InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Surviving in Disney World ❯ The Journey ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Just so ppl know: the gang looks exactly the same, except that they are in modern clothes, and all tails ears excetera are hidden w/ various items of clothing. (ie jackets and hats) Except for Jaken, who has a complete disguise as a little kid. *smirks* it shall be his undoing.


Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Land, Disney World, or Inuyasha. I would also like to say that this is my idea, and I would rather not have people stealing it from me without giving me credit

The entire gang walked behind Asa, grumbling/worrying/wondering about what was going on. Kagome was about ready to completely freak out. "Come on now! Keep up! We don't want to miss it, do we?"

"I'd sure as heck like to miss it." muttered a disgruntled Inuyasha, who was in a very bad mood since he had realized that this place had no ramen and/or violence to speak of.

"Come on! Let's be positive!" Telling the hanyou to be positive, was like telling a bird to sing jazz music while doing back flips.

While they were walking, people stared at them. Most of them stared at Sesshoumaru's facial markings, but some were keen enough to notice that several people had blood red eyes or amber eyes. Others wondered why the heck three of them had white hair. Many recieved glares from Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru who heard every comment.

Also, Naraku, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, and Miroku experenced the world of..... FAN GIRLS! "Oh! Look at that hottie!" "He's fine!" "I wish my boyfriend was as hot as he is!" "OMG! Look at him!" were some of the comments that were made, along with much drooling. All of this made the three cringe, and Miroku estatic. (We are talking about Miroku here.)

"I think I'm going to get to know some of the people here..."

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" Sango was missing her boomerang at this point, because she was forced to just slap him and drag him along by the ear. Not at all satisfying. Well, you've got to work with what you have.

Asa snickered and motioned for them to follow.

Their next adventure was....OLD LADIES! Yes, a bunch of old ladies came up to Shippo, Rin, and (for those who can't see at all) Jaken, and began to exclaim about how cute they were, along with giving them uber amounts of sugar, which Kagome quickly confenscated. For one thing she was worried about the whole "Never accept candy from a stranger" rule, and she did not want Shippo to get on a sugar high. She shuddered.

-----------------------------------------------FLASH BACK---------------------------------------------------

"GHA! SHIPPO!" Shippo was bouncing around off the walls, literally.

"WOW! This sugar stuff is really good.Sugar sugar sugar!" Shippo shouted out so quickly that Inuyasha and Kagome had a heck of a time understanding what the hell he was saying.

"Shippo! Calm down! We can't be wasting time! We should be looking for the Jewel Shards!" Inuyasha tried to grab Shippo, but only ended up getting the kitsune on his head, doing an Irish jig. Needless to say, many death threats were made.

"Hey what's this?" questioned Shippo, as he pulled out Kagome's history book.


"I don't like this!These guy should go here and here and here..." By the time Shippo was done, King Henery was president of the United States, Bush was the first man on the moon, and Napoleon had written the Constitution.

-------------------------------------------END FLASH BACK------------------------------------------------

Kagome had sworn never to let Shippo have too much suagar again, and wasn't taking her chances with Rin and Jaken.


That's all for now! It would be uberly apperciated if people would review and tell me how I'm doin.