InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Answers To Love ❯ Moving ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N:okay...whew!my first ever fanfiction.I've been readin them for a long time and I decided to write one.I got this idea head!I don't know where I got it but it's the best idea for a fanfic I had so far so I decided to just write it.ENJOY!!(On my new Pename!!!I beta read it!)

Chapter 1.Moving

By.*~Shikon Rose~*


"C'mon Sango,let's get a freakin' move on!"Inuyasha shouted"Kagome is waiting by the well with Miroku!Everyone is waiting for you!"

"Coming!Just packing my Hiraikotsu!"

Just then Sango came rustling out of the bushes with a very large bag twice her size hanging over her shoulder.Inuyasha instantly sweatdropped.

"WHAT?!"Sango exploded.Apparently she had caught him staring in shock.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"Inuyasha burst out laughing."you--l-look--like--a--m-maniac!HAHAHAHAHAHA!"he was having trouble breathing.

"What.EVER!"Sango said angrily as a vein popped dangerously on her head,"let's go."

So Inuyasha and Sango walked towards the well,Inu was smirking while Sango kept glaring at him through slitted eyes.

"Hey,Inuyasha!"called Kagome"Come on,hurry up!"

"Yeah,yeah."Inuyasha said sarcastically"everyone has to obey the mighty goddess Kagome Higurashi."he rolled his eyes."Hail,Hail."

"Inuyasha,stop being sarcastic and move your ugly butt over here."

"how would you know if it's ugly or not?"Inuyasha argued"you checked?"

Kagome turned a bright pink,but then quickly turned purple with rage."NO! I-...Why w-...Agh! Jus-just get down the well,doggy.and you know exactly what I meant!"

"No I don't,Kagome-kun.Why don't you explain it to me?"Inuyasha asked in a sickly sweet voice while wearing a perfect,well,puppy face.

As Kagome and Inuyasha continued their usual bickering,Miroku sighed and decided to shed some light on the situation.


That worked to perfection. Kagome and Inuyasha stopped short and laughed their asses off at Miroku's swirly eyes and apple-red cheek.Shippou came out of the bush and sighed heavily, then he jumped up and bit Inuyasha's head painfully.

"Shippou, you ugly brat!"Inuyasha yelled as he tried in vain to pry Shippou off his head.Shippou's fangs grazed his ears and he let out a very pained yell.

"Here, Shippou" Kagome said as she held up a bag of chocolate caramel turtles.Shippou turned heart-eyed ,leaped off Inuyasha and dove for the chocolate, his second favorite thing.(his favorite was to sleep on Kirara's tail)

Inuyasha sat up with murder in his eyes and grabbed the bag of chocolates."Fetch!"he said as he tossed the chocolate into the woods.Shippou dove into the bushes.The gang waited for a minute then Inuyasha called,trying to hide his worry in vain,"Hey,brat!c'mon, you're wasting time!"No answer.So Kagome walked over and parted the bushes.There lay Shippou,his neck bent in a unatural angle.Kagome's eyes began to water and Sango yelled"Inuyasha,you pimp!Look what you did to Shippou!"Her voice was trembling.A akward silence followed,Inuyasha tried to say sorry,butKagome said nothing,she simply mentioned for the others to follow her and jumped down the well.

"But I didn't m--"Inuyasha said then dropped his head low when no one paid any attention to him.Miroku patted his back and jumped down the well following Kagome.Soon everyone was down the well.


Kagome felt a tear and smiled at the memory.It was how she and Inuyasha REALLY extended their relationship.After that inuyasha was so sad and no one would talk to him.Kagome was the first one to forgive him. He took that to heart and had kissed her. They then became an offical couple.Sango and Miroku were happy too.

They weren't even an offical couple from the time they defeated Naraku.Inuyasha,after saying that messed-up `I love you' took it back.Kagome laughed dryly.Heh,that was rich.

But Kagome's thoughts were disturbed by her cellphone ringing beside her."Hello?"kagome said.

"Hi,Kagome,it's mom.How are you?"

"Mom,get to the point please.You never call me with nothing to say."

"*Sigh*fine.I've arranged you and Inuyasha's wedding.It's in two months.I've already started preparing.Do you like roses or daisies better?"

Kagome ignored the last part,blinked,and yelled"Two months?Ooh!Mom,I love you sooooo much!"She grinned happily"Oh,I can't wait to tell Inuyasha!He'll be grinning forever!"

"Glad to hear it,honey."She couldn't help but be happy for Kagome.She knew Inuyasha would never bear to hurt her daughter in any way and they will have a very happy relationship.

"Ok,mom.I've gotta go now.I think Inu's home.I can't wait to see his reaction!"

So Kagome hung up and trotted over to the hall where Inuyasha was just hanging up his jacket.

"Hey,Inu!Guess what?My mom just called!Our wedding is in two months!"

Inuyasha looked at her bored."Yeah,sure.Whatever."

"Inu?"Kagome asked,clearly worried"Aren't you happy?We're finally getting married!I've been dreaming about this forever!"

"I have too!But...I don't know what to think anymore,Kagome."He turned away from her.

Kagome sighed deeply."please tell me this isn't about our relationship's publicity."

Inuyasha turned to her abruptly wit pain clear in his eyes"I went to a party today ,Kag.The guys were talking about however great their girlfriend were.I wanted to tell them mine was the best!But I can't.You know why,Kag?Because they don't know I even have a fuckin' GIRLFRIEND!"he stressed the last part.

"Inuyasha..I..."Kagome started but then her eyes watered,not knowing what to say to her angry fiancee.But she did know Inuyasha hated it when she cried,so maybe he would calm down if she did.

"Oh,nothing to say,wench?"Inuyasha said,clenching his fists at his sides

Kagome winced at the pain and new found rage in Inuyasha's eyes and realized she's been keeping him a secret for more than two years now.A single tear fell from her eyes.

Inuyasha seemed to realize that.His eyes softened."I-I'm sorry,Kagome.I'm under too much stress."he turned away again."I need some fresh air."And with that Inuyasha turned and walked quickly out the door.The second the door closed Kagome's knees buckled helplessly.Tear fell freely.`Why?'she thought.`we used to be so happy...'

A/ first chappie on my new pename.I feel so...empty!I mean,I have all those chappies which I now have to fix up and beta read!Ugh...but it's all worth it for a non-screwed up account.Okay then chapter two and three should be up by tomorrow cuz I have to fix it up like I did this one.Please by loyal and review!Rainegodess and GlassRose please review!you were my first reviewers last time and if you are this time too I would be REALLY happy!Okay this is too long.I'll say this last thing:I would like to put out my account crazy_writer publically so people can read the fics without screwed-up stuff.If you want this,email me at'll give you the psword if I feel you can have it.Thanks and REVIEW! REVIEW! REVEW!Okay that"s all for now.ByeBye!!!