murmured against the firm flesh under her nipple as it rested on my chin. “I haven't had dinner yet tonight…”
Food? How can you think of food at a time like this!? My dick was bumping the table again, just like it had that morning, lost in her scent and the feel of her soft skin under my fingers and tongue. I licked hungrily at her other breast briefly and then started down her stomach, drawn again by her scent.
“What are you talking about?” She giggled as I spread her legs farther apart and hunched over to lick at her again. “You had dinner upstairs while I worked hard finding cat toys.”
She was hard to reach so I rose up on my knees and pushed her back to lie on the table. I checked the height of my cock to her entrance briefly and saw we might have a problem after all.
No! We can make it work, I know we can!
Don't' worry… you'll get yours soon enough.
I better!
You will…
I trailed my hands back down her body, moving the yukata off to her sides so she lay exposed beneath me and then leaned back over to lick at her again, keeping her legs apart with my elbows and then smoothing my hands up to touch her breasts as they began to heave up and down with her deepening breath. This time I wasn't going to let her come, so I just toyed with her, bringing her up and then letting her fall back down until she was squirming under me.
“Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with your food?” She huffed in frustration at one point.
Yeah. I agree. Playtime's over. Polish the fucking table already.
She hasn't come yet…
So? That matters?
To her it does.
Makes her want it again next time.
At that moment, she went off. I'd been so distracted talking to my dick that I forgot to tease her and just made her come. She writhed and groaned under my tongue making my dick ache with need.
Now? Please? My turn maybe?
Yep. It's time.
I rose up to enter her. The angle wasn't quite right, so I didn't quite make it in. But trying was fun.
Oh! Yeah… I'm almost there! No… you dummy! Hike your butt up in the air if you have to, but get me in there! Ah… ouch! Not like that….
“I don't think this is the best position to polish the table in.” I said as I rose up and pulled her up to sitting again.
See? I told ya…
“Turn around.” I nudged at her hips with my hands. She obeyed and turned to get on her knees facing the table, her legs on either side of mine. I grabbed the remnants of cloth off my shoulders and threw it on the table in front of her.
“Here,” I said as I pushed gently on her back, bending her down in front of me. “Use that to polish the table while I help you from back here.”
“You're going to `help' me?” She moaned a little as I nudged her knees farther apart and slid smoothly into her wet opening. I moaned too, and my dick shrieked in happiness.
All day I've been waiting for this chore!
I concentrated at first on long, slow strokes in and out of her, bracing myself against the edge of the table. She laid her chest down on the remains of the yukata I'd worn and made little noises as I began to increase my tempo, following the urgent needs of my dick to move through her wet, hot skin squeezing it from all sides. The excitement built really fast, and my balls hardened up and built the pressure under my cock to go off. But as I slammed into her harder and harder, she started to slide on the smooth surface of the wood, actually polishing the table a little bit. I saw her put her hands out against the table top to try to keep herself from moving too much but it was futile. I didn't stop, but she rose up to brace herself, her sticky palms pressing into the wood to push her back over me as I thrust into her. The added resistance of her pushing on me did it and I started to come. But I didn't want to come so fast… this was too fun…
Calling in my marker… give me three more.
WTF? My dick couldn't count right now. It didn't even remember why it owed me a few more.
That's one…
Wah! We exploded in her with a cacophony of growls and moans and pulses, and then I fell weak across her back as she lowered back down to the table under my weight. We lay there panting until my dick shook itself in a little shudder.
Don't talk so much next time.
Me? I talk too much?
Yes. It's distracting.
I see. I pulled out of her and turned her back to sit on the table above me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and rested her head next to mine. I kissed her cheek lightly. Now I'm distracting you…
Yes. It's very annoying.
I picked her up and carried her up the stairs to the bathroom. She clung to my neck and reached down to turn the hot water spout on over the bathtub. We needed to take a shower while the tub filled, so I took her over there and we awkwardly turned the water in the shower on too. We didn't want to let go of each other, so when I set her down and started to peel the yukata off her shoulders, she leaned into me, bringing a little blip from below.
“Somebody didn't get enough?” She snickered into my chest.
“For now,” I smiled and felt the water fall down on my fingers from the showerhead. Almost warm enough. “It's a little distracted right now. We should get through a bath at least before it causes any more trouble.”
Don't tell her I'm wiped out! I can take another one! Just try me! It pushed a little harder against her thigh.
“Really?” She laughed. “We'll get all the way through a bath?”
No way, baby! You're not getting out of this shower without another little poke from me! It bobbed up against her rear as we crowded into the small space.
“Eh,” I turned to steer her into the warm water. “Don't listen to that thing. Right now, it's just all talk.”
All talk! How can you say-
“It wasn't all talk a few minutes ago…” She turned back to me as the water fell on us both and then she brought a bar of soap up to show me the lather bubbling between her fingers as she rubbed it. Dropping the soap on the floor, she blocked the water with her body and gripped my hardening dick in her hands, moving her soapy fingers up and down its length under a firm grip.
Ah…. I… like… being… clean…
I couldn't really say much as I let my head fall back and felt the blood rush through me, filling my dick again. I hadn't thought I could make another one, but she was beginning to change my mind - at least the little mind in my dickhead.
“Remember that spot I missed?” I took her shoulders and turned her so the water was on my back and she had her back to me. Grabbing another soap bar, I rubbed up a lather and started smoothing it up and down her front as I pulled her into me.
Oh. I like her wet!
“Yeah,” she giggled.
“It was on the shower door,” I pushed her soapy body up against the glass of the shower door and thrust my slippery dick up against her rear a few times. Imagining the view of her body pressed again the glass, as you could see if from the bathtub, I started to get excited again.
The bathtub…
Ack! Where are you going!
I blinked and pulled off her to stick my nose out. Sure enough, we were moments from a flood.
You're distracting me again! I ignored her laughter as I tried not to fall on the tile and skidded to turn the spigot off.
Now I'm distracting you! You just pulled me away from-
Shut up.
She was still in the shower, pressing herself against the glass and moving slowly so I could see her nipples press and move against it, and then her thighs….
“Kagome,” my breath was short from the flood diversion. “I think you're done with your chores now.”
No! More!
“I am?” She splashed some water on the glass to rinse it and then turned the water off. As she walked towards me my dick oogled her.
I am so not ready to stop working. More chores. Please?
“Yeah, now it's time to have some fun.” I steadied her as she stepped into the tub. “We can't make your time at home all work…”
“Yeah,” She moved forward to make me room. “I don't want a reason to move away from home to go to college anyway.”
No! She wouldn't!
That's why we're doing this, stupid.
Is that the only reason?
She scooted forward as I stepped in behind her and lowered myself.
Hey, this feels good… My dick started to soften in the hot water. I'm getting sleepy… I leaned her back against my chest and moved my hands up and down her body in the water, letting them float just over the tiny bubbles clinging to her skin, dislodging them where I touched.
“No. Moving away from home would be bad… Your mom still needs some help around the house.” She laughed when I said this. “But I promise I'll help you every time.” I reached down to grab the limp and wet `to do' list off the floor. Squeezing the water from it, I tossed it into the trash in a perfect shot. “Now that your chores are done we won't be distracted by that stupid `to do' list anymore.” I moved my hands over her arms, down to her fingers.
“No distractions.” She caught on. “Just imagine the fun we can have.”
Hey… no fair having fun without me, came a tired little voice from between my legs.
Don't worry, I'll wake you when the time comes.
You better.
I will.
Finally, I got the last word! I smiled into her hair and my hands continued to move over her. I waited and when I heard nothing, I let out a contented sigh. So did she. All was quiet for a minute.
You promise?
Do you always have to have the last word?
Shut up.
I win!
The End
A/N: Just for fun… here was a scene I originally wrote where Kagome did the lightbulb. On the rewrite there really wasn't room for this, but the dick and I both liked it, so I'm putting it in here just in case you're still horny… call it an `outtake.' FYI - she's still clothed for this bulb changing…
“Climb up.” I led her to the ladder and she stepped up a few steps until I could smooth my hands over her thighs, right at nose level.
Yes! Yes! My dick was watching her too through my eyes and was fascinated with the little shadow under her skirt, where her legs disappeared under the green cloth.
“You ever gonna wear this skirt again when you get out of school?” I asked absentmindedly, moving my hands slowly down the back of her leg to gently squeeze her strong calf.
What?! My dick was horrified. She's gonna stop wearing this skirt? What are we gonna do?
“Yeah,” she smiled. “Finally. After I graduate, I don't ever have to wear green again.”
Relax, dickhead, I thought.
“Don't care what color you wear,” my hand kept moving up and down the length of her bare leg, my fingers gently skimming the crease at the back of her thigh and then returning to edge under her socks, trying to touch as much skin as I could. “Just make sure you keep some short skirts around.”
She giggled and my hand kept exploring, following the angles and swells of her muscles with my fingers and eyes, feeing her soft skin, feeling the heat in me grow. On my next trip down her other leg, my fingers pushed down her socks and I lifted her foot off the ladder with my other hand, pushing her shoe and sock off to fall on the floor. As I moved to strip her other foot, I heard her clear her throat.
“Uh,” she said. “Don't I need a lightbulb?”
“Yeah,” I said, already distracted. “In a minute.”
Aw, come on! Get her the bulb! That'll make it more fun. My dick was - as usual - very impatient. I finished removing her shoes and walked around behind her, sliding both my hands up the backs of her thighs and under her skirt, cupping her ass and rubbing its curves, toying with the edge of her panties so she knew exactly where I was going with this. She leaned into the ladder a little.
“Don't move.” I pulled my hands away and reached down to grab the bulb near the shoes by the door. Bringing it back, I looked at her face, which now had a smile on it. I started to hand her the bulb and when she reached for it, I snagged her fingers and brought them to my mouth. She made little noises while I sucked on her for a minute and I smelled a little more of her arousal as I slid my tongue over the fleshy pads of her fingers. Finally, I let her fingers slip away and put the bulb in her hand. “Go ahead, change it.”
As she reached up to unscrew the old one, I stepped up on the bottom rung of the ladder behind her and I reached up too.
Hey! Go higher! I can't feel anything here! My dick was up, but kinda hangin' out in space because I leaned into her with my chest.
Calm down. This is the `tease' part.
Inserting my hands under her shirt I touched her breasts through her bra; it was the smooth one I liked best. None of that scratchy lace. She squirmed a little under my touch and I felt the tips of her nipples through the silky material as they peaked through just a little. As my hands came back around under her arms, she jerked her elbows down, the bulb above still in place.
“Hey!” She laughed. “That tickles.”
“Does it?” I tickled her. “Sorry.” She laughed some more, and I followed the material to the clasp at the back, undoing it neatly as she reached up again to try to finish her unscrewing job.
“I'm still unscrewing while you're undoing,” she said lightly.
Tell her I wanna screw her!
You just don't get this do you? A-T-I-C-I-P-A-T-I-O-N. I would have rolled my eyes at my dick's lack of romance except that my eyes were closed, allowing me to focus on the soft feel of her skin as I brought my fingers back around to cup her breasts under the material, lifting the weight of them in my palms and skimming the silky smooth texture of the skin around her nipples at it began to pucker and become rigid under my touch. I heard her heart beat speed up a bit.
“Don't worry, Kagome.” I swallowed, saliva beginning to pool in the back of my tongue. “I promise we'll get to the screwing part.” She laughed again and brought her hands down.
“Can you throw the old bulb away, please?” She propped the old bulb up on her shoulder where I could have reached it if I hadn't been otherwise engaged. I ignored it.
Fuck that! My dick was not interested in the garbage either.
“You really want me to take my hands away?” I nosed into her waist, pushing her shirt up so my breath reached her back. I gave the cleft of her spine a lick as I squeezed her nipples a little harder and smiled at the hint of a moan she breathed out.
“No…” She steadied herself on the ladder now and I had he distinct impression that her eyes were closed too. Her breathing became deeper and laced with little moans. After another minute, I stopped.
“Okay.” I took my hands away and pushed back off the ladder. “Gimmee the trash.” She blinked as she handed me the old bulb, which I slipped into someone's shoe without looking.
“That's kinda cruel…” She didn't look too upset. My dick bobbed around in general agreement under my pants.
What she said Can a dick pout?
“Yeah.” I smiled. “A little. Now finish up. We got more chores to do.” I came back around the side of the ladder and as she reached up with the fresh bulb, I skimmed my hand back under her skirt, hooking her panties with a claw and drawing them down one of her hips. She sucked her breath in and I saw her knees bend just a little. “Hup! Steady there…” Trailing my fingers across the back of her thighs I moved around behind her again and hooked my hand into the other side, pulling it more slowly down over her other hip. I looked up. “Hey!” She was looking back at me with a coy grin. “You're supposed to be putting in the lightbulb!” I grinned back. “I'm not doin' anything else `til you're workin'.” She turned back around. “You holding on?” I asked as I went back to inching her underwear off her hips slowly.
“Yeah…” She said. I looked up to make sure she was still screwing.
“Good.” Pulling her panties all the way down her legs, I picked up one foot and then the other to take them off, tossing them over on the shoes.
Uh… can we hurry this up?
No! Come on! This was the plan! Don't go getting all impatient on me again! I was losing patience with my dick. Its little head was just too small for this big a plan.
I slid my hands back up the outsides of her legs and angled them around to the front of her thighs. Stepping up on the bottom rung again, I reached around her until my fingers slid into the wiry hair in front and I pet it and swirled it, dipping down just enough to feel the moisture beginning to wet her lower curls. My eyes were closed again and her scent filled my nose. Saliva leaked into my mouth.
“Are you done yet?” My voice had lowered.
“Uh…” She sounded delightfully distracted. “Almost…” There was a pause while I continued to touch her hair and feel her heat. “Okay. One lightbulb in. Want to go turn it on and test it?”
“No.” I gripped her hips, holding her. “I want you to turn around on this ladder.”
Oh yeah!
“What?” Her heart beat sped up again.
“I won't let you fall, and don't worry, this is just a tease.” I held her hips steady as she turned to face me, her hands on my shoulders. I leaned her back gently on the ladder. The shadows of the evening had filtered into the darkness of the entryway without the light on, turning her skirt dusky grey right in front of my eyes. Lifting her skirt, I leaned in to slip my tongue out into that moisture I'd touched before, tasting her salty flavor and teasing the edges of slippery wet skin. Her gasp sent shivers down me and into my dick, which kept trying to press into something, and failing.
Awwwww! It was frustrated.
Just one more and we move on.
Continuing to dart my tongue in, out and around, I slipped a hand up to her breast again and felt her excitement there. She trembled very slightly underneath me.
“Inuyasha…” Her breath was heavy. “The ladder….”
“Hmmm…” I said, withdrawing my tongue and letting her skirt fall back down. “Maybe it's not as sturdy as I thought.”
“I don't think it's the ladder I'm worried about,” she said, still gripping my shoulders as my fingers rubbed lightly back and forth over her nipple. “It's my knees.”
“Bring `em here,” I put my hands under her arms and stepped down off the ladder, pulling her down to me where she wrapped her knees around me, pressing her naked legs into my dick.
Ah!....Yes!... It was hyperventilating a bit and I started to worry a little about my own knees as I walked us into the hallway, with her body wrapped all around me and our hearts beating hard against each other. I felt her hand grab the door jam.
“Let's check the light,” she whispered into my hair.
I stopped so she could flick the switch. Nothing happened.
“Your turn.” She had a very mischievous lilt to her voice.
”Uh-oh…” So did I.
What'd ya' mean, `uh-oh'! My dick was confused, which seemed to happen quite frequently. We wantthis, Inu!
I'm kidding…
Oh… uh… good There was a pause. Get the fuck up the ladder then!
The End (Again)
A/N: BTW: If you're looking for a plot here with the whole college thing - don't. Next time they may be on mars for all I know…