InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Special delivery ❯ Collisions ( Chapter 24 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 24: Collisions
A/N: Woohoo a long chapter to “celebrate” school starting last Monday. Ugh on to happier news; I'm sure people are going to be slightly surprised by the way the story is going to evolve after this chapter. Ku ku ku!
Killersupergirl (There is a connection between Kagura's past and Sousuke; what could it be?)
Klv (Will Sessh come to the rescue, and more importantly will Kagura even need rescuing? Hum blowing up everything does sound fun... we'll see.)
Smoka420 (Thank you; here's your update)
Hellina-Bertinelli (x2)
Bibliophile Nincompoop
Sovereignty (What will happen to Sousuke? We'll see.)
Zetsuii (There are going to be plenty more twists in the story. No worries more sweet dialogue will be coming.)
Disclaimer: If I owned Inuyasha, Sesshy and Kagura would be happily mated and working on silver haired baby number three by now…
Sesshoumaru it's so good to see you.” An unenthusiastic feminine voice said from behind the twosome. Her sudden intervention prevented the dog demon from giving Kagura's playful words a proper answer.
“Mrs. Yamashita.” The dog demon answered with a respectful nod.
“I was talking with the members of the board of your agency, and we need to speak with you immediately concerning your contract with my company.” The older woman, who worked at B-nags, said as she let go of the arm of the older demon by her side.
'We just got here and this old harpy is already bothering me.' Sesshoumaru thought in anger. It was only his flawless manners that prevented him to snarl at the woman.
“Can it wait? I have my date to attend to.” The dog demon said as he did his best not to react to the sudden stiffness of Kagura's body. The wind sorceress had suddenly looped her arm around his and had shivers running down her spine.
'What is wrong with her? If I didn't know better I'd say she is afraid, but of what?' He wondered as he gave Kagura's arm a squeeze.
Oh she is indeed here. Your date, you said?” The older female youkai clicked her tongue reproachfully, giving Kagura a glare.
No need to worry, my dear it will be my pleasure to entertain her.” The older snake demon informed his wife, a small smirk on his lips.
Well Sousuke, I can't say I'm surprised by your proposition.” Mrs. Yamashita said rolling her eyes, hissing in anger. “You're quite used to it after all.” She then muttered under her breath before adding aloud “Now come along Sesshoumaru we have to talk.” The mature woman said pressing her lips in a thin line, batting her hand to dispel the dog demon's possible oppositions.
“Will you be alright?” The dog demon asked Kagura, his sharp golden eyes bearing into her crimson gaze.
“Yeah sure, go do your work thing, you're here for that after all....” Kagura said trying not to show the terror she felt inside as her eyes rested on Sousuke.
Giving Kagura's hand a last comforting squeeze, Sesshoumaru disappeared in the crowd, trailing behind Mrs. Yamashita.
After turning his head to the side to check if Sesshoumaru and his wife were gone, Sousuke spoke.
“Well what a surprise to see you here. I never thought Sesshoumaru was into that... So how have you been Kaze?”
“Do not call me this!” Kagura hissed, anger replacing fear.
“Tsk Tsk. You used to be so much better behaved and nicer. Now my dear, I have a few bills for you, and I am sure that we can find an empty room in this building. Now why don't we go spend some time alone together?” Sousuke asked as he took out his wallet.
“You bastard! I don't do that anymore. That was all Naraku's doing, and you know it!” The wind sorceress spat out angrily.
“Oh come on. Don't act so prudish now Kaze. Well since Naraku won't be getting any money, you should be happy that you'll get a bigger cut tonight. Come on for old time's sake...” Sousuke said as he stepped towards her, his deep yellow eyes gleaming. The snake demon then took out a few bills and handed them to Kagura. A deep frown on her brows, the wind sorceress angrily slapped his offered hand, ignoring the money bills that suddenly scattered around. With an unfazed smirk Sousuke put his wallet back in his pocket, not even sparing a glance at the curious crowd looking at them.
“Shut the fuck up! And don't you dare come close to me. I have changed; I am not Naraku's daughter anymore.” Kagura snapped livid.
“Hum. That is not your call to make. Blood runs deep my dear wind witch, and even if you pushed him away, your father will always be a part of you. Now my lovely Kaze what will it be? Shall we look for a more private place?” The middle aged demon asked raising a tender hand to her fair cheek.
“Not even in you dreams!” Kagura said as she slapped his hand away from her skin and walked away holding her head high.
The wind sorceress walked through the crowd looking for Sesshoumaru's comforting face, but everywhere she looked she only saw unfamiliar judgmental faces. Kagura, tired of running away, feeling her heart pound, and fear spread through her decided to take a rest at the back of the room.
'I can't believe I'm letting that bastard get to me like this! Not only are we in public, but I'm so over my past life. There's nothing he or Naraku can do to me, so I have no reason to run or fear.' Kagura thought taking deep calming breaths.
An appeased expression now on her face, the wind sorceress leaned into one of the large windows over which she had marveled a little time ago. Her crimson orbs were too busy staring out at the beautiful large garden when she felt someone approach her. Hoping it was Sesshoumaru, she quickly turned around.
“Did you really think you could get away from me?” Sousuke growled as he grabbed her elbow.
“Don't you ever fucking give up?!” She asked annoyed as she struggled against his hold.
“Not when in front of something I want so damn much.” The older demon said as he refused to let go of the wind sorceress. “I can still remember our first date. You were so afraid, but tried to hide it. Your bravery was so endearing. Not to mention the fear, fury and hate in those beautiful crimson eyes of yours was so damn arousing. Dear Kaze you have always been so strong; I am going to love breaking you and your spirit.” Sousuke added recalling fondly the first time Naraku had presented him with his new girl.
“Asshole. You couldn't break me then, and you sure as hell won't be able to break me now!” Kagura spat struggling and thrashing again trying to break the hold he had on her arm.
“Keep talking like that. You know how I love my women feisty.” Sousuke said with a chuckle.
“If you don't let me go of me I will chop you head off with a wind blade that is if Sesshoumaru doesn't skin you alive first.” Kagura threatened him, angry at herself for not bringing her fan along.
“Am I supposed to be afraid? What was the name you had called back in the days? Oh yes Shinichi was it? He didn't show up, did he? So what makes you think this time will be any different? How you make me laugh Kaze. You pretend to be such a strong woman, when in truth you are always hiding behind a man. You find me repulsive, but you're the same as me. You use men and throw them away. How is it different from what you hate me for doing?” He asked with a slight shrug taking a small break to let his words seep into the wind sorceress's mind.
“Oh and by the way I am not afraid of Sesshoumaru, I could care less what the pup might do to me. But of course you Kaze, can do to me anything you want, as we usually do it.” Yamashita said as he bent over to press a kiss on Kagura's cheek.
“Is this Sesshoumaru disturbing you?” The dog demon asked as he appeared out of seemingly nowhere.
“I am sorry Sesshoumaru.” Sousuke said sheepishly as he let go of Kagura with haste. “It seems I just could not contain myself.”
“For your sake this Sesshoumaru would advise you to learn control.” The dog demon growled as he rested a hand on Sousuke's large right shoulder. To the older snake demon's credit, even when Sesshoumaru dug his claws deep in the flesh of his shoulder, or when he felt warm blood spread under his expensive dark suit jacket, he did not show in how much pain he was.
“You are lucky to be the husband of one of the senior members of the board of the company that has employed this Sesshoumaru, otherwise you would be dead by my claws.” The dog demon slowly removed his claws, making sure to cause as much pain as possible. “If you ever lay a single dirty finger on what is mine again, this Sesshoumaru will have your head.” He added with a growl, his eyes flashing red briefly.
“I understand.” Sousuke said giving a low bow and flashing a smile at Kagura before taking his leave.
“I apologize for leaving you alone with him. That scumbag is known for being quite a disgusting perverted man.” Sesshoumaru said placing a comforting arm around Kagura's waist. He fought his urge to run after Yamashita and beat him to a pulp when he felt goosebumps run over the wind sorceress's skin.
“It's okay. I told you before, I can kick ass. Had you not intervened I would have cut his head off myself.” She answered faking a confident smile.
In truth Kagura's altercation with Sousuke had shaken her more than she dared to admit, not to mention the horrible memories it brought to her mind. 'I can't believe that bastard dared compare me to him! I am nothing like him. He's a filthy liar, who doesn't know what he's talking about. I do not use men to get what I want, I never have! In any case, I just hope Sesshoumaru didn't hear what happened and couldn't figure out who I used to be...' She thought terrified at the prospect of disappointing the dog demon.
“Kagura you don't seem well. Come I will take you home.” Sesshoumaru said already taking her towards the entrance hall.
“No. You said this gala was important for your work.” She said as she stopped their progression to the door.
“That is true. But your well being is much more important to me.” He said with a faint smile, brushing away her concerns. “Now come. You have seen first hand how long it can take Jaken to start the limo.” He then observed as he forced Kagura to walk with him to the door.
On their way outside as she spotted none other than Sousuke smiling lustfully at her, Kagura snuggled closer to Sesshoumaru in search of warmth and protection; and he was more than ready and willing to give her both.
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“Thank you for accompanying me, I had a good time” Sesshoumaru told Kagura as the two of them approached his car.
“You're welcome... even if it's a lie. We stayed there what? A grand total of fifteen... twenty minutes?” She answered with an uncomfortable smile as she settled in the backseat of the limousine.
“The gala is a boring event, and will always be; therefore, it was not a loss. On the other hand your presence made it more enjoyable.” He tried making her feel better. Once he noticed after observing Kagura from the corner of his eye that she was still shivering, he asked deeply concerned “Are you alright?”
“Yes. I just never would have imagined this was such a big deal. Who knew you worked into such high circles?” She teased him, trying to fake some of her spunk back.
'She does seem still a little out of it. What did that bastard of Sousuke do to her?' The dog demon wondered rage and fury coming over him.
“You seem strange.” Sesshoumaru could not help but remark gently smoothing Kagura's hair back. She enjoyed the simple comforting gesture and smiled faintly at him while pressing her face towards his warm palm.
“Hum. Why are you so worried? If I didn't know better I'd say you care too much” She teased him a genuine smile on her lips.
“Do not be ridiculous. You know how I feel about you.” He said with a small frown wondering if Kagura was once more testing him.
“Really? Do I? I'm not so sure about that. You're quite the mysterious man Sesshoumaru.” Kagura remarked with a snort. Trying to rid her mind from the disturbing encounter she had with her old acquaintance, she leaned back against the comfortable seat and closed her eyes with a soft sigh.
'How can she say that? I thought she was aware of how I felt towards her and felt the same for me, as that stupid test indicated... not to mention her constant flirting. Maybe Miroku was right and I should be more forceful in my approach...' The dog demon thought feeling slightly apprehensive.
“Are you sleepy?” He then asked turning towards her.
“No. I'm just relaxing.” Kagura informed him as she rested her head against his shoulder, once more marveling at the soft warmth of his body.
He stole a quick glance at Kagura's deceptively peaceful and relaxed face, and his eyes could not help but land on her appealing dark red lips. Berating himself for his hesitation, Sesshoumaru leaned to his side. He then lifted Kagura's face with two fingers before giving her a quick peck on the lips.
“What did you just do?!” Kagura gasped in shock opening her eyes wide.
“I kissed you” He responded matter-of-factly, doing his best not to sound vexed by her reaction. 'Maybe this was a mistake after all...' He wondered angry at the idea that he could have stupidly ruined their friendship.
“No shit Sherlock! But we can't do this.” Kagura said reluctantly pushing him away. By looking into his sharp golden eyes she could tell she had surprised and maybe even hurt him.
“As lame as it sounds, it's not you, it's me. It's just that there's something I haven't told you. If you knew... you wouldn't want to be with me.” Kagura tried to explain her situation to him, without having to say anything aloud.
“What is it?” He asked doing his best to calm his blood. 'How pathetic am I? To think that only a taste of her lips can affect me this much...'
“I... it's not an easy thing to say. I...” Kagura interrupted herself to take a few deep breaths, trying to collect her thoughts.
“It is okay. You can speak to me.” The dog demon assured her feeling how scared Kagura was feeling.
“I haven't told you everything I used to do when working under Naraku...” The wind sorceress paused trying to will away the tears she could feel rising in her throat.
“I told you before that your past does not matter to me, didn't I?” He asked with a frown.
“Yeah well what I did was really different from being a hired date as I told you before.” She said with a sigh. `Or rather lied. Maybe I shouldn't have told Sesshoumaru that Naraku had a legal and clean business. Had I not lied from the start I wouldn't be in trouble now…'
“What was it? Did Naraku have you deal drugs? Steal?” Another more disturbing idea came to his mind and even if he tried not to sound judgmental, he asked on a somber tone “Was it prostitution?” In truth Sesshoumaru was sure that anything Kagura could tell would not be so grave that he would push her away.
“I... .” Kagura said gulping, her heart pounding in her chest, and not because of the dog demon's earlier kiss.
“Naraku has a jewel addiction. He actually makes a lot of money, of course you'd never be able to tell by seeing his crappy house, but he does. The thing is that most of the money he gets goes right into buying jewels. Of course he does steal some of them... but anyway I'm going off topic here.” She said with a nervous chuckle.
“It's okay. Take your time.” Sesshoumaru assured her on a gentle tone, trying to coax the information out of her. He took her hand in his, running small circles on her fair skin with his thumb, trying to comfort her.
“To support his addiction, Naraku has... he made me do horrible things.” She started explaining suddenly interrupting herself to let out a chocked sob. Shaking her head softly, Kagura wiped tears from her cheeks. While thinking about her life under Naraku's roof, Kagura gasped as something suddenly occurred to her.
`Yes! I remember the old hag Yamashita confronted me that time she saw me with her husband!' The wind sorceress recalled angry at herself not to have realized it sooner. `What if she goes and talk to Sesshoumaru just to spite me? No, she wouldn't dare. As much as she may hate me, admitting that your husband knows fucked up criminals like Naraku isn't a thing I'd see her do.' The wind sorceress thought feeling suddenly flushed in panic.
As he looked at the tears now falling freely from the eyes of the woman cuddled against his side, Sesshoumaru felt horrible. The feeling was amplified when mistaking her response to her sudden realization for a fear of his reaction, the dog demon decided to try to calm and reassure Kagura.
'She really looks upset. I have never seen her in such a state, not since that waste of skin ex boyfriend of hers walked out of her life. Maybe I pushed Kagura too far tonight; she did seem really shocked by her encounter with Sousuke. Forcing her to speak of her past right now might not be what would be best for her.' Just as he thought about his behavior, the dog demon felt remorse.
“If you are not ready to speak it can wait..” He said faintly. As much as he wanted to find out about Kagura's secret past, seeing to her well being was more important to him.
“No... I think you need to know about this.” Kagura said trying to force herself to speak the words. 'I should tell him now before I lose my nerve.'
“I can wait. Tell me when you feel ready...when you trust me enough.” He grudgingly let out.
“It's not that I don't trust you...” Kagura trailed off sniffling. 'Sesshoumaru says my past doesn't matter to him, but I'm scared that he'll leave me if I ever tell him the truth about Naraku's business.'
“Sesshoumaru other than my daughter you're the person that's closest to me. I care a lot about you. You are the one I trust the most.” Her soft spoken words made a smile appear on Sesshoumaru's lips. As much as he wanted to seem aloof, her words made him truly happy.
'I did know she had feelings for me as well.' He thought a proud smirk on his lips. 'Now that I am assured of this, I could care less about her past.'
Let the matter be closed then. It really does not matter. What you used to do or who you used to be is of no importance to me, or to anyone else. The only Kagura that matters is the one I have come to know.” 'And cherish so much.' He added in his mind feeling his heart flutter, surprised he had even accepted the feelings to himself so easily.
You really care about me, don't you?” The wind sorceress whispered thoughtfully. “Sesshoumaru?” She then added. “Are you going to try to kiss me again? Because... I'd like you to, and I wouldn't stop you this time.” She raised her head defiantly looking straight in his eyes, a small smile on her lips.
'I'm surprised he accepted me so easily. He doesn't even seem to mind I didn't tell him anything, so maybe I should come clean about my past.' Kagura asked herself.'No. That wouldn't be a good idea. Sesshoumaru will never find out, so why go and ruin everything now? Tonight will be all about him and me, and that's all that matters. The two of us and Kanna is all that matters.' She thought letting out a soft sigh.
Slight citrus warning :p
Knowing a good offer when he heard one, the silver haired demon's response came quickly. He softly pressed his lips against hers. None knew who was first to open his or her mouth, but soon their kiss grew hot as they both reacquainted themselves with the other one's hot cavern. To Sesshoumaru's surprise Kagura's kiss was a little awkward, as if she was not entirely sure what to do. But her shyness made the kiss all the more beautiful and special to him.
'Even at the time of our first kiss I had noticed that despite her desperation, Kagura did seem a little overwhelmed. It would not surprise me if that sorry excuse of a man Shinichi, was the only true experience she had with a man. Therefore her awkwardness is not truly surprising' The dog demon reasoned. 'It is not a problem as it simply means I will have to teach her a few things.' The thought of it almost made him grin.
In truth the reason for Kagura's unsure movements was that she had never before felt such strong emotions run through her. Even if it overwhelmed and scared her, she decided to give into it.
'I have waited for this for too long to be scared.' Kagura thought feeling her heart beat pound faster as feelings of delight ran through her.
The two broke apart both breathless and deeply satisfied. To Sesshoumaru's astonishment in a quick move, Kagura climbed atop him to straddle his waist.
“Kagura” He gasped. “There is no need to go fast. We can take our time...”
“You want me.” She said ignoring his recommendation as she rocked forward against his hips. The action caused the dog demon to hiss in pleasure.
“I don't think you can doubt it” He answered breathlessly. He after all was aware she could feel his aroused length pressing against her thigh.
“And I want you too. We're both adults, and we know what we're doing, so where's the problem?” Kagura asked as she pressed a kiss to his lips, already working her fingers to unfasten the fist buttons of his shirt.
“Do not feel like you have to...” He tried to reason her, stopping her from undressing him by taking her hands in hers..
“Did you hear what I just said?! I want you! And I have for a long time!” The wind sorceress huffed angrily suppressing the urge to growl in frustration.
“You just broke up with the man you love, and jumping in bed with another one would not be the smartest thing to do.” He breathed out before placing his hands on her hips to push her away. To his surprise she slapped his hands away.
“You are wrong. Since I broke up with Shin I've come to realize that I wasn't really in love with him. I guess it's just that I wanted things to work so badly, and I wanted Kanna to have a family so much that I clung to the idea of him I had built. I was in love with the image of Shinichi I had in my head, not the real one. He's a selfish bastard and I regret ” Kagura interrupted herself to take a deep breath.
“When I met him, I was young and stupid, I now know it. I mean I've spent so much more time with you over these past weeks than I have with Shinichi since I met him. Not to mention that I know you, and you know me so much better...” She finished explaining a bright loving smile on her cherry red lips.
For a long time the dog demon looked straight into Kagura's crimson eyes, meaning to see if she truly meant what she had said if there was an ounce of doubt. To his relief, he saw none.
'So be it. I knew, and to be honest hoped it would somehow come to this. Kagura and I were bound to become lovers. She is right after all if we both are aware of what we are doing, why waste time?' The dog demon thought a small smirk finding its way on his lips.
“Then if this is truly what you desire.” He trailed off as his lips approached hers.
“Yes” Kagura breathed out lustfully as she met his kiss halfway.
As their tongues met and fought for dominance the wind sorceress reached for her side and unzipped her dress, as the shiny blue satin pooled on her lap and exposed her soft creamy breasts. As the intensity of their kiss heightened, the wind sorceress pressed her bosom against his shirt covered chest. The heat of her skin and the feel of her made Sesshoumaru let out a strangled groan.
The dog demon gathered enough strength to break off their kiss and push Kagura away. To her surprise he then covered her flesh with her dress before carefully refastening the garment.
“Sesshoumaru! What are you doing? I'm tired of you pushing me away.” Kagura exclaimed anger replacing lust.
Ignoring her complaint, he pressed a gentle kiss to the crook of her neck. Not able to not take at least some pleasure for himself, he gently rested his hand on the small of her back, and rocked her against his hips before whispering in her ear “You deserve so much better than the backseat of my car.”
Taking advantage of Kagura's surprise the dog demon took her by the hips and repositioned her on the sit next to him. He closed his eyes for a second and took a few deep calming breaths, hoping to regain his usual cool demeanor.
“The Imperial Hotel is not far. Since Inuyasha and Kagome volunteered to look after Kanna for the whole night, we could take a suite, with jacuzzi...” He suggested, his golden eyes half closed, his mind already imagining the possibilities at hand.
'Is he trying to be romantic?' Kagura wondered feeling her heart melt even more. “No I don't want that. Tonight I want to be lost in you. I want our first time to be at home, in your bed, surrounded by your scent.
'How does she dot it? She can affect me so easily. That witch is too good.' Sesshoumaru thought wondering if Kagura was purposely appealing to his dog demon nature by mentioning his sense of smell. The simple idea of their two scents merging together as one was enough to make his youkai nature flare and turn his eyes to a reddish hue for an instant.
“As you wish.” He told Kagura before touching the intercom button and addressing his driver “Jaken take us home, fast.”
The wind sorceress grinned happily as she snuggled close to his side and rested a delicate hand on his thigh.
'We better make it home fast enough.' Sesshoumaru thought suppressing a lustful groan forming in his throat.
To be continued...
A/N: Couples are getting closer. Creeps are taken care of, and is there a lemon coming? I am too good to you guys. The next chapter will be named Nice and slow. Wonder what will happen in it...