InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Some things are meant to be ❯ Destiny's Plan- Part 1 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Do I own them now? “No.” How about now? “No.” Okay. 8long pause8 How about now? “NO!”
GJay: Before I enter House of all Inuyasha Characters, I would like to do two things.
Inuyasha: Stupid wench, you live here.
GJay: They didn't have to know that! 8sigh8 Oh, well. Anyways, the first thing I would like to do is thank my oh-so-wonderful reviewers.
Inuyasha: 8mumbling8 Yeah, all six of them…
GJay: Kagome!
Kagome: SIT!
GJay: Thank you. Now, the second thing I would like to do is give you a little hint at what's to come. You don't have to read if you don't want to. But for those who do read it, I should warn you- it will most likely confuse the heck out of you. Here we go…
Hint 1: Ch. 4- Juri looked at Shuurai with a certain gleam in her eye- the one that meant trouble. “Yang wants to see you.”
Hint 2: Ch. 6- “Who am I? Really?” Kagome looked into the fire before answering. “I have absolutely no idea.”
GJay: Confused? Told you so!
Destiny: I'm not.
Inuyasha: Hey where'd you come- (Destiny disappears) -from? Ah, man!
GJay: He he. 8sigh8 My history teacher is evil. He seriously treats me like one of the immature idiots the rest of the class is populated of.
AF: Hey!
GJay: Except for you of course. Now, as for the oblivion of my friends here in the fanfic world- I'll do something about that later. 8laughs conivingly8 by the way, for all of you who aren't big with God, the flashback contains a little bit of Him. Just a warning.
Some things are meant to be
Ch. 4- Destiny's Plan: Part 1
Destiny lived in a mansion. She lived alone, but it was her baby; she would never leave. Living in one house since the beginning of all can do that to you. It makes you…sentimental.
Destiny sighed, leaning back in the giant, red and black, over-stuffed easy chair. Yes…it had been a long time, and you see a lot when you are around for as long as she had been. She smiled softly, thinking about the beginning of time…
-----------------------------------------------Flashback------ -------------------------------------
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth…
God had created them. But with them, came rulers in their own rights. Issei, Daichi, Yin, Yang, Mugen, Shinnyo, Shuurai, Banrai, and especially not least… Shukumei, who later chose to go by her English name Destiny.
“Destiny, from this moment on, until the end of the earth, you shall forever be the ruler of futures, the decider of fates the ultimate match maker. Your duty is to make sure everything is in line for what is to come. If you manage to screw up the future, you shall become like the fallen angels.”
Destiny shook in the awesome presence of God. She struggled to reply. “I-I understand. And I'll try not to screw anything up,” she said, gulping. And she did try. Of course, she managed to mess up a few lives, but in the end, everything turned out okay.
Destiny learned more and more as the years past. She helped people become warriors, or fall in love. Though she herself was destined to be alone, she did not truly care. She was, after all, an immortal being who served God.
There were still mistakes for Destiny to make. One happened to involve three prophecies that were made in Japan, but weren't supposed to be. She spent years searching for a solution. Finally, a certain situation in Japan came to here attention, and she knew how to fix this little problem…
---------------------------------------End-Flashback---------- ------------------------------
Destiny sighed softly as memories flooded her thoughts. She suddenly smirked, catching the feel of her best friend's presence enter her house- uninvited, of course. She got closer and closer, until she slipped silently into the room Destiny was resting in.
“You know, Shuurai, I don't remember ever giving you permission to enter my house uninvited.”
A young woman who looked about Destiny's age stepped out of the shadows, flipping her butt-length dark blonde hair over her shoulder. Rolling her blue and green eyes, she replied, “Oh, please, since when do I need permission? And to tell you the truth, I don't remember ever asking for it.”
Destiny laughed and motioned her friend to take a seat. Shuurai (A.N/ Shuurai- lightning strike) plopped down in a giant red and black bean-bag chair and sighed. Destiny knew something was up, and had a feeling she knew what it was. She quickly decided that she didn't really want to know unless Shuurai just told her. Destiny smiled, knowing how to make her friend laugh. She spoke, saying, “I have a plan.”
Shuurai looked at Destiny with a raised eyebrow. “Generally, I would hope that a person who could decide what the fate of someone is going to be would. And you always do. What's special about this one?”
Destiny giggled, and then replied, “What's so special about this one is that it involves your two favorite couples.”
“Eeeeek! Kagome and Inuyasha and Sango and Miroku? Oooh, tell all!” Shuurai shrieked.
Destiny laughed at her hopeless romantic friend, then began to outline her plan. “Okay, do you remember those prophesies that were made a long time ago?” At Shuurai's nod, she continued. “Well, I finally have a way to fulfill those without messing up the future.
The first prophesy, the one about everlasting love leading them out of darkness, will be fulfilled by Kagome and Inuyasha. (A.N: See, I told you it was an InuKag.) When they realize they love each other, they together will stop Naraku. The second prophecy, about love ending a curse, will be fulfilled by Sango and Miroku. Now, here's my full plan-”
“Wait,” Shuurai said, interrupting here. “What about the third prophesy? You know, the one that says a fallen angel and a risen demon would rise together.”
Destiny inwardly cringed. She had hoped that Shuurai wouldn't bring that one up. How do you explain to your best friend that they would be forced to live on earth? Destiny shrugged and said, “Haven't really thought about it.” She hated lying to her best friend, but what could she do? She continued with her plan.
“You see, I have separated Inuyasha and Kagome, so Inuyasha can realize his feelings as he looks for her, and so Kagome can, sort-of, learn from Sesshomaru, who has kidnapped her.”
Shuurai's jaw dropped. “Did you just say the ice lord Fluffy kidnapped Kagome? How did you manage to pull that off?”
“A little thought here, a little thought there… you know how it goes. Anyways, while Inuyasha searches, Sango and Miroku will be left alone, which is exactly what they need.” Destiny stopped talking, and she and Shuurai looked at each other, just before busting up laughing.
When Destiny caught her breath, she said, “Exactly what they need, so Miroku can show his love in even more…explicit ways.” That set them off again. They both knew exactly what kind of way Miroku would show his love. Their laughter was suddenly cut off by a slamming door.
Destiny cringed and said, “Aw, man. She's mad. I was hoping so badly that she wouldn't find out.”
Shuurai groaned. “Please, please, please tell me you didn't go in her realm again.” At Destiny's delayed response, she groaned. “Destiny!”
“I had to! It was necessary in order to make my plan work.”
“But you know how she is!” Just then, the door to the room was thrown open, revealing 5'4” of anger.
The girl's name was Juri. Well, her nickname was Juri. Her real name was Mugen. She normally had very tanned skin, dark brown eyes, and black hair with dark blue highlights. But now she had slipped into her demon form. Her skin became slightly paler, her eyes were bright magenta, and her hair was completely dark blue with light blue highlights. All in all, she was pretty scary. And her realm was the realm of dreams.
Destiny stood up as Juri stomped over. “Destiny,” she growled her voice low and dangerous. “Countless times I have told you not to go into my realm. I don't know whether you do it just to annoy me, or because you have short term memory loss, but it REALLY PISSES ME OFF!” With that she lost it, ranting and raving and going on and on. Shuurai rolled her eyes. Juri was like this whenever she got mad. Smirking, she slightly lifted up her hand and slowly twirled her finger around. A dark storm cloud appeared behind Juri's head, complete with lightning. She watched and wondered how long it would take for her little cloud to be noticed.
Juri finally ran out of steam. She lifted sad eyes to Destiny. “Couldn't you have at least asked, man?”
Destiny put an arm around her shoulders. “I wanted to, but it was a last minute thing, and I couldn't find you. It was necessary. I swear, next time, I'll ask.”
Juri smiled and returned to her regular form. Just then, both girls noticed something weird. They both looked behind Juri to see a small storm cloud. They both cracked up saying, “Shuurai!” Said girl turned from her day-dreaming to see the other girls staring at her. She giggled, and then stopped the storm cloud. Even though she had laughed, Destiny knew that something was still bothering Shuurai. Finally not being able to stand it she blurted out, “All right. What's wrong?”
Shuurai looked startled, and then sighed. With a rueful smile, she said, “I never could hide anything from you, could I?” She sighed again, this time seeming to give on trying to be…normal. “I… don't know how to describe it. Ever since Banrai (A.N/ bear with me…Banrai is the god of thunder. God of thunder, goddess of lightning, come on, think logically) disappeared, I've had this strange feeling,” her eyes held a confused expression, “like I'm going to either be taken away from here, or be forced away.”
Juri bit her lip and looked down as if the light blue carpet was the most fascinating thing in the world. Destiny was suddenly very nervous, as if fearing being caught doing something wrong. But then she looked up, smiling encouragingly. “Don't worry,” she said, “I have a feeling you will see him again, maybe even soon.” Shuurai looked even more confused, but before she could say anything, Juri exclaimed, “Oh!”
Grinning sheepishly she turned to Juri. “I almost forgot. Though I was…provoked into my forgetful stage,” she commented, throwing a mock glare at Destiny, who looked back with a mock innocent expression. Then Juri looked back at Shuurai with a certain gleam in her eye- one that meant trouble. “Yang wants to see you.”
At first I was going to end it here, but I realized that it would throw off my story. So don't worry, it goes on. But first, I need to explain some things.
First of all- Destiny, Juri, and the prophecies aren't really detrimental to the story. But they do help explain some things.
Second- Shuurai and Banrai are soul mates. That's why Shuurai feels so depressed, even though he wasn't really her mate- yet.
Thirdly- Surely you've heard of yin and yang. They represent…opposites. For example: yin- day, yang- night. Yin- good, yang- bad. Yin- happy, yang-sad. For my story, it's the same concept. Yin pretty much controls the pleasant side and Yang the not-so-pleasant side.
Fourth- just so you know, this chapter will pretty much end the Destin appearances.
Okay, back to the fic!
------------------------------------------------ ---------O------------------------------------------------
Shuurai groaned and banged her head against the table a few times. “Damn. Why is it always me?” Sighing yet again, she stood and mumbled a quick good-by before trudging out the door and down the hallway. At the slam of a door, Destiny let out the breath she had been holding. Juri looked at her with raised eyebrows.
“I hate lying,” she said, leaning back in her chair. “Especially when it's one of my best friends. I feel…ugh. But what can I do?” With a helpless shrug, she shifted in her seat. “I feel so bad for her. Her soul mate disappeared, her best friend's lying to her, she's depressed, she's going to fulfill a prophecy that she things I haven't thought of yet and worst of all…” She sighed. “Worst of all, it's hard for a goddess to go through what she's going to go through with out any help at all.”
Juri looked at her friend with pity. “You have the hardest job of all of us Destiny. Take it easy for awhile. I'm sure you've got a couple of years for the entire world already covered.”
Destiny snorted. “Not quite. Truthfully, though, I've got enough covered to take a nice, long vacation.”
“Tell me about this “plan” of yours. I can only imagine…”
“No, trust me, you can't even imagine. I had Sesshomaru the ice butt kidnap Kagome so she can learn certain things, but more importantly so Inuyasha can come to terms with his feelings. When they realize just how much they love each other and that they are meant to be, the connection will trigger deeper powers within both of them and they will defeat Naraku. Meanwhile, poor Sango is left alone with Miroku. That should be self explanatory. Oh, by the way, I put…curses on Kagome and Sesshomaru.”
“Oh no! You didn't!” Juri said, laughing hysterically. Destiny joined in with the laughter and they had a good laugh at the expense of the two unsuspecting souls…
---------------------------------------------------------O---- --------------------------------------------
Kagome looked up into the sky. Sesshomaru, noting her gaze, looked at her inquiringly. With a suspicious gaze, she said, “I have the feeling that someone up there is laughing at us.”
------------------------------------------------O------------- -----------------------------------
GJay: Oh my gosh! I am sooooooooooooo sorry this chapter took me so long. With summer coming, though, I hope you guys will have a shorter wait.
Inuyasha: 8smirk8 Come on, why don't you just admit that you're a slow typer and get it over with?
Sesshomaru: Indeed.
GJay: You guys! Ugh. Anyways, it's time to take care of a little oblivion issue.Um, Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: Waddya want?
GJay: Could you go get my black coat from the closet?
Inuyasha: Um, I guess. (Walks over to closet and steps inside. Kagome walks into room.)
GJay: Oh, Kagome, could you get my black coat from the closet?
Kagome: Sure! (Steps inside closet. Sango slams and locks the closet door, locking it and tossing me the key.)
GJay: Yay! 8does happy dance8 With them so close two each other, they just can't deny their feelings. Right? Right? 8sigh8 Sesshomaru…
Sesshomaru: Please review.