InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Strange New World ❯ Distraction ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Strange New World

Chapter Three - Distraction

By Crow Skywalker


Disclaimer - I do not own Inuyasha, or its characters. It belongs to Rumiko Takahashi, and I'm not making any money off of writing fanfiction.

Author's Notes - Err…I was supposed to have this finished last weekend. Sorry for the delay ^^; There'll be no more fanfiction updates from me for a while after this…April's a very busy month for me. Going to Disneyworld next week, and after that I've got my grad coming up! ^_^ So the next update may be a while from now. Depends on what happens. Anyway, I don't like how the ending of this chapter turned out…not what I planned at all. I actually planned for Kikyo to have her spell done and over with and have Rin gone by the end of the chapter, but it was starting to get too long. So I suppose that'll have to happen in the next chapter. Also, this chapter begins with Kikyo…just because it seems like everyone hates her and wants her to die. I want people to feel somewhat sorry for her…because she's my absolute favorite character. So to people who asked me to kill her - no, she's got a big part to play in this :) She's not an evil bitch. She's just misunderstood. There will be no bashing in this fic, and I don't want to see any "DIE KIKYO DIE!" reviews either, got it? :P And so, with that said…enjoy the fic!

Other Notes - I'm going to leave the rating at PG-13 for now, just because I know there will be swearing later on in the fic. However, I may up the rating at any time, so be prepared for that. This fic will contain the pairings Sesshomaru/Kagome, and may or may not include Miroku/Sango, Inuyasha/Kikyo, or others, depending on how far I take the fic. If you don't like these pairings or characters, please, feel free to flame me and be an idiot. I will only laugh at you.

Summary -When Naraku and Kikyo join forces to take care of Sesshomaru and Inuyasha and Rin goes missing, Sesshomaru must search out the aid of a miko to help get the girl back.


Ever since she had been born in a small village during the Feudal Era, she had been different from everyone else. Coming from a long line of powerful mikos, she'd been raised and taught how to act and what to do from the moment she could walk, and was unable to laugh and play with the other children. It was a hard life, waking up every morning to learn all the ways of being a miko, and struggling through her days with her duties; alone with her troubles. Then, at the young age of fourteen, her parents had died when a youkai attacked the village, leaving her to take care of her younger sister and to continue her training alone.

It had been years later that the Shikon no Tama had finally been entrusted to her, once her training was complete and she was a powerful and intelligent miko. Now seventeen years old, the young girl was quick with a bow and arrow, trained well in the arts of healing, and knew how to control her emotions. With the jewel in her hands, her sole duty was to protect it and the people living in the village, and it distanced herself from others even more. Alone, she kept the jewel safe, and fought to save the village people from many attacking youkai searching for the jewel. Many a time did her healing abilities come in handy.

It all went well - until the day he came.

The arrogant hanyou with the mane of silvery white hair was somewhat amusing to the young miko. He searched for the jewel so that he could become a full demon, and she was drawn to him - because like her, he was an outsider, misunderstood and alone in the world.

They'd become friends, and for the first time in her life, the girl was no longer alone. She had someone to share her thoughts and feelings with, and he had someone he could finally trust. They were kindred spirits, and they'd found each other to lean on. Time went on, and soon that friendship turned into something more.

She convinced him to use the jewel to make a wish to become human so that they could always be together. With the jewel gone, she would be free to lead a somewhat normal life, and would no longer have to dedicate her life to protect it. If he were to become human, they could be together, and he would no longer be looked down upon for being a hanyou. But her caring and helpful nature was what killed her in the end.

She'd been looking after an injured thief in a nearby cave. His soul was dark and full of evil, and he was consumed by many demons, which changed him into something even more evil - Naraku. Changing himself so that he looked like Inuyasha, he stopped the miko and priestess from ever being happy together, and attacked her when she was waiting for her beloved. The girl, thinking she'd been betrayed by her only friend and lover, was filled with sadness, hate and felt the need to protect the jewel from the hanyou. She could not let him have it, no matter how much she loved him. With her last bit of strength, she pinned the real Inuyasha to a tree with a single arrow, sealing him there where she thought he would rest forever.

And here now she stood over fifty years after the incident that had torn the two lovers apart, staring at the same tree. It was empty.

Kikyo took a silent step forward into the small clearing, the loose strands of hair around her face moving in the darkness of the night. Her sandals meeting the soft blades of grass, making no sound in the silence of the forest, she raised her eyes to the great tree before her.

You should still be here, Inuyasha, she tilted her head slightly as her thoughts continued, Sealed to this tree for eternity for betraying me. A strand of dark hair fell over her delicate face, but she did not move to push it aside, But no, it turned out that it wasn't you. It was Naraku who tore us apart, ruined the love that we shared. I died…because I did not fully believe in that love. My training had always taught me otherwise. And in the end…I died, and you still live on.

A cold hand clenched at her side, and lifting it, she stared at her long fingers, her face emotionless. Now I have returned, and my body is nothing but clay! Her eyes narrowed at her cold skin.

She had died, thinking that her one true love, the only one who had ever understood her and had loved her for who she was as a person, and didn't care about her being a miko, had betrayed her. She had died feeling great betrayal, sadness, and anger, which only worsened as she realized what she had done to the man she loved, and what it had all come to. Their dreams of being happy together, destroyed. But she had also died feeling bitterly satisfied, knowing that she'd be spending eternity with him in death.

But you weren't there, Inuyasha. Her eyes flickered back to the tree, her arm lowering to her side. I waited for you. We were finally going to be together forever, even though you betrayed me. In death, we could have been together for eternity. I loved you too much..I refused to let you go.

And then it had happened. She had been ripped out of her depressing existence, waiting for the lover who never came, and suddenly she was forced into a new body - she could see, hear, taste and feel again! How great it was to be able to use her senses, to move again! But what had been most amazing was that Inuyasha had been there. Finally, he had returned to her!

He had looked surprised to see her, and somewhat confused and angry. At first she didn't quite understand - had he not missed her? But then she saw the girl who looked so much like her, the girl who had replaced her…and she realized that Inuyasha had in fact been alive instead of dead with her like he was supposed to be. He had cheated her again. She then realized that much time had passed since her death, and saw that she no longer had a body of flesh and bone…and once again, the anger returned.

Kikyo shifted the bow upon her back, suddenly looking down at the ground, her face showing no trace of the sadness she now felt. She had loved Inuyasha, even when she had thought that he had betrayed her. She still loved him, especially after learning that they'd both been tricked - Naraku had deceived them both, cheating them out of the happiness and life they would have had with each other.

A soul bringer sailed through the air, glowing white in the darkness of the night as it dropped the soul that it was carrying. It disappeared into the dead miko, though she paid no attention to it. Deceived, both of us! Our feeling corrupted by a man that I tried to help! My body returned to me - a body of clay and bone that needs the souls of the dead to live! She bitterly grabbed her bow from her back, her fingers tracing the soft wood. I will have my vengeance once and for all, and Inuyasha and I will be together like we were meant to be…forever.

A twig snapped behind her and she twirled, bow aimed and prepared to shoot an arrow if needed.

In the darkness she could see a woman standing close to her, black hair tied up at the back of her head and ruby eyes flashing in the blackness of the night. A fan was in one hand, lifted to her face so that only her eyes could be seen.

"Kagura," Kikyo acknowledged the wind youkai.

The other woman sneered, her fan dropping to her side to reveal her annoyed expression. Naraku had insisted that she accompany the undead miko, much to her dismay. She hated Naraku - so she hated anyone who would try to help him in any way, such as the miko before her. "What's taking so long?" A gust of wind blew past them, showing the female youkai's impatience, "We must make it to the Western Lands before this night is over."

Kikyo lowered her bow, studying the wind youkai with uncaring eyes. "We will make it before dawn," She said.

Kagura growled, eyes narrowing. "I wish to make it there long before dawn, and get this over with. This plan of yours better go off without any trouble, or Naraku will be most displeased." She moved past the undead miko, shutting her fan closed with a flick of her hand, intending to continue on with their journey.

"You're afraid of him," Came Kikyo's voice sharp and clear through the night, causing Kagura to suddenly stop. "You have every right to be. He controls you - he holds your heart." A bitter smile came to Kikyo's face, "If it makes you feel any better, I hate him just as much as you do."

Kagura turned to her, one brow raised. "Then why are you helping him?"

Kikyo stared at the other female, another breeze ruffling their hair in the silence. Finally, Kikyo smirked, and without saying anything, she pushed past the wing youkai and started walking off into the forest.

Kagura stared after her, wondering what the undead miko was planning.


Kagome crawled out of the well, her yellow bag filled to the brim and so heavy that she almost fell backwards a number of times trying to use the vines to pull herself out. Gripping them tightly, she managed to grab hold of the ledge of the well and pulling a leg over, she sat sideways on the cool stone wall for a moment, her eyes darting about the dark area as she caught her breath.

I'm surprised Inuyasha isn't here yet demanding where I was earlier and why I'm late, she thought dryly with a frown. She pulled her other leg over so that both feet now touched the ground, her fingers digging into the stone well so that she wouldn't fall backwards with the weight on her back.

It was then that something caught her eye - or rather, the lack of something, and she realized why Inuyasha was nowhere to be seen and why there was no one there to greet her. While the night sky held many shimmering stars, there was no moon visible.

Kagome blinked, standing, her hands going to the straps around her shoulders. I totally forgot that tonight is the night of the new moon! She realized. No wonder Inuyasha didn't stick around and wait for me when he came to get me earlier!

A cold chill blew at her hair, and a chill went down her spine as she realized that she would have to walk to the village alone in the dark. Perhaps she should have left earlier…

With a defeated sigh and her eyes to the ground, she began to trudge her way through the dark field and into the even darker forest in the direction she knew the village would be.

What seemed like hours passed, and the silence of the forest was getting to her. She'd tripped up several times since she had left the well, and she was fumbling along blindly. It was so dark in the forest that it was hard to see anything - but suddenly, she had an idea. Putting her heavy pack down, she searched through it for the old flashlight that she usually carried in case of emergencies. She found it at the bottom of her bag.

Switching it on, she banged it on her hand as it flickered, and it finally flickered on.

Kagome grinned, why didn't I think of this earlier?

Sticking it in her mouth so that both her hands were free, she struggled to put the heavy pack back onto her shoulders. That finally done, she grasped the flashlight in one hand, moving the light around so that she could see where she was. Well, this solves one problem.. The rustle of leaves overhead made her head snap up, flashlight aimed on the noisy branches as they swayed in the breeze. But I'm still alone…I could be attacked, and nobody would hear me scream…

As if reading her frightened thoughts, a bush off to her right suddenly moved, causing Kagome to jump. She trained the light on it, watching with wide eyes as the branches continued to shake.

"Kagome!" chirped a voice, and a head popped out of the leaves. Shippo stared up at her, green eyes glittering happily in the ray of light.

Kagome sighed in relief, letting out the breath she'd been holding. "Shippo! You scared me!"

His smile faltered as he tilted his head. "Inuyasha was chasing me around for making a comment about his human ears and I caught your scent. I figured I'd come meet you before you arrived - in case you needed help." He stepped out of the bush, standing quite proudly, "I can see in the dark a lot better than humans!"

Kagome grinned, patting the kit on the head. "Thanks Shippo, I feel a lot better with you here!"

Shippo returned her grin before moving away from the hand running through his hair, and opening his arms wide, he wrapped them around her and hugged her. "I missed you Kagome! Why didn't you come back earlier?"

Kagome returned the kit's embrace, laughing lightly. "Sorry, I got home from work a little late because my friend Hojo took me out to supper."

Shippo suddenly pushed her away, looking up at her with glee. " he the Hobo guy that you're marrying?"

Kagome blinked. "Marrying? She asked, confused.

The kitsune nodded, grabbing her hand as he started to lead her off in the direction she assumed the village was. "Yeah! Miroku said you'll probably be getting married soon 'cause all girls your age are married by now!" The kit went on, tugging her along in the darkness, "And Inuyasha mentioned some Hobo guy was courting you with presents…so I suggested that you and Sango should have a double wedding, which means double the treats for me!" He paused, looking up at her with one brow raised, "You remembered to bring me chocolate this time, right?"

Kagome stared open mouthed at the young kitsune, still a little lost at what he had just said. He took this silence and her expression as a yes.

"Good!" His grin returned, "And I wouldn't mention being engaged to Hobo to Inuyasha - he gets pretty mad -"

"Shippo!" Kagome tugged lightly on his hand, finally stopping him, "I'm not engaged!"

He stopped and looked up at her. "You're not?" He pouted.

"No, I'm not," She blushed. "Hojo is just a really good friend of mine!"

"Oh," He looked sad for a moment, "Well, I guess one wedding is good enough. Do you think Sango and Miroku -"

"Shippo!" An angry yell sounded through the trees, causing sleeping birds to scatter into the night.

Kagome winced. "I guess we're close to the village…I can hear Inuyasha from here. Come on Shippo, let's hurry."

The kit looked hesitant. "You'll protect me from that big brute, won't you Kagome?"

She smiled down at him, her hand tightening around his in a comforting manner. "Don't worry about Inuyasha, I can handle him."

They continued on, the light of burning torches in the village becoming visible as they left Inuyasha's forest.

"Sango! Miroku!" Shippo called, letting go of Kagome's hand as they entered the village, "Look who I found wandering around in the dark!"

Sango looked up from where she had been grooming Kirara on Kaede's steps under the light of a blazing torch. She smiled, patted the fire youkai, who mewed happily and moved off of her, and she stood to greet the approaching miko. "Kagome, welcome back!"

Kagome giggled, hugging her friend. "It's good to be back! Work is stressful…I'd rather be here searching for jewel shards than working any day!" She paused momentarily, "Though today wasn't too bad."

"She brought me more chocolate!" Shippo declared to the demon exterminator, his fluffy kitsune tail moving happily behind him.

Sango laughed at the display.

"I bought something for you, too, Sango," Kagome smirked, "If we ever get some girl time, I'll show you!"

"What is it?" Sango asked curiously.

"Oh, nothing much," The miko waved a hand, "Just some clothes and things." The smirk returned, "Just kind of wondered what you would look like dressed as if you were from my time!" She suddenly elbowed Sango in the ribs slyly, "I think Miroku will like it."

Sango blushed, moving away from her friend's playful gesture. "Did you remember to pack lots of ramen?" She asked, trying to change the subject. "Inuyasha's been in one of his moods since he came back…and I don't think it's because it's the night of the new moon, either."

"He's always in one of his moods," Kagome muttered dryly.

As if he knew that he was the topic of discussion, Inuyasha appeared from somewhere between Kaede's hut and another, looking rather furious as he searched for Shippo. His eyes landed on the kit and his eyes narrowed. "There you are!"

"Inuyasha." Kagome spoke sternly, and the now human Inuyasha's eyes suddenly snapped up, his eyes softening momentarily as he saw Kagome. However, that softness disappeared as his scowl returned and he crossed his arms in front of him.

"Keh! I see that you finally showed up!" He moved towards them, and Shippo hid behind Kagome. "Where were you?"

Kagome raised a brow as Inuyasha closed in, leaning foreword slightly as he stared at her, studying her. "Do I have to tell you everything I do?" She asked, returning his angry look.

"You were supposed to be home when I came to get you!" He snapped.

Kagome rolled her eyes in response and walked past him, heading for Kaede's hut. "Well sorry for wanting to spend some time with an old friend!" She sarcastically called over her shoulder.

"So you were out with Hobo!" He growled loudly.

"Inuyasha -" Kagome slowed down, suddenly feeling quite tired of all the arguing, "- SIT!"

The sound of the hanyou crashing into the ground could be heard as she joined Miroku and Kaede in the hut, Sango and Shippo stepping over the subdued Inuyasha as they followed after her.


Rin sat before a fire, her arms held out as she warmed her hands. Across from her, Jaken glared into the fire, every so often looking across the blazing warmth at the girl sitting happily smiling into the flames. From a distance away, the great Western Lord sat against a tree, one eye closed and the other watching the clearing for any signs of danger. The great dragon youkai was asleep somewhere behind Rin.

A loud rumble could be heard off in the distance, a sign that the clear night was soon coming to an end. A storm was on its way, and it would be upon them within hours. The young human girl looked up upon hearing it. "Is it going to rain, Jaken?"

Jaken raised his great yellow eyes as well, before nodding silently.

Rin's hands suddenly dropped to her lap, and she looked down. "Rin does not like thunder and lightning."

The toad like youkai only muttered something about humans being afraid of stupid things.

A cold gust of wind blew through the clearing, making the fire dance and flicker. From across the clearing, Sesshomaru opened both eyes as he looked into the darkness of the forest. Noticing his master's movement, Jaken sat up worriedly. "What is it, Lord Sesshomaru?"

Sesshomaru did not answer, only shifted his head and tilted it upwards a bit, taking in the air. There was something strange about that last gust of wind, something oddly familiar, and he could smell another youkai's scent nearby.

The wind youkai, Kagura, his eyes went to the direction the breeze had come from. What is she doing here?

"Lord Sesshomaru?" Jaken asked again, his eyes, too, looking in the direction of the breeze.

Sesshomaru stood, his silver hair whipping around him as another cold breeze rushed through the clearing, causing Rin to cry out as the cold touched her skin and the fire almost went out. Sesshomaru turned his head to Jaken, who awaited his orders. "Watch Rin."

With that, Sesshomaru disappeared into the darkness, leaving Jaken and Rin with a still sleeping Ah Un.

"Where is Sesshomaru going?" Asked Rin over the dying fire.

"Lord Sesshomaru." Jaken corrected her, sitting down with his little arms crossed. Once again, he'd been left on babysitting duty.

"Will he be back?" She asked, ignoring Jaken, "Rin doesn't want Sesshomaru to get stuck out in the thunder and lightning by himself! What if he gets sick?"

"Youkai don't get sick." Jaken grumbled in reply. Closing his eyes, he rubbed his temples in frustration.

"Jaken?" Came her voice, though he didn't open his eyes to look at her.


"What's that?" There was a rustle of fabric as she moved.

"What's what?" He asked, feeling a headache coming on. Why did the human persist on asking so many stupid questions?

"That!" She replied, and finally he gave in. With a sigh, he lowered his hands and opened his eyes - only to find the glowing lights of soul bringers floating in and out between the trees surrounding them.

Jaken immediately grabbed his staff, holding it close as he stood on shaking legs. He'd seen those things before, they usually hung around the undead miko and did as she bid them to. But what were they doing here? Was she somewhere close by?

A soul bringer entered the clearing, sailing past Rin, who cowered away from the odd looking thing. "What are those?" She asked, her voice small, "Are they going to hurt us?"

Jaken frowned, his eyes wider than they usually were. "I don't know," he said truthfully. If they were there to attack them, then there was no hope for him and the girl. The sleeping dragon youkai was pretty much useless, and without Sesshomaru, there was no stopping whatever was about to happen.

The soul bringer returned, floating in lazy circles around Rin, who was quickly growing over her fear. She watched as the soul bringer moved off into the forest, before returning and continuing its circles around her.

"What's it doing?" Jaken wondered.

Rin suddenly stood. "It wants me to follow it!"

"Rin! Don't move!" Jaken told the girl, though he knew that she rarely listened to him.

"I have to follow it!" Rin exclaimed, "What if it's leading me to Sesshomaru? He might be hurt!"

Jaken would have scoffed at such a preposterous idea if he hadn't had known that they were in trouble. There was no way those things would lead them to Sesshomaru, wherever he was. No, those things would most definitely lead them to the undead miko.

"Stay where you are!" Jaken yelled at her.

"I have to find Sesshomaru!" Rin yelled back, and she took off into the forest after the soul bringer.

Jaken ran after her, but his little legs couldn't keep up. "Rin! Get back here!"

She paid no attention to him, and soon she disappeared into the darkness.

"Rin!" He called again, and sank back against a tree to catch his breath. He'd been told to watch the girl, and he'd lost her. Jaken smacked himself in the side of the head in frustration and anger. That girl always managed to get him in trouble!

To Be Continued…