InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Swish ❯ Swish ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha Rumiko Takahashi and co. do. LUCKY!
Swish swish swish swish
This was ridiculous. That was honestly the only way to describe it; ridiculous.
Swish swish swish swish
How had he found himself in this situation? Oh that's right, it was all the girl's fault. They had been traveling parallel, not with, mind you, but parallel, to his brother's little group for two weeks. Then Rin decided that she wanted to spend more time with the miko and the slayer. It was all her fault.
Swish swish swish swish
Now here he was, walking down the road. The monk and his brother flanked his sides and in the front of them the miko and the slayer walked with the girl in hand. Occasionally they would swing the girl, she would giggle and they would giggle. But other than their occasional laughs all was silenced by…
Swish swish swish swish
Surprisingly his brother was not yelling, or cursing, or trying to start a fight. The monk was also uncommonly silent. Sesshomaru had been trained as a warrior since the day he was born; had he not, he might not have noticed the way the monk's head kept swaying back and forth, or the way his brothers sword hand tapped his thigh, all in rhythm with…
Swish swish swish swish
Outwardly Sesshomaru remained as calm and collected as ever, but inside a war was being waged. Should he wait for the miko to fall asleep and shred the accursed indecent clothing she insisted upon wearing? Or should he have it enchanted so that rips would be automatically mended and dirt repelled?
Swish swish swish swish
He was the Lord of the Western Lands, the son of the Great Dog General, a taiyoukai. It was absolutely appalling that someone such as he would be walking down the street staring at a human's rear. A dirty, lowly, weak, pathetic….
Swish swish swish swish
Oh, how the mighty have fallen!
A strong breeze swept around Sesshomaru and the group of weary travelers.
Had it not been for Sesshomaru's superior, battle trained eyes he might not have noticed his brother's step falter, or the monks smile widen minutely. Outwardly Sesshomaru looked as calm and collected as ever, but inwardly a war was won; he would send Jaken to find an enchanter as soon as they stopped for the evening.
“Nice weather we are having today.” The monk said to his two companions.