InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Heart ❯ Trouble Comes Joing In ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hello reader! My name is Wolf Girl Contessa and this is my VERY FIRST ONLINE FANFICTION. Anyways I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed to write it.

Trouble Comes Joing In

The gang was walking through a village on their way to the area another village had claimed to have seen a misma around.No one had said a word all day when Kagome stopped walking and stared ahead to the forest and gasped with a little fear and shock. She then looked at all her members till her eyes rested on Inuyahsa eye with such saddness.

"Kagome is there something wrong you look pale!"sango asked the youger teen.

Kagome just shook her head no and said alittle scared "I-Inuyasha I can sense a jewel shard in the forest ahead. M-maybe we should go check out" at this piont she was about to cry but stayed strong.

Inuyasha gave her a 'well duh' look as if he was going to pass up a chance to get another jewel piece. with that he bent down so that she could get on his back. Then he and the rest of the gang ran to were the jeewel was at. each step closer Kagome tighten her grip on the back of his shirt praying she was wrong about who the holder of the jewel was but sadly she was on the mark.

"Kikyo! what are you doing here?!" inuyasha asked as he completely forgot poor Kagome on his back, who fell off to the ground the minute inuyasha sped to hold Kikyo in his arms.

Kagome sat on the cool grass of the forest were inuyasha had droped her. She slowly got up and dusted off her school uniform. She then looked around at the new area they were in, till her eyes fell upon on the couple ahead. Tears began to well up in her eye, ready to fall,but she held them in tight.

"Inuyasha listen to me. Naraku is up to no good once again and I fear this time will be the much worse than before. As you know I myself am on a hunt for him and I take it that you and your friends are as well." Kikyo said getting strange looks from the rest of the group as to were she was going with this."what I am getting at is that I wish to join you and your friends."

Before the group could come up with answer, Inuyasha pulled Kikyo into his arms. Everyone knew that was inyasha way of saying yes. Kagome heart sank when she heard Kikyo would soon join them. This caused her to just turn her back as a few of the tears slid down her cheeks.Miroku and sango just looked at one another realizing that this ment trouble.

Shippo caught on too this as well but decided to say what he thought to kagome."don't worry kagome it not all that bad it's just trouble joining in"

So how did you guys like this chapter. this is only the beginning of what to come. Oh by the way this is a kag/inu pairing so don't get cozy with kikyo being here. See ya soon. review please if you have question, comments, or ideas to make this a better story.