InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Liar ❯ Are we there yet? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

~Sweet Liar~

Kagome stepped around Inu-Yasha and with Shippo still in her arms she sat down near the fire someone had rebuilt.

Setting Shippo down, she began to pack things into her backpack, getting ready for her outing today and knowing Sessho-maru would be here soon.

"Shippo, get packed. We are leaving for the day," Kagome said, swallowing the lump in her throat.

Shippo just nodded, knowing he should do what he was told because he could smell the high tension in the air between the adults.

The shock had finally wore off and Inu-Yasha turned around to look at Kagome who was still packing.

"Where are you going?" he asked with a sad tone in his voice.

"I am going to spend my birthday with your brother. Shippo is coming with us as is Rin. We will be spending the day in the flower fields near his castle. Try not to inturrupt us but if there is an emergency I will be availible," she explained calmly.

"Don't go...stay here with us..." He sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

"I have to go. We will be back by tomorrow at the latest. I am sorry for snapping out like that but I am not sorry for the way I feel." She turned from her packing somehow sensing Sessh-maru approaching and looked to the sky to see him riding his Oni.

Kagome then turned back around and grabbed her bag and Shippo and stood waiting for Sessho-maru to come to a stop.

When the large Oni had touched down about five feet away from Kagome, Inu- Yasha drew out his Tetsusiaga and slashed out at Sessho-maru.

Sessho-maru's Oni had moved just in tie to avoid the sweep of the deadly sword.

"SIT!" Kagome screamed.

Inu-Yasha was sitting a foot underground when Kagome and Shippo got on the Oni with Sessho-maru and flew off towards his castle.


Miroku was hit upside the head with Sango's Hiraikotsu.

"What did you do that for!?" the monk whined, knowing very well he hadn't pinched her ass all morning.

"You should have stopped them!" Sango explained to her perverted monk.

"Well, Kagome seemed really upset this morning, and it was her choice to leave not ours to make her stay. I didn't sense any danger. Plus, you are not completely defenseless yourself my dear," Miroku remarked, rubbing his now throbbing head.

Sango just sighed unsure of what to think about her best friend going with Sessho-maru. 'He did stop coming after the Tetsusiaga for awhile, but I still would not trust him,' her thoughts were too jumbled even for her.

"Things will be okay. I just know it," Miroku was standing beside her now and pulled her into a comforting hug.

Sango was happy for the comfort and the warmth of him.

Miroku took the opportunity to cop a feel on his woman, only ending up with a boomerang to the head.

"You never learn do you?" she smiled at him, then went to brush out Kirara's fur knowing that there was nothing more she could do.

Inu-Yasha pulled himself up out of the ground and went to go sulk in a tree.

'Why is she with Sessho-maru? What does she mean by following me around like a love-sick bitch? I don't get it, why would she call Kikyo a whore?' So many questions were racing through his mind, that he nearly lost his balance on the branch he was sitting on. Looking around he was greatful no one saw him almost fall, and he returned to his questioning thoughts.

Sessho-maru was having a wonderful time knowing that his brother's wannabe mate was protecting him, knowing in some way it was making his half brother jealous.

'I wonder how she knew I was there though. I did not make any sound and I had masked my scent so that hanyou would not try to stop me from reaching Kagome.' these thoughts worried Sessho-maru and he wondered if it was just some sort of fluke or she actually had the power to sense things.

He knew a mere miko could only sense shards, not people, and defiantly not demons. It seemed strange that he had not noticed it before, but now that he was this close to her, he could feel a pulsating light surrounding the girl's aura.

In an instant one word came to his mind. He wondered if the thought was true. 'That race died out years ago though, how could she be one? Where did this girl come from?' he knew his questions would have to be answered but not in front of the kid. That led himself to ask another question, 'Does she really think of the Kitsune as her pup?'

"Are we there yet, mommy?" Shippo's little voice inturrupted Sessho-maru's thoughts, and answered his question. It seemed without Inu-Yasha around the sweet child seemed less formal.

'Maybe the kid did not want seem like a baby in front of my half brother and refrained from using the word mommy.' Sessho-maru thought to himself as he listened to Kagome and Shippo talk.

"I think we are almost there, I can smell a faint smell of flowers on the breeze." Kagome smiled hoping to put her pup's mind at ease.

It took a bit of time to get there, and the whole time Shippo was asking, "Are we there yet?" and Kagome would politely answer him everytime.

It was driving Sessho-maru a bit batty, and for once in his life he was thankful for having Rin who was defiantly not as annoying.

Finally, they were approaching his castle. Fields upon fields of wild white flowers bloomed about it. Only one lone tree stood in the middle of it all, and beneath it stood Rin and Jaken patiently waiting for their master.

Kagome's breath was taken away as she looked at all the flowers, and then at the white stoned castle in the distance. 'Well, at least I know what his favorite color is,' she smiled to herself.

Sessho-maru knew her thoughts, but he did not respond to them, attemping at keeping his promise.

Before they even touched down near the tree Jaken was grovelling.

"Master Sessho-maru-sama! I did as you asked, I brought Rin here as soon as she had awakened. Welcome back, Master Sessho-maru-sama!" Jaken didn't notice the others until the Oni had landed. He knew they were part of Inu- Yasha's crew, and he did not like this one bit.

Sessho-maru helped Kagome down off the Oni, then turned to glare at Jaken who was staring at Kagome. For some reason Sessho-maru could feel a twinge of jealously, like only he could look at her for so long.

Rin stopped him from lashing out at Jaken when she ran up to him and locked her arms about one of his legs.

"Sessho-maru-sama! Rin has missed you," the little girl then noted everyone else, "Did you bring them to play with me?"

Sessho-maru meerly nodded at the little girl.

"Hi there Rin," Kagome smiled at her.

"Kagome-chan!" Rin ran to her and hugged her happily.

Kagome giggled and hugged her back, then asked her if she remembered Shippo.

"The boy with the funny looking tail?" Rin asked innocently.

"My tail is not funny looking," Shippo frowned not liking his mother giving other kids hugs.

After introductions Rin insisted on teaching Shippo and Kagome how to weave flowers into jewelry.

Sessho-maru had sat down, leaning against his Oni who intently stared at Rin, knowing it was its job to protect the child even when the master was present.

Kagome was still trying to get the weaving of the flowers down, as Shippo and Rin dressed up Jaken with the necklaces they made.

The little toad youkai looked at his master with pleading eyes, but Sessho- maru just smirked at him. Jaken looked like one big flower bush by the time they were done.

"Jaken," Sessho-maru called to his servant.

Jaken shook the flowers off him and picked up his staff, walking over to his master.

"Take Rin and Shippo to the castle and feed them. Kagome and I will be along shortly to eat some lunch." Sessho-maru commanded.

"Yes, master..." Jaken frowned, hating having to babysit all the time.

Neither Rin nor Shippo protested about leaving Kagome behind because the thought of food was too good to pass up. They all mounted the Oni and flew off towards the white stoned castle.

Kagome didn't happen to hear the conversation, and didn't even notice she was left alone with Sessho-maru until she looked up from the flowers she had been weaving together.

"Look Rin I" she looked around not seeing the children.

Sessho-maru was standing a few feet away from her, staring at her, trying to figure her out.

"Um...Sessho-maru why are you looking at me that way, and where did Shippo and Rin go?" Kagome asked looking back at him.

"I am trying to figure you out, and they went to go eat some lunch. I had told them to go on ahead and that we would catch up, because I would like to talk to you about your parentage," Sessho-maru explained simply, his cool gaze still upon her.

"Oh...What about my parents?" Kagome smiled at him, feeling the discussion would be simple enough.

Sessho-maru moved to sit down in front of her, still staring at her, they began their talk about her and where she had come from.

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Author's Note: Is it just me or does this chappy seem a heck of a lot shorter then I intended it to be? I wondered how that happened...oh well... ^_^ I will just have to make up for it later! Sorry for the boring chappy but next one is already written out! I promise some more Sesshy and Kagome mushyness! Oh by the way! If you know who is reading this! I love you! ^_^