InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Special delivery ❯ Unforseen circumstances ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 8: Unforeseen circumstances

A/N: Oh my God I am so sorry for being MIA during last week. I'm just very busy right now, but I'll try to make time to write. So once again so sorry.

Thank you all for the reviews, you have no idea how much they encourage me to write!


Killersupergirl (x2) (Hum good question. The countdown of the two weeks starts today... and with a bang!)

Ngoc Chau
Psycho-pyro -shrink
Babi Abe
The freak locked in ur closet

Klv (x2)
(Very good observations. Yep I did do it purposefully, so I guess I do deserve the points. Yay me! Hope you'll like my other writings.)


Sovereignty (Yep Kagura has great 'worming' skills! Lol.)

Luvininu28 (Aw thanks. Of course Sessh is ONLY interested in Kagura because she could be useful to him. And his job... or is he?)

Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha, Sesshy and Kagura would be happily mated and working on silver haired baby number three by now…


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“What are you doing?” Kagura inquired as she plopped herself on the couch next to Sesshoumaru.

Two days had gone by since she had officially moved in with the dog demon, and despite the length of time that had gone by, she still had yet to crack his cold shell, which unnerved the wind sorceress.

“Working” Sesshoumaru answered his eyes still rived on his laptop’s glowing screen. He had tried to lace exasperation in his voice, but to his anger could not quite pull it off.

Ever since the wind sorceress and her daughter had started staying with him, the dog demon contrary to his usual habit brought work home with him. Not only that, but to Inuyasha and Miroku’s astonishment, Sesshoumaru now also left work earlier than he used to. Little did his friend and brother know that the reason for Sesshoumaru’s sudden change in behavior was the woman sitting right next to him.

The problem was not that Sesshoumaru did not trust the woman to stay alone in his apartment, but it rather that to his surprise he quite.... enjoyed her company. There was not a dull moment in Kagura's company; whether it was her playful jabs, or the fact that getting on her nerves was irresistibly funny, Sesshoumaru had a lot of fun with Kagura.

‘The only reason I wish to be in the witch’s company is that I am still observing her for the ad campaign I am working for’ Sesshoumaru tried to convince himself every time his mind strayed back to how soft Kagura's skin was, or how beautiful she was... Despite his continued will to forget and deny the attraction he felt for the wind witch, his mind, did not seem to want to let him forget.

“Geez you could try to be more social, it wouldn’t kill you, you know!” Kagura told him rolling her eyes in annoyance.

“I thought you said this Sesshoumaru would not feel your presence?” Sesshoumaru retorted. “In any case, if you wish to socialize, do so over there and leave me be.” He added pointing towards the carpet where Kanna was busy playing with a plastic mirror. The toy was her favorite and the youkai infant could spend hours simply looking at her reflection, or using the mirror to look at her surroundings, or more recently spy on the man that managed to make her mother laugh. A feat that very few had accomplished before. The little girl was not sure why, and quite confused, but ever since Sesshoumaru had taken them in, her mother had been so happy, which in turn also made Kanna happy.

“You weren’t complaining about my presence when you devoured the dinner I cooked tonight” Kagura retorted with a smile. “You could at least entertain me or something, we’re roommates after all…”

“This Sesshoumaru is not a pet, and it is therefore not my duty to entertain you” He said vexed. “Besides roommates usually share the rent…” The dog demon added with a small amused smile. For some reason he adored teasing Kagura.

“If I had the money I would give it to you… Anyway all the work I do around here counts. I mean I clean, I cook and all that. It’s a lot of work you know, if you tried, you’d know. You shouldn’t take me for granted, it’s not like I’m your hired help or whatever…” She then trailed off. “In fact you could also be grateful and more appreciative of what I do…”

“Witch.” The dog demon interrupted her. “This Sesshoumaru is busy, find something else to entertain yourself with” He added, the small smile tugging at his lips broadening.

“You’re no fun!” Kagura retorted as she stood up from the couch and sat down heavily Indian style on the ground right across from her daughter.

“He really is no fun, isn’t he Kanna-chan?” Kagura asked her daughter. The little girl looked up at her mother with her big dark eyes. Kanna did not answer nor did she give any indication of having heard her mother. The little girl then raised the little mirror she held and spied on the dog demon. She noticed that instead of focusing on his laptop, Sesshoumaru was looking at her mother. Kanna smiled before letting out a heavy cough.

“You’re still coughing baby? Looks like the cold medicine I just gave you wore off. You’re looking a little red Kanna. Are you okay? Come over here” Kagura said as she worriedly extended her hands towards her daughter. Kanna obediently stood up and advanced towards her mother.

“Oh my God you’re warm!” Kagura exclaimed as she laid her palm on her daughter’s forehead. “Hey Sesshoumaru come and touch, and tell me if you think she’s burning up too” The wind sorceress asked in a voice laced in worry as she looked back to look at the dog demon.

Sesshoumaru put away his laptop and walked over to the two demoness settled on the carpet of his living room. With a heavy sigh, the dog demon placed his clawed hand over the little girl’s pale blond bangs.

“Indeed she seems to be running a slight fever” Sesshoumaru commented.

“Oh crap! What do I do now? Kanna has never been sick like this before” Kagura asked biting her lower lip in worry.

“Do not ask me” The dog demon replied. 'What do I know about children?!' Sesshoumaru wondered feeling an unfamiliar sense of worry in his chest.

To his surprise he had also enjoyed Kanna's presence during the past few days. The toddler was what Sesshoumaru would deem a perfect child. She was quiet, kept to herself and well behaved. The more time he spent with the two demoness the more he was actually surprised that Kanna was Kagura's daughter. Their coloring was not the only thing that made them polar opposites.

“Kanna do you have a headache baby? Are you hurting anywhere?” Kagura asked her daughter. The little girl shook her head gently before letting out a cough.

“Okay better be safe than sorry. Thankfully tomorrow is Thursday and it’s the day the pediatrician is in at the free clinic.” Without another word, Kagura took her daughter in her arms and stood up. Then looking down at her host, she added “Hey Sesshoumaru tomorrow before going to work could you give me and Kanna a ride to the free clinic. It’s on the outskirts of town.”

“The free clinic?” Sesshoumaru echoed, standing too.

“Yeah. They have a free pediatrician that comes and help every Thursday. I want to get Kanna checked up” Kagura explained as she pressed her lips to her daughter’s head before hugging her small body closer. “I usually take the bus to get there, but it takes a long time and I want to be there early so there’ll be less waiting time.”

“Be ready to leave before I head out. I will not allow you to make me late for work” The dog demon simply said as he stood up and retook his place on the couch.

“I wouldn’t dream of it Mr. Workaholic.” Kagura answered on a derisive tone rolling her eyes. “Okay Kanna-chan, since you’re not in pain, I think you’re pretty okay. Let’s put you to bed and cool you down with some cold towels, okay? Come on” The wind sorceress said trying to appease her daughter as she walked towards the guest bedroom.

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“Hey Sesshoumaru wake up!” The dog demon heard someone call. He tried to turn to his side and block out the sound, but whoever was shaking him was very persistent.

“What is it?” Sesshoumaru growled as he opened his eyes. Despite the complete darkness in his bedroom, he could tell that none other than his houseguest Kagura was the one trying to wake him up. The strong feelings of fear and anxiety he could feel coming from her cleared his sleep clouded mind suddenly.

“It’s Kanna she’s worse than before, she’s really burning hot now! And she has a hard time breathing!” Kagura said her voice high pitched in complete hysteria.

“Okay. Let us take her to the hospital, go get her. Hurry.” Sesshoumaru quickly instructed before getting up from his bed. The dog demon had always been able to think efficiently under pressure or in a crisis.

Not needing to be told twice, Kagura hurried out of the master bedroom, and rushed to the guest bedroom. She quickly picked up her daughter who was crying silent tears and cradled her against her chest. Kanna was taking short labored quick intakes of air, producing a wheezing sound.

“Don’t worry, you’re going to be okay Kanna-chan.” Kagura soothed the little girl as she picked up their coats and quickly walked to the living room.

The wind sorceress was not surprised to find a fully dressed Sesshoumaru waiting for her. Apart from his unruly long silver haired collected in a braid and the wrinkles on his pristine shirt, no one could have ever guessed that the dog demon had just been awakened in a panic.

“Let’s go” Sesshoumaru ordered, sending a worried glance towards the pale youkai child protectively nestled in her mother’s arms.

Kagura could only nod, too afraid to even answer with words.

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The wind sorceress hurried towards the private clinic’s reception area. She tightened her hold on Kanna and approached the bored looking orderly sitting behind the pristine desk.

“I need someone to look at my daughter. She’s not breathing right, and she keeps on coughing... she has a fever too” She let out in one breath.

“Do you have health insurance?” The dark haired woman sitting behind the desk asked nonchalantly as she readjusted the small hat perched on her head.

Kagura was taken aback by her question, but she brushed her surprise aside, getting her daughter help was more important.

“No I don’t but…” The wind witch started.

“No health insurance, no help.” The young human said with a shrug.

Kagura could not believe her ears. She knew that the reason Sesshoumaru had taken her to this clinic was that it was the closest medical facility to his penthouse. The prospect of driving all the way to the free clinic then having to wait before a doctor would be free to see her daughter did not go well with her.

“I want someone to see my daughter now!” Kagura said raising her voice in anger.

“Listen lady. We’re a private clinic here. I’m sorry but our regulations are pretty clear. Now, if you want to get help go down to the free clinic. I’m nice I’ll even draw you a map to get to the place” The receptionist said ready to call security as she noticed the look of intense furry in Kagura’s eyes.

“I’ve had enough of this shit. All I’m asking is for a doctor to see my daughter and tell me if she’s going to be okay that’s all!” Kagura roared in outrage.

A light breeze started collecting in the reception area of the clinic, as Kagura’s anger swelled. The long and pale fingers of the orderly slowly inched towards the phone resting in front of her. She had seen her share of angry youkai, but the red eyed woman in front of her looked like she could slice her head off any second.

“Calm yourself” Sesshoumaru instructed as he encircled Kagura’s arm with his hand. It had not taken the dog demon long to find a parking space, but even though, in the short amount of time the wind sorceress had managed to clash with the woman working at the reception.

“What is the matter?” Sesshoumaru asked looking down at Kanna’s tear stained reddened face.

“She won’t let us see a doctor!” Kagura screamed whirling around to face the dog demon.

“I told you before. Since you don’t have health insurance, you can’t get help here.” The receptionist repeated herself on a tired tone.

Sesshoumaru could feel the anger in Kagura rising even more, but he could hardly blame her, he too was tired and anxious.

“This nonsense is getting us nowhere.” The dog demon commented as he fished out his cell phone from his pocket. He quickly strolled down his contact list, and easily found the number he was looking at.

Kagura’s teary crimson eyes looked up at Sesshoumaru with expectation; so far the dog demon had somehow always found a way to make things better, easier for her. She knew she shouldn’t rely on him this much, but she could not find another alternative.

“Suikotsu. This Sesshoumaru is at your clinic and encountering difficulty from your reception staff. You would do well to fix it.” The dog demon said as soon as the man on the other end of the line picked up his phone. Not bothering to apologize for the late hour, or explain the situation more in detail, the silver haired youkai hung up.

Merely a few seconds later, the phone of the reception rung. The receptionist quickly answered, eager to receive a reprieve from the two scary looking demons standing in front of her.

“Mr. Shichinintai? Yes… no I had no idea! Forgive me sir. But of course!” The receptionist said fear emanating from her in waves. As soon as she hung up, the young woman raised frightened eyes towards the demon couple in front of her.

“Please forgive me… I did not know… I” She started apologizing.

“I don’t give a fuck about your apology, get my daughter a doctor now!” Kagura cut her off. She had no idea who the man Sesshoumaru had called was, nor did she care at the moment.

'I guess it means I owe Sesshoumaru lot more' The wind sorceress thought to herself.

“Yes of course!” The orderly said as she paged the doctor on guard.

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“Thank you. I don’t know what you did, but thank you” Kagura let out in a deep sigh.

She rolled her eyes to the side to stare at the dog demon who was rigidly sitting in a chair next to her in the waiting area. The doctor had not so kindly asked Kagura to leave the examination room, because every time he merely got close to Kanna, the wind sorceress started panicking. The dog demon had therefore dragged Kagura to the waiting area, where he decided to stay with her.

“I simply am an acquaintance of the director of the clinic.” The dog demon brushed off her gratefulness.

‘I am not going to tell her that her daughter being admitted is rather mostly due to the large contributions made by the Takahashi agency to this clinic.’ Sesshoumaru supplied in his head.

“She will be alright” The dog demon said his eyes tightly closed. For some reason he simply could not seem to stand seeing Kagura being eaten at by worry.

“I don’t know about that. Even after she makes a recovery… I mean look at me… I’m completely fucked up. I’m such a screw up! From the moment she was born all I showed Kanna was a shitty life, and now that she’s sick, I can’t even take care of her properly. If it weren’t for you who knows what might have happened… I don’t know how I ever could have thought I’d be able to make it on my own. Naraku was right I’m worthless, what kind of mother…” Kagura said eyes rived downwards in shame towards the polished white tiles covering the ground in the waiting area.

“Do not be ridiculous” Sesshoumaru suddenly cut her.

The dog demon would certainly not give to Kagura the ‘mother of the year award’, but he esteemed she did a better job trying her best to raise her daughter as best she could, than his own mother had despite her great wealth. The only sign that she did consider herself his mother the former Mrs. Takahashi had ever let on, was faithfully awaiting the generous child support checks Sesshoumaru’s father sent her every month. Up until he had turned twelve years old and that his father had been granted full custody of him, the only people who had truly raised Sesshoumaru had been an impressive collection of nannies, the dog demon always managed to make quit after a certain length of time. In his father’s opinion the lack of love and compassion his mother had always showed him had contributed to his son’s cold personality.

‘One thing I can truly admire is Kagura’s tenacity. Seeing her this… resigned, as if she would give up is… sad’ The dog demon could not help but think as he took in Kagura’s slumped shoulders and dejected facial expression.

“You are pathetic. There is nothing more disgraceful than giving up, and if you are thinking about it, then maybe you indeed do not deserve you daughter” Sesshoumaru said getting to his feet to stare down at the woman slumped in the uncomfortable plastic chair of the clinic’s waiting room.

As soon as she heard Sesshoumaru’s remark, Kagura felt a burning sensation race through her.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? You don’t know me! You don’t know what I’ve been through. How dare you judge me?” She asked with burning crimson eyes as she too got to her feet. Despite their large difference in size, Kagura did not let herself be intimidated.

‘Now that’s more like it. This is the Kagura I like’ Sesshoumaru thought with a smirk as he took in the wind sorceress’s who suddenly seemed inflated with a will to live and fight once again. The dog demon was sure that pushing Kagura would be the way to get her back to her usual fiery self. Her tenacity towards adversity was one of the qualities he enjoyed the most about her.

“I am not pathetic and I can’t afford to be, because I’m not alone. I have, Kanna, I have someone to love and someone who depends on me. I know that I may mess up, I may fail, I may need to ask for help, but I won’t give up. I won’t ever give up on Kanna. I’ll give everything and try anything to make sure that she will not have to suffer for my choices and my least not more than she already has.” The wind sorceress exclaimed, poking Sesshoumaru’s chest, as she struggled to contain her anger. “And what the fuck are you smiling about?!”

The dog demon’s smile broadened as he looked down at his house guest. “Good answer” He acknowledged with a nod.

“What do you mean?... Were you testing me or some shit like that?” She asked confused and annoyed by Sesshoumaru’s reaction.

“You merely needed someone to put some sense back into you. Unfortunately this Sesshoumaru is the only one present and had no other choice but to do so.” He explained with a shrug. “I was under the impression you were a determined woman, and am surprised to see how this Naraku managed to shake your confidence…” Sesshoumaru added trying to appease Kagura.

“My father. Naraku is my father, he’s the man you knocked out before whisking Kanna and me away” Kagura let out with a humorless chuckle as she smiled trying her best not to blush at Sesshoumaru’s praise.

‘I don’t think Sesshoumaru knows how much I needed to hear what he just said. He’s right, I can’t let that bastard of Naraku make me doubt myself anymore. I’m what Kanna needs the most, but anyway I won’t be caring for her alone for too long, soon Shin will come for us’ Simply thinking about the impending return of her love made Kagura smile wistfully. With a tiny smile and a reassured expression on her face, Kagura sat back on the chair she had just left.

“Your father?!” Sesshoumaru echoed stunned, as he too sat back. He had a hard time imagining the intoxicated man he had come across in the wind sorceress's house could really be related to the stunning woman sitting next to him. “I believed he was your… boss.”

‘How can a man do that to his own flesh and blood?’ Sesshoumaru wondered disgusted. ‘I know all about a parent not loving his or her child, after all mother was no different. She may have used me to get money from father, but she never intentionally hurt me. I believe she is not capable of loving to begin with, otherwise why would father have turned to Izayoi…’

“Unfortunately being one doesn’t prevent from being the other.” Kagura said before letting a sad and heavy sigh.

The wind sorceress did not get to expand as Kanna’s doctor appeared. Upon seeing him, Kagura quickly stood up, a look of deep worry etched on her face.

“There really is much to worry about. Things looked worse than they truly are.” The tall man said attempting a comforting smile. “I expect you daughter to make a full recovery”

“Is she really going to be okay?” Kagura asked tears of happiness and relief shining in her eyes.

“We are still waiting for her last lab results, but I am pretty sure Kanna has pneumonia.” Hearing Kagura gasped he quickly added “As I said things look worse than they truly are. I would like to keep your daughter for observation for the remainder of the night. But afterwards as long as she rigorously follows the treatment I prescribe, I expect her to make a full recovery in two weeks or less. You can thank the youkai genetics for this; otherwise it would have taken many more weeks of recovery for a human child, not to mention that the danger would have been higher” the doctor explained with a friendly yet tired smile.

He then extended his hand holding the prescription with all the drugs Kanna would need for her treatment. Before Kagura could take the piece of paper, Sesshoumaru using his greater speed snatched it away from the doctor’s hand. The wind sorceress turned towards her host ready to protest, but a shake of the head from Sesshoumaru made her close her mouth.

“You are lucky parents; I can’t recall having such a docile patient before. You can go see her, she’s asleep, but I’m sure she would appreciate having her mom and dad nearby” With a nod the doctor walked away.

“Give me the prescription; I’ll go get Kanna’s drugs at the pharmacy downstairs.” The wind sorceress ordered wondering if the small amount of money Tsubaki had given her after firing her from the coffee shop would be able to cover Kanna’s prescription and some of her medical bills. The wind witch had managed to save some money, but she wished to save it for later on when she would start to live with Shinichi. On the other hand nothing was more important to Kagura than the well being of her daughter; therefore, if the wind sorceress had to use up all the money she had worked hard to hide from Naraku and save up, then Kagura would.

“I’ll take care of it” Sesshoumaru said turning around.

Kagura let out a tired sigh “Thanks. I’ll find a way to pay you back. I don’t know how yet, but I will” She vowed her eyes looking straight ahead determination burning in them.

“You have nothing to offer this Sesshoumaru could be interested in.” Without letting Kagura the time to respond, the dog demon quickly walked away.

She looked at his retreating broad back a warm smile on her lips, before heading towards the room Kanna was resting in.

‘I’ll find a way to pay you back for all you’ve done Sesshoumaru Takahashi. And I assure you, it won’t be a dinner or cleaning up your apartment.’ The wind sorceress thought smiling slyly.

To be continued…

A/N: That was quite a long chapter. Kanna’s illness brought Sesshoumaru and Kagura closer together. Did the dog demon really become nicer to Kagura? The next chapter will be named Old habits. I’m sorry to say this, but there might not be any updates next week. I am going to be very busy and won’t have time to write up a new chapter, once again very sorry.