InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tear Drops ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tear Drops
By: DarkCrystalis


Chapter Four

After eating at the restaurant across the street, the three women walked confidently back to the office.

However, when Kagome and Sango returned back to their desks to fill out the online registration, Rin began to sweat with nervousness in her own office.

How would she tell Sesshoumaru about their absurd, but much desired plan? What would he do, in reaction to her demand?

Tensing when she heard someone knock on the door, Rin took a deep breath and steadied her heartbeat, expecting Sesshoumaru.

But when Inuyasha walked in, all chaos broke loose…

“What in Kami's name do you mean that you're going to reunite as “Darkest Wish”?! There's no way in HELL I'm going to let Kagome prance around in gothic clothes and make up, attracting half the freaking male population!” Although Sesshoumaru didn't know about her, Kagome, and Sango being in a band, Inuyasha did, and he sure as hell didn't approve…

“Well…” Rin began nervously, but Inuyasha immediately cut her off.

““Well” nothing! There's no way that I'm going to allow this to happen! What's wrong with you? All of you ladies have wonderful, steady jobs and pay, but you'll give it up to work in the music industry, where nothing is certain, and there is a possibility of failing?”

Rin smiled a small smile, seeing where he was coming from. Inuyasha could never understand something like this; he didn't know the thrilling feeling of singing on stage, or having an audience singing the song lyrics you wrote. It was a feeling unlike any other, and indescribable beyond all words.

Patting his shoulder, she involuntarily flinched when she saw Sesshoumaru's frame leaning in the doorway, a dark look on his face.

“What is this baka speaking of, Rin?” His eyes showed annoyance, but his voice held a chilled calm which made goose bumps rise all over her skin.

“Se…Sesshy…” Rin trailed off, not knowing where to start.

Sensing Rin's uncomforted aura, he gestured coldly for his half-brother to leave at once.

Mumbling something along the lines of “ludicrous ideas” under his breath, he reluctantly left the office, promising himself that this wasn't over.

Walking over to the door, Sesshoumaru closed it harshly, and locked it without second thought.

“Try again,” he demanded, no hint of emotion in his cool gaze or words.

“A…a…a long time ago, Kagome, Sango, and I were in a band…”

After a pregnant pause, Sesshoumaru urged her along with a quirked eyebrow, wanting to hear the rest.

“And…and after a long time…we were approached by Hikaru Ikito after a performance at a local club, who was offering us a record label…”

Sesshoumaru's eyes disclosed their surprise as his brows shot up in disbelief. Although he probably couldn't sing to save his life, he knew much about Hikaru Ikito, due to his outstanding efforts among the music business. He only signed the best of the best onto his record label, “Shine”.

Rin nearly smiled at his disbelief, but thought against it, and bravely continued.

“Anyway…Sango told him she'd consider it, but after we all spoke with one another…it was decided that doing this wouldn't be a wise choice.”

Sesshoumaru only had one question wracking his brain…


She relived the words Sango had said, and spoke them to Sesshoumaru.

“Sango raised good points…and this is what she asked us:

Is this what you really want, girls? A life of fame and fortune, but struggling to live a normal life everyday; people who will only want to be your friend because you have money; stalkers, sick people, and reporters chasing you around, everywhere you go, without remorse?

We want to live normal lives, have full educations, get married, have children, and not run around the world, touring and living miserably. Sure, we love to sing and perform, but is it really worth having our lives turned over?

The sadness in Rin's eyes nearly made Sesshoumaru's heart crush; it was obvious that this was what she wanted more than anything. Maybe a few years ago, this wasn't what they wanted, but now…

the tables had turned.

“Sango…” Rin continued, biting her lip. “Sango got an email earlier today, asking for all bands to reunite, and perform. It stated that Hikaru Ikito and a few others would be there; ready to sign people on the spot, if they qualified. We figure if we were offered a label in the past, we could do it again…so…so…so…we'd like to…to reunite…”

She stopped, staring timidly into his eyes, waiting for his response.

For once in his life, he didn't know what to say. Not trusting himself enough to open his mouth, Sesshoumaru closed the gap between them, and hugged her to his chest.

Abruptly releasing her at their contact, he withheld the urge to be ill. Her scent was laced with fear; pure, genuine fear, which wrought his insides in un-comfort.

What was she afraid of?

Was she afraid of him?

…That couldn't be possible, could it?

Staring into her brown eyes, he was once again surprised when they hardened, and a determined glint replaced her previous fear.

“I don't care what you say,” she went on, sounding braver than she felt. “We're reuniting, and I'm quitting this job…at least for now. We need to start writing lyrics, and gathering together new music. Sango's moving in; she can take the room beside mine and Kagome's. It's imperative that she's with us at all times, so we can have rehearsals or group meetings whenever it's fit.”

Ignoring the look of anger in his eyes at being demanded, she kept going.

“I don't care if you disapprove, Sesshoumaru; this is what I love to do, and what I've always wanted. No one can stop me from doing this, not even you, my mate.

By the usage of
Sesshoumaru and my mate, he could tell she was being dead serious about this. However, she'd come about her proposal the wrong way; all she'd have had to do was ask him, and he would have approved.

So, in response, he decided to toy with her.

“Absolutely not,” he growled out in pretend anger, but it shook her nonetheless.

“What?!” she yelled in genuine annoyance, uncaring of her tone towards him.

“I said, this isn't happening, and that's the end of this discussion.” Folding his arms across his chest, he stared at her with a look on face which said “go ahead and try arguing with me”.

Rin opened her mouth, but unfortunately, she couldn't find it in her heart to say anything. Instead of the words of loathing she'd wished to spew, silent tears streamed down her face in defeat. No matter how much she hated his decision, there was no debating it; she was his mate, so whatever he said she would follow, without question.

Turning and walking to the window, she pressed her forehead against the cold glass, ignoring his presence all together. How would she break this to Kagome and Sango? How would they feel once they realized their dreams and hopes were now shattered?

As the tears continued to fall, Sesshoumaru felt his heart contract in his chest. He'd never meant to hurt her so deeply; in all honesty, he'd expected her to fight back.

She was supposed to argue with him, until he gave in with a smirk, then they'd kiss and…

A barely audible sob broke his train of thought, and immediately he ran to his mate's side, hugging her form from behind.

Rin unconsciously huddled into herself, avoiding his embrace.

Taken aback by her show of coldness, Sesshoumaru stepped away, waiting for her to turn and face him.

After gaining her composure, making sure that the tears were gone, she calmly walked to her desk, and began typing away at her laptop in dismissal.

Realizing that he hadn't left yet, she swiveled around in her chair, and glared at him.

“Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Taisho?” She spat out his last name, hating him more than anything at the moment.

Singing with her friends was something she'd been waiting years to do, and he wouldn't allow it? As long as she had to be chained in the office against her will, she'd be deadly polite, and not a single ounce more.

“Rin, stop this at once,” his commanding voice filled the empty air, which made her scowl in response.

“I think not,” she replied, daring him to push her further to the edge.

In silence, the couple stared heatedly at one another, while their eyes held no emotion.

Suddenly, Sesshoumaru cracked a grin, and then began to laugh lightly. Soon, light laughter turned into full blown laughter, making a bright red stain his cheeks from amusement.

Rin, thoroughly pissed off at him for laughing at her, bared her teeth and growled low in her throat in warning.

His laughter continued, seemingly uncaring of her currently angry state, which made things even worse.

I have to get out of here before I explode.

Opting to leave the office, Rin stood up, and marched to the door. Just before she turned open the lock, a pair of strong hands grasped her arms, and pulled her away.

“I strongly suggest you let go of me,” Rin warned as her eyes darkened a frightening shade of near-blackness.

Gently nipping at her neck and inhaling her scent, he sighed heavily when she wasn't succumbing to his antics.

“Did you honestly think I'd keep you from fulfilling your true heart's desire, Rin?”

Freezing her movements, her breath caught in her throat as she gathered the nerve to nod her head in reply. Luckily, her back was against him, so he couldn't witness her current facial expression.

“When I took you as my mate, you submitted to me, and promised to be mine. Do you remember what I said to you that night, koi?”

Rin recalled the memory in her mind, shivering slightly at the recollection.

“I told you I'd always be there for you, and make sure you were happy. I want you to live your life as you see fit, as long as I can continue to be a part of it. So, if reuniting as Darkest Wish is what you truly desire and will make you happy, then I'll support you. In fact, all you needed to do in the first place was ask, and I would have agreed…”

Pausing, he smiled into her neck when he felt her body relax into his embrace.

“I may be controlling and cold towards business employees on occasion, but you're my mate, Rin; you're different, and more important than all of them. Aside from that, I still think I'm still a fairly reasonable demon.”

Turning around and staring into his eyes, the anger seeped away, leaving nothing but love and happiness behind. Smiling widely, Rin sighed and caressed his face with her hands; this was why she'd married him.

Hugging him close, she inhaled Sesshoumaru's natural scent, and held onto him, as if for dear life.

However, once again, their close moment was interrupted when impatient knocking sounded on the door.

Rin groaned aloud, not wanting to see who it was.

Why is it that we always get bothered during a special moment? Maybe I'm doomed for this kind of thing

Pulling away, Rin skipped to the door, and yanked on it. Furrowing her brow when the door didn't open, she was about to protest, but a gentle hand fell over her mouth. Looking at Sesshoumaru in annoyance, she watched as he pointed to the lock on the door.

Giggling at realizing her mistake, Rin undid the lock, and properly opened the door.

Sango and Kagome stood before her, nervousness clear in their eyes.

“Well…?” Sango finally asked, looking to her friend for an answer.

Rin frowned, and then looked at Sesshoumaru as tears welled in her eyes.

“He said no way…he's so mad about it, that he won't even talk to me!”

Sango went to embrace her friend, clearly distressed, but watched confusedly as Rin pulled away.

“Haha Sango, you've always been an easy person to fool. Do you really think he'd deny me?”

Laughing, she swung her arms around the two girls' necks, holding together in a strange embrace.

When their giggling had stopped, Rin pulled back, smiling broadly at Sango.

“So, when are ya moving in?”


After they'd talked things over with Sesshoumaru, it was decided that Sango would move in today. In fact, he told them to go get her things right away, and leave work early. All in all, the only thing Sango really needed were some clothes, because everything else would be provided at the mansion.

Squealing in excitement, the girls marched out of Rin's office, and strode over to the elevator. However, before they went in, Kagome was rudely spun around.

“HEY! What are…” Kagome stopped mid complaint when she saw Inuyasha's face staring into hers.

“And where do you think you're going? Shouldn't you be working, wench?”

Scowling at his crude nickname for her, Kagome grinned devilishly. This was going to be fun…

“We're going to Sango's house to pick up some of her clothes; she's moving in with us. Oh, and we're reuniting as Darkest Wish, and quitting our jobs for at least a month,” Kagome added, smiling even wider when she saw his annoyance.

“WHAT?!” He exclaimed, clearly unhappy at this turn of events.

“Sesshoumaru said Sango can move in, and that we can all quit, for the time being,” Rin answered, daring him to defy her. Although he was a Taisho, Rin was too, which made her have the same status as him in the building, and in the family.

“You guys can stop working, but we can't?” Inuyasha spluttered in disbelief, finding it extremely unfair that the girls could stop working, but he couldn't.

“Aniki, you can stop working whenever you wish; you just won't get paid anymore,” Sesshoumaru stated as he'd stepped in silently seconds before.

Growling in annoyance, Inuyasha roughly French kissed his wife-to-be, running his tongue along her own tongue and teeth, making her moan lightly into his mouth.

“You're still mine, wench,” he muttered as he walked away.

Smiling lightly, Kagome gently placed her fingertips across her lips. Although he wasn't very good at telling her how he felt, his showing of passion more than made up for it.

“You're still a lovesick puppy, after this long?” Sango enquired cheekily, watching interestingly as Kagome blushed in response.

When the elevator door made a “ping” noise, signaling someone was coming to their floor, everyone turned around to see Miroku walk over with a file in his hands.

“Oh, I didn't know you were having a party! How rude, you all are, for not inviting me!” He exclaimed in sarcasm, a small grin adorning his face.

“We didn't invite you because no one feels like getting groped,” Sango shot back, watching in amusement when he placed his hand across his heart in feigned tragedy.

“Oh Sango, when will you admit your love for me?”

Ignoring him defiantly, Sango grabbed Rin and Kagome's hands, ready to go downstairs.

“Don't ignore me, dear Sango…” Miroku called, grabbing her before she entered the elevator with her band mates.

The doors closed, which meant she'd have to wait for the elevator to come back up to the thirtieth floor in order to go downstairs.

Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha had left long ago, which meant it was just Sango and Miroku standing there in a tense silence.

Turning to face Miroku, she was completely surprised when his lips descended like a hawk chasing prey onto her own, not allowing her enough time to move away from it.

His lips were soft and sensual, not at all forceful or pushy; and when she went to moan out her pleasure, Miroku took the time to slip his tongue into her mouth, playing with her own.

Sango clasped the back of his shirt, pulling him even closer to her as time wore on. Slowly, and unknowingly, she was brought closer to the wall, and didn't even realize until she felt the cold tile on her back.

Miroku pulled his lips away, bringing them to the crook of her neck instead. Lightly biting and licking the sensitive area, Sango moaned again, dragging her hands through his semi-long hair.

Teasingly, he finally brought his lips back to hers, pulling her bottom against his hips in urgency.

Picking up one of her bare legs and wrapping it around his waist, Miroku groaned as he felt the warmth that lay in-between her thighs.

In fact, he hadn't even noticed she was wearing the skirt until now. Nibbling on her lips, he began to pull up the short skirt as she unbuttoned his collared shirt.

Annoyingly, the ping of the elevator sounded once more as Kagome and Rin rushed out, looking frantically for Sango. However, when she saw her and Miroku sweaty and in the process of taking off each other's clothes, they retreated to the elevator, blushing crimson.

“Wait…” Sango panted, wanting to explain what had happened, but her plea fell on deaf ears, for the elevator door had been closed once more.

Thankful for the distraction, she pushed Miroku off of her, and ran to the elevator. Smoothing down her skirt and attempting to flatten her hair, she waited patiently for the elevator to return to the top once more.

Miroku stood and watched her, completely re-composed, as if nothing had happened. In all honesty, he wondered how she did it; he still wanted her like hell.

Looking over her shoulder, Sango was glad at her outward calm expression after seeing how bothered he was. She knew it was all a façade, because inside she was shaken and unnerved, but Miroku didn't need to know that.

Walking over to Miroku, she smiled sadly.

“I guess this is goodbye,” Sango whispered into his ear bitterly, and kissed him lightly on his succulent lips.

Licking them slowly for good measure, she ignored his questions of “What?” as she went into the elevator.

The last thing she saw was him running towards her, clear questioning in his eyes before the elevator doors closed.


Downstairs on the first floor, Kagome and Rin looked uncomfortably at one another, not knowing what to do.

“Should we wait for her…?” Kagome asked, biting her lip in contemplation.

“Maybe we should just go home, and catch up with her later. Didn't you see how busy she was?” Rin said, grinning lightly.

As Rin and Kagome walked towards the doors, they stopped when someone called their names.

Sango was chasing after them, calling their names without trying to be too loud.

Panting once she'd caught up, she immediately flushed crimson, not being able to look her friends in the eye.

“So Sango, what was going on up there?” Kagome enquired, circling around her friend, which made her even more nervous.

“Yeah, Sango…I thought he was just a perverted lecher,” Rin added, following Kagome's lead.

“N-nothing happened,” Sango replied, stuttering.

“I wonder what would have happened if we didn't interfere,” Kagome questioned, placing her hand under her chin, pretending to be in deep thought.

“Shut up!” Sango exclaimed, playfully hitting her friend on the arm.

“Okay, okay, but he's a good kisser though, isn't he?” Rin asked, winking.

Sango blushed even deeper, and then ignored her.

“Let's just hurry up and get my stuff…”


Author'< /b>s Note

Ohh, steamy lusting between the lover birds; too bad it had to be disturbed, huh? Talk about romance and tension, mmm!

However…do you really think that's the last that Sango will see of Miroku? I forgot to mention a very important point in this chapter, but don't worry; it'll be in my next chapter for sure!

OH! And the sad part between Rin and Sesshoumaru…but don't worry; as you can see, everything was fixed.
Until chapter five!

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