InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Someday ❯ Someday ( One-Shot )

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By: InitialA/TuxedoUranus89
Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha!
Author's Notes: Attack of the plot bunnies!! (that, and too much cute fanart on deviantART…) Short and fluffy, enjoy!
Kagome's hands were deft as she sliced carrots into the stew. She smiled as her husband emerged from their bedroom, adjusting Tessaiga as to draw it better. “Are you going out with Miroku?” She asked cheerfully.
“Keh. Stupid monk wants to drag me to another extermination. Like I don't have anything better to do.” InuYasha grumbled.
Her smile broadened. “Oh, InuYasha, just think of it this way: the rice bushels will be one less thing I carry back from the market.”
Kagome stood, wrapping her arms around him and kissing his cheek. “Go on, tough guy. Go save the world.”
He made a face at her, then blushed when she squeezed his butt. “Oi!”
She laughed outright, and kissed him again. “Have a good day. I love you.”
InuYasha's blush deepened. He stammered something incoherent and fled, his mate's chuckling ringing in his ears. `Someday, Kagome… someday I'll be able to tell you I love you in return…'
((Flirty Kagome and poor, innocent Inu. X3 His tushie's been violated. Hope you liked it!!))