InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Strike a Pose ❯ Kikyo swears she doesn’t have a Hanyou fetish ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Six: Kikyo swears she doesn't have a Hanyou fetish
Kikyo stopped reading her magazine as her sisters and the two dogs traipsed into the penthouse after school.
They were arguing. But this was normal.
“All I want to know is why?” Kagome sounded a cross between angry and exasperated
“And I said it's none of your business bitch” Inuyasha replied as they made their way in from the hall and into the living room. Inuyasha stalked into the living room and flopped onto a sofa lengthways in apparent disgust.
“What happened to you?” Kikyo asked the Inu Hanyou
“Keh” was the response
“He got in a fight” Kagome supplied an answer of a little more substance before rolling her eyes and sitting catlike next to her twin. Rin came and sat in between the twins and continued to suck the lollipop she had procured from god knows where.
“Why?” Kikyo asked the obvious follow-up question
“He refuses to speak on that matter” Sesshoumaru spoke before ditching his school bag and heading up the stairs and to his room like the unsociable person he was. Or rather he preferred not to spend his precious time deigning to try and coax a response from his stubborn and insignificant brother.
“Why?” Kikyo directed her question for the second time at the Hanyou sprawled on the couch
“Just leave it” he growled
Kagome shrugged “Whatever, I'm sick of this I've been trying to get you to speak ever since we were in Biology!” she grabbed Rin's hand and turned to her sister as they stood “I'm going to go and work on the scaffolding for my new designs”
Kikyo watched her sisters depart and then turned back to the stubbornly silent Hanyou. She stood and walked over so she loomed over him, her gaze boring into his forehead.
He opened one golden eye and then shut it again quickly as he realised she was trying to make him crack through staring alone. He wasn't that easy. Yeah right.
“What?” he snapped barely two seconds into her staring fest
“Why?” she barked in the same tone he had used on her
“None of your damn business” he grouched “leave me alone”
“Baka” she hit him with a sofa cushion “It's my business because I said so”
“I'm Hanyou, are you happy now?” he shouted pulling a cushion over his head to hide her face from his eyes.
“I asked you the reason you got into a fight” she said dryly “and you tell me what species you are”
“The reason I got into a fight was because I'm Hanyou baka” he bit out
“What did they say?” her voice was marginally warmer
“They insulted my mother, they said my father was trash for lowering himself to sleeping with a human, they said I was a freak” he sighed “I deal with that kind of shit every day, but like my dear Onii-san says I have a short temper”
“Did you win?” she asked
“Of course” he scoffed “I may be Hanyou but I'm not useless”
She laughed briefly which was a rarity for Kikyo. But he heard it anyway and smiled under the cushion. She snatched the cushion away from his face abruptly.
“I'll explain to Okasan” she told him “and if it happens again why not sick Kagome-chan and Sesshoumaru-san on them?”
“I fight my own battles wench” he told her doing a Sesshoumaru and abruptly becoming haughty
She dropped the cushion on his head and rolled her eyes “Ja ne Inuyasha-kun” she said wandering up the stairs whilst shaking her head.
Ring, ring. Riiiiiiing.
It was beginning to grate on the nerves of everyone in the room.
The cat was currently trying to rid itself of the cursed appendages called ears. Sesshoumaru was still feigning reading the Chemistry text book that was sat in his lap but the facade was cracking and his eye was beginning to twitch.
Ring, ring. Riiiiiiing.
It must have sounded like he had developed tinnitus for the Inu Yokai and his sensitive hearing. Rin had her care bear ear muffs on and was determinedly not paying attention to the phone's infernal racket.
Kagome was listening to her IPod whilst painting her toenails red to match her fingers. The brush was shaking in her hand as she tried and failed to block out the godforsaken ringing noise.
Ring, ring. Riiiiiing.
Inuyasha walked into the apartment and looked around at the three determinedly ignorant people who were refusing to acknowledge the constantly, furiously, ringing phone. And then he nearly jumped out of his skin as a tabby blur that was apparently the cat shot through his legs and made a bid for freedom out of the newly opened front door.
“Why is no one answering that?” he asked and reached out to answer it
Rin flung herself at his outstretched hand and wrapped herself around it “Don't do it Dog boy!” she begged very loudly seeing as she couldn't hear very well due to the ear muffs.
Ring, ring. Riiiiiing.
“Why?” he asked as he tried to shake the limpet girl from his arm
“Because it's for Kikyo-san” Sesshoumaru bit out from in between clenched teeth
“Huh?” Inuyasha was confused; it didn't take much.
“It's the photographer called Naraku who has decided to ask her out” Kagome explained “but Kikyo told him no”
“So why is he still ringing?” Inuyasha was still confused and a little irritated that someone was bugging Kikyo this much.
Ring, ring. Riiiiiing.
“He didn't get the message” Kagome growled “AHHH!”
They all jumped at the sudden exclamation of fury from the otherwise sedate if hyper girl as she grabbed the phone and ripped it from the socket.
Silence. Blessed silence.
They all sighed in contentment as the blessed sound immersed their tired ears.
“Where is Kikyo?” Inuyasha asked
“She said she would be home at six” Kagome glanced at the clock and saw that it was quarter past “If she's not home she's probably in a coffee place, if you want to find her try the place just across the square from the studio”
“Thanks” Inuyasha grabbed the keys that he had only recently discarded onto the coffee table and walked back out the door.
“Dog boy left” Rin stated the obvious
“So cute!” Kagome mock swooned
“What's wrong with you?” Sesshoumaru crooked an eyebrow at the strange girl
“If you don't see what's going on then you never will” she rolled her eyes at the emotionally stunted Yokai.
“That girl is hot”
“She kind of looks like Kikyo Higurashi”
“The model?”
“Don't be a baka a supermodel wouldn't come in here”
Kikyo sighed under her breath at the speculative gossip that plagued the air around her and glanced down at her still vibrating phone to see she now had forty one missed calls from Naraku. She opened the back of her phone and pulled the battery out.
“He's calling your cell too huh?” a strangely familiar voice intoned
Kikyo looked up into the somehow soothing golden eyes of a certain Inu Hanyou and allowed a small smile to grace her perfect features.
He slid into the seat opposite her. “You said you'd be home twenty minutes ago”
“Yeah” she said drumming her fingers on the table
“Why aren't you?” he asked
“Naraku knows where I live” she pointed out
“So you're running away?” he scoffed
She kicked him under the table “Don't be insensitive” she scolded
“Ow” he said grumpily
“Arigato” she said looking down at the table
“For what?” he was surprised
“Caring enough to come and see if I was okay” she said straight faced but with a hint of colour in her otherwise waxy cheeks
He blushed slightly and turned his head to hide it “Keh, I only came cause you were late” he denied
She smiled again and drank the last of the coffee. Before looking up and groaning as she caught sight of the person she really didn't need to see.
“Shit” she mumbled but Inuyasha heard her and glanced over his shoulder at the approaching source of her discomfort.
“Naraku” she said in her usual cold voice “what are you doing here?”
“Wondering what you are doing with the puppy” he gestured at Inuyasha dismissively his red brown eyes alight with malice.
“Who're you calling puppy?” Inuyasha growled
“Learn your place Hanyou” he was dismissive “I was talking to Kikyo”
“You call me Hanyou” Inuyasha laughed shortly without humour “Doesn't it take one to know one?”
Naraku's eyes widened in shock “What?” he demanded shortly
“You aren't full demon” Inuyasha rolled his eyes
“Shut up Hanyou” he snarled slamming his hands onto the table
“Did I hit a nerve?” Inuyasha enquired innocently as Naraku stormed from the coffee shot like an errant wasp had stung him up the ass.
Kikyo giggled again “Arigato Inuyasha-kun”
“Keh” she hadn't expected any other response.
“So I'm guessing something good happened between you and Inuyasha” Kagome said in a muffled way due to the vast amount of pins she was holding in her mouth.
Kikyo raised an elegant eyebrow at her sister as she stood atop the stool and her sister fitted her into the newest empire waist gown for HG designs in Kagome's bedroom. Kagome of course had her own dressmaker's dummies, an entire army of them. But sister bonding was in order and due to the fact she had to finish this dress for tomorrow's shoot this was the only way they were going to get it.
“What do you mean?” Kikyo played it cool
“Kikyo-chan!” Kagome pouted “since when do you hide stuff from me?”
“Since forever” Kikyo smirked
Kagome grinned mischievously and accidentally on purpose caught Kikyo's ankle with a pin as she set to work on the hem.
“Ow, bitch” Kikyo grumbled
“There are many, many more where that came from” Kagome warned around the pins in her mouth
“So you're going to torture me until I talk?” Kikyo questioned
“I'm telling you not to make me resort to that” Kagome shrugged
“Fine, what do you want?” Kikyo had always been weak towards her little sisters whims.
“What happened yesterday when he went out to find you and you came back together?” Kagome dove straight in there with her no holds barrelled assault of questions.
“He managed to completely show Naraku up and I am finally rid of the scary guy” she said shrugging
“Stay still” Kagome growled menacingly
“Gomen” Kikyo said
“Anyway, now that you are free of a certain spider man will you be interested in adopting our little dog boy?” Kagome asked
“I have no idea what you just said” Kikyo rolled her eyes at her sisters bizarre double speak
“Will you consider going out with dog boy?” Kagome gave her the quick notes version
“Who?” Kikyo played it innocent
Kagome cackled “Avoiding the question? A sure sign of a yes”
“I don't envy you much there” Kagome said rolling her eyes “he has the mental capacity of a toddler”
“You might be right” Kikyo mused
“Ne, Kikyo-chan, do you have a thing for Hanyou's?”
“Don't make me hurt you imouto”
Sesshoumaru and Kagome had made a pact, they didn't know specifically who Inuyasha had gotten into a fight with, but the fact that Inuyasha avoiding Kouga like the plague the next day coupled with their past altercations meant that the Miko and the Yokai had come to a joint conclusion.
The poor wolf didn't know what he'd gotten himself into.
They cornered him by his locker and he hadn't seen them coming until they were right on top of him and even then Sesshoumaru had to unleash his pant-wettingly terrifying aura to get his attention.
The ookami turned slowly to look into the impassive face of Sesshoumaru and the sweetly smiling face of Kagome. For some reason he couldn't tell who was more terrifying.
“Um... hi?” it came out sounding like a question and his voice broke a few times
“Hey Kouga!” Kagome was cheery and then the look slid from her face like mud from glass and she gazed at him with an expression that would have melted steel like Sesshoumaru's poison.
“Wolf” Sesshoumaru acknowledge smirking at the Miko's no nonsense expression
“If you talk down to Inuyasha ever again, I'll shove your face so far up your ass you won't be able to retrieve it” she threatened low and deeply her eyes flashing
“And I will assist her” Sesshoumaru promised “someone that threatens my pack will be annihilated, do not forget that wolf”
He emphasised the statement by slamming his fist into the locker door next to the wolf's head and released a small amount of his noxious poison.
“Pathetic” Sesshoumaru said as the wolf gulped audibly for even human ear. Sesshoumaru offered his arm to the Miko and they walked away through the sea of agog spectators haughtily. Privately Kagome wondered if Sesshoumaru was rubbing off on her.
They both sniggered as they heard Kouga's knees give out and laughed as he fell to the floor.
“That was fun” Kagome sniggered
“We should do it more often” Sesshoumaru concurred.
A/N: I do not own Inuyasha and I make no profit from this. Thanks to y'all who reviewed on fanfiction dot net: Whitecloud1, Inu-lover-ashlee288, gigglez30, Moonlight X Luna, kyekye, iamyourmaster evil laughter and sesshysister.
Also a big thanks to the people on dokuga...
Connie: teasing is my favourite thing! And Sesshoumaru is the sort of person to adore dishing it out but not be able to take it.
Rei: don't worry there will be another water scene coming, so keep your eyes peeled!
Jaimesesshy: here you go, it's a present for you!
So now we all know I love reviews, we should all review right?