InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Indulgences ❯ Sweet Indulgences ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This took a really long time to read, because I really didn't know which direction I wanted to go…and I am very disappointed with the ending. Oh well…
It was his joy. It was his passion. And Shippo knew that from the first time it touched his lips, there was no living without it. This indulgence had started a few months ago when Kagome had found him, nursed him to health, and given him the one thing that made his world spin in dizziness and pleasure.
It started with those sticks that Kagome handing him, delicately urging him to taste it. Her scent had been comforting, so Shippo thought nothing of shoving the stick down his throat. Oh the taste, the sensations! Shippo had thought he had reached the nirvana that silly humans like Miroku had tried their whole lives—and longer—trying to achieve.
Once out of that nirvana, it had left him in a state of need and hunger. A hunger so powerful, it had scared him slightly. Immediately he had asked more of those sticks, scarfing down the whole box that the woman had held in her hands. After that too was gone, he was still hungry for more…
Later on, too much later in Shippo's opinion, Kagome had come back with the sticks again, something she had named `Pocky'. And with the three boxes of those sticks, Shippo knew what true bliss was. But even then it wasn't enough…he went through countless boxes, but even this wasn't enough.
Shippo turned to anything else to get the sensations…the sugar…that the pocky had given him. Once he had even licked Kirara in a daze, thinking maybe she would taste as wonderful as the delicious sugar. Much to her reproach, as she had bitten him.
Soon, Kagome had brought back other things. Like those long brown rectangles. Oh, those long brown rectangles…What sensations they elated him with. Even more so with pocky. It was these that he had now coveted. And with the boost from pocky, it was even more wonderful. He thought maybe these rectangles would sate this hunger deep within, but it only grew to increase it. A never-ending cycle of hunger.
Next Kagome brought back what she had named “Pixie Sticks.” Shippo thought he would die from these new sensations. He had nearly attacked when that baka Inuyasha had bit into one and threw it away from his silly ramen. Shippo spent the night licking the ground where the pixie stick landed.
By now Shippo was at a constant twitch. He craved for more, but none was found. He made do with the sweet-salty taste of Ramen, but it offered poor substitute for his beloved pixie sticks, pocky and rectangles.
By now Shippo would wait with Inuyasha at the edge of the well. He liked seeing Kagome, but he loved seeing that bundle of candy in here arms for him. This time she had brought him these hard things on sticks. While not as fulfilling as the pixie sticks or pocky, they were really good.
By now, Shippo was in a craze. He had taken everything of Kagome's that even had a little sugar in it, much to the girl's displeasure and continuous squawks of protest. Then there was a terrible time, a most horrible time where Kagome had come without the sweets at all, telling him that she didn't have time to go get anymore. Shippo nearly flew off the handle. No more treats? just wasn't fair…
After that Shippo became terribly ill. So ill that Kagome had halted all shard hunting to care for him. Kagome had done all she could, and he slowly recovered. She gave him the rectangles, saying that they'd make him feel better. Shippo grinned. Now he had a way to get more. Within a week Shippo had recovered, and the hunger had intensified.
That time Kagome came back with nothing but fruit. Shippo growled at this, going to play ill again. The fruit was sweet, but not sweet enough. He needed more. Throwing the fruit aside, he had ranted about he wanted candy. The beautiful candy…but Kagome refused, saying he needed more. The hunger spoke to him, manifested in him and almost took over. To attack her. Attack her and get her candy.
Luckily Inuyasha had noticed this and knocked Shippo out. He had told Shippo to control it…the demon that fought to get what it desired. For Kagome. Shippo was appalled and ashamed that he had thought of attacking the one person that had taken him in, treated him like a son…
So Shippo fought. The candy, the pixie sticks. They didn't matter as long as Kagome as safe. And though it was his own horrible indulgence, he'd rather take the love.