InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Suffocating ❯ Captured Soul ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 10: Captured Soul
Story produced and written by:
Chapter 10: Captured Soul
Story produced and written by:
Darkness encased her entire form, and invisible chains held her body still. She tried to move but fail miserably. The clenching of metal bit into her flesh, and the darkness made her shiver in fear. Was this hell? Was this where she was to stay for the rest of her undead life?
Kagome shacked, and felt a sob well up from her throat. She was scared but at the same time grateful of the darkness. Naraku could not reach her here. She was out of his reach now, free from his demented hands to wallow in peace.
As she sat there, chained and silent, a strong pull of youki consumed her being. She struggled against her bindings, struggling to be set free from them, for she did not like the aura that was consuming her realm of misery.
The invisible chains finally broke free from her appendages; and she scampered to her feet, running in the only direction she could comprehend; forward. She felt weak and pathetic running from the unknown danger that quaked through her body. She thought she could feel warm breath on her back, and screamed in a panic. The evil did not subside however, but only seemed to loom closer.
She could hear a faint chuckle now, echoing throughout the entire realm of emptiness. Cocking her head over her shoulder to see what lay behind her, she nothing but the swirling darkness.
The chuckle was growing louder and it was reaching closer to her. She felt as if it would strangle her; choke her till she was suffocating in fear. The laugh registered as familiar, but she denied the very thought of who it could be. She was too freighted to think straight, to realize she was going no where, that she did not even seem to move from where she had resided.
Her legs trembled under her, weakening dramatically as she plummeted to the flooring of this hell below. When the hard impact came, her breathe flew from her lungs and she was left momentarily paralyzed.
Before she could even move again, the chuckle had snuck up behind her, and was replaced with a cold firm hand. It gripped her shoulder and bit into her flesh, as it commanded attention. The hand flipped her around without an ounce of effort, and her eyes widened in fear and disbelief. There in the only light in the darkness stood one lone figure within it. His eye's cold and piercing. His smirk cynical and torturous.
There was the only figure, only being she wished to never see again, there stood the creature in which she had attempted to free herself from; there stood Naraku.
Sesshomaru walked through the forest, his steps silent and calculated. He could see his retainer up ahead, yelling out for his ward. Narrowing his eyes slightly, he continued in the same direction as them.
When he stumbled upon a meadow, the smell of blood and death consumed his senses. He darted his eyes for the location and found his ward, with a human woman in her arms. Jaken stood beside her now, quiet and still. When he stood beside them, his ward immediately recognised his being, and turned her head in his direction.
“Please My Lord, can't you save her?” Rin's bottom lip trembled, and tears still flooded from her eyes. She was begging him to save someone, in which she must have felt a great connection to.
Sesshomaru did not feel the pulse of his Tensiaga, and knew that she was too far gone. “She is dead; her soul has already left for the other world Rin. She can not be saved.” He answered calmly, and without a change in his facial features.
Rin shook her head in denial, “No! Y-you saved me! Please…she was my friend…” Rin whispered; more tears springing from her eyes as her tiny hands clutched the woman tighter to her.
Sesshomaru merely shook his head as an indication that he could do nothing. He was suspicious though. The woman did not smell as if she had been dead very long, yet her soul had already left her body. A soul needed grievance. Time to cope with what had happened. Time to realize that it was dead. Souls tended to wonder for a period of time, usually in doubt that they are dead. Yet this woman's soul had left without that. Could it be that she had accepted her fate quicker? No, this was not possible.
Sesshomaru sniffed the area around him, trying to detect any soul stealers, but none were present, which only infuriated him further. How was it that this woman was dead along with her soul?
He could faintly hear Rin in the background of his thoughts whimpering and babbling in denial.
“No!” Kagome screamed and tried to back away but the hand on her shoulder stopped her from completing this action.
“Quite nice to see you again my pet.” Naraku said, his lips twisting into a vile smirk.
“No! How can this be?” Kagome shook her head, tears spilling from her eyes.
“Kanna's mirror is very useful, no?” Naraku taunted, his hand losing its hard and unwavering grip from her shoulder.
Kagome slumped in defeat at his words. So she wasn't dead after all. Naraku had used Kanna before she could slip away.
Before another noise came out of her mouth, Naraku's talons were locked around her throat. Anger flared in his eyes, and his lips were twisted in a sneer. “If I don't permit you to die, you will not, understand?” Naraku growled; his claws digging further into her skin. All Kagome could do was nod her head. She was too afaired and too shaken to fight back.
Naraku lowered his head towards her, his eyes looking into her very depths. With a laugh he placed his smothering lips to hers and kissed her roughly.
With a jerk, he let go of her altogether, and stood straight. “You are mine, Kagome. I will not let you go that easily. It's only a matter of time before I find you, my mate. You can not hide from me forever!” Naraku threatened before turning his back on her, and walking away into the light.
Kagome could feel herself fading away fast. A single tear fell to the floor of her dark home, before she was gone was it completely.
To be continued......