InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Standing the Test of Time ❯ Chapter eight ( Chapter 8 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 8: Dreams of Reality
Kagome woke as her eyes were assaulted by blinding rays of sunlight. She pulled the covers over her head and moaned. She laid there with her face covered and wondered foolishly were on earth she was. The covers were soft on her skin and when she looked down at her body, she saw that she was fully clothed. ‘Damn, was it all a dream? I must have been hallucinating and passed out in the court yard. Sota must have put me in bed. How could yesterday been real? My over-worked imagination must have played tricks on me after I read the last of Inuyasha’s writing. It all happened so fast, I should have known it was a dream’ Kagome thought miserably as she rolled over on her stomach with a loud sigh.
“Good, you’re awake.” Inuyasha said when he saw Kagome stirring under the blankets.
The startled girl flung back the covers and looked to Inuyasha in shock. So it hadn’t been a dream, she really did come back. “Inuyasha!” Kagome cried as she flew from the bed and nearly knocked the surprised hanyou off his feet. She acted as if yesterday really didn’t happen and she was seeing Inuyasha for the first time in eight years.
“Morning to you too.” Inuyasha laughed and hugged Kagome to him. A blush spread across the girl’s face when she realized Inuyasha was clad in only his firerat pants and she was pressed against his bare chest. She kept her face against Inuyasha’s chest as she listened to his heart beat and sighed in content. “Sleep well?” He asked as he snuggled his head in Kagome’s hair and inhaled her sweet aroma.
“I sure did.” She replied and looked up at him with a huge smile across her face.
“Good, cause breakfast is almost done and I’m starved.” Inuyasha almost dropped Kagome as he made a sudden movement towards the door. He looked back and smiled warmly at her and she couldn’t help suppress a giggle when she came to the conclusion that not everything about the hanyou had changed.
“Hey, since when did you know how to cook?” Called Kagome as she hastily followed Inuyasha outside.
“I’ve always known how to cook, but since you left I suddenly found that I needed to start back up again, either that or starve.” Inuyasha winked and let out a small laugh as he turned the fish that was skewered over a good sized fire.
“Oh. Well it smells great.” Kagome sat down and Inuyasha handed her a couple of fish on a wooden plate. The fish really did taste wonderful, Inuyasha had seasoned it with herbs and salts that he gathered himself. As Kagome ate, she watched Inuyasha with his own plate of fish. His bare chest glistened in the sun and Kagome couldn’t help but admire the man he had really become. His skin had tanned out and his body was well defined and despite the many battles they had been in, he didn’t sport many scars. At the moment, he looked like his old serious self as he devoured the food but when he glanced up and saw Kagome staring at him, he smiled warmly and licked his fingers. The warmth that danced across his features were still very knew to Kagome, he had only started to show this side of himself after the final battle with Nuraku and that was shortly lived when it seemed fate had betrayed him once again. She only assumed that the birth of Aiko brought out this Inuyasha and for that Kagome was very grateful.
“Here, let me take your plate.” Inuyasha said as he snatched Kagome’s plate from her hands and brought them inside his hut. He emerged from the hut with one of Kagome’s old brushes in hand and with out a word, sat down behind her and started brushing her hair. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the alteration between brush strokes and Inuyasha’s claws through her hair. “You know, I could do this for you every morning.” Inuyasha cooed. Kagome gasped when Inuyasha suddenly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and buried his face in her neck. She was surprised when she felt the sensation of warm water hitting her bare neck and found that Inuyasha was crying softly.
“Are you okay, Inuyasha?” Kagome asked worried.
“It all just seems like a long awaited dream. I’m so afraid of waking up and you not being there. I’ve spent eight miserable years wondering about your safety and happiness. I’ve missed you so much and I don’t ever want to go through that again.” Inuyasha cried softly.
‘So he was afraid this whole time. Did he think I might have gotten sick, or died? So years of constantly worrying is what brought out the kind man Inuyasha has become.’ Kagome thought and got a sick feeling in her stomach at the thought of Inuyasha possibly giving her up for dead because he was sick of not knowing.
“I promise, I won’t leave you ever again.” Kagome said softly as she reached up and stroked Inuyasha’s hair. She came to a stop at his ears and started messaging them gently. She giggled when he let out a low satisfied growl and pressed his head into her hand. Kagome suddenly stopped and abruptly stood up, leaving Inuyasha to do a face plant into the ground. “We still need to get back to my time! My mother doesn’t even know the well reopened and she must be worried sick!” Kagome stated.
Inuyasha groaned and stood up, wiping dirt off his face and chest. “Let me dress and we can go back.” Inuyasha said.
“Hold on, Inuyasha.” Kagome said and caught Inuyasha around the middle and gave him a big hug.
“Couldn’t that have waited till after I got dressed?” Asked Inuyasha.
“Mmm, I just wanted to hear your heart beat again.” Kagome mumbled against his chest as her fingers traced the lines of his back. Inuyasha hugged Kagome back and when they broke apart, he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and whistled as he went back to his hut and dressed himself.
The two held hands as they walked the short distance to the well. Kagome would alternate between just staring at Inuyasha or leaning her head against his shoulder as they walked. No words needed to be said between the two, they were just happy being in each other’s presence as they listened to the natural music of the forest.
“Inuyasha, are you ready?” Kagome asked as they prepared to jump into the well. Kagome noticed the hanyou hesitating and knew he was nervous. He only nodded to Kagome’s question and she assured him with, “Every thing will be fine, just you see”. With that, they jumped into the well, holding hands the entire time as the void swallowed them up and sent them across space and time.
The arrived on Kagome’s side and as they left the well house, Kagome saw her little brother kicking his soccer ball around the grass. He kicked the ball too far and it landed only a couple of inches from Inuyasha’s feet. Sota immediately stopped and his jaw dropped in surprise as he saw his childhood hero come back after all these years. “Inuyasha! You’re back! Hey sis, you might want to let mom know you’re okay, she’s been worried sick about you since yesterday. You just took off without saying a word, but I understand now.” Sota winked at Inuyasha as he ran off to chase the ball Inuyasha kicked towards the back of the shrine.
“Mama?” Kagome called as she entered the house with Inuyasha right behind her.
“Kagome? Is that you? Hey, where have you been, you left without saying anything and...oh, wow, hi Inuyasha, it’s been a very long time.” Kagome’s mother said as she turned the corner from the kitchen and was taken off guard by their new visitor.
“Yea, I guess it has.” Inuyasha smiled as he rubbed the back of his head, a nervous habit he had ever since they were younger.
“My, how you’ve grown! I must say, you look like a real man now, quite hansom, don’t you think Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi asked.
“Ah, well, I’ve always been a ‘man’, what are you talking about.” Inuyasha snorted with a nice rose colored blush gracing his face.
“Mama, please, you’re embarrassing him.” Kagome wined.
“Well, I was just stating the obvious. You might as well get cleaned up, I’m making lunch and it will be done in a little while.” Mrs. Higurashi said as she returned to the kitchen.
Inuyasha smiled brightly at the thought of modern day food. He always did like it when Kagome’s mother cooked for him and it had been so long since he last had any. He especially recalled how much he liked ramen, it was an entire meal in a cup with noodles.
“Hey, Inuyasha, you want to kick the ball around with me for a bit until lunch is done?” Sota asked as he poked his head in the back door. Kagome looked up at him and nodded and Inuyasha agreed and followed Sota outside for a round of soccer.
“Grrr, you cheated!” Inuyasha spat at Sota.
“No I didn’t! How do you think I cheated?” Sota cried.
“You took the damn ball from me! I had it!” Inuyasha stated.
“That’s the point!” Sota picked the ball up and stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha. Kagome tried so hard not to laugh at the predicament, but seeing her little brother, who was now about as tall as Inuyasha, stick out his tongue like a child and watching Inuyasha react in the same manner was all too funny. They really did remind her of a couple of school kids.
“I quite.” Inuyasha snorted as he made his way over to Kagome and plopped down on the grass. Inuyasha laid back and stared up into the branches of the sacred tree and sighed. “When do you think lunch will be ready?” He asked sounding a little irritated.
“I don’t know, I can’t imagine it’ll be too much longer now.” Kagome replied, glancing up from the book she had been reading. She found that Inuyasha was laying on his back and was staring at her with a small smile on his face. Kagome hadn’t been the only one to notice Inuyasha staring, Sota walked over and stood at Inuyasha’s feet and started laughing.
“I knew it! You’re in love with my sister!” He teased. Inuyasha snapped his head in the direction of Sota and growled slightly as a blush crept across his face.
“What gave you that idea?” Inuyasha growled.
“You haven’t been able to take your eyes off my sister since you guys came back.” Truth hurts, and Inuyasha cringed at that, he knew Sota was right, he hadn’t let Kagome leave his sight once since even yesterday. “So what are your intentions? Are you going to marry her?” Sota smiled and pointed a brotherly finger at Inuyasha to let him know he was serious.
“Actually, Sota.” Kagome started. Her face was crimson red with embarrassment.
“I have already asked.” Inuyasha finished. Sota’s eyes went wide with surprise and couldn’t help back up in shock.
“Really? Kagome?” Sota found himself stumbling on his own tongue and couldn’t get more than that out.
“I know, it’s sudden, but I have excepted, please don’t tell Mama or Grandpa. We’re going to tell them at lunch, aren’t we Inuyasha?” Kagome asked, panic lacing her voice.
“Yea, that’s right.” Inuyasha replied.
“Fine with me. I’m not itchin’ to send grandpa into a heart attack. I bet Mom will be happy, she’s always liked you, Inuyasha. If it helps, I’m happy. This means that you get to be my brother now.” Sota beamed at Inuyasha, that old hero complex shining in his eyes. He was really excited to know that Inuyasha would be sticking around in their lives for good now.
“Kids! Lunch is ready!” Mrs. Higurashi called from the back porch.
“Good luck you two.” Sota said as he jogged towards the house, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome behind so that they may gather their thoughts on how to tell the rest of the family about their engagement.
“Well, we can’t wait out here forever, we gotta tell them sometime and there’s no time like the present, right?” Kagome asked as she nervously got to her feet.
“I guess. I just don’t want your grandfather dying from shock. I don’t think he’s ever liked me.” Inuyasha stated.
“He does, he just doesn’t know how to act towards something or someone different than him.” Kagome said as they started walking back to the house. Kagome gave Inuyasha a reassuring smile and he tried his hardest to return it, but he was genuinely nervouse.
‘Time to run the gauntlet.’ Kagome thought as they sat down at the table for lunch with her family.
...End of Chappy...
Kagome woke as her eyes were assaulted by blinding rays of sunlight. She pulled the covers over her head and moaned. She laid there with her face covered and wondered foolishly were on earth she was. The covers were soft on her skin and when she looked down at her body, she saw that she was fully clothed. ‘Damn, was it all a dream? I must have been hallucinating and passed out in the court yard. Sota must have put me in bed. How could yesterday been real? My over-worked imagination must have played tricks on me after I read the last of Inuyasha’s writing. It all happened so fast, I should have known it was a dream’ Kagome thought miserably as she rolled over on her stomach with a loud sigh.
“Good, you’re awake.” Inuyasha said when he saw Kagome stirring under the blankets.
The startled girl flung back the covers and looked to Inuyasha in shock. So it hadn’t been a dream, she really did come back. “Inuyasha!” Kagome cried as she flew from the bed and nearly knocked the surprised hanyou off his feet. She acted as if yesterday really didn’t happen and she was seeing Inuyasha for the first time in eight years.
“Morning to you too.” Inuyasha laughed and hugged Kagome to him. A blush spread across the girl’s face when she realized Inuyasha was clad in only his firerat pants and she was pressed against his bare chest. She kept her face against Inuyasha’s chest as she listened to his heart beat and sighed in content. “Sleep well?” He asked as he snuggled his head in Kagome’s hair and inhaled her sweet aroma.
“I sure did.” She replied and looked up at him with a huge smile across her face.
“Good, cause breakfast is almost done and I’m starved.” Inuyasha almost dropped Kagome as he made a sudden movement towards the door. He looked back and smiled warmly at her and she couldn’t help suppress a giggle when she came to the conclusion that not everything about the hanyou had changed.
“Hey, since when did you know how to cook?” Called Kagome as she hastily followed Inuyasha outside.
“I’ve always known how to cook, but since you left I suddenly found that I needed to start back up again, either that or starve.” Inuyasha winked and let out a small laugh as he turned the fish that was skewered over a good sized fire.
“Oh. Well it smells great.” Kagome sat down and Inuyasha handed her a couple of fish on a wooden plate. The fish really did taste wonderful, Inuyasha had seasoned it with herbs and salts that he gathered himself. As Kagome ate, she watched Inuyasha with his own plate of fish. His bare chest glistened in the sun and Kagome couldn’t help but admire the man he had really become. His skin had tanned out and his body was well defined and despite the many battles they had been in, he didn’t sport many scars. At the moment, he looked like his old serious self as he devoured the food but when he glanced up and saw Kagome staring at him, he smiled warmly and licked his fingers. The warmth that danced across his features were still very knew to Kagome, he had only started to show this side of himself after the final battle with Nuraku and that was shortly lived when it seemed fate had betrayed him once again. She only assumed that the birth of Aiko brought out this Inuyasha and for that Kagome was very grateful.
“Here, let me take your plate.” Inuyasha said as he snatched Kagome’s plate from her hands and brought them inside his hut. He emerged from the hut with one of Kagome’s old brushes in hand and with out a word, sat down behind her and started brushing her hair. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the alteration between brush strokes and Inuyasha’s claws through her hair. “You know, I could do this for you every morning.” Inuyasha cooed. Kagome gasped when Inuyasha suddenly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and buried his face in her neck. She was surprised when she felt the sensation of warm water hitting her bare neck and found that Inuyasha was crying softly.
“Are you okay, Inuyasha?” Kagome asked worried.
“It all just seems like a long awaited dream. I’m so afraid of waking up and you not being there. I’ve spent eight miserable years wondering about your safety and happiness. I’ve missed you so much and I don’t ever want to go through that again.” Inuyasha cried softly.
‘So he was afraid this whole time. Did he think I might have gotten sick, or died? So years of constantly worrying is what brought out the kind man Inuyasha has become.’ Kagome thought and got a sick feeling in her stomach at the thought of Inuyasha possibly giving her up for dead because he was sick of not knowing.
“I promise, I won’t leave you ever again.” Kagome said softly as she reached up and stroked Inuyasha’s hair. She came to a stop at his ears and started messaging them gently. She giggled when he let out a low satisfied growl and pressed his head into her hand. Kagome suddenly stopped and abruptly stood up, leaving Inuyasha to do a face plant into the ground. “We still need to get back to my time! My mother doesn’t even know the well reopened and she must be worried sick!” Kagome stated.
Inuyasha groaned and stood up, wiping dirt off his face and chest. “Let me dress and we can go back.” Inuyasha said.
“Hold on, Inuyasha.” Kagome said and caught Inuyasha around the middle and gave him a big hug.
“Couldn’t that have waited till after I got dressed?” Asked Inuyasha.
“Mmm, I just wanted to hear your heart beat again.” Kagome mumbled against his chest as her fingers traced the lines of his back. Inuyasha hugged Kagome back and when they broke apart, he gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek and whistled as he went back to his hut and dressed himself.
The two held hands as they walked the short distance to the well. Kagome would alternate between just staring at Inuyasha or leaning her head against his shoulder as they walked. No words needed to be said between the two, they were just happy being in each other’s presence as they listened to the natural music of the forest.
“Inuyasha, are you ready?” Kagome asked as they prepared to jump into the well. Kagome noticed the hanyou hesitating and knew he was nervous. He only nodded to Kagome’s question and she assured him with, “Every thing will be fine, just you see”. With that, they jumped into the well, holding hands the entire time as the void swallowed them up and sent them across space and time.
The arrived on Kagome’s side and as they left the well house, Kagome saw her little brother kicking his soccer ball around the grass. He kicked the ball too far and it landed only a couple of inches from Inuyasha’s feet. Sota immediately stopped and his jaw dropped in surprise as he saw his childhood hero come back after all these years. “Inuyasha! You’re back! Hey sis, you might want to let mom know you’re okay, she’s been worried sick about you since yesterday. You just took off without saying a word, but I understand now.” Sota winked at Inuyasha as he ran off to chase the ball Inuyasha kicked towards the back of the shrine.
“Mama?” Kagome called as she entered the house with Inuyasha right behind her.
“Kagome? Is that you? Hey, where have you been, you left without saying anything and...oh, wow, hi Inuyasha, it’s been a very long time.” Kagome’s mother said as she turned the corner from the kitchen and was taken off guard by their new visitor.
“Yea, I guess it has.” Inuyasha smiled as he rubbed the back of his head, a nervous habit he had ever since they were younger.
“My, how you’ve grown! I must say, you look like a real man now, quite hansom, don’t you think Kagome?” Mrs. Higurashi asked.
“Ah, well, I’ve always been a ‘man’, what are you talking about.” Inuyasha snorted with a nice rose colored blush gracing his face.
“Mama, please, you’re embarrassing him.” Kagome wined.
“Well, I was just stating the obvious. You might as well get cleaned up, I’m making lunch and it will be done in a little while.” Mrs. Higurashi said as she returned to the kitchen.
Inuyasha smiled brightly at the thought of modern day food. He always did like it when Kagome’s mother cooked for him and it had been so long since he last had any. He especially recalled how much he liked ramen, it was an entire meal in a cup with noodles.
“Hey, Inuyasha, you want to kick the ball around with me for a bit until lunch is done?” Sota asked as he poked his head in the back door. Kagome looked up at him and nodded and Inuyasha agreed and followed Sota outside for a round of soccer.
“Grrr, you cheated!” Inuyasha spat at Sota.
“No I didn’t! How do you think I cheated?” Sota cried.
“You took the damn ball from me! I had it!” Inuyasha stated.
“That’s the point!” Sota picked the ball up and stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha. Kagome tried so hard not to laugh at the predicament, but seeing her little brother, who was now about as tall as Inuyasha, stick out his tongue like a child and watching Inuyasha react in the same manner was all too funny. They really did remind her of a couple of school kids.
“I quite.” Inuyasha snorted as he made his way over to Kagome and plopped down on the grass. Inuyasha laid back and stared up into the branches of the sacred tree and sighed. “When do you think lunch will be ready?” He asked sounding a little irritated.
“I don’t know, I can’t imagine it’ll be too much longer now.” Kagome replied, glancing up from the book she had been reading. She found that Inuyasha was laying on his back and was staring at her with a small smile on his face. Kagome hadn’t been the only one to notice Inuyasha staring, Sota walked over and stood at Inuyasha’s feet and started laughing.
“I knew it! You’re in love with my sister!” He teased. Inuyasha snapped his head in the direction of Sota and growled slightly as a blush crept across his face.
“What gave you that idea?” Inuyasha growled.
“You haven’t been able to take your eyes off my sister since you guys came back.” Truth hurts, and Inuyasha cringed at that, he knew Sota was right, he hadn’t let Kagome leave his sight once since even yesterday. “So what are your intentions? Are you going to marry her?” Sota smiled and pointed a brotherly finger at Inuyasha to let him know he was serious.
“Actually, Sota.” Kagome started. Her face was crimson red with embarrassment.
“I have already asked.” Inuyasha finished. Sota’s eyes went wide with surprise and couldn’t help back up in shock.
“Really? Kagome?” Sota found himself stumbling on his own tongue and couldn’t get more than that out.
“I know, it’s sudden, but I have excepted, please don’t tell Mama or Grandpa. We’re going to tell them at lunch, aren’t we Inuyasha?” Kagome asked, panic lacing her voice.
“Yea, that’s right.” Inuyasha replied.
“Fine with me. I’m not itchin’ to send grandpa into a heart attack. I bet Mom will be happy, she’s always liked you, Inuyasha. If it helps, I’m happy. This means that you get to be my brother now.” Sota beamed at Inuyasha, that old hero complex shining in his eyes. He was really excited to know that Inuyasha would be sticking around in their lives for good now.
“Kids! Lunch is ready!” Mrs. Higurashi called from the back porch.
“Good luck you two.” Sota said as he jogged towards the house, leaving Inuyasha and Kagome behind so that they may gather their thoughts on how to tell the rest of the family about their engagement.
“Well, we can’t wait out here forever, we gotta tell them sometime and there’s no time like the present, right?” Kagome asked as she nervously got to her feet.
“I guess. I just don’t want your grandfather dying from shock. I don’t think he’s ever liked me.” Inuyasha stated.
“He does, he just doesn’t know how to act towards something or someone different than him.” Kagome said as they started walking back to the house. Kagome gave Inuyasha a reassuring smile and he tried his hardest to return it, but he was genuinely nervouse.
‘Time to run the gauntlet.’ Kagome thought as they sat down at the table for lunch with her family.
...End of Chappy...