InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Average and The Universal Crackerjack ❯ Chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ch. 2
“No, it's mine! Give it to me!”
“You weren't playing with it!”
“Yes I WAS!” Shippou screamed out.
A miniature fire engine was brutally being yanked back and forth by two miniature sets of chubby hands.
“MOOOOOO~OOM!!!” Aki screamed just too out scream Shippou.
: Sigh: “Oh, brother.” Sango mumbled to herself as she pulled her shirt over her head and walked downstairs.
The twins argued over their plastic truck for the 10th time that morning. Sango was glad she was going somewhere, whether it was to school or not. She picked up her backpack and opened the front door just in time to hear her mother barreling down the stairs heading straight for two little boys.
Miroku was sitting pretty in his parent's convertible when Sango walked out, donning a brand new pair of shades.
Sango stood on her porch for a moment to take in the scene and sighed dreamily, her knight in shining armor. Then shook her head, it was Miroku for god's sake, the biggest lecher in Tokyo. That was trespassing into stupid territory.
“Sango, gorgeous, you look more beautiful everyday.” He called out to her.
Sango faintly smirked as Miroku got out and opened her door for her. “So do you Miroku.” She said sitting down on the matching black leather upholstery.
Miroku shut her door for her. “I know, I could tell by the way you were checking me out just a moment ago.” Noticing the way Sango chose not to make eye contact made him grin ear to ear. She wasn't even going to deny it.
“Yeah, well don't get used to it, momentary lapse of sanity.” Sango mumbled as she reached over to buckle up. Miroku sat down on his side shutting his door carefully. Miroku silently sent up a prayer every time he got into the vehicle that nothing bad would happen to it.
Sango threw her loaded backpack over her seat.
“HEY!” Kagome barked.
“Sorry, didn't see you there.” Sango tried suppressing her laughter, but to no avail. Then she got knocked upside the head with a heavy notebook.
~<3 ~<3 ~<3 ~<3
Sesshomaru walked through the newly redesigned offices of the Takahashi Corporation. Sesshomaru could easily point out that nothing in the chrome monochromatic hallway was Inuyasha's idea. Inuyasha couldn't even dress himself let alone depict this of kind luxurious, awe-inspiring interior.
“Oh, hello, nice to see you again Mr. Takahashi,” The secretary moved the phone away from her face and gave him a nervous quick flick of the wrist.
Sesshomaru could almost smell her fear.
She held up a finger. “If you'll wait just a second I'll just let Inuyasha know you've arrived.” The secretary promptly hung up her phone and pushed a button on the intercom.
“Mr. Takahashi,” the intercom beeped.
Behind closed doors... “Mm… Inuyasha,” Mizuki breathed on top of Inuyasha's lap, and then got back to sucking on the side of Inuyasha's face grabbing anything she could get her greedy hands on. Inuyasha massaged Mizuki's backside and nibbled her neck.
Inuyasha smirked against her neck so she wouldn't see, `getting what I want is almost too easy.' “Yeah baby…” Inuyasha grinned and went straight for an ear. He must have hit the right spot judging by her reaction.
“Mr. Takahashi,”
The secretary looked as though she was getting frustrated. Sesshomaru overheard giggling, groping, and dare he say suckling noises coming from inside his brothers office.
She pushed the button down with more force. “Someone's here to see you.” She said in a sing song voice, anything to get his attention.
Inuyasha slammed his hand down onto the entire intercom. “So send him in,” Inuyasha barked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
His secretary jumped.
Sesshomaru was tempted to roll his eyes, little did he know, instead of being heard by only his secretary, he was heard by the entire floor. His secretary looked up confused for about a second having heard his voice from the loud speaker before she waved it off. “He always does that.” She laughed nervously.
Inuyasha's secretary opened the door then held it open for a wiser slightly more feminine looking version of Inuyasha. Inuyasha knew who it was before looking up and didn't bother with pleasantries.
“What!” He barked without taking his eyes off his current interest.
“We have a problem.” Something about the way he said it made Inuyasha stop his advances. Besides he wasn't so barbaric that he'd go so far as to… Inuyasha looked up at his brother.
“Can you come back later…I'm a little busy.” Inuyasha had a little trouble finishing that sentence, because Mizuki was getting busier by the second.
Sesshomaru scowled at his little brother. It wasn't so much Sesshomaru's problem as it was Inuyasha's. But Sesshomaru was as much in this as the rest of them, so he figured he'd help solve it.
: Sigh: “Alright…” Inuyasha glanced up with a baffled expression on his face and would have finished that sentence but he couldn't remember what the girls name was. “Um… Precious…time to get off.”
Mizuki blinked…
Inuyasha gave her an encouraging smile.
Mizuki blinked again… Then she looked mad…. stood up… walked around the desk… picked up a blunt object and whipped it in Inuyasha's direction… then stormed out…
The slam echoed throughout the entire floor and reverberated through the walls of his office.
Now Sesshomaru remembered why he didn't visit his brother nearly enough, why he only came around when it was absolutely necessary.
“Well that was lame.” Inuyasha scoffed looking insulted as it he expected better and put the blunt object back where she picked it up from, having easily caught it.
“Ok” Inuyasha got cocky and swiveled in his chair giving his old bro his full attention. “Let's get down to business.” Inuyasha put both of his hands behind his head, leaned back and propped his feet on the desk. “Who's our problem this time?”
Sesshomaru looked grave. “Word's spreading…from yours truly,” Sesshomaru slapped a manila folder on Inuyasha's desk. “We're not completely sure if it's just a scare tactic or if he's a genuine threat.”
Inuyasha looked ponderously at Sesshomaru, so he'd been right all along.
He didn't normally have a favorite employee, but he had become rather fond of Naraku.
Inuyasha dragged his feet from his desk and his hands through his hair. The topic of conversation wasn't to be taken lightly. But Inuyasha was used to this; he could never let his guard down. “Should have known Naraku would someday be the one to cause me problems,” Inuyasha mumbled to himself.
Nobody pulled a fast one on him and lived to tell about it. He was going to take care of this problem as swiftly and neatly as possible, all the while feeling detached from the entire situation, there was no other way to get through it.
He gave Sesshomaru a sharp look, “How bad is it?”
“He was wearing a wire.”
Inuyasha swore out loud and slammed his fists into the desk causing the thick wood to crack and groan. Disregarding the smashed desk completely, he snatched up the folder and began looking over its contents while Sesshomaru filled him in on the necessary things to be done.
The plan had to go perfectly, and this time they had to take extra precaution. Getting rid of Naraku wasn't going to blow over as easily as the rest.