InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet 16 redone ❯ Ponbiki ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Not so fast."

"Who said that?" Miroku asked, looking around, puzzled.

His question was answered when a demon came walking out from behind a tree on the edge of camp. The demon was tall and slender, at least six feet. He wore maroon slacks, and his chest was bare. There were black snake tattoos that wrapped up each of his arms, with their heads meeting at his shoulder blades. His slick, black hair hung down and stopped just above his knees. The demon's long, pointed ears were pierced and decorated with small, black earrings. His face was long and thin, with dark, narrow eyes set just about his pointed nose. He was holding a spear with a black staff in his right hand.

"Who are you?" Hime asked.

"My name is Ponbiki," The demon answered, taking a few steps closer to the two.

"Are you one of the Hebi?" Miroku asked.

"Why yes, what an excellent observation monk," Ponbiki said, smiling.

"What did you do to us? Who were those other two?" Miroku asked, calmly.

"Those were my creations, made from the ashes of mortals. Did you enjoy them?" Ponbiki asked.

"Well...uh...." Miroku struggled to find a response.

"I just thought I'd let you all have a little fun before I took your lives," Ponbiki explained.

"Well I'm afraid that’s not going to happen," Hime snarled, crouching down into an attack position.

Ponbiki chuckled, "Very well, you can die without the pleasure if you life."

Ponbiki lunged at Hime with his spear thrust out in front of him. Hime jumped out of the way, causing Ponbiki's attack to hit the ground where she had been standing. She was able to flip mid-air and land by the tree where the Sango imposter had been killed. She grabbed the daggers that were still stuck in the tree trunk and prepared to attack Ponbiki.

"Not bad for a Kuroi, " Ponbiki said, "Yes, I know what you are. You stink like that filthy mutt Kasai fancies. Have you come to free him?"

"How dare you speak about him like that. Your kind is nothing but a bunch of cowards, hiding out here," Hime spit back.

"At least we would never mix with mortals, how pathetic," Ponbiki snarled.

Hime had had enough, she ran at Ponbiki. Her daggers were crossed at her chest. As she drew closer to her enemy, the daggers began to glow purple. When Hime reached Ponbiki, she attempted to slash him across his chest. Ponbiki leaned to the left, dodging the attack.

"Come to free him? So Taiken really is alive?" Miroku said, as he realized what Ponbiki had said.

"Of course, we've been trying to get rid of that scum for years. My leader’s daughter won't allow it. Since I can't kill him, you will have to do!" Ponbiki yelled as he sent a blast of energy from his spear at Hime.

Hime was still grasping the fact that her brother really was alive, and did not react to the attack right away. She tried to jump out of the way, but the blast skimmed her right arm. Blood gushed out and splattered the ground by her feet. Hime gripped the wound with her left hand. She looked down at the blood and let out a low snarl.

"You're going to regret that," Hime said as she dove back at Ponbiki.

She attempted to slash him with her daggers several times, but every attack was dodged or blocked by his spear. However, she was able to force him back with her attacks until he was trapped between her and a tree. Ponbiki looked around nervously for some way to escape. A smile appeared on Hime's face when she realized she had him. With out hesitating, Hime raised one of her daggers and used it to cut the demon's throat. Ponbiki dropped to the ground with a look of shock in his eyes. When he hit the ground, his body disappeared into a puff of maroon smoke.

"We should go and get the girls," Miroku suggested.

Hime nodded and ran off into the woods with Miroku close behind. When they reached the hot spring they found that the girls were a little busy. The Inuyasha imposter had Kagome pinned up against a rock as he trailed kisses down her body. Kagome didn't seem to be resisting in any way. It was the same with Sango, who was currently straddling the Miroku look-a-like.

"I thought that they would be destroyed with Ponbiki," Hime stated.

Miroku didn't reply, he was starring with an open mouth and wide eyes at what was happening in the pond.

"What are we going to do?" Hime asked and got no reply, "Miroku!"

The monk stood in awe of the events in front of him. Frustrated, Hime slapped Miroku across the face to gain his attention.

"Huh?" Miroku mumbled, focusing on Hime.

"What are we going to do?" Hime repeated.

"Do we really have to break this up?" Miroku said.

"Yes!" Hime yelled as she smacked the monk again.

"Right, well you get the girls out of here, and I'll take care of the rest," Miroku said.

Hime nodded and leapt into the water. She grabbed both Kagome and Sango, pulling them away from the imposters. She winced When she grabbed Kagome with her wounded arm, but ignored the pain and got both girls on to the shore. Once the girls were safe, Miroku let loose his powerful wind tunnel. The two imposters, and some of the rocks and water from the hot spring, were sucked into the nothingness. Miroku covered his hand and turned to the girls.

"Everyone ok?" Miroku asked.

"Why didn't you just use that before instead of making me do all the work?" Hime asked, ignoring Miroku's question.

"You seemed to have everything under control," Miroku answered.

Hime rolled her eyes, "just go get Inuyasha."

"Perhaps you should get him, I should stay here and help the girls get dressed," Miroku suggested.

"Just go!" Hime yelled, she was losing patience with the monk.

Miroku gave in with a sigh and ran off in Inuyasha's direction.

"What’s going on?" Sango asked, as she came out of the spell.

"It was another one of the Hebi's tricks," Hime replied.

"Did I really do what I think I did?" Kagome asked with a horrified look on her face.

"Well, yeah, only it wasn't really Miroku and Inuyasha. They were creations of one of the Hebi," Hime explained.

"Kirara!" Sango yelled When she found the cat demon passed out on the edge of the pond.

"What happened to her?" Kagome asked.

"I'm not sure. I guess she was put under some sort of spell to," Hime suggested, "You guys should get dressed so we can head back to camp."

Kagome and Sango nodded and grabbed their clothes. Once they were dressed the girls headed for camp. As they walked Kagome noticed the wound on Hime's arm.

"Oh my god, Hime, what happened?" Kagome asked, pointing at Hime's arm.

"It's nothing really, I was just a little slow dodging an attack," Hime explained.

"So who was the demon?" Sango asked.

"His name was Ponbiki. He created those imposters, and then they put everyone under a spell. I was able to get away from the two that were here, but When I went to get Inuyasha and Miroku's help, I found that Inuyasha was missing and Miroku was um...well...busy. Anyways, to make a long story short, I had to get rid of the imposters, then Ponbiki showed up, I killed him, but not before he got my arm. The important thing is, we found out that my brothers alive," Hime told them.

"He is? Are you sure? How do you know?" Kagome asked, she had always been sure that he was alive, but knowing for certain brought a huge grin to her face.

"Ponbiki told us," Hime said.

"It's a relief knowing, know we really need to figure out a plan for freeing him soon," Sango said.

"Yeah," Kagome said.

"We won't be able to take on all of the Hebi on our own. If it were just Hayai, or Kasai, we could handle it, but I'm afraid there will be to many. I think our best bet will try to sneak him out," Hime explained.

"Inuyasha may have a problem with that. He doesn't exactly like to run away," Kagome said.

Sango nodded, "He can be pretty stubborn."

"Speak of the devil," Kagome said as they walked into camp and found the boys sitting by the fire.

Shippo was lying in between the two, fast asleep. His little chest was rising and dropping in rhythm with his soft snoring. When Inuyasha saw Kagome enter he blushed and looked away. Miroku looked up at the girls smiling, most likely replaying what he saw in his mind.

"You letch!" Sango said when she saw him staring. She walked over and hit him with Hiraikotsu.

"What was that for? I didn't do anything," Miroku said as he rubbed the bump on his head.

"I know what you were thinking though," Sango said.

"It can't be helped. You two have such perfect bodies, you really shouldn't be ashamed of that," Miroku said.

"Enough monk," Sango warned and sat down by the fire, across from Miroku.
Hime sat down by Sango, and pet the cat demon in her arms. Kirara had regained consciousness and was purring as she bumped her head against Hime's hand. Kagome walked over to where Shippo was sitting, picked him up and sat down where he had been laying before, with the pup in her lap. She looked down at the kitsune and stroked his head softly. She couldn't bring herself to look at Inuyasha. She knew it wasn't really him earlier and that she was under a spell, but for some reason she still felt ashamed of what happened. She didn't know why she was so embarrassed, probably because she knew he probably knew what had happened. She couldn't help but wonder what he thought about it. Would he be angry with her? She couldn't think of a reason why he would be, but then again, they had fought over stupider things then this. She decided it would be best to just ignore Inuyasha. She continued to keep her face down and stroke Shippo's hair.

"What happened to Shippo?" Kagome asked.

"My guess is he was put under the same spell as Kirara. He probably slept through the whole thing," Hime said.

"Well, that’s good," Kagome said.

Inuyasha noticed that Kagome wasn't looking at him. He couldn't understand why.

'Does she know what I did? Why is she so embarrassed? What happened to her?' Inuyasha asked himself.

"Miroku told me the demon said that your father is alive," Inuyasha said in an attempt to get Kagome to talk to him.

"Yeah" Kagome answered, still looking down.

"We'll get him out of there Kagome, I promise," Inuyasha said, putting a hand on Kagome's shoulder.

"Thank you," Kagome said, finally looking up. ' Thank you for not getting mad,' she added to herself.

A/N: The next chapter won't take as long, I promise. I already know what I want to happen for that one. This one took me forever for a million different reasons, so I'll just leave it at, I was busy. If you haven't seen yet, I posted a few pictures of some of the characters from this story on I'm not a very good artist, so the pictures suck. If any of you like to draw and want to draw any of the characters how you picture them, that would be cool. Anyways, please review, and I'll have the next chapter up soon. Oh, and Ponbiki means con-man or pimp