InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Liar ❯ Sweet Liar ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: Well this is my first attempt at writing a Inu-Yasha fanfic! Tell me how it is okay? I want lot's over reviews. ^_^ I want to thank Erica and Lyndell! Heehee I think I spelled his name wrong but oh well...they helped me correct spelling and grammer and since they read my story and got my to write more details! So well I am trying! This ficcy is rated R for language and lemony so be warned! Try not to flame me but I always love good reviews so please R&R!

Disclaimer: Do you really think if I owned Inu-Yasha I would be sitting here writing fanfics about him? Of course I wouldn't mind owning Sessho- maru.... =^_^= ~drool~ anywho...! Nope don't own a single one of them! I am just err...umm..."borrowing" them for my story! So don't sue me okays?

~Sweet Liar~

It has been fifty-three years since Inu-Yasha was pinned to the sacred oak by his beloved Kikyo. She was mistaken into doing so and died in the process. Inu-Yasha had loved Kikyo, and although he had wanted the Shikon no Tama, he would have never hurt his lover! That love was what was keeping him from hurting her ghost which still wandered around to this day, seeking a false revenge. This is also what was keeping him from loving any other, including Kagome!

The war against Naraku still raged on as the group searched for the last few remaining sacred jewel shards. It had been a three year battle, three years since Kagome freed Inu-Yasha from the spell Kikyo put on him, but now there was more to it than just defeating Narauku and finding the shards. Kagome was madly in love with Inu-Yasha, who seemed to care less about her. He was focused mostly on his lost love Kikyo and becoming a full inu- youkai.

"Stupid wench, stop your daydreaming!!!!! You are going to burn breakfast!!!!" Inu-Yasha snapped at a half awake Kagome.

His words brought her to her sense and quickly moved the pot away from the fire. She had been daydreaming about Inu-Yasha as always, but also about what he would do for her today cause it was her eighteeth birthday/

"That's better, wench! Now hurry up with breakfast so we can continue our search for the jewel shards," he barked, being his usual grumpy self in the morning.

'That's it!' she thought, 'It's my birthday and he wakes me up at the crack of dawn to cook him breakfast! Well no more!'

Kagome stood quickly dropping the pot of soup in her hand and shoved Inu- Yasha, who was too stunned at her quick movements to do anything, right into the heart of the fire.

"Sit, boy! SIT!!!!" she commanded.

Inu-Yasha found himself a good foot underground and his clothes were singed from the now dead fire. To his luck his fire rat haori was resistant and he didn't really get burned, but he began to cough some because of the ashes going up his nose.

Grabbing her bow and quiver, just in case, she stomped off towards the woods. 'Some time away,' she thought angrily, 'Just enough time to clear my head!'

Before Kagome had managed to get too far Inu-Yasha had pulled himself up from the hole that he was "sat" into. He brushed himself off then called out to her.

"Where are you going, wench!? What about breakfast, and we still have jewel shards to search for!?" he questioned, staring after her as she walked away.

Upon hearing his words Kagome spun around and gave Inu-Yasha a look anyone else would consider a death glare, and he knew instantly he had made a mistake. She was about to rip him in two but she thought it too bloody and just screamed "SIT!" as loud as she could, sending the hanyou several feet deeper underground.

Inu-Yasha had no clue as to what he had done so wrong but he decided to sit there for awhile and not say anything, letting her go where she pleased for now, not wanting to piss her off even more.

Sango and Miroku, who had been listening to everything, just cuddled closer together both thinking at the same time, 'Yup, another morning, another breakfast uncooked.'

As Kagome stomped off into the woods, she was half-tempted not to ever go back to Inu-Yasha. However, she knew that Shippo needed her as well as Sango and Miroku.

Deeper she walked into the trees, not really following any certain path, and taking her pent up anger out on little twigs she picked up and snapped in her hand.

"Oooh... he makes me so mad! If he ever commands me to do anything ever again...I'll...I'll record myself saying sit on a tape player saying "sit" over and over again and let it play on repeat until the batteries run out! That would so teach that stupid hanyou a lesson!" Kagome thought aloud to herself.

'I don't know what a tape player is, but Inu-Yasha deserves whatever tortures it brings.' a strong familar masculine voice intruded upon her mind.

Kagome stopped and looked around, seeing no one behind her and nothing before her except a dense clump of trees covered in vines in front of her.

'Why don't you come join me and tell me what other torments you wish upon that,' the voice came into her mind again, but this time Kagome recognized it.

"Sessho-maru..." she whispered aloud, waiting for the voice to come again to see if she was right.

'You are right. Now come, join me. Move aside the vines and enter the clearing ahead.' he beckoned.

There was something in his voice that made Kagome feel at peace. She had never really feared Inu-Yasha's older brother, in fact, she had had her share of fantasies about him as well as Inu-Yasha.

Kagome was still cautious as she drew out an arrow from her quiver and placed it readily to her bow just in case it was one of Sessho-maru's traps.

As she moved aside the vines and stepped pass the trees, she found herself in a clearing surrounded by blooming cherry blossom trees. The morning was shining brightly through the flowers and there was soft steam rising and rolling off the rocks by the hot srping that was in the center of it all. This was a new experience for Kagome because for some reason she felt out of place, as if it were some secret garden or hidden treasure ment to be left untouched.

"You wouldn't dare shoot a man during his bath, would you? Sessh-maru asked Kagome who was still marvelling at her surroundings.

"I...umm..." Kagome blushed as the reality of where she was and that she had intruded on Sessho-maru's bath set in.

"You are not intruding, my dear. If you remember, I invited you. You are welcome to join me in here if you like, as long as you continue with ideas about how to torture my brother," he smiled, gesturing for her to join him in the hotspring.

She hesitated, thinking it still might be a trap. It was odd but she still did not fear him.

"What's the matter, my dear? Afraid your mate might find out you were with a better demon?" Sessho-maru smirked sensing that his words had angered her a bit.

"Inu-Yasha is not my mate!" she snapped, some of the anger from earlier returning to her.

"Well, then come join me? I promise I don't bite much. Unless you would rather go back and make him breakfast?" he taunted her as he realxed a bit more into the warm water.

"I don't want to go back to him," she decided firmly but then looked at her surroundings again, "But I still won't join you. I think I will just sit here for awhile. How did you know about breakfast?"

Kagome moved to sit on one of the smooth boulders that were next to the hotspring. She could feel the heat from the water warn the rock beneath her, and as she ran a hand over it the stone felt good to her touch.

"You humans and my brother are so noisy. I hear you no matter where you are on my lands," he explained, a coldness setting into his tone of voice.

"Oh..." she said as she continued to about the almost heavenly little grotto.

'Maybe I can use this wannabe mate of my brother's to get the Tetsusiaga,' Sessho-maru thought, coming up with a plan within seconds on how to use her to his advantage.

"You like it here?" he inquired s he slowly continued to wash himself with a weird looking sponge.

"It's lovely, but why have I not seen it before?" she asked, her eyes still roaming her surroundings.

"Magic barries I set up personally for my private bath keep both human and demon alike from stumbling in and ruining things," he talked as he occasionally glanced at the girl.

'I think I now know why my brother and father found these pathetic humans so interesting,' Sessho-maru thought to himself, 'It's because they are always changing facial expressions. Each and every one of them are different and in some way intriguing.

Kagome, after taking in good look at the beautiful trees and flowers, turned her sights back on the bathing Sessho-maru.

'He is so handsome. I bet both him and Inu-yasha get all their good looks from their father,' Kagome thought, smiling to herself.

"All inu-youkai get their good looks from their fathers," Sessho-maru commented cooly, a small smirk crossing his lips.

Kagome blushed, having forgot that he could read her thoughts.

Wanting to change the subject fast, Kagome said the first thing that came to her mind:

"How is Rin doing?" she asked.

"Well and growing like a weed as you humans would say," he answered, taking his time letting ever word roll off his tongue softly.

"That's good..." was all Kagome could think of to say.

"She could use a mother, so I have been searching for a mate lately," Sessho-maru added diligently to a dying conversation.

"What kind of mate do you seek?" Kagome found herself asking before she even thought about the quetion fully.

"A female, full-blooded inu-youkai. I, of course, can make anyone into one, but I have yet to find the right mate to bare my pups," he explained smirking softly when he saw Kagome's face turn redder as his words.

"I am sure you will find the right one someday..." Kagome said finally trying hard not to choke on her words, her mind completely missing the detail of him saying he could make anyone into an inu-youkai.

Sessho-maru was enjoying making Kagome blush a little more then even he expected.

"What about my half-brother? I thought you two were mates?" Sessho-maru lied, knowing he could barely smell his brother's scent on her so she could not possibly be his mate.

"Inu-Yasha is not my mate! I do feel love for him but it's not returned. All he cares about is Kikyo, collecting shards, and his breakfast! It's my eighteenth birthday today and he made me get up at the crack of dawn to cook him breakfast! Do you believe the nerve that man has?" Kagome answered in frustration, her expression changing once more.

Sessho-maru just nodded, thinking about how his little brother needed to learn how to treat women be them woman, hanyou, or demon.

"Would you make me make breakfast that early on my birthday and then hunt for jewel shards all day?" Kagome asked, looking at Sessho-maru sadly.

'I don't like that facial expression...' he thought looking back at her, 'It's too sad and doesn't suit her beautiful face.'

"I am Lord of the Western Lands and I would never have my mate cook breakfast. That's what servants are for. As far as your birthday goes, I believe an afternoon in the flower feilds with a picnic would be a wonderful way to spend the day," he smiled, answering honestly.

"Could we really do that?" she asked, looking at him with hopeful eyes.

Sessho-maru was a bit surprised and very amused that she would want to do such a thing with him.

"Of course. Would you like to bring that little kitsune cub along as well? Rin would like to have some one to play with other than Jaken," he asked, his expression returning to its normal coolness but his eyes remained warm.

"That would be wonderful." Kagome smiled brightly.

'I can't believe this is happening. I don't care if it's a trap or not all I want to do is something nice for my birthday for a change instead of hunting for jewel shards all day,' Kagome thought.

Sessho-maru knew her thoughts and he also knew that today he would just wine and dine his brother's wannabe mate and tomorrow he would finish his plan.

Standing up and stepping out of the spring, Sessho-maru let the excess water drip off his perfect body.

Not until now did Kagome notice that Sessho-maru's arm was whole but she was also too busy looking at other things to say anything. Her eyes trailed up his body and met his eyes.

"I can heal my arm when I choose because of the sword I was given." Sesho- maru explained, meeting her gaze with his carmel colored eyes.

Kagome blushed profusely when she remembered he could read her thoughts, but when she tried to turn her head away from his gaze, she found she couldn't.

Sessho-maru took the few remaining steps around the spring slowly and stopped right in front of Kagome. Gently he reached for her elbow and pulled up from the rock she sat upon and to him.

"Your mate needs to learn how to treat you better," he whispered to her, staring into her eyes.

"He...he...tries..." was all she could manage to say even though in her heart she knew it was a lie, both the trying and Inu-Yasha being her mate.

"He could do so much better..." Sessho-maru breathed the words softly onto her lips. Kagome could feel chills running down her spine and smell Sessho- maru's sweet masculine scent. Slowly, he bent down to press his lips to hers, kissing her softly.

Sessho-maru didn't expect how warm and sweet the kiss would be and her heavenly vanilla-cherry scent made him fizzy. He was even more shocked when kagome kissed him back, but the shock soon faded and it turned into a burning desire to kiss more of her.

Gently he moved a hand up to softly comb his fingerts through her hair, finding only how much she liked that when a soft moan came onto his lips. He loved that sound and would have given anything to find out what others would make her moan, but he knew he had to control himself.

'I had better stop this before I claim her as my mate,' he thought, a bit upset because he did not wish to stop the addicting kiss.

Pulling away some he smiled down at her, looking into her eyes.

In a small flash Sessho-maru had reached behind her and grabbed his kimono and was dressed before she had time to think what had happened.

'So he was just teasing me when he got up out of the spring slowly.' she thought to herself having forgot that he could read her mind, once again.

Her thoughts brought a soft chuckle from deep within his throat.

"Please don't read my mind." She looked at him, pouting some and wondering if that would work on him.

"I won't and if I do I will try not to respond to it so you know I'm not listening." Sessho-maru chuckled again.

"We have to go pick up Shippo." Kagome smiled, liking the sound of his chuckle.

"Alright, shall I give you time to get ready? Would you like to bathe? I will adjust the barrier so only you and I may enter now." He smiled.

"It sounds so tempting, but I took one last night so I am okay, and yes I would like some time to get ready. I must tell everyone where Shippo and I are going," Kagome answered, smiling back at him.

"I will come get you in an hour's time then," he said, then gently placed a kiss on her lips but made it quick as so not to get drawn into her warmth and heavenly scent again.

Kagome blushed and nodded.

In the blink of an eye he was gone and she was left standing near the hotspring. For a moment she had wondered if it was a dream, but she feel the dampness of her clothes from when Sessho-maru had pulled her close to his wet body.

Gathering her bow and arrow which she had dropped to the ground during the kiss, she quickly headed back to camp knowing an hour was barely enough time.

It had taken awhile but upon reaching camp she looked around to see what was going on.

"When Shippo saw her, he came running up to her and jumped into her open arms and clinged to her.

"Kagome, we were so worried about you! Where did you go for so long?" Shippo asked with his child-like voice then added after he had sniffed the air a bit, "You smell kind of funny."

Inu-Yasha who was sulking in a nearby tree also took a sniff of the air. Immediatly he jumped down and walked to Kagome to get a closer sniff.

"Why do you smell like my brother, wench?" Inu-Yasha demanded angrily.

"Because we kissed at the hotspring in the woods," she answered honestly, hoping to make him a bit jealous.

"He is using you to get my Tetsusiaga," he snapped.

"I don't think he will," Kagome attempted at keeping her cool.

"He is nothing but trouble and you are to stay away from him, wench!" Inu- Yasha commanded his tone firm and set.

"Who do you think you are, ordering me around?" she asked, but before he could answer she continued, " I like your btoher and I was with him because he is more of a demon then you will ever be, Inu-Yasha! I think I have been following you around like a love-sick bitch for too long! I will never get the feelings I have for you returned to me. All you care about is that dead whore Kikyo and finding those damn jewel shards so you can become a full- blooded inu-youkai! It's really pissing me off! How could you be so selfish? All I am to you is someone who senses shards and maybe an anonoying little sister, but other than that, you will never love anyone but that Kikyo! And be it to hell with anyone else who ever attempts at loving you!"

Kagome had to stop for breath because she had ended up yelling the last part loud and fast. If he had approached her in any other tone of voice, she might have not have said it, but he was just really pissing her off this morning and had pushed her way too far.

Inu-Yasha gave her a hurt look, and she could see the pain in his eyes.

He was speachless as well as everyone else.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~

Author's Note: Well what did you think!? Eep! I'm scared...what if no one reviews? What if crashes and no one ever sees my story!? Or what if something even worse, there is really no Inu-Yasha and I only dreamed about writing a story about an anime with the ever so hot Sessho- maru!? Nah....Sessho-maru can't be a dream! ^_^ Stupid paranoid me! Oh well review for me please!! Naturally if you don't my Sporkian Army will hunt you down and spork you to death!

Wuvvies everyones favorite Missa!