InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Liar ❯ You will lose and I won't give you any! ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I own Sessho-maru that gorgeous hunk of sweet inu-youkai...he is all mine and no one elses.... ~drools a bit as she dreams then wakes with a start~ Ack! reality setting in! Niooooooo!!! What do you mean I don't own Sessho- maru!!???

~Sweet Liar~

Sessho-maru walked down the hallway debating whether to put Kagome in a room of her own or his.

'Mine...' was his one word train of thought that fully influenced his descion without further question of it.

As he approached his chamber doors he carefully used a hand to lift the door-handle and open the door. When they were inside he used his foot to shut the door quietly behind them.

White velvet and silk drapings, a few vases full of flowers that Rin had personally picked for him, and several pieces of darkwood furniture, but they all seemed to fail to compare to the lavish canopy bed that sat in the far right corner of the room.

He took her to it and laid her down upon the white velvet blanket.

"My beautiful Kagome," he whispered to her as she slept.

Carefully he took off her sandals and set them down on the floor, his fingers carressing her delicate feet, he wanted her in more ways than one this night.

"Mm...Sessho-maru?" Kagome was roused from her sleep by a sudden chill and his soft touch.

"I'm here Kagome," he whispered softly.

"Come lay with me? I'm cold," she asked in a child-like tone.

"Yes, of course," Sessho-maru answered, and he moved to lay beside her pulling her close to his chest.

She snuggled to him contently, feeling her mind swimming a bit with wine, Kagome nuzzled her nose close to Sessho-maru's neck.

"Kagome?" He whispered her name letting it roll off his tongue like a sweet honey.

"Yes?" She was happy and content being so close to him.

"Be my mate Kagome?" The Lord of the Western Lands asked half heartedly for fear of rejection.

The question was enough to snap her out of the dazed and drunken drowsiness.

She drew back a bit looking at him, the inu-youkai before her, and she wondered if he truly ment to be her mate. Could he really take care of her always? She had recieved only two promises like that and, though one man still held true to his word (Kouga), the other one had blindly hurt her (Inu-Yasha).

"Kagome, I would never hurt you," he whispered encouragingly.

"There is also something else that troubles me," she said softly, a slight frown crossing her lips.

"Tell me, so I may put your mind at ease, or help in anyway possible." Sessho-maru did not like it when she frowned, it didn't suit her face right, or so he thought.

"Well...I know it may seem silly and all, but I..." her words failed her then, how could she explain to him this stupid little thing that was bugging her.

He kissed her lips attempting to reassure her that she could tell him anything and he would understand.

She took a deep breath and attempted at continuing on with what she was about to say.

"I...I have never truly loved anyone before besides Inu-Yasha, I know I am completely over him now and all, my heart belongs to you. It has all come upon me so fast and it's all just one big rush. I do want to be your mate, it's all I could think about as Kouga taught me to dance. You know of me and the time I come from, I don't want...I mean I do want to be here...but I..." Her voice faultered again and she was unable to speak, but luckily Sessho-maru knew what she was getting at.

"I would never deny you your family, nor our pups, I would never deny them their relatives, sadly they would have none but my idiot half-brother on my side. I want you to be happy, I will even go with you and visit them," he smiled as he spoke hoping his words had put her mind at ease.

He had said what she had hoped for, she hugged him tightly, thanking whatever gods that exsisted for sending her this inu-angel to mend her broken heart so quickly.

"I'm a demon my love not an angel," he smiled truly as he kissed her lips then asked, "So is that a yes? Will you be my mate? Allow me to make you a full inu-youkai? Be my Queen?"

"Yes," she smiled back at him brightly.

"Yes to which?" he questioned her curiously.

"To all of it silly," she giggled.

"I am not silly," he commented cooly, loving to hear her giggle.

"Yes you are, and don't argue with me," she continued to giggle.

"Why not?" He looked at his soon to be mate with an intense gaze.

"Oh well," she thought about how to answer, "If you argue with me you will lose and I won't give you any."

She was blushing a bit profusely surprised fully at her own words.

"We are going to have a problem then," he stated simply.

"Oh? Why is that?" she questioned, the blush dieing on her cheeks a bit.

"Well, I do not intend to lose, and I do not intend not to get any," he growled playfully at her, capturing her lips in a kiss before she could respond.

She got lost in his kiss, forgetting completely about the argument, she pressed her lips and body closer to his.

He growled deeper into the kiss, drinking deeply from her lips, his tongue licking at her lips begging to be let in.

She parted her lips some her own tongue, becoming a little more daring, flicking out at his tongue.

Quickly he caught her tongue with his lips and sucked on it softly.

Kagome explored his mouth while his hands explored her body through the silky kimono. Her breathing became a bit ragged, she felt the undeniable urge to feel his skin upon her own, and she longed to be his.

Sessho-maru could smell her scent getting stronger, he smiled to himself, knowing his mate was going into heat. He was happy she was to be his or otherwise she might have driven him crazy with her sweet scent getting stronger. As he moved his hands down over her sweet curves, rubbing through the silk of his mother's kimono, gently he began to pull it up.

He looked at his soon to be mate, wantingly, attempting to memorize her body.

"I love you..." He whispered softly.

"I love you too...but I am nervous," Kagome blushed, "I have never done this before."

"Follow your instincts," he whispered against her skin, before his lips trailed down her cheek and along her throat.

It felt like liquid fire to her and caused her to give a soft moan of contentment as she let Sessho-maru's kisses drown her body with pleasure.

"Mine," he half growled, half moaned onto her delicate throat, as he feathered her skin with light kisses.

Kagome closed her eyes, her fingers lightly running through the inu- youkai's surprisingly soft white hair, moaning a little more when she felt his fangs nip softly at her tender flesh.

Her moans only drove him to the point of no return, his kisses became more brutal as he moved his head slightly to one side, kissing and nipping in one soft spot on the side of her neck more often now.

"Forgive me Kagome," he found himself saying just before his fangs sank deep into her skin.

She gasped feeling as though the very air she breathed had been taken away. It was not the slight pain that made her shiver, but the pulsating power that flowed through her veins now.

Sessho-maru bit deep and hard, letting his very life-force flow into her, sharing his power with his mate. He was agressive and at the same time gentle when he pulled his fangs from her and lapped at the blood that came from the wound.

'Yes,' he thought, 'It will scar, she is mine now and forever.'

He dared not look up while she was changing. He could smell it, sense it, the very air was heavy with her growing power. Strangely enough he himself was not weakend by sharing his power with her, it was as if he had merely drawn out his beloveds own power and transformed her to inu-youkai with it.

Kagome made no noise, her eyes were still closed, and she could feel her body changing.

Two blue stripes appeared on each of her cheeks, and a blue cresant moon appeared on her forehead. Her nails turned to a glittery blue and formed into the shape of claws, she could feel a tail growing beneath her, small fangs appeared in her mouth, and her senses had been heightened greatly.

"Sessho-maru?" Kagome whispered his name when she finally thought all the changes had been done.

"Mm...yes my mate?" he asked as he continued to lick at the mark he had made upon her.

"Is it my turn?" she questioned, not knowing why she said that, but she had guessed her knew inu-youkai instincts had set in rather fast.

"Yes, yes...It is your turn my mate," he chuckled, the sweet sound came from deep within his throat.

Sessho-maru took off his armor then his haori before laying down gently beside her. Taking the time to look at his mates new form. 'Beautiful...' he thought, smiling.

Kagome blushed having heared that thought, barely, but she heared it.

"Do I really look that good as an inu-youkai?" she asked, looking hopefully at him.

"Absolutely," he smiled and pulled her close for a kiss, letting her take it from there.

Kagome's new instincts flared and she knew exactly what to do.

She drew out the kiss, teasing and nipping at his lips, making him want her even more.

As her lips slowly descended to his throat, and she began her teasings there, she was rewarded with a deep throaty moan from her mate. She growled against his sweet skin, and her teasings became more brutal until she found the certain spot she so desired to make her mark.

Sinking her new canine fangs hard into Sessho-maru, Kagome shared her power with him as he had done with her. She could feel her life's energy draining some as she kept her teeth in him and her tongue lapped at the blood.

When he felt the bite into his neck Sessho-maru opened his eyes in shock. A far greater power than he had ever known was singing in his every vein and coursing through his every muscle. The power of his new mate's you-kai self and he crystal singer self flowed within him.

She pulled her teeth from him and felt literally drained from the mating, so much that all she could do was curl up beside him and lick at the blood still running from the wound she had inflicted upon him.

"Sleep my mate," he whispered to her, "When you awake in the morning I will give you a proper bedding."

Sessho-maru smiled at the thought and held his mate close as she slept in his arms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Author's Note: ^_^ Awws well we have to wait till morning for it! Heehee I ish gonna get flamed for this aren't I? Oh wells I like it and my Sporkian Army likes it so! Dat is dat!

~Wuvvies everyone's favvy Missa!~