InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Surprise my mind ❯ Part X ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You vile beast. I despise you. You loathsome half man.” - Kikyo
This may come as something of a surprise, but I'm a very sore loser.” - Miroku
Do you think with your dirty blood that you are my equal?” - Sesshomaru
Chapter Ten, Part X
Kagome and Inuyasha returned to what they called home. The boat docked and Kagome swallowed, her eyes moving along the banks of the river. As Kagome and Inuyasha exited from the boat, Japanese humans fled onto the boat, looks of anxiety and fear clear on their faces. Kagome paused and glanced over her shoulder. Brief relief seemed to pass over their very beings and her brow furrowed. Japan was truly being overridden by demons. It was no surprise that all the mortals were making every attempt possible to escape the small island that was called a country. “Come on, Kagome,” Inuyasha murmured to her, having also noticed the fear that had struck the humans. He, however, seemed less affected than the female. He gestured and she climbed on his back. He bound forward, ignoring the cries of shock from the Japanese humans. Inuyasha's feet pounded into the ground and Kagome rested her cheek on her fiancé's back. This is so complicated...She thought to herself. Inuyasha was practically employed by his older brother and yet...And yet Inuyasha doesn't realize it. He doesn't boast about how Sesshomaru needs us - not really. I think that he might even be a little worried about Sesshomaru!
Damn, Inuyasha thought, his eyes darting around the trees. Life is so bothersome - and did Kagome put on weight while we were in England? It must be all that stupid, fattening tea. I told her that green tea was better.
Naraku's eyes narrowed and Kanna glanced at his face, not really caring what was wrong with him. After all, her only job was to serve him - and serve him she would. So, Inuyasha, Naraku thought, glowering. You and that meddlesome mortal woman have returned. He smiled thinly. We shall see which is more powerful. Oh, yes, Inuyasha...We shall see, indeed. “Kanna,” he spoke, a note of wariness in his voice, “show me Lord Sesshomaru.” Her chin lowered in a submissive nod and the mirror churned before showing Sesshomaru. Naraku frowned, unable to determine what it was that the youkai was doing. To him, it appeared as though he were simply observing something. But what? Kanna, as though sensing his suspicious curiosity, moved the sight and Naraku's nails dug in his thighs, seeing just what it was that made Lord Sesshomaru have a satisfied glint in his eyes. Two demons of Naraku's were pinned to some kind of torture device and Jaken was operating it. Damn him, Naraku swore. He's trying to get information! Wait... Sesshomaru moved swiftly towards the device and brought out his Tokijin.
“You,” he growled, “are a waste of flesh!” In a mere instant, the demons heads flew off.
“My lord?” The imp squeaked.
“Enough, Jaken. Kill the other demons. I have no need of them. I have all the information I need.” The youkai moved out of the basement, ascending the stairs. He paused and after flicking the blood off his sword, he sheathed it. “Make them suffer.” A small, grim smile curved his lips before he vanished from the basement.
“Enough!” Naraku snapped at his creation. Kanna lowered her mirror as it went blank. Naraku stood, distressed. What did those fools tell Sesshomaru? What could they have known? I told them near to nothing! A sudden thought came to his mind and Naraku let out an irritated growl. Ryukotsusei...
Inuyasha paused and Kagome slid from his back and called, “Sango! Miroku! Shippo!” The three turned and Kirara glided to them. Kagome grinned at them and Sango smiled pleasantly. Though they were friendly, Kagome could sense their unease and suspicion. Her body went cold and she wondered what it was that made them shift so uncomfortably.
“Kagome,” Sango greeted, “Inuyasha. You both came at an agreeable time.” Inuyasha's eyes narrowed on her, as though he expected her to steal his Tetsuseiga - again. Miroku approached Inuyasha, his expression solemn. “We need to talk. It's about your letter, Inuyasha,” Sango explained, frowning. Shippo, perched on her shoulder, nodded.
“Listen, you guys,” Kagome began, “I know that Inuyasha didn't tell you everything, so...I'm guessing that's what you're concerned about?” A collection of nods went around the three and Kagome hesitated, before continuing, “The truth is that we found out about something from Sesshomaru.”
“Sesshomaru?” Miroku repeated in surprise. “Inuyasha's older brother?” Kagome nodded. Inuyasha remained silent, inclined not to speak about his detested family member.
“He's a really important guy in England I guess, and is the second hand man to the king. The king told him about some blackmail over his head from Naraku and that James had to give Naraku the throne!” Kagome paused, biting her lip. “And then, some demons attacked Sesshomaru's home and almost killed his ward, Rin.” Kagome ignored the puzzled expressions on their faces. “He was furious and wanted to take Naraku for himself - but knew that he couldn't leave England. Not only would the demons overtake England, but he couldn't trust Rin with anyone and certainly couldn't bring her in the midst of the battle. So, he wrote to Inuyasha, proposing a deal with him. He had a potion that could cure Inuyasha and he wanted Inuyasha, you three, and I to go after Naraku and Ryukotsusei for him.”
“So...In other words...” Miroku began, frowning.
“...We've been employed by Sesshomaru?” Sango finished, looking irritated.
“Yeah,” Inuyasha grunted, a dark look on his face. “That's exactly what's happened. Sesshomaru more or less forced our hand. He knew that I would take the bait. He knew that I would do his bidding like a little puppy dog - just so his ass is safe!”
“That's not true, Inuyasha!” Kagome protested. “He asked for our help for Rin's sake and so England would be safe from the demons!” Kagome knew she shouldn't have mentioned Rin, because a pensive (thoughtful) look came on his face, as well as the other three's. Kagome, herself, had wondered about the relationship between the two, but had given up during the journey to Japan. It was none of her business and that was that.
“Who is Rin?” Sango asked, raising her eyebrows.
“No one,” Kagome immediately said.
“Some girl that Sesshomaru took in,” Inuyasha replied after Kagome. He shot her a scathing look and she sighed. “It doesn't matter, alright? Let's just get back to why we're here. Have you guys any notion to where Naraku or Ryukotsusei is?” Inuyasha demanded. Kagome glanced at her fiancé and smiled to herself. She was pleased that Inuyasha had averted their friend's attention from Rin. It didn't seem right to talk about the sweet ward of Sesshomaru's behind her back. I can imagine what Sesshomaru would do if he found out someone was gossiping about her... Kagome thought, imagining him turning to his full demon form and tearing them apart. Not a pleasant thought.
Rin sneezed and rubbed her nose. She blinked a bit and looked around her, almost curiously. Someone's talking about me, she thought to herself. Rin returned to the papers on her desk. She had been writing a journal lately and so far, she had wasted ink and paper on the thing. She flipped through the pages, skimming through the lines of her words briefly, before sighing. She placed them back in a box and slid it between her mattress and bed frame. Rin sat on the ground, staring around her. So much has happened! She thought to herself, giving a small smile. I never would have imagined that I would be in such a nice home and with such nice people. Rin bowed her head and rested her forehead against the mattress. Her brow furrowed in thought. I react the same way to all the nice servants, Julia and Master Jaken, but Lord Sesshomaru... She stood up and sat on the bed, contemplating. Whenever I think of Lord Sesshomaru or talk to him or see him, I always get a weird feeling in my stomach and I feel lightheaded. He makes me feel so happy inside. Rin considered this for a moment, staring at her feet, as though expecting an answer to come from her kid slippers.
“Rin!” She snapped back to reality and blinked, seeing Jaken standing in the doorway. He was frowning at her, almost glaring. “Stop daydreaming, girl!” He entered and she plopped onto the ground, her thoughts turning in circles. Pushing them from her mind for the time being, she smiled at Jaken.
“Is there something you wanted, Master Jaken?” She asked politely, beaming at him. He gave a huff at her optimism. Had she known that he had just tortured and murdered countless demons minutes ago, would she still be grinning at him? Jaken had no desire to discover the answer.
“Lord Sesshomaru has informed me to look at men suitable for you - as mates,” Jaken told her bluntly. Her smile dropped.
“Oh...That's right.”
“I've found a few men - foreigners, of course - that are visiting England. I could hardly find you an Englishman that would be willing to take you!” At least I'm honest, Jaken thought to himself, seeing her dull look. “Now, there are a few Spaniards - ”
“Spaniards!” Rin exclaimed, her eyes shooting wide. She shrunk from him, hugging herself. “They're evil! And they are known to be abusive to their women.” Jaken appeared skeptical. “The French are politer.”
“Polite!” Jaken snorted. “The French believe in three things: sex, wine, and parties.” Rin blushed furiously, embarrassed. “Let me see...A Dutchman or a man from Portugal might be better, I suppose. An Italian? No, no, they're much like the French.” Jaken sighed, pacing, his staff held behind his back. “Irish? Absolutely not. Scottish? Goodness, no! Hmm...” He smirked, turning to Rin, triumph gleaming in his eyes. “I've got it. A Japanese man! Many Japanese are coming to England. They are certainly respectable to their women and I'm sure they don't know about your reputation. And, even if they did, what would they care? They're not quite as picky as the English are.” Rin gave him a dirty look and stormed out of her room. “Rin! Where do you think you're going?”
“I'm not marrying anyone! I don't want to marry a stranger!” Rin yelled at Jaken. “And if Lord Sesshomaru really wants me to marry, then I want him to choose, not you.”
“Wh-why y-you...! You brazen child!” Jaken was just as angry now, stomping down the stairs to come face-to-face with Rin. “How dare you speak to me that way! Lord Sesshomaru had me do this for a reason. I was merely thinking of your well-being and you dare to - ”
Jaken,” a sharp voice spoke from the corridor and both looked to see the youkai coming from his study. “Go. Now.” Jaken went rigid and after giving a stiff bow, left, muttering darkly under his breath. Rin was straight as a board, her eyes pinned to the floor. “Rin, what is the meaning of this?”
“ I don't wish to marry, Lord Sesshomaru,” Rin told him, not raising her eyes to look at him. Sesshomaru stared at her bowed head wearily. He hadn't slept for almost a week, ever since Inuyasha and his fiancée had left England. He was exhausted and wasn't in the mood for Jaken's and his ward's arguments. He had dealt with those impertinent demon's lies and their stupidity. Dealing with Rin's obstinacy (stubbornness) was not on his high list of the day.
“Is that so.” It wasn't a question.
“I want to stay here with you, Lord Sesshomaru,” Rin said frankly, raising her head, her eyes meeting his. His amber eyes narrowed and he moved past her, going upstairs. She heard the click of his door close and she stared at where he had been, before turning and blinking rapidly. She hurried up the stairs and peeked in her master's bedroom. Sesshomaru was lying on his bed, eyes closed. She knew that he wasn't asleep because his eyebrows were drawn down in agitation. She climbed on the bed and sat, staring at him.
“Leave it be for the day, Rin,” he said at last, opening his eyes. For the first time, she saw how tired he was and realized that today was not the day to complain.
“...Okay.” She shifted, deciding to leave, but his hand caught her wrist, pulling her against him. Her cheeks became warm and she raised her eyes to see that Sesshomaru had closed his eyes once again. Ignoring the nervous thrill going through her, she eased against him, snuggling close. His hand released her wrist and slid around her. I'll dispute about this some other time, Rin told herself. For now, I'll take a nap with Lord Sesshomaru. She smiled against the fur on his shoulder and buried her face in it, closing her eyes.
Naraku's lips curled in a smirk. Enjoy your sleep with your girl, Sesshomaru, he thought, chuckling deep in his throat. She will not be within your reach for long. No...I will make sure of that. The chuckle turned into a cackle. Kanna glanced at Naraku dully, before clearing the mirror as he left the room.
“Naraku...” Kanna murmured, watching him leave, snickering under his breath.