InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Something To Talk About ❯ Getting What She Deserves ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ayame watched with fear-filled eyes as Jakotsu looked down at the card in his hand. The smile upon his face told Ayame that he was enjoying her suffering a bit too much. She glanced out at the audience and bit her lip. They were all smirking and were probably hoping that Kagome would come back out onto the stage to whip her ass. Well, they were going to be sorely disappointed. Even though she was still a bit nervous about the results, she was sure that she had managed to fool the detector. She had taken several deep, calming breaths and had kept her voice even. There was no way she could have failed.
“Ayame, you were asked if you had ever lied to Sesshomaru during your nine-month relationship. You answered no, and the test concluded, that you lied.” Jakotsu said, grinning from ear-to-ear.
Ayame's face paled and she shook her head, her red pigtails waving about wildly. “NO! THAT CAN'T BE!” She screamed, her face red.
Jakotsu motioned for the crowd to quiet down and then continued. “When asked if you have ever lied to Sesshomaru about Kagome, you replied no. The test indicates that you were lying. Finally, when asked if you ever cheated on Sesshomaru during your relationship, you said no, and the test, once again, indicated that you were lying.” He said, his eyes twinkling.
Sesshomaru turned his head slowly towards Ayame. “You dare to cheat on this Sesshomaru? Who was it? Who did you lay with, you mangy wolf?” He demanded, his face breaking its stoic mask and turning into an expression of rage.
Ayame gulped and slowly backed away. “Sess, the test is wrong. I told you, that test is faulty. Kagome is the one who cheated on you, not me. Please, you have got to believe me.” She whined.
Standing up, Sesshomaru flexed his claws and was about to approach the wolf, but a pair of large bodyguards stepped in front of him and blocked his path to Ayame.
Ayame looked out to the crowd and said, “I swear that I didn't lie. I am not a cheater. Kagome cheated. She is the one who should be standing here, not me. Just because I accidentally caught her cousin on tape and not her doesn't mean that she wasn't fucking around.”
The crowd's jeers grew louder and more aggressive. Ayame could hear the slew of names that were being thrown her way and she paled. She saw Jakotsu rush into the crowd and head for a woman who had her hand up.
“What's on your mind, sweetie?” Jakotsu asked as he placed the microphone before the young woman's mouth.
“How could you do that to that poor woman? Isn't it enough that she had to go through her pregnancy alone? Now, you want to sit up there and try and convince us that you are not a lying tramp. Get real, girl. Hell, if I were Kagome, I would be whipping your ass right about now!” The woman yelled, not caring that her friends were trying to make her sit down.
“Care to try it?” Ayame growled. The woman's eyes narrowed and she pushed past Jakotsu and began making her way towards the stage. As she walked, other audience members were yelling for her to rip the wolf's tail off and feed it to her. Just as she got to the stage, another bodyguard grabbed her around her waist and held her back.
Jakotsu rushed forward and pushed the microphone under the woman's nose. “Just because Kagome is too much of a lady to not fight you, doesn't mean that I am. You deserve to be beaten for all you put that woman and her puppies through. I hope you get what you have coming to you real soon, you psycho bitch!” She hissed.
Ayame was about to snap a reply, but another female jumped up. “How would you feel if someone did to you what you did to that poor girl? You deserve all the hell you receive.” She shouted.
Ayame watched as other females jumped up and started to yell out what they had on their minds, and she slowly backed up. Never in a million years would she have imagined that this could happen to her. What if her grandpa saw this show? What would he say?
Turning, Ayame rushed off the stage and was met by a very angry Kagura. “You lying bitch.” Kagura hissed. “You told me that you had seen Kagome kissing another man. You told me that you knew for a fact that she was sleeping around on Sess and laughing about it. Now, I find that you have done nothing but lie to me and all along, it was you who were cheating on Sess. Dirty whore.”
Ayame backed up slowly. “Kagura, I'm sorry.” She whimpered. “Yes, you are sorry, bitch. And, now you are exposed. I suppose that I could give you a beating that you would never forget, but then that might earn you sympathy points, and that is something that I don't want. You're going to get yours, girl. Believe me. By the time we get home, your are going to wish that you had never met Sesshomaru. I will see to that. And, as a way to make up to Kagome for my part in this mess, I will personally see to it that your life be as miserable, if not worse, than hers was. Wave bye-bye to everything you have ever known.” Kagura replied, her red eyes glittering maliciously.
Ayame watched as the woman turned and walked away, her stiletto heels clicking as she walked. Ayame could taste the bile that had risen in her throat. She knew just how evil Kagura could be when she wanted to, and now, it looked as though she were going to get a good idea why Kagura was known as the biggest bitch in their town.
Taking a deep breath, Ayame turned and found herself staring into a very hard chest. She gulped and looked up into the stoic face of Sesshomaru.
He regarded her for a moment, and did not say a word, but for him, silence could be just as effective as if he had said something. He watched as she stepped back from him and he began to walk towards her.
“You created that video, knowing full well that the woman on the tape was not Kagome, and you used my insecurities about getting married as a weapon for you so that you could get what you wanted. You used me, and you made sure that by the time Kagome came home, I was so angry and unreasonable, that I would not listen to a damn word she said.” He said, his voice low.
Ayame looked around wildly and allowed a soft whimper to escape her lips. “I swear, I didn't know that she was pregnant.” She whined.
“And if you had known, you would have still followed through with your plan.” He replied, his eyes narrowed and hard.
She opened her mouth to speak, but snapped it shut again. Yes, he was right. She would have followed through with it. She had been so close. She winced at the expression on his face.
“Sess, I am sorry. I'm sorry about your little girl…” Ayame started, but was interrupted by Sesshomaru.
“Don't ever speak about my pups. You do not have that right. My daughter died in her mother's arms. I should have been there to hold Kagome and our daughter, but because you had me so convinced that she had cheated and that her pups were not mine, I didn't lift a damn finger. I have to live with that for the rest of my life, Ayame. And, I blame you for this. Oh, I have some blame, but you are the one who started this. I intend to finish it. Pray for your safety that I can fix my family. If not, I will spend the rest of my life tormenting you and whatever pathetic male decides to take you on for a mate. But, be sure that you will not find anyone stupid enough in our city. I am sure that Kagura will take care of you once we get home.” He said.
Ayame's mouth dropped open and she watched helplessly as he turned and walked away. Everything that she had worked for, everything that she had planned was now gone. She heard a snicker and looked over her shoulder to see Jakotsu standing in a corner.
“You know, I would really hate to be in your shoes right now. From what I hear, you are going to be having a very tough time when you go home. Good luck, bitch.” He sneered. Plastering a grin on his face, Jakotsu turned and left the broken wolf to stand all alone as he went and welcomed his next guest.
Sighing, Ayame walked over to one of the couches and sat down; she needed a plan, and quick.
Sesshomaru walked to the greenroom to find Kagome curled up at the end of the couch, his father's jacket covering her, his father holding his grandson, and his friends talking quietly about how they were going to pay Ayame back for her treachery.
“I say we kick the shit out of her and be done with it.” Kouga snarled. He had once liked Ayame and had held a high opinion of her, but that was long gone.
Bankotsu shrugged. “That is letting her off too easily. I think that she needs a taste of how it feels to be talked about.” He suggested.
Kagura nodded in agreement. “Don't worry. What I have planned for the bitch will make what Kagome went through look like paradise.” She said. “Ayame will not get away with this, I promise.”
Walking over to where his father stood, Sesshomaru reached out and allowed his claw to run gently over the soft cheek of his pup. Inu Taisho smiled at his son.
“He is going to be very handsome. He is truly one of us.” He said, proudly. He chuckled when the pup grasped Sesshomaru's claw and began to suckle it.
“It would appear that he needs to be fed.” Sesshomaru said as he took the pup from his father. He cradled the tiny pup in his arms and walked over to Kikyo, who was glaring at the group that stood by the door.
“The pup needs to be fed.” He said, his tone bored. Kikyo stood and glared up at him. “The pup has a name. It is Tsukikomaru or Tsukiko, for short. And, as for the feeding, Kagome breastfeeds.” She snapped.
Sesshomaru's eyes widened and he glanced over at Kagome's still form. He could see the dark circles underneath her eyes and he really did not want to wake her up. But, the pup was becoming fussy and needed to feed.
With a sigh, Sesshomaru walked over to where Kagome lay, and he touched her shoulder. She jumped when he made contact with her body and sat up quickly. She had always been a light sleeper, and he could imagine that she was probably up quite a bit with their son.
When she had finished rubbing her eyes, she looked up at him. Her eyes held no sparkle or expression. That bothered him. He had done that. Not believing in her had caused her so much pain and though he would love to fault Ayame for all of this, he knew that he shouldered most of the blame.
“Our son needs to eat.” He said without preamble. He watched as Kagome held out her arms, and he carefully handed the pup to her. Tsukikomaru was making squeaking noises that had quickly drawn all of the youkai's' attention. His father and brother smiled as they watched the pup squirm and attempt to find his mother's nipple.
Kagome reached over and grabbed a blanket. She threw it over the pup and her shoulder and then quickly pulled her breast out of its confines. Unlike Sango, who had sat down and pulled her breast out for all to see, she liked being discreet. Sango had told her, “If they don't like it, then they don't have to look.”
Soft grunts could be heard as the pup began to feed. Kagome closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She winced a bit when the pups sharp little claws began to dig into the soft skin of her breast and she had to reach over and grasp his tiny hand to keep him from drawing blood.
Sesshomaru slowly lowered himself into the seat beside Kagome. He wanted to talk to her about a possible reconciliation. He wanted to make up for his abuse and neglect. Most of all, he wanted to make up for not being there for their pups.
Kikyo watched with narrowed eyes as Sesshomaru stared at Kagome. Finally, she decided that this was as good of time as any and asked, “What are your intentions?”
Sesshomaru's head shot up and he glanced at Kikyo. “My family will be well taken care of.” He said.
“We are not family.” Kagome whispered. Everyone's attention was suddenly on Kagome and Sesshomaru.
“We will discuss this at a time when you are rested and can think clearly.” He replied. He watched as she shook her head.
“No. We won't discuss this at all. We are not a family. You made sure of that when you accused me of cheating on you without hearing my side of it. You didn't want to listen to me then, and I don't want to listen to you now.” Kagome said, her tone firm.
Gathering up all the dignity that she could, Kagome stood up, her pup still attached to her breast and walked into the bathroom. She would not allow him to see her cry.
Kikyo crossed her arms and waited for the bathroom door to close. “Are you going to support your pup, or not? Kagome doesn't have much, thanks to you, and it would be nice for her to know that she is no longer doing it all on her own.” She said.
Inu Taisho stepped forward. “Kagome and her pup will be well taken care of. We will move her into our home.” He said.
Suikotsu shook his head. “I'm sorry, but were you not listening to her? She has said that she is not apart of your family. She doesn't want to be near you. She won't deny you access to the pup, but she wants nothing to do with any of you. Can you honestly blame her?” He demanded.
Sesshomaru stepped forward, but was held back by his father. “Fine. For right now, we will do things slowly. But, we are going to insist that she get some sort of grief counseling so that she can deal with the loss of her pup. And, I want her to see a doctor. Aside from the grief, she could also be suffering from postpartum depression. If she is, then she can get the help she needs, but a blind man can see that she is suffering.” Inu Taisho argued.
“She would not be in this fucking mess if your son hadn't been a pussy and walked out on her.” Kikyo snapped.
Sesshomaru could hear his father's soft growls and knew that the conversation was getting dangerous. He stepped in front of his father and looked at Kikyo.
“I will support my pup. I will also take care of Kagome. With or without her consent. I was wrong, and I admit it, and now that I know that I am a father, I will do what I have to in order to get my pup's mother back. That being said, we will leave, but not for good. Kagome will have to face me sooner or later. I am also going to want my pup this weekend for visitation. Kagome needs time to rest and catch up on her sleep, and this will allow her to do so.” Sesshomaru said. He motioned for his father and friends to leave the room.
Once the door was closed, Kikyo snarled in anger, “The nerve of that guy! Can you believe him?”
Suikotsu shook his head. “Honey, at least he wants something to do with the pup. He is right that Kagome needs to be looked at for depression. She cries a lot and doesn't eat hardly anything. She stays in her apartment and won't come out without a fight. It isn't healthy.” He said.
“I know. I just don't want her to hurt anymore. He has caused her enough pain.” Kikyo muttered as she moved closer to her husband.
Suikotsu held his wife to his chest and winced when he heard her sob. “There, there. It will work out. This was a step in the right direction. But, you need to let Kagome decide what she will do on her own. You can't interfere.” He whispered.
Nodding, Kikyo allowed him to pull her back down onto the couch and snuggled into his arms with a sigh. If only Kagome had a guy as great as hers was.
“Ayame, you were asked if you had ever lied to Sesshomaru during your nine-month relationship. You answered no, and the test concluded, that you lied.” Jakotsu said, grinning from ear-to-ear.
Ayame's face paled and she shook her head, her red pigtails waving about wildly. “NO! THAT CAN'T BE!” She screamed, her face red.
Jakotsu motioned for the crowd to quiet down and then continued. “When asked if you have ever lied to Sesshomaru about Kagome, you replied no. The test indicates that you were lying. Finally, when asked if you ever cheated on Sesshomaru during your relationship, you said no, and the test, once again, indicated that you were lying.” He said, his eyes twinkling.
Sesshomaru turned his head slowly towards Ayame. “You dare to cheat on this Sesshomaru? Who was it? Who did you lay with, you mangy wolf?” He demanded, his face breaking its stoic mask and turning into an expression of rage.
Ayame gulped and slowly backed away. “Sess, the test is wrong. I told you, that test is faulty. Kagome is the one who cheated on you, not me. Please, you have got to believe me.” She whined.
Standing up, Sesshomaru flexed his claws and was about to approach the wolf, but a pair of large bodyguards stepped in front of him and blocked his path to Ayame.
Ayame looked out to the crowd and said, “I swear that I didn't lie. I am not a cheater. Kagome cheated. She is the one who should be standing here, not me. Just because I accidentally caught her cousin on tape and not her doesn't mean that she wasn't fucking around.”
The crowd's jeers grew louder and more aggressive. Ayame could hear the slew of names that were being thrown her way and she paled. She saw Jakotsu rush into the crowd and head for a woman who had her hand up.
“What's on your mind, sweetie?” Jakotsu asked as he placed the microphone before the young woman's mouth.
“How could you do that to that poor woman? Isn't it enough that she had to go through her pregnancy alone? Now, you want to sit up there and try and convince us that you are not a lying tramp. Get real, girl. Hell, if I were Kagome, I would be whipping your ass right about now!” The woman yelled, not caring that her friends were trying to make her sit down.
“Care to try it?” Ayame growled. The woman's eyes narrowed and she pushed past Jakotsu and began making her way towards the stage. As she walked, other audience members were yelling for her to rip the wolf's tail off and feed it to her. Just as she got to the stage, another bodyguard grabbed her around her waist and held her back.
Jakotsu rushed forward and pushed the microphone under the woman's nose. “Just because Kagome is too much of a lady to not fight you, doesn't mean that I am. You deserve to be beaten for all you put that woman and her puppies through. I hope you get what you have coming to you real soon, you psycho bitch!” She hissed.
Ayame was about to snap a reply, but another female jumped up. “How would you feel if someone did to you what you did to that poor girl? You deserve all the hell you receive.” She shouted.
Ayame watched as other females jumped up and started to yell out what they had on their minds, and she slowly backed up. Never in a million years would she have imagined that this could happen to her. What if her grandpa saw this show? What would he say?
Turning, Ayame rushed off the stage and was met by a very angry Kagura. “You lying bitch.” Kagura hissed. “You told me that you had seen Kagome kissing another man. You told me that you knew for a fact that she was sleeping around on Sess and laughing about it. Now, I find that you have done nothing but lie to me and all along, it was you who were cheating on Sess. Dirty whore.”
Ayame backed up slowly. “Kagura, I'm sorry.” She whimpered. “Yes, you are sorry, bitch. And, now you are exposed. I suppose that I could give you a beating that you would never forget, but then that might earn you sympathy points, and that is something that I don't want. You're going to get yours, girl. Believe me. By the time we get home, your are going to wish that you had never met Sesshomaru. I will see to that. And, as a way to make up to Kagome for my part in this mess, I will personally see to it that your life be as miserable, if not worse, than hers was. Wave bye-bye to everything you have ever known.” Kagura replied, her red eyes glittering maliciously.
Ayame watched as the woman turned and walked away, her stiletto heels clicking as she walked. Ayame could taste the bile that had risen in her throat. She knew just how evil Kagura could be when she wanted to, and now, it looked as though she were going to get a good idea why Kagura was known as the biggest bitch in their town.
Taking a deep breath, Ayame turned and found herself staring into a very hard chest. She gulped and looked up into the stoic face of Sesshomaru.
He regarded her for a moment, and did not say a word, but for him, silence could be just as effective as if he had said something. He watched as she stepped back from him and he began to walk towards her.
“You created that video, knowing full well that the woman on the tape was not Kagome, and you used my insecurities about getting married as a weapon for you so that you could get what you wanted. You used me, and you made sure that by the time Kagome came home, I was so angry and unreasonable, that I would not listen to a damn word she said.” He said, his voice low.
Ayame looked around wildly and allowed a soft whimper to escape her lips. “I swear, I didn't know that she was pregnant.” She whined.
“And if you had known, you would have still followed through with your plan.” He replied, his eyes narrowed and hard.
She opened her mouth to speak, but snapped it shut again. Yes, he was right. She would have followed through with it. She had been so close. She winced at the expression on his face.
“Sess, I am sorry. I'm sorry about your little girl…” Ayame started, but was interrupted by Sesshomaru.
“Don't ever speak about my pups. You do not have that right. My daughter died in her mother's arms. I should have been there to hold Kagome and our daughter, but because you had me so convinced that she had cheated and that her pups were not mine, I didn't lift a damn finger. I have to live with that for the rest of my life, Ayame. And, I blame you for this. Oh, I have some blame, but you are the one who started this. I intend to finish it. Pray for your safety that I can fix my family. If not, I will spend the rest of my life tormenting you and whatever pathetic male decides to take you on for a mate. But, be sure that you will not find anyone stupid enough in our city. I am sure that Kagura will take care of you once we get home.” He said.
Ayame's mouth dropped open and she watched helplessly as he turned and walked away. Everything that she had worked for, everything that she had planned was now gone. She heard a snicker and looked over her shoulder to see Jakotsu standing in a corner.
“You know, I would really hate to be in your shoes right now. From what I hear, you are going to be having a very tough time when you go home. Good luck, bitch.” He sneered. Plastering a grin on his face, Jakotsu turned and left the broken wolf to stand all alone as he went and welcomed his next guest.
Sighing, Ayame walked over to one of the couches and sat down; she needed a plan, and quick.
Sesshomaru walked to the greenroom to find Kagome curled up at the end of the couch, his father's jacket covering her, his father holding his grandson, and his friends talking quietly about how they were going to pay Ayame back for her treachery.
“I say we kick the shit out of her and be done with it.” Kouga snarled. He had once liked Ayame and had held a high opinion of her, but that was long gone.
Bankotsu shrugged. “That is letting her off too easily. I think that she needs a taste of how it feels to be talked about.” He suggested.
Kagura nodded in agreement. “Don't worry. What I have planned for the bitch will make what Kagome went through look like paradise.” She said. “Ayame will not get away with this, I promise.”
Walking over to where his father stood, Sesshomaru reached out and allowed his claw to run gently over the soft cheek of his pup. Inu Taisho smiled at his son.
“He is going to be very handsome. He is truly one of us.” He said, proudly. He chuckled when the pup grasped Sesshomaru's claw and began to suckle it.
“It would appear that he needs to be fed.” Sesshomaru said as he took the pup from his father. He cradled the tiny pup in his arms and walked over to Kikyo, who was glaring at the group that stood by the door.
“The pup needs to be fed.” He said, his tone bored. Kikyo stood and glared up at him. “The pup has a name. It is Tsukikomaru or Tsukiko, for short. And, as for the feeding, Kagome breastfeeds.” She snapped.
Sesshomaru's eyes widened and he glanced over at Kagome's still form. He could see the dark circles underneath her eyes and he really did not want to wake her up. But, the pup was becoming fussy and needed to feed.
With a sigh, Sesshomaru walked over to where Kagome lay, and he touched her shoulder. She jumped when he made contact with her body and sat up quickly. She had always been a light sleeper, and he could imagine that she was probably up quite a bit with their son.
When she had finished rubbing her eyes, she looked up at him. Her eyes held no sparkle or expression. That bothered him. He had done that. Not believing in her had caused her so much pain and though he would love to fault Ayame for all of this, he knew that he shouldered most of the blame.
“Our son needs to eat.” He said without preamble. He watched as Kagome held out her arms, and he carefully handed the pup to her. Tsukikomaru was making squeaking noises that had quickly drawn all of the youkai's' attention. His father and brother smiled as they watched the pup squirm and attempt to find his mother's nipple.
Kagome reached over and grabbed a blanket. She threw it over the pup and her shoulder and then quickly pulled her breast out of its confines. Unlike Sango, who had sat down and pulled her breast out for all to see, she liked being discreet. Sango had told her, “If they don't like it, then they don't have to look.”
Soft grunts could be heard as the pup began to feed. Kagome closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She winced a bit when the pups sharp little claws began to dig into the soft skin of her breast and she had to reach over and grasp his tiny hand to keep him from drawing blood.
Sesshomaru slowly lowered himself into the seat beside Kagome. He wanted to talk to her about a possible reconciliation. He wanted to make up for his abuse and neglect. Most of all, he wanted to make up for not being there for their pups.
Kikyo watched with narrowed eyes as Sesshomaru stared at Kagome. Finally, she decided that this was as good of time as any and asked, “What are your intentions?”
Sesshomaru's head shot up and he glanced at Kikyo. “My family will be well taken care of.” He said.
“We are not family.” Kagome whispered. Everyone's attention was suddenly on Kagome and Sesshomaru.
“We will discuss this at a time when you are rested and can think clearly.” He replied. He watched as she shook her head.
“No. We won't discuss this at all. We are not a family. You made sure of that when you accused me of cheating on you without hearing my side of it. You didn't want to listen to me then, and I don't want to listen to you now.” Kagome said, her tone firm.
Gathering up all the dignity that she could, Kagome stood up, her pup still attached to her breast and walked into the bathroom. She would not allow him to see her cry.
Kikyo crossed her arms and waited for the bathroom door to close. “Are you going to support your pup, or not? Kagome doesn't have much, thanks to you, and it would be nice for her to know that she is no longer doing it all on her own.” She said.
Inu Taisho stepped forward. “Kagome and her pup will be well taken care of. We will move her into our home.” He said.
Suikotsu shook his head. “I'm sorry, but were you not listening to her? She has said that she is not apart of your family. She doesn't want to be near you. She won't deny you access to the pup, but she wants nothing to do with any of you. Can you honestly blame her?” He demanded.
Sesshomaru stepped forward, but was held back by his father. “Fine. For right now, we will do things slowly. But, we are going to insist that she get some sort of grief counseling so that she can deal with the loss of her pup. And, I want her to see a doctor. Aside from the grief, she could also be suffering from postpartum depression. If she is, then she can get the help she needs, but a blind man can see that she is suffering.” Inu Taisho argued.
“She would not be in this fucking mess if your son hadn't been a pussy and walked out on her.” Kikyo snapped.
Sesshomaru could hear his father's soft growls and knew that the conversation was getting dangerous. He stepped in front of his father and looked at Kikyo.
“I will support my pup. I will also take care of Kagome. With or without her consent. I was wrong, and I admit it, and now that I know that I am a father, I will do what I have to in order to get my pup's mother back. That being said, we will leave, but not for good. Kagome will have to face me sooner or later. I am also going to want my pup this weekend for visitation. Kagome needs time to rest and catch up on her sleep, and this will allow her to do so.” Sesshomaru said. He motioned for his father and friends to leave the room.
Once the door was closed, Kikyo snarled in anger, “The nerve of that guy! Can you believe him?”
Suikotsu shook his head. “Honey, at least he wants something to do with the pup. He is right that Kagome needs to be looked at for depression. She cries a lot and doesn't eat hardly anything. She stays in her apartment and won't come out without a fight. It isn't healthy.” He said.
“I know. I just don't want her to hurt anymore. He has caused her enough pain.” Kikyo muttered as she moved closer to her husband.
Suikotsu held his wife to his chest and winced when he heard her sob. “There, there. It will work out. This was a step in the right direction. But, you need to let Kagome decide what she will do on her own. You can't interfere.” He whispered.
Nodding, Kikyo allowed him to pull her back down onto the couch and snuggled into his arms with a sigh. If only Kagome had a guy as great as hers was.