InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Talk to Me ❯ Touching Hands ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Talk to Me

Chapter Two: Touching Hands

Inuyasha was extremely filthy, so they took him to bathe. He despised that feeling; being undressed from your clothes and to be pushed by two overgrown and muscular men into a swimming pool; that wasn't the thing that he called "joy".

The swimming pool had normal water inside of it, with a slight touch of soap. It didn't contain the chloride that people usually put inside of a regular swimming pool.

He wanted to leave the water, and to do that, he needed to put his hands on the edge of the pool.

When he did get around to doing it, the men stepped on his fingers, causing him to cry out in pain.

When, to their opinion, he was clean enough, after half an hour of swimming aimlessly because he wanted to do something and not just sit there and bore himself to death, they told him to come out.

Inwardly, Inuyasha grinned. Why would I listen to you now? And continued to swim. Not even one of them jumped into the water to try and get him to come out.

They started to grow impatient and this was his cue to go out; he grinned, asking them the question, "Did you say something?" At that time, though, the security arrived, and he was forced to wear the usual, boring, white clothes and robes again. From that moment on, Inuyasha decided that he detested the colour white.

They took him to a place, and that somewhere was a sickeningly white corridor that had a numerous number of doors and no windows at all. It had no pictures, no plants, nothing that would bring a smile or even simple joy to one's heart.

Unlike the corridor, the room that he was brought to was large, well equipped, and clean. Some pictures were plastered onto the wall; a small flowerpot could be seen in the corner of the room. His attention shifted to the one and only window he could see; it indicated something...

"Another room?" He raised an eyebrow.

"None of your business, freak," one of the guards said. He took out a remote control from his pocket and pressed one of the two buttons that were on it causing a curtain that was just large enough to cover the window, to come down.

They turned to leave, but one of them, as remembering, said with disgust, "This will be your room from now on. If you ruin anything that is in here, it will never be replaced," he smirked, knowing that if Inuyasha could, he would've broken every single thing in the building. And get out.


Kagome took a shower as two men came in. They entered with complete silence, and she looked at them as if they were creatures from a different world. They seemed different from the ones who brought her food, drinks, sometimes simple games, clothes, and needles... They didn't even look like the cleaners...

One of them turned off the running water and pulled her out of the shower as the second brought her a dress to wear and made a gesture that he wanted her to put it on.

Confused, she put it on and soon they opened the door and started pushing her outside.

Her body froze. She never went outside. No matter how she longed to be there, she...

The two weird looking men went out of the room as they noticed that she wasn't with them. One of them grabbed her wrist harshly and made her go with him.

Her heart raced in her chest, and she panted slightly, but the men didn't slow down or pay any attention, only walking a bit faster, making her follow them with the aid of the light pressure that was set on her wrist. She didn't want to stay there alone, and they knew it.

The sight that she saw was priceless. People were nowhere to be seen at the moment, but seeing the place that she looked upon for years, standing there... She finally stood still and tried to contemplate everything at once. Her eyes caught things that she did not understand, things that looked weird to her eyes, on her left, on her right, backwards, forwards...

Suddenly, she felt afraid. She wasn't used to feel afraid. That emotion was left for when they made her eat, shower, exercise her body, giving her hands and other body parts to the needles...

She clung onto the man's clothing, and he slapped her hand away harshly. She let go hesitantly, but with every step she took the more hesitant she became, not to mention slower. The men, however, didn't slow down, and she tried desperately to keep up with them, so it came out that she was the one who changed the pace of her steps.

They brought her to a room that was similar to her own, and when she stepped in, the man who did enter it quickly jumped outside, and the familiar sound of a door being shut and locked echoed in the room.

She stood still, engulfed inside the threshold of the room, looking at it wide eyed. She saw a bed, with a colour far different from her old one. Her curiosity woke up, and she hurried to touch the fabric. It was much nicer and softer than the old one... and the colour... It was light pink.


Somewhere, not very far away, someone pressed a button.


Something moved, Inuyasha could tell that. And the "thing" that moved was the dark purple curtain. He peeked again into that mysterious room, but this time, someone was already in there.



Kagome jumped as she heard something unfamiliar. She looked to the side that the noise came from and saw a large piece of cloth moving upwards. When it was completely up, she saw another room that was very similar to hers. She took a tentative step, and stopped when she heard someone moving.

He was the one that looked at her through that window, but now she saw him fully.

The white-silvery hair that circled his tanned face was longer than hers, those golden eyes that seemed to bore into hers, and those...

Fuzzy ears?


She looked at him, eyes wide, full with fear and wonder. He cursed his hanyou self again. Of course she would be afraid of him. She was a human... He was and will always be a freak.

He closed the distance between them slowly, not wanting to scare her away. Her shoulders tensed a little, and he stopped. Only when they retuned to their normal state he returned to his steps.

He arrived to the plastic/glass window, and pressed his palms against it, a few inches under his head.

He stopped there, and simply looked. He was a fool for even imagining that something might be between them.

What would she like in him?

And exactly then, he saw her moving...


He stopped, and pressed his palms against the... air? Into her direction.

Those eyes... They held that same look. She couldn't tear her eyes away from his, they seemed to hold every little thing that she cared about, it was just like... he knew.


Without a notice, she stepped forward. One step. And another. And another. Now, she ignored the things that she could not recognize. Only he was important.

Kagome suddenly hit something invisible. It felt like that little window... was it another one too?

She couldn't reach him, and it made her heart ache. As she closed the distance between their hands it beat so fast that she thought it would just fly out of her body.


All he could see for some time was just her. Her face, her eyes...

When her hands met the window she blinked with confusion, as she didn't expect it to be there, and then she moved her hands slowly up to his.

She looked at him eyes questioning him if it was all right. He smiled a bit, and her eyes sparkled with soft joy.

She examined her hands, and then his, and tentatively moved her hands to cover his, when only the window preventing them to touch at the other.

And then, she smiled, also softly. Everything in her was soft...

And he smiled back again, as their hand almost touched, standing there, glued to their spot for a long time...