InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Takahashi High ❯ Ready ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer - No matter how hard I wish and pray, I still don't own Inu Yasha and co. Damnit!

Warning: LEMON! If you are too young to read this stuff, scram! It's my warning, but I doubt people listen. lol

ME: lol Thanks for voting and reviewing! Yeah, poor Barbados! hehe

eMeLyNoOoPeE: Barbados has one now! hehe Barbados is down near The Bahamas and Jamaica, near the rest of those islands like Cuba and Dominican Republic. Just a teeny-tiny place. Took me a while to locate it on my globe! But it's just another touristy-vacation place. Very beautiful just like Bahamas and Jamaica.

RedHerring: lol I know, I feel bad for Barbados! But, they've got one, so they're getting up there! Maybe they've have time to catch up and win before I stop the poll! lol Hm.. When am I going to stop this poll? … I don't know. Oh well! lol Yeah, AA is just meetings that people can attend and such, but when my aunt went to AA, they helped her with getting her life back together by telling her about housing and jobs and the like, so I'm just going to have Sango's dad do that. =D I used to eat Spinach in foods without even realizing it, and then I just continued eating it when I found out. hehe EW! Marshmallows and mustard?? OH MAN! I mean, I like marshmallows, and I like mustard, but not together! lol I'm a wuss when it comes to mixing foods. But my little brother's friend ate a hotdog with ketchup, mustard, Tabasco sauce, A-1 sauce, and chocolate syrup. Not as out there as the marshmallow/mustard deal, but it amused us at the time. Well, once again your entertaining ramblings have amused me, so thanks!

A/N - Don't forget to take the poll!

The Bahamas: 6

Jamaica: 6

Barbados: 1 (Barbados has one thanks to ME! hehe)

Sess carried Rin on his back into her house as she giggled uncontrollably.

"It's really not that funny, Rin."

"Yes it is! I remember that, too! Yash got mad and then Woops! There goes your pants!" She laughed some more as he dropped her on her bed. "You boxers had teddy bears on them!" She cracked up even more as Sess rolled his eyes.

"Again, they were a present from my grandmother."

Rin continued to giggle and she pulled Sess close to her. He lay down on the bed and Rin sat on him, straddling him.

"You know," she said thoughtfully as she pulled his shirt off, "It's really scary, what happened to Kagome."

Sess nodded his head, rubbing Rin's thighs.

"First of all, she was stabbed by the psycho Kikyo. Then, she gets attacked by Kouga and nearly raped." She said sadly, tracing the muscles on Sess's upper body.

Sess squeezed her thighs reassuringly. "But my brother got there in time to save her."

Rin nodded her head and bit her lip, thinking. She leaned closer to Sess and kissed his lips. "She was lucky. I mean, you only get your virginity once. It can be ripped away in an instant."

Sess kissed the tip of her nose.

Rin looked up into his eyes. "I love you, Sessy."

"I love you too."

Rin pulled her shirt off and looked down at Sess. He felt himself harden as he looked at her.

"Sessy, I think I'm ready."

Sess looked up into her eyes, regarding her. "Are you sure, Rin? As you said, you only get your virginity once."

Rin nodded her head. "I know, and that's why I think I'm ready. I wouldn't want the chance that someone could take it away without my consent. Plus, I love you, and I can't imagine giving myself to anyone else."

Sess looked at her closely. Suddenly, he pulled her down and kissed her lips. As he dipped his tongue inside of her mouth, he twisted them around so he was on top of her.

Rin smiled into the kiss and gently touched his body. Sess unclasped her bra and let it fall away from her body. He pushed it off the bed and palmed one of her supple breasts. Rin moaned and slightly arched her body into his hand. Trailing his hands down her stomach he reached the edge of her pants and slid them down her soft legs. She happily discarded her pants and grabbed onto his belt. She unbuckled it with shaking fingers, finally getting it off.

Sess removed his pants and leaned in to kiss Rin. He ran his tongue over her lips, as he squeezed her breasts. Rin's hands explored his body, going lower and lower till one of her tiny hands wrapped delicately around his manhood, which was fully aroused. Sess broke away from the kiss and panted. Rin giggled and experimentally stroked the length, causing Sess to groan and nip at her neck.

She stroked and squeezed a few more times till Sess pulled her hand away and held both of them above her head. With his free hand he pulled her panties off causing her to squirm and giggle. Sess nipped at her neck again and gingerly touched her maidenhood, pleased to feel how wet she was. He pulled his boxers off and threw them off the bed.

Catching a glimpse of them, Rin said while giggling, "No teddy bears?"

Sess smirked and shoved a finger inside of her. Rin moaned and arched her body off the bed. He pressed her body back onto the bed and swirled his finger around a few times before removing it. She was ready.

Reaching off the bed, he pulled a condom out of his pocket. He opened it quickly and put it on while Rin watched him. Sess supported himself on all fours, looking down at Rin. The tip of his manhood touched Rin's entrance, causing her to gasp and hold onto his upper arms.

Slowly, Sess entered Rin. He kissed her softly when he reached her barrier and whispered, "I love you, and I'm sorry." Rin kissed him and tried to relax herself, knowing what was coming. In one, quick motion, Sess broke her barrier. Rin cried out and gripped his arms tightly. Sess whispered comforting words in Rin's ears, staying as still as he possibly could while he waited for her to adjust to his size.

As Sess began to feel less alien and more acceptable, Rin moved her hips experimentally. They both moaned into each other, and Sess pulled back and pushed into her again. He plunged into her a few more times, before Rin did what came natural and wrapped her legs around his waist, driving him deeper. Their soft moans echoed through the room as they held onto each other. Sess began moving faster and Rin's moans got louder. Every time he hit a spot inside of Rin causing her to call out and her muscles to grip his length. The harder and faster he pushed, the higher she got. She was floating in ecstasy as Sess pushed in and out of her, his moans mixed with hers.

Their hands ran over each other's bodies, caressing the skin they touched. Sess could feel her muscles gripping him tighter and tighter, and he began moving faster and faster, climbing to the climax. As Sess pushed into her more and more, Rin felt something enormous. It was like what she felt with his fingers, only a thousand times better. She suddenly gripped his shoulders and called out, but was muffled by his lips devouring her own.

Sess came at the same time she did, and the teens held each other as they rode the wave of pleasure. When it was over, it took all of Sess's strength to roll off of Rin so he wasn't crushing her, but he managed to do it, Rin cuddling up next to him. They both fell into a blissful sleep.

Kagome woke up in her bed, wrapped tightly in Inu Yasha's arms. Needing to pee, she gently moved her body to slip out of his arms. But sleeping Inu Yasha would have none of that, and he pulled her back into his embrace. Kagome meeped in surprise and glanced up into his face.

"Inu Yasha?"

He turned slightly, but still slept.

Carefully, Kagome raised her good arm and poked his cheek. "Hey, get up. I've got to go!"

He stirred slightly, turned away from the incessant poking on his cheek but didn't wake.

Fed up and damn near ready to pee herself, Kagome ran her hand down his hard body till she encountered his thickness through his pants. She blushed terribly knowing that she was actually groping him in his sleep, but knew that she hadn't wet the bed in years and she wasn't going to start again just because her boyfriend wanted a little extra shut-eye.

Taking a deep break, Kagome grabbed hold of length and squeezed. Needless to say, that woke him up. He shot up looking horny and surprised. Kagome fell backwards so she was splayed across the bed next to him. Inu Yasha looked around panting, finally spotting Kagome, who was trying not to laugh.

She failed miserably.

"You should have seen your face!" She choked as she laughed and pushed herself up.

"Did you just grope me?!?!" He asked, startled.

Kagome blushed but continued to laugh. "I've got to go to the bathroom and you wouldn't let me go!"

"You could have just called my name or something." He grumbled.

"I did! And I poked your cheek! Nothing worked."

"So you go and grab my-"

"Morning, kids!" Ms. Higurashi stood in the doorway, smiling.

Kagome greeted her mother and stood up rather awkwardly, "Oof, I've cramped up and my bladder is full."

Inu Yasha snorted and got off the bed as she scurried into the bathroom. "Morning, Ms. H."

"Did you kids sleep well?"

Inu Yasha nodded and followed her to the kitchen. Kagome came running down the hall after them, but smacked into Inu Yasha's back as he stopped in his tracks.

"You're supposed to warn somebody when you-"

"Dad?" He asked incredulously, interrupting Kagome.

Kagome peered around Inu Yasha, and sure enough, his father was sitting at the Higurashi's kitchen table, a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Morning, son." He greeted pleasantly.

"What are you doing here?"

"What kind of greeting is that? I called Ms. Higurashi this morning and asked if she would mind meeting with me. After everything that Kagome has been through, she should get herself a good lawyer."

"And you just volunteered?" Inu Yasha asked skeptically as he helped Kagome into her seat, ignoring her protests.

Mr. Go-Shinboku leaned forward and grinned at his son. "Well it isn't everyday that your delinquent son finally finds himself a girlfriend that has changed him for the better."

Inu Yasha glared at him. "I haven't changed."

"Tell me Inu Yasha, have you said any swear words since you've been here? Have you fought any useless fights? Have you stopped terrorizing the neighbor kids? You've changed for the better, and it's all thanks to Kagome."

Ms. Higurashi patted her daughter's shoulder as she grinned, and Inu Yasha said "Feh" but his expression softened slightly.

"So," Mr. Go-Shinboku said, addressing Ms. Higurashi, "As we discussed earlier, I am willing to be Kagome's lawyer, completely free of charge."

"And as I said earlier, we can't ask you to do that. We must pay you something." Ms. Higurashi replied, sitting at the table.

He just shook his head. "Our house is much more peaceful, now that Kagome has come into our son's life. That's the only payment I need."

Kagome giggled and Inu Yasha poked her side. She turned to him and held out her wounded arm. "Well, what are you waiting for? I need breakfast, don't I?"

Mr. Go-Shinboku let out a tremendous laugh as Inu Yasha rose to his feet. "Your mother would be so proud, Inu Yasha!"

Inu Yasha glared at him, but proceeded to make Kagome's breakfast.

She giggled and leaned back in her seat, relaxing. Forgetting that these chairs weren't meant to be supported on only two legs, she began to fall. Squeezing her eyes shut and expecting the painful crash, she held her breath. But it never came.

"Open your eyes, clumsy."

Kagome opened one eye to see Inu Yasha holding her up, chair and all. He set the chair back on all fours and squeezed her shoulders gently as his father and her mother laughed. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear, "Do you need to sit in my lap so you don't hurt yourself?"

Kagome blushed and giggled. She shook her head and kissed his cheek and he straightened up to finish making her breakfast.

Sango woke up to the strangest sound she ever heard. She could hear screaming and yelling, and lots of banging pans. Jumping up, Sango rushed out of her room wearing a tank top and those little boy's shorts for underwear. She ran into the kitchen to see Miroku and Kohaku marching around the kitchen table, pots on the heads and in their hands banging them together, singing some unintelligible song.

Sango turned the radio off and screeched, "What the hell are you doing?"

Miroku and Kohaku stopped and looked at her, both grinning and panting.

Kohaku shrugged and said, "What does it look like? We're making breakfast."

Sango gave her brother a withering stare and said, "Kohaku, get that pot off your head. And go take a shower. Why aren't you in school?"

Kohaku removed the pots from his body and said, "Mushin called me in sick so we could finish moving our stuff."

"Okay fine. Shower, now."

Kohaku laughed and walked off. Sango turned to Miroku, surprised to see him to close her to. "Morning, gorgeous."

Sango laughed and removed the pot from his head. "You're a lunatic, did you know that?"

Miroku grinned and set his pots on the table. He stepped closer to Sango and said, "And did you know that you look incredibly hot in your tiny pajamas?"

Sango blushed and tried stepping away from him. He stepped in front of her and grabbed hold of her hips. Sango squeaked when he lifted her up, setting her on the counter. He stepped between her legs and began kissing her neck sensually. Sango tried feebly to push him away, but gave in when his hands began massaging her skin. They made their way up to her breasts as his tongue licked over her pulse.

"Morning!" Mushin called brightly as he walked into the kitchen.

Startled, Sango pushed Miroku away and jumped off the counter, blushing terribly.

Miroku chuckled and said, "Morning Mushin. How'd you sleep?"

"Great. Slept like a baby."

Sango was about to apologize to Mushin for what they were doing, but Miroku pinched her bottom and whispered, "I'm going to go take a shower. Care to join me?"

Sango swatted his hand away and stalked away from him.

Mushin laughed. "Looks like your girlfriend doesn't appreciate your humor in the morning." Miroku sighed and Mushin patted his back and said, "So I heard all that racket this morning. What's for breakfast?"

Miroku grinned and pulled some cinnamon rolls out of the oven. "Kohaku helped."

"Yeah, I was wondering why it was twice as loud as normal."

The two laughed and began eating, waiting for the Kohaku and Sango.

As the four of them drove to the Taijiya house, Sango said, "Mushin, explain to me again why you wouldn't let me and Kohaku inside our house yesterday?"

"We just saw no reason for you two to need to be in there."

"Well, is there a reason for us to be in there today?"

Miroku glanced at Mushin quickly, waiting for his answer. "Yes, I believe so."

When they arrived at the house, Sango and Kohaku walked inside immediately. Miroku pulled Mushin back and said, "How do you know he didn't come back? I mean, he was gone when we were here yesterday, but what if he was just getting some more alcohol?"

"I checked his room. His drawers were emptied and he had some suitcases spread out. Looks like he packed and left. I'm just hoping he took your advice."

Miroku nodded and the two of them walked inside the house.

The day before, Mushin and Miroku had made Kohaku and Sango wait in the car while they packed a large duffel bag each of clothes. They didn't want the two of them inside the house in case their father was still there. Seeing him gone surprised the both of them, but also made them hopeful that he was doing the right thing. They hadn't told Sango or Kohaku about it. They didn't want to get their hopes up if the man returned, still drunken and stupid.

So today, they all packed some things that they would want to keep at Mushin's house. They didn't want to move everything because it would take to long, but they didn't know how long they'd be there, so they packed a few things that they'd like with them. All in all they were leaving the house as it was.

The living arrangements at Mushin's house were slightly cramped. Mushin still had his own room, while it was decided that Kohaku would sleep in Miroku's room. Sango got the guest bedroom. They were all happy with the arrangements, except for Miroku who suggested more than once that he thinks Kohaku and Sango should switch places.

Mushin went after Kohaku to help him decide what was needed and what wasn't while Miroku went to search for Sango. She wasn't in her bedroom. Walked back down the hall, he heard noises from her father's room. He opened up the door quickly to see Sango standing in his room, looking around.

He walked up to her slowly and gently touched her shoulder. "Sango?"

"He's gone."

Miroku put his arm around her waist and said nothing.

"He left. He… Where do you think he is?"

"Getting help."

Sango snorted. "I'm serious, Miroku."

Miroku turned Sango to face him. "So am I. I think he wants to change for you and Kohaku."

Sango bit her lip and looked around. "He's not coming back."

"You don't know that. He'll come back when he's gotten help."

"And you don't know that!" Sango looked into his eyes, tears shining in her own. "He took the picture of my mother. He hasn't moved it since she died, and he took it and left. He left, Miroku!"

Suddenly, she broke down and hugged him to her tightly. Miroku held her close and massaged her back as she cried.

She felt stupid. She hadn't cried in the last four years, and now she was crying for that idiot she called `dad'. What was wrong with her? She wanted him gone. Didn't she? Yes! He was useless and was ruining her life. So why was she so upset? Because as much as you despise the man, he is still your father and you didn't even get to say goodbye to him. You don't know where he is or what he is doing, and you're scared. You want to believe that he is doing the right thing. What's wrong with having a little faith?

Miroku heard Mushin close the door to give them some privacy and Sango wiped the tears from her eyes. "Do you… Do you really think he's getting help?"

Miroku's heart ached, seeing her broken yet hopeful expression. He gently caressed her cheek. "Yes. I do."

Sango took a deep breath and kissed him gently. "Thank you."

Miroku smiled. Nows as good a time as any. "You're welcome." He wiped her tears away from her cheek. "I only want to see you happy, Sango. I love you."

Sango looked into his eyes, searching for any kind of joking or teasing. She really wouldn't be able to handle it if he just said that for no reason. But his eyes held nothing but honest-to-God love. Sango began crying again. "I love you, too."

Miroku's heart soared as he pulled Sango into a rough hug. He couldn't remember the last time he was this ecstatic.

When they pulled apart they walked into Sango's room to pack her things. She had to pack a few clothes today, because Miroku had only packed tight, skimpy, short things the day before. That was why she was wearing a skirt that was a full size to small that she forgot she had and a tight tank top. Miroku was thrilled.

As they piled their belongings into Mushin's car, Sango got a call on her cell phone from Rin.


"Hi!!! Guess what??? We, and when I say we I mean you and me and Kagome and Sess and Miroku and Yash, all need to go hang out today because I say so!!"

Sango laughed. "Another Slurpee for breakfast, Rin?"


Sango laughed and said, "Okay, where and when do you want to get together?"

"My place right now!"

"Okay okay, me and Miroku will be there soon. Have you called Kagome and Yash?"

"Yup! They're on their way! OH! And I'm supposed to tell you to tell Kohaku that… Um… Hold on… OH YEAH! Souta wants him to hang out! He's calling Shippo too!"

Sango laughed again. What was up with her? She was insanely hyper. "Okay, I'll tell him."


Sango hung up the phone and told the others what Rin had said. Mushin said that he would drop Miroku and Sango off at the house to drive to Rin's and he'd take Kohaku to Souta's. They all agreed, although Sango said she needed to change clothes first.

"But, you said that Rin was really hyper! That obviously means it's important, and we should get over to her house soon. No time to change!" Miroku said quickly.

Sango rolled her eyes. "Fine, whatever."

Miroku grinned. Back at Mushin's house, they put their things inside and then got in Miroku's car and headed to Rin's.

A man walked down the street looking at all the buildings, looking for a particular one. He finally found the one he was looking for and opened the door quietly. A group of people were sitting in some chairs facing a podium. A woman was currently standing behind the podium, speaking.

"Hi, my name is Koharu."

The group greeted her. "Hi Koharu."

"And I've been sober for two years."

They all clapped and praised her and she smiled and sat back down.

The man at the door sat down and listened to the others. He finally walked up to the podium and cleared his throat.

"Hi, um, my name is Alvin Taijiya." (A/N - Okay, so it's not the dumbest name. I couldn't think of a good/bad one!)

"Hi Alvin."

"And I've been sober for twenty four hours."

They clapped and he sat back down. He felt good. He was doing the right thing. Sango, Kohaku, I love you and I'm sorry. This is all for you. I swear on your mother's grave that I will never have alcohol for the rest of my life.