InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Speechless ❯ Plans ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Inuyasha hadn’t gotten any sleep the previous night so when he was summoned to see his Lord he was pretty unprepared. He walked slowly trying to stall and maybe catch a glimpse of Kagome, but a lass he did not see her and he arrived at the oak doors all to soon. He wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to keep his cool in front of his Lord or not, especially with the image of Kagome’s battered body burned into his memory.

“Inuyasha how nice of you to stop by” came Naraku’s cool voice. Inuyasha suppressed the urge to lunge at him and rip his throat out.

“Always a pleaser my Lord” the word lord was dripping with sarcasm and Naraku raised his red eyes to look at Inuyasha.

“You know I have noticed that you have taken a liking to me Pet.” Naraku said watching him closely, Inuyasha just kept his bored look on his face. Naraku moved out from behind his desk and walked up slowly to Inuyasha.

“Since I need you in good shape I decided to teach her that being nice to the likes of you will only cause her harm, physically and mental.” He said and smiled as Inuyasha’s eyes flashed with anger.

“You see I had to remind her just who she belonged to” he raised a hand as Kagome entered the room. Her cuts where gone, thanks to her miko powers, and she completely ignored Inuyasha’s existence and kept her eyes to the ground. Naraku moved over to her and toyed with her hair.

“So you see now that you made me do those awful things to her she will see you even less and you will be confined to your cell.” With that Naraku waved Inuyasha off and he was walked back to his cell. ‘damn that Naraku!’ Inuyasha thought angrily punching the concrete wall. He just knew Naraku was lying about why Kagome had been bleeding the other night and he was going to talk to her to see if he could get the information out of her.

For the next few days Inuyasha would see very little of Kagome and when he did she completely ignored him. He was growing annoyed with her and angrier by the day. After a month had past he gave up and enjoyed not having anyone bother him. After two months of not seeing her he would slowly start to forget why he even liked to be in her place, though he knew he was just being childish.

Late one night Inuyasha was jerked awake suddenly and was about to punch whoever had woken him up when he saw a pair of blue gray orbs looking at him. She placed a hand over his mouth and in a very hushed voice spoke to him.

“I have a way out for us but you have to be quick and follow me. Now.”


“No questions just come on!” she demanded getting up and looking out the door of his cell. Inuyasha followed her a million questions going through his mind.

“You can talk?” he asked when she finally stopped in a dark corridor. She looked back at him a sheepish smile on her lips.

“Yea, it’s just best that I don’t. He wouldn’t trust me as much if he knew I could. Now we have to get moving before they check down this way.” She looked down the corridor anxiously and started to shove him through a hidden door when he turned and looked at her.
“Wait a minute! I’m not going anywhere until you explain yourself.” Kagome huffed

“Fine, for the past 3 months whenever Naraku sent me to do things above ground I would pay a visit to a friend and he agreed to help me and you get out of here. At first he was suspicious of me but as soon as I mentioned you he was willing to do anything to get us out of here.” Kagome finished in a rush.

“What’s to stop Naraku from getting us back?” Inuyasha asked raising an eyebrow at her.
“He never made us sign a contract that says he owns us, oh and sorry I ignored you for so long, I didn’t want Naraku to suspect anything and I knew he was watching you” She said grinning slightly

“Well look what we have here, I wonder what Naraku’s little pet is doing here all by herself not running away I hope.” Kagura walked down the corridor and Kagome started to panic. There was no way she could escape now, at least not without Kagura alerting the guards. If that happened then there was no way she or Inuyasha could make it out of there in one piece so she handed Inuyasha a small folded piece of paper and the flashlight she had been hiding in her clothes.

“This is a map out of the tunnels and to the guy I told you about.” She looked at him now and smiled sadly then quickly closed the secret door sealing Inuyasha inside. He was going to yell at her when he heard a woman’s voice he had only seen her a few times but knew that she was bad news.

“Hmm little Kagome all by herself? How disappointing, but it does make one curious as to why she is in a secluded corridor does it not?” Kagome moved aside to let her inspect the wall she was leaning against. She eyed the wall and Kagome but then sighed

“Humph, how dull.” Kagura said not being able to tell the secret door out from the rest of the wall and Kagome had already started to walk away. She slowly followed after Kagome who she guessed was just trying to hide from Naraku for as long as she could before having to go back. Inuyasha listened hard and when he head their footfalls recede he let out the breath he had be holding. He was safe but what of Kagome? There had to be a way to get her out of here too. ‘You know there isn’t.’ a voice in his head told him. He sighed and his ears drooped then he held on to what Kagome had given him and determination shone in his eyes.

“I will come back for you Kagome, I swear it.” With that he turned and went to find his way to freedom.

Hours later and Inuyasha was finally outside. He hadn’t seen the sun it well almost 10 years. He blinked getting adjusted to the sight of the early morning sun and looked down at the paper he was holding. It said that he needed to get down to the nearest house and ask for, he paused in his reading

“The Monk? Who the hell calls themselves that, really?” He snorted and began walking. He seemed to be in a secluded area where no one lived. ‘Makes sense I guess. Where to hide a secret underground lair? Why in the country side that’s where!’ he sighed, he really needed to get out more. He finally came to a small Inn and walked in. There was a young girl at the counter and she looked up at him and it was clear that she disproved of what he was wearing. He looked at his ripped up jeans and bloodstained t-shirt.

“Uh hi, I’m uh looking for….” He sighed again, “The Monk.” The girl smiled and nodded to him. She beckoned him to follow her to a back room. Inside was a cozy sitting area

“He’ll be right out.” She said eyeing him again and grinning.

“If you need anything just ask” she said obvious meaning other things that he really didn’t want to think about.

“Uh sure” he said flopping down on the softest couch he had felt in well ever.

“Inuyasha?” came a mans voice from the door. Inuyasha looked over to a man in a pair of dark jean and a dark purple shirt. Inuyasha jumped up

“Miroku!?” Miroku smiled and hugged his friend then pulled back from him.

“Jesus Inuyasha you stink, they don’t let you bathe there?”

“Serious Miroku you have to ask?” Inuyasha said wanting to burst out laughing from sheer happiness. He was for sure that he would never see his childhood friend again but true to his promise Miroku did indeed find him. This thought caused Inuyasha to frown.

“Where’s Miss Kagome?” Miroku asked looking around the room. “Wasn’t she supposed to be with you?” Inuyasha looked to the ground and clenched his fist.

“She was found before she could follow me.” If he had known about this plan of hers he could have helped or at least he thought he could, now he just felt useless..Miroku put a hand on his shoulder and started to lead him to his black sports car

“Come on you can tell me what happened on the way back to my place.” Inuyasha just nodded thinking about the woman whom he had come to like he couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t been there with him sitting quietly in his cell listening to him rant and rave about whatever was on his mind. ‘If only I had just shut up and followed her. She would be here with me now.’ He thought frustrated with himself. Inuyasha had told Miroku how he had come to know Kagome and how she ended up not being here now.

“Inuyasha don’t blame yourself there was nothing you could have done.” By now they were at Miroku’s apartment which was fairly nice. He seemed to have quiet a lot of money for her had all kinds of nice things in his, plasma TV really nice furniture. Who knew what the rest of the place was like but Inuyasha could only guess it was just as nice.

“Jesus Miroku what do you do for a living?” he said his frustrations momentarily forgotten. Miroku just shrugged

“I’m in business. Now go take a shower and I bought some clothes for you last week so there should be something for you to wear. Your room is the second on the left.” Inuyasha just nodded finding his room and paused at the door. His room was just as nice as the rest of the house, he took in the king size bed with red silk sheets and the black leather furniture and then he went to the balcony and looked out over the city. He had never seen the city before and the sight of it took his breath away. All the twinkling lights were really beautiful. He also liked that Miroku lived on the top floor so Inuyasha could go the roof whenever he wanted. He went to his closet and pulled out red sweatpants and a white muscle shirt. He then went across the hall to the bathroom and proceeded to take a shower.

As the hot water beat down on him he couldn’t help but let his thought go back to the raven haired girl.
