InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Taking or being Taken? ❯ Feeling Neglected ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own anyone unfortunately. This is my very first one-shot EVER! And I wrote it all tonight so bare with me, it's not that detailed or very long for that matter. My other story no I haven't forgot about it, its just the chapters got lost and I'm trying to rewrite my plot on plain o memory. I'd love to hear (well read) any PRODUCTIVE criticism. So tell me what you think and enjoy.
“Adrian come on it's time for school” I said from the kitchen. Being a inu-hanyou's mom is hard work but I can't lie it has its perks. You remember me from my quest with Inuyasha right well I'm his mate now. Our son Adrian is 4 years old and he just started school, 4 long years, 4 fucking long years that only got me sex 8 times. Yes in 1460 days Inuyasha has only touched me 8 times and I'm going crazy. My toys that he doesn't no about because he'd blow a gasket are starting to get boring and they're taking to long to get the job done. So I've decided that I'm going to take what I want, like a true youkai bitch would.
I waited until I heard him moving around upstairs before I started my plan. See yasha's normal morning routine is get up, shower, breakfast, then work. In that same order every single weekday. I heard the bathroom door close, I know it isn't locked because after Adrian was potty trained, he only seemed to want to use the bathroom when Inuyasha was in it so he stopped locking the door. I eased upstairs and took my clothes off in the room, so it gave him time to actually get in the shower.. I opened the bathroom door quietly and walked towards the shower. His ears didn't even move so I knew he didn't hear me. Opening the door just enough to fit through so he couldn't feel the draft from the cold room I tried to squeeze in cursing myself for letting Inuyasha talk me into keeping adrian's baby fat. My goal was to slam him into the wall and demand him to fuck me without saying a word, only using my body to get my point across.
“did you honestly think you wouldn't be noticed trying to squeeze your fat ass through the door.” Inuyasha growled at me pulling me into the shower stall.
`son of a bitch' I thought, he knew I was there this whole time. He grabbed me by my hair and kissed me hard. We're both experienced in the art of rough sex, so I happily let him have exactly what he wanted. By the time he decided I was human and needed air I was soaking wet from the hot water and horny beyond ignorance. He pushed me against the wall and pulled a tit into his mouth. The nipping and licking sent what seemed like waves of shock down to my wet cunt and if there wasn't already water falling from the shower head I'm pretty sure Inuyasha would have seen my own juices scaling down the shower wall. He switched to the other after lifting me up so I could rap my legs around his waist. I could feel him grinding against my core like he was trying to connect our bodies to become one.
“Inuyasha please” I moaned when his nails raked across me, i shivered despite the still warm water.
“what took you so long to decide you wanted to jump in the shower?” he asked me moving to attack my neck while he used his hand to guide his dick into my entrance. He slipped his head in reached around my back to grab my shoulders from behind and slammed me down on the rest of his demonic length..
“fuck Inuyasha!” I yelled and arched my back making him grab at my tits again. `god that was deep' I bounced hard on top of his rod glad he hadn't lost his touch yet. He met me full force pushing up just as deep as I was slamming down.
The water turned cold, he didn't bother cutting it off he just carried me to the bed never disconnecting us where we had finally decided to join. He stood directly between my legs hitting deeper than I ever remembered he could.
“tell me you like it” my juices were flowing freely every where if you couldn't see it then you definitely could hear it. I couldn't bring myself to answer him, hell I didn't find it important at the moment.
“see kagome when I ask you something I expect you to answer, come on baby we go through this every time we have sex” he smirked pushing my legs up higher, towards my chest and grinding against me.
“fuck Inuyasha”
“not what I asked you try again” he laughed grinding against me again
“yes I like it you mutt!” I snapped mad he was taking my attention off my impending orgasm.
“do you really baby?” he asked lifting a leg and grinding from a new angle. I grabbed the sheets, stuffing them in my mouth as soon as they came in contact with my hands. I'm going to cum hard and if he keeps up what he's doing the whole neighborhood is going to know what he got for breakfast.
Um Yasha” I groaned almost ripping the sheets
“Yes ma'am” was his reply his body glistening with sweat and it turned me on.
“ah, I'm going to cum” I panted inching away from him.
“nuhah where you going, if your going to cum then you cum right here while I'm in you” he smirked and slammed me back on his cock. I don't remember screaming so hard in my life. It felt like he commanded my body to explode, and that didn't stop him from fucking my core until he finally groaned and sunk his teeth back into my mating mark. I could feel his hot jizz fill me and it felt good.
“Damn Gome I never realized how much we both needed that.” He laughed laying his head on my chest
“if all this time you needed it too” I left the rest hanging, why would he keep his needs bottled up like that in the first place?
“Waiting on you wench, I've been scared to bring it up since Aj was born, you see you always anticipated these adventures first ” he said cutting on the TV
“So I've been waiting for no reason, could you have told me I've basically worn out my vibrators!” I yelled without thinking
“what the fuck did you just say” Inuyasha yelled jumping off the bed to stand in all his naked glory. `I hope he isn't trying to be serious'
“O look need a shower” I said racing to the bathroom and locking the door.
“Kagome this ain't over” Inuyasha yelled at the door.
“looks like it is Inu” I said in a sing along voice
“so you do remember that the hot water is out, right?” Inuyasha smiled against the door