InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Spirited Away ❯ Cast Away ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Choco-Taco: Um… this is our first fanfic so be nice… okay?
Pine-Cones: Yay, first fanfic!!!
Black-Cherry: (Sigh) Why do I bother?
Hot-Wings: Gr… YOU GUYS STOP!
Choco-Taco: Stop what?
Pine-Cones: Huh? How can I stop being me if I am me? Unless I'm someone else, which means I'm not me… meaning I'm a fake. And since it's Opposite Day, I AM me which also means I'm not!!!
Choco-Taco: (Giggle) You're so silly!
Black-Cherry: Why bother laughing? You're gonna die someday… Sigh) we all are…
Disclaimer: We Don't Own Inuyasha!
Chapter 1: Cast Away
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It was normal day in Choco-Taco's house… She was sipping tea and pretending to listen to Black-Cherry's speech about how everyone was gonna die someday and it was useless to try and live. She nibbled on a fresh, warm honey-cookie and groaned as she felt a head-ache coming on. She was probably getting the flu… she always did around this season. The young-teen stood up slowly… nature was calling!
She headed toward the bath-room and shook her head as Pine-Cones ran pass her in a yellow/blue blur with Hot-Wings right at her heels. The red/black blur yelled,” give me back my cookie ya little runt!”
She smiled,' such a cute pair…'
1 Minute Later
Choco-Taco took stepped out of the bath-room and as soon as she did… she was trampled by her 2 “wild” friends. All 3 of them were lying in a pile on the floor. Choco-Taco on the bottom… Hot-Wings on-top of Choco-Taco, and Pine-Cones sitting happily on-top of the both of them… Hot-Wing's cookie in her mouth.
Choco-Taco pushed them off of her and said,” that's it! You two need to learn to love and cherish each other! AND respect each other's property! Black-Cherry do your thing…” Black-Cherry silently nodded and pulled a piece of white-chalk from her skirt's back pocket.
“Whaddya gonna do? Bore me to death” Hot-Wings retorted… her temper rising.
“That would be effectively to make Black-Cherry bring out her miniature chalk-board and give you a lesson on life but that's… not bad enough” Choco-Taco told her.
“Ooh chalk! Is it edible” Pine-Cones asked… her eyes shining.
Black-Cherry drew a perfect circle around Pine-Cones and Hot-Wings and waved slowly,” good-bye…”
The circle began to glow and moments later the dynamic-duo disappeared…
/Some Where Else/
Kagome and Sango were sitting on the lip of the Bone Eater's Well. Kagome was supposed to be going home for a few days and Sango was supposed to be walking her to the well. But they lied… they decided to enjoy each other's company for a few days without anyone to bother them. When they said they were leaving Shippo cried and went to Kaede for comfort, Miroku went on a woman-hunt, and Inuyasha went about his business.
Kirara purred happily as Sango slowly caressed her head and scratched behind her ears. The demon exterminator thanked the young priestess as she passed her one her mom's boxed lunches. The 3 of them ate silently and lounged lazily on the moist, soft grass. Suddenly Kirara transformed and hissed at thin-air. A glowing white circle appeared around them. Moments later, they disappeared…
/Another Some Where Else/
There were 4 voices screaming and yelling… and 1 meowing. Pine-Cones' eyes shined in sheer joy,” ooh, look at the colors!” Kagome wondered how she could just watch the colors swirling around her. A white light came into view…
It got closer, closer, and closer…. Until the 4 were only a few feet away from it.
“WHAT?! But we haven't eaten yet!”
“The light's so bright…”
“You ready Kagome?”
And when they went through the exit, they found they were transported… in the middle of the sky. Good thing there was a lake over the area they were falling in… SPASH!!!
Choco-Taco: Chapter…
Hot-Wings: One…
Black-Cherry: Ends…
Pine-Cones: REVIEW!!! Ha ha!