InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Sweet Lies ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter One

“Faster, Kirara.” Kagome whispered, desperation in her voice. She urged the small two tailed cat Demon beneath her to go faster. The small demon could no doubt feel her fear—her desperation. Her fingers twisted in the animal’s fur as they flew over the trees. Her heart pounded in her ears as the minutes ticked away in her mind. Her mind was already going over the worst case scenarios and she moaned, closing her mind off from them.

It was almost a routine now that every night that Inuyasha turned human, something bad had to happen? It wasn’t coincidence, she knew that. It was probably bad luck. It wasn’t as if they were never attacked, it happened a lot . But Inuyasha was going to die if she didn’t do something.

She’d always imagined she’d be going to college about right now. Four years had passed and somehow she’d managed to make it through high school. Sure, she might not make it into the best college, but it’d be decent. That was if she could stay out of the Feudal Era, which wasn’t likely. Naraku was dead but they still had to find the remaining shards.

Kirara nose-dived suddenly and Kagome’s heart leapt. Yes, there! There was only one person that came to mind. Inuyasha, even trapped in a demon’s grasp, had out-right denied that. But she hadn’t stopped to argue with him. As long as Miroku and Sango were there, he had a chance. He’d have an even better chance if she reached the one person that could help him.

The moon was so, casting shadows, when she finally saw them. A group of massive wolves and Wolf Demons. And then she saw Him.


His head jerked up when he heard his name—her voice. She saw a huge smile split his lips, his teeth flashing white in the semi-darkness. Kirara was halfway to the ground when Kagome half stood and jumped off Kirara’s back. That was a stupid move but she was desperate. She didn’t care about the sprained ankle she was likely to get, or even the scrapes and bruises. Screw those.

But Kouga stopped that from happening. He launched himself into the air and caught her in his arms, one beneath her knees and the other beneath her shouldes. “Kagome!” He looked up, looking around as if he were looking for someone. “Where’s—“

“Oh God, Kouga. We have to go back—“ She started desperately, breathless as they landed on the ground.

“Kagome, what—“ Kouga started, walking her towards the fire. Why the hell was she so damn cold? And where the hell was Inuyasha?

She could feel the warm heat of the fire but it didn’t register on her. “We have to go back, Kouga—“ She curled her fingers in the fur covering his chest. “Please, they’re going to die if—“

“Hey, calm down.” Kouga let her slide down his body, his arms cupping hers. “Calm down. What’s wrong?” Any sense flirtation left him as he stared down at her. He’d never seen Kagome panic before. She was on the verge of tears. “Who’s going to die?”

“Please, Inuyasha’s human and he can’t defend himself. Miroku and Sango are trying but—“ She jerked at his furs, trying to make him see reason. Her mind was too desperate to see that maybe he was listening, maybe he was seeing reason. She knew Kouga would never do anything to hurt her. But he wouldn’t mind hurting Inuyasha. But if he let Inuyasha die because he didn’t like Inuyasha, that would, in the end, hurt her.

“Dammit, Kagome, tell me what’s wrong.” Kouga shook her softly and then lifted his hands to cup her face, tilting it back. She wasn’t making any sense. He almost whined at the sight of tears glistening on her lashes. Dammit, no crying. Not from Kagome…

“We were attacked by a Moth demon. We’ve fought one before but that was when Inuyasha was in his half demon form. He’s human right now, the New Moon. Please, Kouga. Please, you’re the only person I could think of that could help him.”

Kouga stared down at her. He understood now. Dog Shit had gotten himself into trouble. No surprise there. Ironic that he’d have to save him. Something flickered through his eyes as he stared down at her, as she tightened her hold in the fur covering his upper body. “Alright.” He said and as she opened her mouth he stopped her. “Under one condition.”

Kagome closed her mouth, frowning. “Cond—Kouga, we don’t have time for this. Please—“

“We have all the time in the world, Kagome. Inuyasha doesn’t.” His voice lowered and yea, he was being a bastard. “What I want is simple, Kagome.”

“Kouga, please—“

“I’ll do it, Kagome. I’ll save Inuyasha and you give me one night. One night, Kagome.”

His words dawned on her. It didn’t really take long at all for her to understand what he meant…He couldn’t be serious, could he? “Kouga…” Kouga wasn’t that cruel. “I…I can’t, Kouga. Please, he’ll die if you don’t—“

“One night, Kagome. That’s not asking for much. What’s it compared to knowing that he’ll always have you in the end?” Kagome was wrong. He was that cruel. Forcing her to give herself to him to save the man that she loved? He wasn’t sure where the thought came from but when she’d asked for his help…it was there. And he always spoke before he thought the words out. He’d always wanted her…

“Kouga…” God, what was she going to do? She couldn’t let Inuyasha die. His death would be on her hands…”A-alright. Just please, come on.” Maybe he’d forget. Maybe he was playing a cruel joke on her because he knew she’d choose Inuyasha in the end.

And just like that he lifted her in his arms and sprinted into the forest. “J-just follow Kirara…thank you.”

“Don’t mention it.” He tightened his arms around her as he jumped down a steep cliff.

“Kouga, Inuyasha would never—“ She started. Inuyasha would never let her go through with that promise.

“Dog boy won’t know.” Kouga scoffed at that. Inuyasha wasn’t going to stop him in this. He’d make sure of that. He finally had a chance with Kagome, though albeit by unfair, but he still finally had a chance with her. Even if only for one night.

“He has a nose, Kouga.”

“Just trust me.” Kouga muttered. There were ways, alright. He wanted Inuyasha to smell his claim on her body but things weren’t going to happen like that. For once…he was going to take what he could get. He cursed beneath his breath. Inuyasha had what he wanted…That was just a little sad.

“Kouga, when I come through the well, I’m with Inuyasha. There’s no way he’d let me go off with yo—“

He cut her off again, chuckling. He’d never understand what she meant by going through the well, other than she SOMEHOW got home through it. “Like I said, he won’t know. Go ‘home’ and then come back…tomorrow night.”

“Tomorrow night?” Kagome gasped. So soon?

“Tomorrow night.” He nodded. He could smell the demon now and the others, especially Inuyasha’s human scent. Stupid, that he was so weak he turned human on the New Moon. Kagome deserved someone strong. “Just come through the well and stay up wind…I’ll be waiting for you.”

She nodded numbly, her mind not fully comprehending. Her body tensed in his arms when they reached the others and his arms tightened around her again, as if trying to comfort her before he let her go.

When had Inuyasha ever held her tight like that, just to ease her mind?

“Kouga!” Miroku called, his voice hard as he tossed another sutra at the Moth Demon.

“I got this.” Kouga launched himself skyward, one hand stretched to the side. That Moth Demon was nothing. He tore it apart with one hand and then released Inuyasha from the cocoon surrounding him with one slash. He caught Inuyasha when the half-demon-turned-human fell to the ground. Dog shit was unconscious.

And he couldn’t stop the hint of jealousy…and envy that ran through him when he saw Kagome hug Inuyasha’s limp body.

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