InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Answers To Love ❯ Inuyasha¡¯s Mind And Kagome¡¯s sorrow ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n:Hello again.I'm starting to get a lil' writer's block but its nothing serious.And I've been itching to start these new fics but I'm going to wait till this one's finished.The next two fics I'm going to start are `Through Virgin Eyes' and `Heartache'.Better titles than `The Answers To Love', huh?And by the way this chap contain MAJOR angst!!!Oh well on with the thang.

Chapter 20,Inuyasha's Mind And Kagome's sorrow

By.*~Shikon Rose~*Dedicated to inuyashagirl10208.For your info,I believe in telling people how I feel and that's what I'm going to do.And no,I'm not perverted.I just needed that for the plot,duh.(No offense)


Inuyasha's world seemed fuzzy.What?The world wasn't supposed to be fuzzy!Or was it…he never could tell.Everything was incredibly confusing to him.Out of nowhere the words `dog' came to him.Dog?Who was he?WHERE WAS HE?!

Inuyasha shot straight up in the bed and stared at the girl next to him.

`She's beautiful' was the only thing that came to mind about her at the time,but as he gazed into those swirling depths of melted cocoa he felt a sudden pain in his heart.A doctor rushed to him and nursed his suddenly bleeding wound.Inuyasha all the while refrained from making eye contact with the girl.

"Well,Higurashi.It seems the sight of his fiancée seems to bring back some horrible memories."The old demon doctor stated.

Inuyasha had that dazed look in his eyes again.His pupils had lost their shine and were staring blankly at Kagome,his brows furrowed.

`This girl is my fiancée?Then how come I remember youkai and I cannot remember her in the slightest way?'Inuyasha wandered as a searing pain shot through his chest and his body shivered as once again a coma swept over him peacefully.


Kagome solemnly stumbled to the parking lot,bumping into people she didn't have the heart to say sorry to afterwards.She thought about what the doctor had said to her afterwards…


They stepped into the brightly lit doctor's office of yoki hospital,a private hospital for demons.The doctor,an old primate youkai,scribbled noncoherently on a clipboard and remorsefully shook his head.

"Now miss Higurashi,surely you must understand that your fiancée is unbearably ill and slipping in and out of comas,am I not correct?"

"Yes,you are right…what is wrong with Inuyasha?"Kagome probed tentatively,unsure of whether or not she really wanted to her this.

"Well,you see your fiancée,Inuyasha Taiyoukai has currently lost most,more likely all,of his memories…of you,of his family,maybe the world.The only suggested treatment for this is to slowly reteach everything he has ever learned and hopefully get most of it back.Fully recovering at this stage is,well…do you want the truth or shall I make it easier for you to take?"The doctor regarded her with a pitying gaze.

Kagome took a deep,ragged,shallow breath as tears began to stream down her pale cheeks."I need to know the limits to this thing so…don't hold back,please.I'd like to know the worst that can happen."

He doctor made a cross on his chest.

"Very well.Your fiancée's chances of recovering fully are…slim to none and only through love and understanding will he ever fully trust anyone,young lady.That goes for yourself as well."Upon seeing Kagome's forlorn look he again sighed and continued.

"But that's the worst thing that can happen.The normal thing is pretty much the same but…well at least he should be able to love you again,if he ever recovers his heart.The good thing is that he's rea-"He was cut off as loud,heart-broken sobs echoed though the offices' high ceilings.

"STOP!!!"Kagome shouted,flinging her head up to gaze at the pitiful doctor."JUST STOP!!!...stop,please just…STOP IT!!!"her eyes were red and puffy.Her lips were trembling though it was hard to tell with all the bright tear tracks on her face."I can't take it!WE MARRIED YESTERDAY!!!LAST NIGHT WE WERE TOGETHER AND HAPPY...We were so,so happy…then I wake up to a puddle of blood and a breathless Inuyasha lying beside me while I SULKED!!!"Kagome solely sank down,and eventually her knees buckled and she collapsed.


She panted and hiccupped uncontrollably."And to think…the last thing I did to him was to burst into tears and run away!I'm beginning to seriously hate myself…"She smiled weakly,but her smile soon disappeared as darkness consumed her and she joined Inuyasha in coma-state on the street while people started to crowd around the young despaired girl lying on the sidewalk.


Sesshoumaru growled out of pure frustration.He had heard the news of his little brother getting stabbed and losing all his memory.It was too late now.Well,as far the information regarding the event was scarce to him,and he just didn't believe that his brother's mate would intentionally stab him.She could get in jail for that accusement,and he was positive that Kagome was not as such a simpleton.

That was it!Sesshoumaru's mind lever clicked and he made the connection.His eyes widened ever so slightly.So that was what the bastard was up to.He started to pace around his large room,plotting to either tell them or not.It would not be of much use to them now but perhaps it may help in court…if it shall ever come to that.He hoped not.

He sighed.When had he become so attached to the hanyou he used to tease in amusement that he barely managed to contain.He was his own half-brother after all,though he still dlightly denied to admit it openly,still quite thinking him a disgrace for simply what he is…well those days were long over and some confessions were long overdue.He truly did like his brother as a friend and a sibling he had to admit.

He was pacing again.But this time it was quick,swift,and extremely agitating.He wanted to tell his brother that he no longer denied him for a hanyou,but it was too late.His shoulders slanked and he rested his head against the wall,for once letting his cold mask slowly slip off as a single tear slid halfway down his chin.

"I,Sesshoumaru,"He hung his head in shame and longing,"Have failed.Miserable and utterly failed…"He slowly slid down the wall and a strangled cry sounded in his throat.His life was a failiar.He had lost his wife,and now the only family he has left will soon also disappear.

With much determination.He managed to stand back up and regain his composure.The only difference that one could see was that instead of his cool,calm,and collected mask there was a determined face,much like Inuyasha's battle face,but yet,a calmer state,as if the event he was to attend was all that mattered in life.

`Little brother,no matter what I WILL get you and your mate away from this situation.'With a narrow of his eyes he added,`Even if it kills me,I have not much to live for.'

With that Sesshoumaru Taiyoukai,who once was the object of dignity and defiance,marched on.If one looked close enough,they would be able to hake out the fire of determination bruning brightly in his eyes.And his heart…


A/n:Omigod that was like the most fucking best chappie I've written so far!They call each other `fiancée' because they don't want people knowing that they've already married at their young age.They're only 17!(Kag 16)Anyways if you're wandering why I love angst,it's because it makes me wiser,as stupid and corny as that sounds.And it also gives me a feeling of very calm and relaxing inner peace.And that's REALLY handy sometimes when I'm just tempted to lose my temper.That's the reason why it's so hard to make me cry.Lol I wish I had though of getting addicted on angst before I cried when my ex-friend zoe dumped all that snow in my face…and now I'm ready for anything the world throws at me.I'll just have to remember my lil' philosophy hidden in my head and I'll get through it just fine!...^-^

(I'm going to from now on put a statement by yours truly every chappie from my lil' philosophy thing.If you believe this as crap ignore it.If you're interested please read it!!!)

`Try to be yourself.I know that it's hard when all your friends believe in one thing and you believe in the other but you've got to try as hard as you can.If you don't,then you will never stand out.You'll just be another useless clone in the sea of people that try too hard…'

Ja ne!!!(Wow long chappie!)