InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Soulmates ❯ Dumbledore Finds Out ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Last Time:
“Who are you?” Harry asked, as the green light finally receded showing a specter woman in weird cloths, and a man in furs with a tail.
“I’m Midoriko, and this is Kouga.”
Chapter Two
Dumbledore Finds Out
“And you just decided to pop by my room because?” Harry asked.
“Kouga and you are soulmates,” Midoriko said. Harry fainted.
“Hmm,” Midoriko said, “They always do that.” Midoriko roused Harry from his fainting spell.
Moody’s eyes narrowed as he saw two people step out of the light in Harry’s room. The next guard was coming in ten minutes. He would have to wait until then to tell Dumbledore. Moody would have to stay here to make sure that no harm came to Harry.
“Soulmates?” Harry asked.
“Yes, soulmates,” Midoriko replied, “Why is it people have a hard time believing in them?”
“They’re really hard to find or so I’ve read.”
“Yes, they are. And Kouga came from his dimension in search of his soulmate. That’s you.”
“Why now?”
“That’s when the wish was made.”
“Wish?” And so Midoriko and Kouga told Harry about Kagome and company’s quest for the Jewel Shards.
“Wotcher, Mad-Eye. Shift change,” Tonks said, before following his gaze, “Who are they?”
“I don’t know, they just appeared,” Moody said, “Stay here and make sure no harm comes to Potter. I’ll go tell Dumbledore.”
“Hello Alastor. Lemon Drop?” Dumbledore said, with a smile, and when Moody declined he continued, “How can I help you tonight?”
“Potter currently has two people I’ve never seen before in his room.” Dumbledore frowned.
“Since when?”
“Since about ten-fifteen minutes ago. Tonks was a tad late.”
“Why didn’t you come to me before?”
“Didn’t want to leave Potter alone if they were enemies.”
“Very well. Let’s go,” Dumbledore said, getting up. Meanwhile he was thinking, ‘Things are not going according to plan. Potter was supposed to be left alone this summer.’
Harry though about what he was told about Kagome and her friends, Sango, the demon slayer, Miroku, the perverted monk, Shippou, the fox demon, InuYasha, the half-dog demon, and Kilala, the cat demon. He also thought about what Midoriko had told him about Dumbledore before she disappeared. Dumbledore, it seems, was trying to control him.
Harry smiled at Kouga, who was currently sleeping, and decided to join his soulmate in slumber. But before he had a chance, several people broke into the room.