InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Spring Fever ❯ Notice ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

'Chapter 22'
The Notice For Those Who Missed It
The story doesn't stop here...
I know it's bad to update something that is not a chapter, but I was looking over my story stats and noticed that a LOT of people don't know that this story continues as a sequel. I have also gotten too many PM's asking why I stopped the story there and won't update, so for anyone who read this and was excited for a new chapter, guess what? This isn't it. :P There's a whole new story you're missing out on, and it is called Midwinter Dream.
There. No one should have overlooked this... If someone did, they are quite blind.
Sorry for those of you who have already been reading M.D. and still have S.F. under their alerts. This 'chapter' must have been odd. :P
Please don't review... It would be rather unnecessary... Enjoy the continued story though, should you choose to! :D
- AD