InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tensai of the Ookami-Inu ❯ Red Light District Part 2 ( Chapter 14 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Tensai of the Ookami-Inu
By Dog-Demon-Emiko
Chapter 14: Red Light District Part 2
Kagome sat in front of a mirror and blow dried her hair until it was slightly damp. She then pushed it all over her left shoulder and used her fingers to take a section from the right side of the nape of her neck. Running it through her fingers, she braided it into a firm, neat braid and tied the end. She then trugged over to the king seized bed of the hotel room to her outfit for the night. Black leather pants that rode low and hugged her young curvy body like second skin were put on first over a red thong. She then put on a crimson red halter top that stopped just above her belly button which adorned a fake peircing for the night. The top dipped low but only enough to tease, and the black chocker with red flames binding her neck only added to the sexual appeal. Fingerless black gloves gave her a tough girl look, and somewhere to hide her tiniest dagger.By Dog-Demon-Emiko
Chapter 14: Red Light District Part 2
She put on black eyeliner and a touch of black eyeshadow, and red lipgloss completing her edgy look. She tied her combat boots and then concentrated on her traits. About five minutes later, her ears were slightly pointed, her eyes were gold, her nails and teeth were fangs and claws, and her senses were ahundred times better. Best of all, she felt in absoulute control. She stuffed a swiss knife in her boot, and secured it before making sure she had everything. Checking herself over in the mirror first, she grabbed her keys and her helmet and left, locking the door behind her just incase she actually did come back that night.
As she walked down the hall towards the elevator a beep sounded in her helmet. She waited until she got into the elevator before putting it to her ear.
"What?" she asked, knowing the list of people with the contact code were limited...very limited.
"You were supposed to check out with me, rookie." Viper hissed through the earpiece. was the annoying nickname that she had been using for Kagome ever since that night of her first kill. She hardly ever called her by her name, only refered to her and 'Rookie', or 'the Rookie'. Kagome didn't care though, not right now, she felt to good.
"Oops my ass. Quit slacking dammit this isn't a game! Call me once you get to the club."
"Why? You'll know when I'm there anyway."
"Just do it!" The signal ended and Kagome smirked.
"I think I pissed her off." she chuckled darkly. As she got the the garage of her hotel she looked around wearily and smoothly walked towards the bike arranged for her. It was a Katana 700, Suzuki. Large and heavy, but fast. It was black with red and oragne flames scorching the sides. Kagome didn't dwell on the details however, the bike was going to be destoryed once she was done with it. No doubt the athourities would be after such a significant get-away.
She swung her leg over the side and seated herself as she twisted her hair up so she could put her helmet on. Once it was secure she made sure that all of her tracking and communications signals were running before she started the bike, picked up the kick stand, backed out, and pulled off into the nightlife of Shinjuku.
Inuyasha threw down his small duffle bag, angry and tired. He hadn't managed to get any sleep as he had planned. After he signed offline with Miroku and Sango he meant to go the the gym for only about an hour and sleep for a while. But he had been more fustrated than he'd thought and lost track of time. He had just been thinking about stopping when Sesshomaru, already showered, dressed, and ready, came into the dojo to tell him they had to leave. Inuyasha only had time to change his shirt and grab his bag and throw it into the back of Sesshomaru's silver ferrari, much to his dismay. Inuyasha had offered to drive his own car, but it was Sesshomaru who said that it would look odd if both of their cars were missing. If Totosai of Myoga figured Inuyasha was gone they'd call him, and he'd say he was with him, getting the two of them off his case. Inuyasha huffed at the realization but said nothing more about it.
The brothers spent most of their time talking about the Battle of the Bands coming up, and about the songs they should do. Emiko, Sango, Ayame, and Rin want to do Haunted, because of the way Kagome's voice can put the erieness into it then Kagome's choice was Going Under. It was possible they could preform both but they would have to make it to the second round, which Inuyasha was confident they would. He made a mental note to have an extra long practice as soon as they got back.
The hanyou stripped his cloths and stepped into a hot shower, running his hands through his hair and scratching his scalp. He felt only slightly better that he wasn't sticky from sweat anymore and glanced at the clock. Figuring he had about 20 minutes to get ready, he dressed in black baggy cargos and a flaming red shirt. Chains hung from all sides of his pants and buckles adorned his favorite combat boots. He had just finished raking the knots from his hair with his fingers when Sesshomaru rapped on his door and entered without invitation.
"Are you ready yet?" he asked. His silken black shirt and pants set off his pale skin and silver hair in a ghostly looking apperance.
"Ever try waiting until I say come in? I could have been naked!" Inuyasha growled.
"Whatever you have I have plus more, what's the big deal?" he huffed and turned to leave. Inuyasha flipped him off the best he could with his tangled hands.
The traffic in the Red Light District should have been expected. Teenagers lined the streets, most looking older than they really are so they could join the club, or the line of adults to enter the many clubs. Prostitues lined the streets for a nights work, some giving Inuyasha winks and blowing him kisses. He ignored them however, he only had one girl in mind, even if she was trying to fuck with his head in her own little way. It was Kagome who broke up with him, yes, but it wasn't Kagome who he had been trying to have a decent conversation with for the last week and a half. Inuyasha growled and flipped through Sesshomaru's CD case to pull out Underworld's soundtrack and shove it into the drive.
WalkingWaitingAlone without a care.HopingAnd hatingThings that I can't bear.
Did you think it's coolTo walk right upTo take my lifeAnd fuck it up?Well did you?Well did you?
I see hell in your eyesTaken in by surprise (surprise)Touching you makes me feel aliveTouching you makes me die inside
Inuyasha growled at the song and it's ability to make his blood run so oddly with the heavy meldolic beat. Unconciously he swayed with the beat and felt the cool wind caress his features.
WaitingAlone without a care.HopingAnd hatingThings that I can't bear.
Did you think it's coolTo walk right upTo take my lifeAnd fuck it up?Well did you?
I hate you!
I see hell in your eyesTaken in by surpriseAnd touching you makes me feel aliveTouching you makes me die inside
I've slept so long without youIt's tearing me apart tooHow'd it get this farPlaying games with this old heartI've killed a million petty soulsBut I couldn't kill you,
He thought of Kagome as he closed his eyes and thought of her looking lovingly back at him. Then suddenly she grew fangs and her eyes went gold. The aura around her darkened and she snarled and slashed at him with her claws and red splashed his vision.
I've slept so long without you!
I see hell in your eyesTaken in by surpriseTouching you makes me feel aliveTouching you makes me die inside.
Finally, they made it through the traffic and pulled up to the club. The outside looked like a warehouse, but his demon ears could pick up the vibrations from the thumping music. Even soundproof walls can't contain all sound. Sesshomaru walked up to the gaurd and spoke to him for only a moment before walking right in, Inuyasha following. He winced as he walked in, the air stunk of booze, sweat, and sex. Neon blue lights flashed down from the ceiling and glowed up from the crowded dance floor. Every now and then an orange or green or blue or yellow glow stick would flash in the crowd of people, swaying from their necks or wrists.
The dancefloor was lined with cafe tables and lougnes in the corners. Inuyasha knew better than to try and relax here, the scent of drugs was in the air also, and he didn't want anything being injected into him whether it was by accident or not. He moved over to the bar where the waitress looked over at him with almost a funny expression.
"Arn't you a little young to be here hunny?" she asked, bending over the counter enough so that her large breasts almost came from inside her small shirt. Inuyasha looked at her in a very Sesshomaru way and continued to stare out onto the dance floor. He would wait, even if it took all night.
Kagome had arrived at the club about 20 minutes after she had left. She decided to make a small scene by parking her bike and shaking out her mane of hair after she removed her helmet, arching her back just right. She smirked as she catwalked past the teenagers who thought they were 'cool' by hanging out in front of the club they were to young to get in. Stepping up the the gaurd at the door, she smirked.
"I have an appointment with Notega." The lizard demon looked at her in the eyes, tounge flickering to detect any lies.
"I'll retrive you when he is ready," he said stoticly"go on in." Kagome smirked and walked past him, faintly hearing the other teenage girls trying to sweet talk the stotic lizard into letting them in.
Her senses were assaulted with flashing lights, horrid smells, and the sounds of music and peoplehaving their own funon the dance floor. For only a slight moment Kagome wished she hadn't come alone. She wished she had Emiko or Sango with her who would probably know what to do in a scene like this one, but thought agaisnt it. She was here on a job, not for fun. She sat herself onto one of the high seats of the cafe table as the music continued the blast through the heavy speakers. Somewhere though, Kagome could feel herself being watched. She shook it off, a cat demoness clad in leather would turn anyones head, she guessed.
The recent song had ended and the tapping of another had began. She had hear it on the raido once and liked it immediatly, so she decided she would go onto the dancefloor.
You let me violate you,You let me desecrate you,You let me penetrate you,You let me complicate you,
Kagome closed her eyes as she twisted her hips and twirled her hands, humming to the song. It wasn't to long before she felt another body behind her and hands wrap around her waist.
Help me, I broke apart my insidesHelp me, I’ve got no soul to sellHelp me, the only thing that works for meHelp me get away from myself!
She felt something begin to nudge her from inside her pants and smirked devilsihly. She wasn't sure if the sweaty youkai could hear it in his state, but she began to purr so loudly it sounded like a growl. She turned to look him in the face, finding his shoulder length hair plastered to him with sweat, and his eye lids heavy in arousal.
I want to fuck you like an animal,I want to feel you from the inside,I want to fuck you like an animal,My whole existence is flawedYou get me closer to God!
He pulled her closer to him and Kagome moaned into his neck, teasing him to no end. The distinct poking in her thigh told her he was going to blow if she kept this up. The human Kagome would have backed off, but the youkai one wasn't so skiddish.
You can have my isolationYou can have the hate that it bringsYou can have my absence of faithYou can have my everything
She panted into his neck and grinded her hips more firmly into him, making him moan in fustration. The amount of control she had was amazing, along with his responses. If she pulled away then he followed, and if she pulled in then he whimpered. This was something that she could get used to. It was an ancient spell that every woman was capable of, a deadly gift bestowed on females. A power that we hold over every man on earth...the power of seduction.
Help me, tear down my reasonHelp me, its' your sex I can smellHelp me, you make me perfectHelp me, become somebody else
"I want to fuck you like an animal," she whispered into his ear, making him growl and hold her waist more firmly, claws biting into her flesh.
I want to feel you from the insideI want to fuck you like an animalMy whole existence is flawedYou get me closer to God!
He groaned as she spun her around andwas closeto dry humping her. The whimpers he let out told her he was some kind of canine youkai, maybe a coyote.
"Shh," she crooned as she lifted her arm over her shoulder to grab a handful of his hair to pull his head back, just in time to stop him from biting her neck in fustration. The beat took over and she turned back around to the demons face. Even with the lack of a proper light she could see how flushed his face was from arousal and drugs.
Inuyasha still sat at the bar, a little more alert than before as he watched 2 girls grind seductivly on eachother, their hands wandering. He could take no more when they started to kiss. He walked up behind one of them and began to kiss the back of her neck. Somehow he ended up in the middle, kissing one and another massaging the back of his neck with her tounge. His hormone level shot up to the sky and at first he could think of nothing else, until he saw the flash of red agian, the lights making it a neon purple.
He looked up out of instinct and couldn't help but to stare. A girl in tight leather pants, a red halter top, combats, and a chocker that gave him naughty thoughts of bondage, was grinding hard on a very horny youkai.
Through every forestAbove the treesWithin my stomachScraped off my kneesI drink the honey inside your hiveYou are the reason I stay alive
Inuyasha growled as he watched her hair sway oppisite from her hips and got glimpses of the back that right about now he wished was naked and arched in front of him in ecstasy. 'Maybe a rope extending from that choker...' he thought with an approving growl.
The vision of the leather vixen was interupted when the youkai gaurd from the door tapped her on the shoulder. Just by watching where her feet turned he knew she had turned around. Then the youkai lead her off into the crowd, exposing her face. Her eyes were shining with intelligence that also just screamed 'I know something you don't know'. Her body was held with confidence and carelessness, the posture of an unclaimed and untamed woman, and her lips were stretched in a smirk.
Kagome! Kagome is the leather vixen he had been watching for the past 5 minutes. The shock caused him to stop brusing the neck of the human girl in front of him, making her spin to kiss his in return as she grabbed for the crotch of his pants. He growled and pushed her off before disappearing to find Sesshomaru.
Kagome had been enjoying her new toy when she felt a firm tap on her shoulder. She growled at the disturbance and looked over her shoulder. When she had seen that it was the gaurd from the door she turned fully to face him, leaving her hand of the chest of the poor youkai who was more like a zombi now, telling him to not touch her.
"Notega will see you," the man said over the music. She only nodded and followed him, giving her hand an extra push so the intoxicated youkai would stumble and be unable to follow her in his state, hopefully latching onto the next girl he sees.
He led her into the crowd of drunken and intoxicated people who were basicly having sex on the dance floor. The smells of sweat and arousal got stronger and stronger as they neared the center. Kagome thanked the Gods that they veered off the trail from the middle when they got close to enter a tiny room. With her demoness eyes she could see that the tiny room had wiry but curvy iron stairs that went higher and higher. They then came out another door which was at least 30 feet above the dancefloor below. The slender cat walk led them around the entire room before it got to another door, one that was black and blended into the wall. Before he touched the door he reached behind her head and grabbed her braid. The youkai grunted, opened the door for her and nodded her to go inside to a dimly lit room that looked like a small loft. In the makeshift living room, Notega sat on the couch shirtless, with two exotic women. They had thick blonde hair and wide green eyes, very uncommen in Japan. One had one tiny shorts and the other had on a thong with a short, see-through robe over it that came down to her waist. Other than that they were completly naked.
"Notega-sama?" she asked. The man looked up at her, making the blondes glare with envy.
"You wanted to see me?" he asked, his words slurred. He then looked back towards one of the women, staring straight at her large breasts while the other slid down to nestle her head inbetween his legs, laying her mouth innocently close to his crotch. Notega then payed them no mind. He looked at Kagome with a savage hunger as his eyes raked over her young body. Kagome had to hide the smirk playing on her face and play it off as an innocent smile.
"Yes, I did." she made her voice sound breathless. Notega cleared his throat and pulled the womens hands off of them.
"Your services are no longer needed." Kagome tried her hardest to keep a straight face as the humans almost hissed at her in jelously and aggitation. Notega put his arms on the back of the couch and spread his legs apart, clearly showing his erection. "So, what can I do for you?" Kagome shifted her weight to put her hands on her hips.
"I need information," she said casually. He smirked and patted the couch beside him.
"Come take a seat." Kagome looked around shyly and nodded. She could smell the mans arousal clearly, and she decided it would be best to play the innocent-school-girl-playing-dressup routine. She went next to him and plopped down while flashing him a smile. "'atta girl. Now, you need information about what?" he asked, moving close to her face.
"About..." she looked into his eyes, feeling that rush agian. The rush of absoulute power in her hands and within herself, like she could dominate the world. Notega, however, took that look for a different one. He moved closer to her face until their lips touched. Caught by suprise, she gasped and he forced his tounge into her mouth. She nearly gagged at the bitter andnasiating tastes of beer and achohol but pushed it down.
'If he was going to live tomorrow, he'd have one hell of a hangover!'
She let out a whimper and closed her eyes, not expecting to be forced onto her back with a vice grip on her upper arms. She went numb; the rush of power began to become to much and she couldn't handle it. It was almost as if she were drowning in her own power and having not have breathed for the last 45 seconds or so wasn't helping. She was just about to scream when her head cleared agian. She felt that amazing feeling of control once more and pushed him off of her. He was breathless in arousal and didn't get a chance to move before Kagome was on top of him, grinding her hips into his along with the heavy trance music booming just outside the door. Notega didn't hold or supress his moans and groans. He grabbed her waist and began to thrust up into her, groaning and pantingthe whole while. Kagome felt her hormone level shoot through the roof, but still remained partly calm. Her breathing changed though, and her breath became scorching hot. Insitnct drove her on as she made defiente eye contact with him and kissed him softly, her hand set on his chest so he wouldn't take control. She closed her eyes as the heat in her breath transfered from her mouth to his, and ignored the shaking and convulsing of his body.
A light thump sounded outside the door but Kagome figured that it was the music. She knew she was wrong when the door burst open. With one last puff into his mouth she jumped off of him to face the subject of her dreams turned to nightmares. His golden eyes whipped to the man now lying dead on the sofa, his lips black and eyes wide in horror.
"Kagome, what did you do?" Kagome felt odd. She still felt the rush of power that made her feel invincable, but she was still dazed. Who knew she could do that? She looked up to Inuyasha with a cool smirk.
"I don't have a dam clue, but it felt good-"
"Kagome your not controling yourself! Please tell me you did this on accident, and not on purpose." Kagome's eyes twitched slightly, and a curious look leaked onto her face. She took a step towards him and noticed how he tensed. She kept that in mind while she slowly strutted to circle around him, his eyes following her the whole time.
"Now, where would you get an idea like that one Inuyasha?" she purred. Inuyasha growled and made to grab her already sore upper arm. She ripped her arm out of the way just in time and jumped gracfully backwards towards the couch.
"Don't toy with me bitch, I want answers now!" he snarled. Not only was he still aroused from before and slightly now, but seeing Kagome in this state while wearing those clothes, and she was pissing him off. His demon side demanded she be fucked...hard, until she submitted. He wanted to take time to calm down, but there was none. Kagome was moving fast towards the door and he had to stop her before he lost her agian. He rushed at her head on and was just in reach when she jumped to the numourus beams on the room, came down, and ran out the door.
Kagome refused to face Inuyasha anymore. Her youkai liked to kill, she liked to tease and toy. It was fine with Notega, but not with Inuyasha, no. She had to get out of there and fast. She jumped over Inuyasha's head and ran out the door. She was making her way around the slender walk once more and felt the vibrations of feet pounding behind her and in front of her. She cursed when she saw Sesshomaru running at her at awing speed, and didn't need to look to know Inuyasha was not far behind her. Not seeing any other way, she pushed off from the wall and dived over the railing, hearing Inuyasha's curses as she twisted her body around and landed right inbetween two cafe tables. She wasted no time in pushing her way into the crowd once more and out the nearest door that had a breeze coming from under it.
She charged through the iron door, making it bounce off the wall so hard it slammed back. She thought she was in the clear as she dodged boxes and dumpsters in the side alley and saw the parking lot coming up...she thought. By the time she looked up it was to late, Inuyasha had landed in front of her, making her slam right into his chest. He stumbled a little as she fell right onto her ass and made a grab for her. With newfound fury she let a cry rip from her throat and kicked him square in the chest, sending him flying to boxes.
"I told you Inuyasha, stay away from me." she growled as she advanced on him. He scrambled to his feet and met her eye to eye.
"Or what, you'll kill me just like that guy? What the fuck Kagome, is this what you do for a living?" he snarled. His eyes were angry and his face contorted into what looked like disgust. Pain flooded through Kagome's heart, pain greater then any mortal wound. It caused her to lash out widly, forgetting all of her trainging to become feral once more. Inuyasha dogded but barley, almost falling twice because of the uneven ground. Kagome slashed at him agian and agian, not noticing the power gathering in her hands, more specificaly her claws. The white weapons began to glow and erie black, and left the odd light in it's wake. Inuyasha went to jump up to dodge a left uppercut that would have made a boxer proud, but his pant leg had caught on the edge of the dumpster they had been near, ripping and bringing him crashing unexpectedly to the ground. Kagome raised her hand with a sick gleam in her eyes, one that made him nearly burst with anger and fear. Her claws were glowing with black fire and her eyes with the deep passion of anger. Suddenly something warm wrapped itself around her arm and jerked her away from her target. Kagome snarled and struggled only to have the rope of light wrap itself around her hands with her back facing Inuyasha. Sesshomaru was a blur as he pushed Kagome agianst the wall with his free hand, his forearm pressing aginst her neck. She hissed and growled widly, fear begining to drive her as Inuyasha stepped up to Sesshomaru's shoulder.
"Kagome?" Inuyasha asked. Her growling stopped but her hissing continued in a cat version of a whimper. Her eyes turned back to their normal brown and finally displayed her exhaustion. Using powers she never knew she had had taken a toll on her, not to mention the running. Her claws recided and so did her fangs and pointed ears. Sesshomaru untied her hands and then pinched the back of her neck, earning him a yelp and then she saw nothing.
He slung her over his shoulder and Inuyasha took the key to her bike out of her boot and rode her bike back to their hotel, while Sesshomaru and Kagome took his car. They went to Inuyasha's hotel room and locked the door, laying Kagome carefully on the bed. For long time they stood in silence and Sesshomaru spoke first.
"What are you going to do?" Inuyasha looked up as if it as the first time in a long time. He blinked repeatedly, trying to clear his head, and looked at his older brother.
"I'll talk to her, and she's going to answer whether she likes it or not. We won't leave here until she does." He turned his head back down to the sleeping girl who he wished so desperetly would awaken.
"She's a cat,she won't do anythingshe dosn't want to."
"She will, I'll make her. Not even a cat can end a relationship that quick and be fine with it."
"She's an assassin Inuyasha, a killer. She has no heart." Inuyasha rounded on his brother so quickly that he barley had time to dodge. Sesshomaru was on the other side o the room before Inuyasha knew it.
"Don't say that! You don't know her!" he yelled.
"Inuyasha, this girl is deeper than which you think. She has an amazing, and yet unusual understanding of violence, death, and pain. She's angry, and has a beast inside her that she don't know how to control. You and I both saw what she did to Notega, she poisined him."
"How do you know?" he snapped, angry, but desperate for information but at the same time wanting to seem in some kind of control over the situation.
"Panthers are the ruler of shadows and the night, and masters of illusion. What she breathed into him was a Shadow Miasma, a kind of poisin that lulls you into what you think is sleep, but it's always one you will never wake up from. It can be altered so that the person has nightmares, or is deathly sick and will burn if they go into the sun. The black fire is an attack called Kan'ya Bi, Cold Night's Fire."
"What does it do?" Inuyasha asked, looking at Kagome's sleeping face.
"It's like another poison, but a cursed one. The fire burns like a bitch, and if it is enough then it can lead to a wound that is cursed to never heal. She must have been in a full demon state to invoke enough instics to understand and use these powers." There was a silence before Sesshomaru decided it was time for him to leave. "I understand your love for this girl Inuyasha, but you must understand her first as a person before your girlfriend."
"Oh and like you do!" he yelled, defensive agian.
"I know that her past is to painful for her to relive, so she won't talk about it. I know that she's seen just as much death and loss then us, even more with the fact that she's killed someone. Who knows how many more people have died at her hands. Think about it Inuyasha, your in love with the human Kagome, the comedic punk who can sing her ass off. But what you see now is the blood thristy neko youkai that thrives within her heart and soul. You must accept all or none or you will have wasted everything on nothing." Without another word Sesshomaru left, clicking the door shut behind him. Inuyasha kicked off his shoes and pulled of hers. He crawled behind her and went to sleep, holding her close to his body, hoping that this was all just a dream...hoping.
This might seem kind of short, sorry, but there were some points I needed to get across. As a warning, the next chapter will have a small citus in it so BEWARE! All people of age and who are perverted (like me) may procede when it's posted...and will please go SORT of easy on me with the lemons. I've never written one before and am kind of nervous about it so it's not going to be something fantastic. Thanks! DDE
Chapter 15: To Make Amends