InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Trust ❯ Broken Innocence ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Family Portrait

'Chapter One - Innocence Broken'

Pale tan eyes watched the small form run through the crisp grass fondly. Slowly the woman approached, resting gently in the small patch of golden blossoms. The small child she had been watching not long ago began to sneak around the area, easily being hid in the tall strands of emerald. Sneaking from behind he pounced the middle-aged woman causing her to roll over. To his surprise she had suspected his small attack of play and held him in her arms. "Inu-Yasha, you almost snuck up fully on me." She replied simply, stroking the child's silver locks.

"I'm getting better, mother?" He asked hopeful, eyes of gold full of contempt in his mother's embrace.

"Yes, my Inu-Chan." A smile gracing her pale lips.

He rested his head upon her chest as she sat back up. She still holding him in her protective embrace, "Thanks. But, I need to work on it if I'm to get as good as my brother."

"Perhaps, but never push yourself. Your strength will come in time, my son." She said gently, his dog-like ears twitching to catch her every spoken word.

"Queen…" The timid voice from behind spoke, ending the tender moment of mother and child.

"Yes?" She asked, turning to face the cautious fox-demon.

"Lord has summoned you. He says he must speak to you, right away, miss." She said gently, bowing graciously to her.

She slowly stood up, replacing the empty spot with her small 5-year-old child. "Come Inu-Yasha." She said, her tone never failing to keep the hint of kindness.

He smiled wholly; his mother would never leave him behind, never. "Kay!" He sprang at the chance to walk by her side. To hold her pale hand, she was the best human he had ever known. She was his mother; she was never leaving his family. He wouldn't of thought of a more caring, tolerant person ever.

The two walked through the fields they had recently traveled to, following behind the small fox-demon. "Miss, I cannot go further, g'day. He'll be waiting in his chambers." Was all she said before her agile form shot off into the distance. Leaving the duo to try the march up the large marble steps. The doors set open as they walked inside the palace, the clapping of bare feet upon marble echoed through the almost empty chambers.

"Yes?" She asked kindly as she entered the large room. The small hand taking two of her thin fingers as they walked to the awaiting demon.

"Ah, I needed to discuss something with you." He said in a gentle tone.

"As I had figured, what may it be?" She asked, tolerance in her tones as she sat upon the lilac silken bed.

His moonlight eyes shot to the boy who now was propped in her lap. "It's about him. Inu-Yasha I wish you to leave." He spoke a bit harshly, but he loved his son deeply.

"Y-Yes father." He stuttered looking up to his mother for reassurance.

There it was a gentle smile, a simple hug as he slowly left the larger room. Setting out to the hall he entered a familiar area. His room, and his brother's. He sat against his bedpost, watching the wall contently. "I wonder what he wanted to talk to mommy about." He never dares to let an informal word slip around his parents as he would with his thoughts.

"Brother, what are you thinking about?" The calm voice of the boy asked.

"Nothing much." He said simply, eyes darting to the one in the doorway. The shadow penetrating the pale gray tile.

"Oh?" He pressed further making a way to his crouching form. "You appeared to be thinking."

"I like to think." He defended, as his elder brother came closer until he was nearly standing on top of him.

"I'm sure you do." He sneered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, confusion breaking his features. He attempted to keep a tolerant tone, a peaceful face and hopeful features as his mother had always said. She hated violence of any kind, so the two only could be trained under their father's permission.

"Nothing." He said whimsy. He made a way to his snow blanketed bed.

The younger child following, as always he would tell his brother everything no matter the outcome. " Was thinking about what father and mother were gonna talk about."

"Why would that concern you?" He asked, watching his brother's every move as he made a seat upon his bed.

"Father said he was gonna talk about me." He said clearly confused.

"Maybe they want to train you now. Or perhaps get rid of you." He said, a smirk setting upon his pale lips.

"Stop follin'!" He growled defensively.

"Inu-Yasha, there is no need to worry of their talk." He said simply, leaning against the oak headboard.

"Fine." He said, defeated as he looked down at his hands and feet.

"I must depart." Was the simple statement from his elder brother. He soon left the now quiet room, leaving to his parent's room. He left his brother behind, unknowing of what he was plotting. He crept through the hall, eyes darting to anyone who may catch him. He slowly creeped up against the door, listening best he could. 'Why would they talk of Inu-Yasha?' He thought blankly. To the first syllable his mother set free he began to listen inside.

"What do you have on your mind?" She asked calmly watching his figure.

He slowly approached, eyes never leaving hers. "I think Inu-Yasha should become my heir."

"Such heavy decision so soon. Though, I think you are right. He is much kinder, and gentle. Like you." She stated softly, a hand grazing his smooth cheek.

He sat besides her, holding her outstretched hand to his face. "Yes, that is why he would be much better suited than his brother, Sesshomaru." He let her lean to him, as he began to speak again. "He is too angry, loves battle and hates humans. He wouldn't be able to wield my fang with such an attitude to defend this palace."

"I see, I think you have made a wise choice, my lord." She smiled, resting against him.

"I do hope I have." He said gently.

"When will you announce this?" She asked, tentatively listening to every word.

"At the feast of villages, tonight." He responded.

"Alright then…Let's hope nothing bad comes of this." She said warily as he nodded to her. They were unaware to the silent figure watching he slowly slinked off, growling to his newfound knowledge.

"Inu-Yasha?! The new heir!? That wench of a mother. She feeds my father horrid thoughts. She must be gone, away from our family!" He snarled, he ran off, through the meadows. He didn't know how to keep his anger inside. All he knew of to sit and think and so he did. Setting in the crisp blades he thought of what to do upon this feast. He must rid his mother, the whole commotion will stir up and they'll forget about the speech. Yes, this will leave him still up to thought. He merely needs to get rid of her…


She slowly set his embrace away, "I'm going to go play with Inu-Chan, he's probably been worried over our conversation all day."

"I suppose your right. I'll tend to the preparations to tonight's feast." He informed her as he slowly crept from the bed and out the thick stone doors.

"Inu-Yasha!" She called gently as she made her way to his room.

The small boy set out; ears folding against his skull, thinking the conversation may have been a punishment talk. "Hello, mother…" He stated dryly, big watery puppy eyes watching his mother's every move.

"Aw…No need to be upset. It wasn't a bad talk of you, my child." She said softly, crouching to his level to embrace in a gentle hug.

That uplifted his spirits as he clung to her, legs around her middle, arms around her neck. She stood and both headed to their favorite meadow. "Whatcha talk about then?" He asked slyly, hoping to get some information.

"Actually, you will know by tonight." She smiled, easing his spirit.

"Really?" He asked, eyes focussed upon her. The walking stopped and both sat upon the grass, in the midst of the yellow blossoms. "Is it my party?" He asked again, sweetly to drag out any info.

"Perhaps so, perhaps not." She said sweetly, resting a hand in the mid of his ears.

"You can tell me, I won't tell." He grinned, trying to look his best.

"You will know." She said firmly, though features never failing their security. "I also have a gift for your sixth birthday."

"Y-You do?" He said, face beaming.

"Yes, right here in my pocket." She said playfully, gesturing to her pink kimono pocket.

"Can I have it now?" He asked, sniffing towards the inside of her pocket.

"If you wish." She said simply.

Witch that his small hands leaped inside the darkness of the silk pocket. "OH!" He replied amazed by the yellow sphere he attained.

"It's a ball, you can toss it and catch. Or bounce it upon harder surfaces." She smiled, telling him all about his new present.

"Thank you!" He said inwardly, hugging her quickly before he went to try and bounce it upon the nearby cobblestone bridge.

The golden eyes from the tree watched the two figures, how he despised that woman. How she made his father and brother so soft. He would change that; he already had his sinister plot. He merely smirked, disappearing from that area back to his room. 'Goodbye, mother.' He thought sourly.

The sun crept lower, the hues of orange and scarlet filling the once blue sky. "Inu-Yasha, it's time to go home."

"Kay." He smiled, running to her, a hand reaching out for hers.

Joyously she returned it, holding his small one. She watched him as his gaze was averted ahead. His other hand upon his new ball. "I'm glad you liked your new toy."

"I am too, it's the best." He looked up to her nodding his approval.

"Once inside, I wish for you to head to your room. You much change in your formal robes for this evening." She said gently.

"But I don't like those fancy things." He growled, nose crunching.

"Only for tonight. Do it for me?" She asked, looking down.

He couldn't resist the urge to please her; he wanted to act so grownup around her. Never like he would with the village humans he played with. Nor as his brother, he smiled back and nodded, "Sure, but only for tonight."

"That's all I want." She giggled softly to his firm tone. "Now go." She urged, as he scampered off to his room.

She watched his form until it exited in the nearby chamber. Before she could take another step a boy that usually avoided her came into view. He stood in front, holding a glass of tea up for her. "Father said you may be thirsty. He ordered me to get you some tea." He spat, hoping to sound believable as he thought.

"Thank you, Sesshomaru." She said kindly, taking the small cup from him.

He nodded, walking off or so he hoped she believe. The moment she left into her room he grinned. Looking to his fingers. The tips were wet with tea, seeping the poison he had so entered her glass just moments before. "Goodbye." He snorted contently as he left the hall to find his father. The more he played innocent the better it would seem…


Hey! Yes, I will have Kagome + Inu-Yasha but right now it's his past. For about the 1-2 or 1-3 chapters it's his life building. Than all the other stuff that snaps into place to form the Inu-Chan we all know. Ya' know the angry, arrogant, fighting crazed guy we all know and love ^.~ Right now you simply see what he could've been if his brother didn't interfere and such. There will be Kikyo, Miroku, Sango and all those familiar faces we know so just hold tight! Blah, blah, blah. I assure you it shall get much more exciting and romancy ^^ Byez!