InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Answers To Love ❯ The Joy Of The Wedding ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n:Okay you ppl have like no idea how sorry I am.You may think I don't give a shit about this thing but I do.This is for my sake as well as yours.So I am sorry about not updating.My computer got busted and it took so long to fix it that I thought I should just give up.But my guilty conscious kept haunting me.I mean the last chapter was supposed to be a evil cliffie and this chap is supposed to be the lime and wedding.Well this isn't really a lime since I'm not that perverted.So anyways I came back!Well,that and the fact that one of my classmates,Cindy Long asked me about my fic,reminding me of the fic.Even though I don't like her,I took the bait and came back!Okay babbling again!Here!READ!!!

Chapter 18,The Joy Of The Wedding

By.*~Shikon Rose~*

***This chapter is dedicated to all the people who are reading this.It makes me feel fuzzy just thinking about how you haven't abandoned me.^-^ *wipes tear* Thank you so much.But keep reviewing pleaz!(oh and lunar_girl)


Kagome fumbled with the hem of her huge dress."Ugh I shouldn't be nervous!I was looking forward to this being the best day of my life!"She threw up her hands,lost her balance,and collapsed right on top of Sango,who was adjusting her zipper.

Sango yelped but managed to avoid any serious injuries from the two-ton dress.She coughed."And it will be.Just stop being so nervous and jumpy before someone gets hurt."

"He…heh.Sorry Sango."Kagome lifted the dress off of her best friend."Just REALLY nervous today."

"It's okay."Sango said as she got up.

Suddenly the little bell outside the door rang.Kagome and Sango looked at each other and screamed.Loudly.

"Omigod!The wedding is starting what do I fucking do?!"Sango screamed running around the room.Kagome was also running around and they bumped into each other,and with Kagome's two-ton wedding gown,the results were surely disasterous.

"Omigod Sango!I am like…"Kagome spread her arms as wide as she could."THIS sorry!"

"It's okay."Sango said,then her face lit up."Wait I have an idea!"

"It can NOT be good for you to think,Sango."

Sango made an unbelieving pose."Haha so funny.Anyways I thought that if you thought of something cold it would take your mind off more…pressing matters."Sango thought for a while,then she snapped her fingers.

"I know!Imagine Sesshoumaru…"Sango paused."Well start imagining!"She waited as Kagome said `okay.'

"Now imagine him naked on a water bed with a see-through thong."She grinned and waited again.Kagome stood there for a while,then her eyes suddenly widened as she finished imagining.She screamed,clutching her head tightly.


"Hey it works though right?"Sango shrugged

"It can only be too true…and that's the scary part."Kagome shuddered uncontrollably.The two girls collapsed in giggles.But again,Kagome came crashing down on Sango with her gown.

"Sango!So sorry!"Kagome jumped up.

"Ugh.I need armour,but I'm unharmed.In other words,okay."

They giggled again as they went out the door and out to the white plush carpet outside.Inuyasha looked at Kagome from the altar,dressed handsomely in a dull black suit with a nice burgundy silk shirt underneath.Kagome gulped and Almost melted on the spot."Omigod he is so cute!"Luckily Sango was there to stop her from falling.

"Remember.Sesshoumaru on water bed naked with see-through thong."Sango reminded her.Kagome flinched but kept her composure.They continued down the carpet,passing Sesshoumaru who shot them the most frightening death glare they've ever seen.Quckly surpassing Inuyasha's usual death glare.

As soon as they were out of Sesshoumaru's hearing range,Sango whispered"Man,I swear that sometimes I wonder if they're really related.I mean look at the guy!No emotion!"

Then they passed Hojo."Hey,Higurashi!Believe me this marriage will be short-lived.Then you'll be my bride!"He laughed to show he was joking.Kagome shuddered hard.She knew he probably meant every word of that.

They arrived at the altar with Miroku as the priest and Inuyasha smiled softly at her.Kagome quickly cheered up and happily slipped her hand into his.Miroku grinned and started speaking.

"Inuyasha Taiyoukai.Will you swear to protect,love,and cherish Kagome Higurashi always and forever?"

"I swear I will."

"Kagome Higurashi.Do you promise to be a good companion,a friend,always be there for Inuyash Taiyoukai no matter what?"

"Yes.There's nothing I would rather be."

Miroku smiled."Aw whatever.I'll cut the crap and just begin the ring ceremony.Commence!"

Inuaysha smiled and took out the rainbow jewel ring.He slipped it onto Kagome's ring finger and kissed it.Kagome slipped on the dull gold rainbow band onto Inuyasha's finger and played with it lovingly.

"I now declare you…"Miroku paused,being evil.Everyone was leaning from their seats to see the declaration of one of the year's hottest couples.Inuyasha vice-president of Taiyoukai corp.And a normal schoolgirl.

"MAN AND WIFE!!!"Miroku threw up the heavy priest book and when it came back down it was in pieces with the pages fluttering everywhere.Inuyasha was kissing Kagome passionately and everyone was cheering and clapping as they stood from their seats.People reached for the pages of the bible as the hardcover came down and hit Hojo square in the head.He narrowed his eyes and Kikame came up beside him.They both scowled and sneaked away from the church.They didn't notice but Sesshoumaru trailed them,eyes narrowed even further than usual.


Kagome finally got it over with,and she was beaming brightly now.

"Wow!I'm finally officially married to THE Inuyasha Taiyoukai!And the best part is I genuinely love him!My life cannot be sad now!"

Sango walked in just in time to hear the last part."Well,at least that much is true.Inuyasha wants you to go to bed now.He says the after-party probably wore you out quite a bit.And you know what that means!"

"Yeah!We get to have more fun tomorrow!"Kagome started to walk down the hall towards her old room separate from Inuyasha.

"Hey Kagome?Where the fuck do you think you're going?!Inuyasha probably wants to fuck you!It's like,traditionally correct?"Sango pushed Kagome down the other side of the hall.Then she took something out of her purse.It was a thin silk tank top with a matching thong..

"Here,wear this."

"But I look like a slut in it!And where did you find it anyways?I hid it after I bought that as a dare!"

Sango rolled her eyes."Not important.Just wear it will you and save me the energy.Please Kagome?"She pulled the sad friend trick.

"Fine.Kagome took it and headed down the hall to a walk-in closet.When she came out she was wearing the top with a towel around her waist.

"I feel bad.In more than one way.I mean Inuyasha is going to be majorly turned on and that can be bad.I feel bad tricking him.It's almost as bad as seducing.And you know how I feel about that."

"You hate it like fuck.Women are supposed to have their birth righted independence and men should not be misled into these sexual situations which they are not capable of getting out of."Sango replied in an exaggerated monotone.

"So you have been listening!"She dusted something off her shirt and coughed."And since when do they include baby powder with lingerie?"

Sango laughed nervously."Um I kinda spilt it after I found it in the bathroom cupord in that plastic bag full of expired tampons."

Kagome turned red."You actually searched for it?!Sango you pervert!"But she was unable to say more as she was forced into Inuyasha's master bedroom.(He had the bigger room cuz he owned the house.)


They started as that and the door swung.They were kissing as the door closed.Sango mentioned for Miroku to come out from his hiding spot.They watched as Kagome leaned towards Inuyasha.Then they both rolled onto the floor beside the bed where they couldn't see them at all.But the sounds were convincing.Humping,yelling,groaning,moans,screams,and finally `I love you's.

Sango and Mirkou smiled.Well,Sango smiled while Miroku grinned perversely.But cleared away when the sounds of panting completely disappeared.They heard mumbling and seconds later Inuyasha,who was wearing shorts and a t-shirt came out and glared at Miroku.

"That monk's perverted laughter gave him away."His face was red as a tomato.And he was fuming as he smacked Miroku as he tried peeking into the room.

"Hey,man!All I know is that this part of the wedding is much more enjoyable than the rest."

They both mumbled `pervert' and smacked him.The combined force knocked him out and Sango dragged him away.Inuyasha turned to Kagome on the floor panting and dressed in a long t-shirt.

"Well,that was awkward."He added,"for Sango,I mean."Kagome giggled and they both lay down on the soft comforter and fell asleep in each other's arms.(Kyoooooooooottttt!)


Sesshoumaru followed Hojo and Kikame to a some sort of lab.On the outside it looked like a normal house,looking the same as all the other ones on that street,but inside the attic a bunch of lightweight,easy-to-store equipment lay hidden in the old boxes.

"Thank god for your grandmother's attic,Naraku."Kikame said as she tenderly packed bunches of rubber gloves out that were very carefully sorted."I can't believe you actually had the heart to do that to your own grandmother."

"Yes…well I was never that close with her.She'd only send a few cards every year on the important holidays.So severly injuring her was easy.And besides,I thought you would've figured out by now that the only meanings in life for me are killing Inuyasha for marring Kagome and marring Kagome."He stared at her.How where's those finger prints?

Sesshoumaru unnoticeably growled.They had Kagome's fingerprint?Then they could do practically anything to her.Kikame froze at the noise of growling and turned to where Sesshoumaru was hiding.

"Kikame!Get your ass back to work,bitch."When she refused to obey he crushed his lips against hers in a fierce kiss.

Kikame looked quite disoriented for a moment before obeying with a blush.Hojo smirked evilly.He had discovered this weakness a while ago.She acted like a schoolgirl evry time something intimate happened to her,which meant she would obey to his commandes.He sometimes pretended Kikame was Kagome and often fucked her senseless.But after this he would have the real Kagome.Nothing could possibly make him any happier.

Sesshoumaru was running as fast as he could back to his brother's house.He had to tell them that Kikame and that Hobo character had Kagome's finger print and planned to…

"Fuck."He uttered under his breath.

He raced towards the house anyhow.No matter what he would get yo his brother and tell him what they had and how Hojo acted towards people.The change would surprise them,he knew it would.


A/n:Okay I'd like to thank a million to lunar_girl who's the only one that ever reviews.You make me feel fuzzy…oh well this chap was not too perverted I hope.See I can only be a perverted person when I'm in the mood to be a perverted person and I wasn't in the mood today.Man would you look at that…six pages in one day.A record for me.Bye people and stay reading!No really bye.