InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Summertime ❯ End of School Means Fun ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: It's almost summer and what great fun to go outside and play and have fun with your best buddies. Happy summer to all.

Disclaimer: Inuyasha characters are not mine so don't even think of that.

Over-all Title: Summertime

Author: Yours truly, missingbaby

Summary: It's summertime again. Will this be the time Sesshoumaru find his future partner for life, for him to love and care and the other to do the same? Sess/Kag

Title of this Chapter: End of School Means Fun

Exhilaration roamed the school grounds. Every once in a while a student, even a teacher, will be caught catching a glimpse of the large clock by the side of the wall adjacent to the doors. Then they will fall to the doors of the room. It was less than half an hour 'til the summer break, meaning vacation from school activities, sunblocks, beach volleyball, and most of all hot babes and burly men walking through the beach. It is the time of year where people can relax and have fun under the sun.

Kagome is also one of these people. Since her parents told her where they're going last week, she couldn't seem to settle down. By the looks on her cheery face she's been pretty excited for the school year to end. Kagome has that big grin still. It was the most thrilling event of the year for her. She can't stop thinking about what her father said. At first she taught it was a dream. Her mind must be too tired to focus on their conversation but it was true.

---Flashback (last week, early in the morning)---

"Dad, Mom where are we going for summer? 'Cause you know Sango and her family have plans already. They are going to Paris and tour other parts of Europe. Isn't it exciting?" Kagome said watching her mother put a three pile of pancake in front of her.

"You've been asking that question for over a week now, Kagome. What's gotten into you?" Her father asked flipping the newspaper to the next page.

"Nothing Dad. Just that everyone I knew already has a plan. Either they will go surfing on Jamaica or go to their pent house somewhere out there or go do a summer job." Kagome sighed slicing a piece of pancake.

"Why don't you just do a summer job like your other friends?" Her father asked looking from the papers to his only daughter.

Kagome almost chocked out her food by hearing this, looking at her parents for signs that what her father said is not true. "But father you know how I hate going to jobs. Besides, its summer vacation, I should be having fun that's the essence of having this kinds of break. "

"Why not? It will be a good experience. Think about this earning money and at the same time knowing many people. That's a good way of spending your summer; fruitful and fun." Her father reasoned seriously.

"Mom…" Kagome looked at her mother for help.

Going to her child's side. "Don't worry Kagome your father's just joking…" She smiled as Kagome relax from her embrace. "You know we wouldn't let our little girl do what she didn't want to do."

"You know, you're spoiling her to much." The man said, smirking.

"No you are." His wife opposed.

"So where are we really going this summer, dad?" Kagome asked curiously.

"Um… Let me think..." Her father looked as if trying to recall things.

"Stop teasing your child." Her mother said softly slapping her husband.

"Now, I remember… Here." He handed Kagome three papers. Looking at it her eyes widen in surprise. It was plane tickets to Hawaii, one of top summer-get-away. "We already rented an apartment for us to stay in. We're leaving the day after your last class."

Kagome could only nod her head and smile like a maniac, then standing from her seat, food forgotten, she hugged her parents.

---End of Flashback---

Taken back to the present by the school bell. Her grin grew even wider.

"Yehey" All cheered in unison all the while throwing papers to the air. Packing their backpacks hurriedly, the room soon was filed out with student each going their own way.

Kagome having finished packing decided to say a final goodbye to her bestfriend, Sango.

Having seen her by her locker, Kagome walked hurriedly to her friend before she decided to go.

"Sango, I'm glad you're still here." Kagome smiled as her friend turned around to face her.

"Kagome, I'm so glad I get to see you before I leave for Paris. I like to say goodbye before we leave." They hugged each other. Each eyes misted thinking of their departure.

"So the unbreakable duo has to say goodbye to each other how sad." A voice from Kagome's back said sarcastically.

Yanking from their sad farewell they both look at the silver haired guy standing behind Kagome.

"How dare you JERK!!!" They both shriek in unison.

"Inuyasha, what are you doing? We're going to be late for our flight if you don't hurry up or maybe its better if I left you here, ne?" His brother, Sesshoumaru, the most popular guy in the school said in his usual stoic voice. He has silver hair that flow to his mid-butt, golden eyes mostly cold as ice and his body lean but strong enough from all his kendo. As to speak the total opposite of his brother whose hair is always messy, same golden eyes but full of fun and mischievousness and body strong from football practice.

They also have opposite attitude. Inuyasha acts like a child though he won't admit it while Sesshoumaru is sophisticated and cold.

"Feh, all right, all right. I'm coming already." Inuyasha mumbled walking to his brother.

Sesshoumaru's POV

They arrive at their house just in the nick of time. Any later would mean they would be stuck on the house for the rest of the summer. And a summer with his half-brother is the worst summer of all. Their father didn't tolerate persons that are late even his own sons. That's what Sesshoumaru like about his father and what always irritates Inuyasha.

Going to his room to get his luggage, Sesshoumaru went through his closet checking if he got everything that he needed. He went outside carrying the large luggage. Handling it to a servant that's there, he went downstairs and entered the limousine waiting for them.

After a few minutes his father arrived. Looking around he asked, "Sesshoumaru where's Inuyasha?"

"Maybe at his room packing his things because he forgot to prepare them yesterday." Sesshoumaru said in a monotonous tone.

As if on cue the door opened and there enter Inuyasha. When all was ready they went to the airport.

At Hawaii

"This is where we are staying for the summer." Inutaisho exclaimed to his sons.

"Our house is much more bigger than this. And I hate living in a apartment." Inuyasha grumbled. "I wish I'd stayed."

"Inuyasha stop that grumbling and get your things and go to your room." Inutaisho commanded. Inuyasha just stalked away, still grumbling under his breath.

"Dad, how will we know where our room is?" Sesshoumaru finally spoke.

"Good question, you will by staying at the room at my right while Inuyasha is by my left." Inutaisho said loud enough for Inuyasha to hear.

Looking at the place he spotted another house at its side.

"Who's going to occupy that apartment." He asked hating the idea that they would be with some stranger.

"Um… Higuka, Higira… Something of that name. They are going to be arriving tomorrow…" Inutaisho replied and continued talking about how this place is gonna be great for them, etc.

"I'm going to my room." Sesshoumaru uttered walking to the house with his luggage.

This is gonna be a lllllllloooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg summer. With that in mind he went to his room. He really need some rest from all the attention first from the airport then at the plane itself. Uuurrgghhhh. Feeling a headache from those giggling girls he decided to sleep. At least this bed is soft to sleep in. With that he slept.

Author's Note: The end of a new fic. So sad but it is needed. So review me if you want the next chapter. I'm gonna be bad. So bad so REVIEW.