InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Beat of a Butterfly's Wings ❯ Conversing With a Cobra ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: If you want to see it please push the little “back” arrow until you reach Chapter 1 - thanks! \( `-` )/
Chapter 7: Conversing With a Cobra
I woke up in bed the next morning when something cold and wet snuffled against my cheek. Muttering nonsense I rolled away from the disturbance only to roll off the edge in a tangle of sheets and landed, with a loud expletive, on the floor…with a strangely soft carpet. Before I could situate myself comfortably on said strange carpet to get back to my pleasant dreams of cooking and eating chocolate fudge cookies a giggle broke the silence, and then something else let out a loud `yip' as it landed on my ribs with a `thunk'. Eyes flying open at the unexpected contact I swung my head to the side to see what was attacking me and found myself staring into blue eyes the color of artic ice. Blinking as those eyes and that lolling pink tongue registered with my sleep fuzzed mind I was hit by a mental barrage as all the memories of last night came crashing back…Along with the realization that it was not my bedroom floor's carpet that I had fallen onto. Ah, I thought as I stared at Ran who looked very peppy for it being so early in the morning, that explains the odd carpet.
A voice, the person who had previously giggled, suddenly spoke up with obvious mirth, “Teacher, I take it you aren't a morning person.”
“No,” I scoffed, turning to allow Ran to crawl onto my stomach, “I just need coffee in the mornings. Coffee and then I'm right as rain.”
“Right then, I'll go get you some,” she laughed, a broad smile making her face glow as she turned on her heel and was out the door without even a whisper from her pajamas. With a playful growl Ran leapt from my stomach and was on her heels in a blur of black and white. Relieved to be alone so I could sleep, at least until the coffee was done, I began to close my eyes when my hopes were dashed as the absence was quickly replaced by a man who was inordinately skilled at making my head spin.
He stood there in the doorway in all of his transcendent glory, perfectly groomed as always, every hair in the most advantageous place maintaining the look of impossible perfection, sporting a stylish black business suit and I knew that he hadn't even tried to look that good. It was as natural as breathing to the man. Opening his magnificent lips he spoke in a rich voice saying, “Good morning Kagome, glad to see you're up.” Pausing he cocked an eyebrow as he pinned me on the floor with his deep gold eyes and said, “Or should I say `down'?”
Several trains of thought went barreling through my mind at an alarming rate beginning the moment he walked through the door and spoke. My go- does he always look so perfect? Honestly, the nerve of the man. I think he'd probably still look good, even to the point of remaining drool inspiring, after being hit with a battalion armed with rotting vegetables. This train of thought was quickly followed by the second. Shite, my hair. I must look like Medusa. Shite. Quick, turn away before you're turned to stone by the horrific, gruesome ugliness! The third train flew by then as I realized, If past lives are real then I most definitely did something heinous and evil to do deserve this, because this is far, far, far too cruel for even the most mischievous of the fates to pull without good reason. Maybe if I just curl up in a ball on this wonderful carpet, shut my eyes, and wish hard enough, I can make him disappear. The fourth, and final train of thought rattled noisily down the track as my thoughts turned traitorous, Of course, he's not such a bad thing to see in the morning… Maybe if I saw him everyday I'd like waking up bette- Oh bloody hell!
The clean up crew came to dispose of the wreckage that my last thought had become and I quickly threw the mess into the incinerator, along with all other risqué thoughts concerning a particular dog demon. A particular dog demon that was now watching me with a perplexed look on his face. That was when I realized with a start that I had yet to respond to his comment. Great start to a morning, Kagome, I thought grumpily as I opened my mouth. “I suppose you could say `down',” I muttered. “But from that statement I would hazard a guess that you must be a morning person, because only a morning person would be cruel enough to try and be witty with another human being at an early hour.”
He smirked and entered farther into the room, reaching my feet to stare down at me like a bug under the microscope. Needless to say I was painfully aware, once more, of how ridiculous I must look, hair more messy than a rat's nest and tangled in the sheets like a bad attempt at a Halloween costume. “But Kagome,” he purred, lips twitching in suppressed amusement, “It's only 6 a.m.”
“Excuse, I'm afraid my ears aren't that good. Could you repeat that again, please,” I asked, eyes wide as I stared up at him.
“Six in the morning,” he repeated, his lips growing into a lopsided grin as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Ok,” I said a little breathlessly, “So about my comment earlier. I have a few corrections to make.”
“Oh really,” he chuckled.
“Oh really,” I mumbled. “One, I don't have to hazard a guess anymore. You are a morning person. And no offense, but a curse on you for being one. You morning people just like to make we unfortunate members of society miserable with your terrible activity and noise after you get up. Two, did I say `early hour'? Because I meant to say `ungodly hour'. Why in the Seven Hells are you up at 6 in the blinking morning?” I finished grumpily, glaring up at him with my typical morning mood.
Instead of being intimidated to the point of leaving me alone so I could back to sleep he merely laughed out right, his grin turning to a brilliant smile. Good thing I'm already on the floor, I thought numbly as I stared up at him momentarily stunned, otherwise I'd be falling toward it right now. “Guilty as charged,” he laughed, fireflies dancing in his gold eyes. “But for your information the only reason we morning people make so much noise and are so active, as you say, is because of the reactions we get out of you morning zombies. It's an irresistible temptation and incredibly entertaining.”
At this ludicrous comment I rekindled the fire in my glare and let out an unladylike scoff. He merely raised a perfect white eyebrow and smirked. I wanted to throw something at his face, just to get the infuriating expression off of it. Yes, I thought as the image of him with tomato juice and such splattered all over his face flashed through my mind, I am not a pleasant person in the mornings.
We were interrupted, fortunately, from continuing our conversation however when Rin walked through the door with a coffee mug. Oh bless the child.
“Ah,” Sesshoumaru grinned wolfishly, “Zombie Tonic.”
A week later I walked into my favorite Starbucks and ordered my usual White Chocolate Mocha Vanilla Bean Blended Crème, a delicious concoction strong enough to kill those without the stoutest of sweet tooths, and then proceeded to the table farthest in the back, the only one not full. Setting down my purse I pulled out my newest issue of Tokyo Beat Magazine and turned to browse the table of contents while I waited for my sugar high frappaccino.
“White Chocolate Mocha Vani-“ the clerk began to shout before, with a sigh, he decided to change tactics, “Kagome, your frappaccino is done!”
“Thanks Hiro,” I laughed, taking it out of his hands.
“Honestly, why you had to come up with a custom mix that's such a mouthful I'll never know,” he shook his head smiling. “Besides the fact that it has enough sugar in it to eat a whole in your stomach.”
“I didn't hear that,” I grimaced, and waved as I returned to my table and the magazine. Sitting facing the front of the café I slowly sipped my drink as I read Miroku's story first, waiting for Sango to arrive. I had only been waiting for a few minutes when I felt a presence standing on the other side of the table hesitate for the barest of moments before it slid into the empty seat. Feeling disoriented because my brain immediately recognized this person as “Not Sango” I looked up from my magazine with a start and found myself caught in a pair of eyes like a putrid tar pit. There's a cobra sitting at my table, I thought in numb horror as I barely repressed a yelp of surprise.
“Ms. Higurashi,” he purred, the word rolling off his tongue as if by saying my name he had somehow claimed possession over my very essence. I wanted to somehow take the words back, make them unspoken so that my name wouldn't feel so dirty, so polluted by having come off of those lips. “What a pleasant surprise to see you here.”
I had been none too pleased when two weeks ago, after over a months absence, the damned dog had gotten his paws back on my fascination, the girl that I had been carefully watching since I had gotten the files on my desk. Since the 11th of June I had at every available moment, followed her, studying her, and learning about her habits and her favorite haunts as well as the places she went to sporadically. A week ago I had finally deemed it safe and was planning to make my move the next day when I found the two entering her apartment at a late hour. Angrily I had realized that something had brought the obnoxious man back to her and so for a week I had been in a foul mood, contemplating what to do next. However, after a week of bad temper and several run-ins with my two secretaries where I left them panting on the floor with bruised necks I decided that I'd had enough of waiting. I no longer needed to pussyfoot around Sesshoumaru. I wasn't afraid of the man and so I'd decided that at the next opportune moment I would start to move. That moment had landed in my lap this morning when I saw her enter the Starbucks that she regularly went to. With only a calculated hesitation in order to avoid suspicion I entered the coffee shop and headed directly for her table where she sat, lost in the glossy pages of a magazine.
I sat down with a moment's thought and addressed her, using all the will power I possessed to keep the predatory grin off my face that begged for release. Why didn't I do this sooner, I thought as she glanced up from her magazine, blue eyes wide, giving her a frail, doe like appearance and the wolf in me growled appreciatively. She's more than worth any trouble this might cause with that idiotic dog demon. “Ms. Higurashi,” I addressed her, my blood already beginning to heat with a deep hunger as I took in her innocent, angelic face and brilliant eyes that bared her pure soul; a soul that screamed out to the twisted beast in me, begging to be tainted. “What a pleasant surprise to see you here.”
She stared wide eyed for a few moments before confusion filled the blue sea of her eyes and she shook her head, speaking in a voice that I noticed was none to steady, “Wait, how do you know my name?”
“You attracted everyone's attention at the party Ms. Higurashi,” I paused, “Or can I say Kagome?” I smiled my most charming smile in an attempt to smooth the surprise induced ruffling of her feathers. She didn't trust me; that much was obvious. Now was the key stage where I needed to at least get her to dismiss me as a non-threat, if not feel almost comfortable around me. “I'm surprised you didn't notice.”
“I didn't notice,” she breathed, hands gripping her magazine tightly.
“Well, you were the topic on everyone's lips that night,” I purred. “`The breathtakingly beautiful woman' or `The angel that had captured the untouchable attention of Sesshoumaru Taisho' and variations thereof were common phrases used to discuss you. Needless to say, coming in and causing such a commotion, everyone made it their business to unearth your name.”
“Do you usually make a habit of sitting down at stranger's tables?” she queried, eyes hardening in unease as she began to go on the attack.
“No,” I chuckled and watched with delight as the fight in her eyes was partially snuffed out. There weren't many who could stand up to me for very long. “I only make a habit of it when the stranger happens to be a particularly stunning Aphrodite who's captured my attention.”
“Well then,” she swallowed uncomfortably, a blush staining her pale cheeks, “I'm afraid you meant to sit down at the table behind you and to your right because I don't know of any Aphrodite sitting here at this table.” She picked her magazine up, pointedly placing it in front of her face as a clear sign of dismissal. She did it all with a calm air but I didn't miss how her accelerated pulse had yet to slow or that the smell of her nervous was still nearly palpable. I wonder if she realized that she's only making me all the more determined by actually managing to be stubborn and pretending to be unafraid if she would stop resisting me so much…
Not even deigning to glance at the table occupant in question I merely stared at her, as if I could see her through the Tokyo Beat Magazine that she held in front of her face like a flimsy shield, knowing full well that she could feel it if I kept it up long enough. Sure enough, after only a few moments she lowered the magazine just enough to peer uneasily at me over the top. Holding her eyes with mine I said, “I meant to sit down here.” I paused, giving her a meaningful look before I continued, “It's all in the eye of the beholder Kagome and I'm quite serious when I say that you are, in truth, an Aphrodite among women.”
“Well then,” she quipped, eyes dancing with the mixed fires of fear and stubborn resistance, “I would say that your eyes are seriously skewed and you're in desperate need of an eye appointment because the only thing at this table is a normal sparrow,” she finished with a look that said, “Who would like to be left alone.” It was of course ignored, however, as it did not intimidate me in the slightest but actually served to incite me further.
Her doggedness making my blood grow hotter I wished that she wasn't hiding behind the table and the magazine so I could better see her body which I knew to be tantalizing. Wanting to run my eyes up and down her figure I smirked and said, “How ironic, as the sparrow is one of the creatures attributed to Aphrodite… That however is besides the point Kagome, like it or not, my eyes are far from `skewed' as you so kindly put it, but instead the problem is that you are too modest. You, with your beauty, drew me here like a moth to a flame.”
She blinked and then slapped the magazine down on the table, a flabbergasted expression on her face as she spluttered, “What are you? Some kind of professor on Greek mythology in your spare time or something? Or did you just pull that one out of thin air? And `my beauty' calling you over here? My looks don't exactly scream `come hither' Mr… Mr...”
“Naraku Hayashi,” I supplied, lips turning up in a slight smirk once one.
“Mr. Hayashi - and I know that so I suggest you stop trying to flatter me like you are. It's beyond lame and corny,” she finished with a huff before she reached to pick up her magazine again.
I caught her hand before she could even lift it off the table however, placing mine over top of hers and in response her blue eyes looked back up at me with shock and a tinge of fear; inside I was leering. On the outside however, I tried to put on one of my winning smiles once more before I said, “I can see you aren't used to receiving compliments Kagome. I can't imagine why someone like you wouldn't be, but I'll do my best to remedy that.”
For the second time, the man that I'd hoped I'd never see again, was holding my hand captive and yet again my stomach was rebelling - violently. If I don't get my hand out from underneath his filthy, putrid appendage in a few seconds I'm going to throw up what little bit of the frappuccino that I've drank, I thought as I desperately tried to keep up the bravado that was constantly on the verge of disappearing completely. Despite this being the second time I had met the Creature from the Black Lagoon I was barely even fractionally braver. He was like a black hole, sucking up any of the normal attitudes that I could call up when an unwanted male was lavishing me with his attentions. And now, here he was with his hand over mine, black snake eyes holding me so hard that I felt he was trying to delve into my soul and simultaneously skillfully sucking up all the scraps and shreds of courage that I had managed to create in an attempt to repel him.
“I can see you aren't used to receiving compliments Kagome,” he purred, smiling a smile that would have made most women melt but only served to make the hair on the nape of my neck stand on end. “I can't imagine why someone like you wouldn't be, but I'll do my best to remedy that,” he finished and I wanted to cry, begging him to release my hand. With every moment he continued his physical contact, eyes boring into me like a wolf looks at the sheep it's about to eat, I felt like he was tying me up with invisible bonds, connecting him to me and turning me into an unwilling captive.
I tried, hard, to pull my hand back, but against his strength my arm wasn't even able to twitch. Eyes widening as I realized how strong this man was and how weak I was compared to him, I said in a voice that betrayed my apprehension by quaking noticeably, “I would prefer that you don't try to remedy it.”
He merely chuckled in response and pulled my arm, pliable and weak as a wet noodle, towards him and brought my hand to those poisonous lips of his with a wicked smile, a disturbing light dancing in his eyes, saying, “No need to play coy Kagome, I know what you really want… Need.” With those disturbing words he placed a slow, deliberate kiss on my hand, eyes never once leaving mine, and in those ebony depths I saw a hunger that left me cold. Knowing I had no power to pull away he knew I was at his mercy. Pulling my hand closer he took his mouth to my wrist, trailing toxic kisses as he moved, and then with a smirk flashed his pointed canines and opened his mouth. I was pulling as hard as I could, feeling myself nearly retch at the touch, the whole sensation of being so close to a man that in every way screamed `wrong' more than anyone I'd ever met making me sick, but I was completely helpless as he opened his mouth and brought those venomous fangs towards my captured wrist.
I got to the coffee shop and couldn't find Kagome at first. I finally spotted her in the very back and I quickly realized why I hadn't spotted her sooner - there was a man sitting at the table with her. To be more precise, a man dressed in an expensive looking business suit with long, wavy black hair and a disturbing aura that I could feel from the front of the coffee shop. There was only one man I knew with hair like that and an aura that sinister and taking one look at Kagome's face which seemed to be caught between the expression of terror and utter disgust I got the feeling that it was the same man. Taking as big of strides as I could manage I charged to the back of the restaurant doing my best to avoid hitting anyone in the crowded space. When I neared the table I saw why Kagome looked like she was about ready to puke. He was holding her arm easily with one hand as he ran his lips from the back of her hand to her wrist. By the time I had reached the point directly behind his right shoulder he had opened his mouth and had almost taken her wrist in between his fangs. Deciding I needed to move now despite how terrifying and repulsive the man was I said in a loud as I poked him roughly on the shoulder, “Excuse me, but what do you think you're doing Mr. Hayashi? Judging from the expression on her face she didn't ask you to eat her hand off so I can only guess that you're back to harassing women again.”
With a barely discernable flinch he turned around and with hair-raising eyes like black ink sent me a look filled with more animosity than I had ever been the recipient of in my entire life. I'm going to pass out, I recoiled visibly and took a small step back, using every ounce of strength in me to stay standing while he glowered at me with eyes that were the very definition of hate and anger. Of course, I thought numbly, I've just interrupted the wolf during his dinner of lamb…Hehe, he's going to kill me. Feeling more than terrified I continued on however, the relief in poor Kagome's eyes carrying me forward. “You're in my seat Naraku. Snack time is over, time to move on,” I muttered, trying desperately to keep my voice from shaking nervously.
“I didn't see you here when I got here and I take offense at your comments of harassment. We both know full well that all of those accusations have been proven to be nothing more than the baseless, conniving planning of disgusting women who desired my wealth. Nothing more,” he finished in a voice that held a tone daring me to be fool enough to argue with him.
“I don't know that at all Naraku,” I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest to give myself a moment to calm down. “But if you really want to make me think so, then I would suggest that you be a good boy, let go of her hand, and politely excuse yourself from the table. Or would you like me to spread this little incident around my office?”
“Of course, my apologies,” he murmured, eyes along with the set of his mouth letting me know all too clearly that he didn't mean the words for a second. Smoothly, like a snake uncoiling it's scaly length, he stood from the chair and with one last meaningful look at Kagome left the coffee shop, long legs carrying him rapidly out the door.
Before the bell on the door had even finished ringing I was sitting down, grasping Kagome's hand in mine, noticing very quickly that it was quivering slightly. “Are you ok, hun?” I asked, concerned and worried.
“I think I'm going to be sick,” she breathed, eyes dull.
“I don't blame you,” I mumbled. “I almost fainted I was so scared and he wasn't even touching me,” I finished with a shudder as I closed my eyes and tried to block out the graphic mental images that thought conjured. It didn't matter if he was only holding someone's hand, if it was Naraku then it needed to be rated X as far as I was concerned.
“He kissed my hand - again,” she shivered violently and I squeezed her hand, trying to give her some amount of reassurance but I didn't have much left in me after butting heads with the walking, talking epitome of nasty. “And he didn't just do it once either,” she moaned, face pale as she remembered, “he kissed me all the way up to my wrist and then…and then…then he opened his mouth and oh gah! Who knows what the hell he was planning to do with those nasty canines of his?!” she finished, the volume of her voice growing slightly.
“Well thank God I got here when I did,” I sighed, giving her a sympathetic look, “I'm just relieved that I was able to get him to leave. He normally doesn't listen to other people's wishes. Goes along with being a jerk, I guess.”
“Yeah, I tried. A lot. Nothing worked,” she huffed, an angry spark flashing briefly in her eyes. “And then he kept trying to flatter me with the most ridiculous comments. The guy's a real nut, Sango.”
“I'm glad to see that you at least know to be careful of him,” I smiled humorously as I crossed my arms over my chest. “He's not to be trusted. The best thing to do though is to stay out of his sights, he's too powerful and can get away with a lot of things that normal people couldn't.”
“I was hoping I would never, ever see him again,” she muttered, finally having calmed down enough to begin sipping on her drink again. “In fact I'd managed to basically put him out of my mind and then - BAM! - he was just there, in your seat. He was so creepy… Creepy with an odd obsession with Greek Mythology,” she added with a confused frown.
“Huh?” I asked, picking up her drink and stealing a sip. Ah, the usual, thought so, I laughed as the liquid hit my taste buds and knocked them out with the ridiculous amount of sugar.
“Kept calling me `Aphrodite',” she grumbled, rolling her eyes and taking back her drink as I handed it to her.
“Oh,” I frowned, “That's the Goddess of Beauty and what not, right?”
“Yeah, I got that,” she shook her head. “But then when I tried to say that I was just a sparrow he said, and I quote, `How ironic, as the sparrow is one of the creatures attributed to Aphrodite,' I mean how weird is that?” she finished with a snort.
I couldn't help it, I laughed. Loud and proud. “What the- Did he just pull that out of his butt or what?!” I chortled, shaking with my laughter.
Smiling she shook her head and said, “I was wondering the same thing, I even accused him of it but… For some reason I have a feeling that he just has some creepy obsession with Greek mythos. It goes along with his freakish character.” With a laugh she changed the subject and asked with a smirk, “Are you gonna go order a drink and quit filching, or what?”
“Oh come on,” I pouted jokingly, “I just saved your life from the snake. He was getting ready to bite after all.”
“Ungh,” she groaned, eyes rolling up in her head in disgust. “Don't remind me... Fine, my little mongoose, I'll buy you a drink if that's what it takes to get you to leave mine alone,” she finished with a dramatic sigh of the damned.
“Hmm,” I murmured and then with a wink said, “Fair enough.”
“Good,” she laughed, a mischievous glint her in eyes as she asked in a sweet tone, “What do you want to drink Rikki-Tikki-Tavi?”
My brother had never ceased teasing me about Higurashi after he caught me bringing her home, even though, according to him the reasons that caused me to bring her home for the night were “more than disappointing.” Apparently he had lost faith in me as a hot-blooded male. I hardly cared. If I had to be completely honest with myself however, I'd be forced to admit that a part of me had been disappointed that there'd been no… Well, no kissing. Yes, there'd been plentiful helpings of `being painfully close to her,' and even several `tantalizingly close to kissing' moments, but in the end, tragically there had been no kiss. Not one. I sighed, leaning back in my leather chair behind my desk, yet again, realizing that my traitorous mind had drifted back to those thoughts for what felt like the millionth time. It had been more than 3 and a half weeks since I'd given her Ran and although her reactions and her happiness had made me more than happy, being an attracted male, a part of me couldn't help but feel…cheated.
I'd met her a few times since then, of course. The next day I'd gone to replace her doorknob and after I'd finished and was about to leave she and Sango had invited me in for a few cookies. Not only was she smart, funny, and beautiful, but that day I learned that she could also cook cookies that were nothing short of mouth-watering. I don't even normally like cookies. After that day however, our meetings had been sporadic at best, as our schedules often were full, despite her being on summer holiday. I had meetings and business trips frequently while she was continuously traveling to see friends and family. The few times I'd managed to see her, however, were when I managed to make it on Saturdays to the places she volunteered at. Rin often accompanied me however, and as she was far too intelligent and attentive for her own good, I often had to resist the urge to flirt with Kagome and consequently never had the chance to invite her to go with me to more…private settings. Much to my chagrin of course. Then again, I'm not sure how conducive flirting in a soup kitchen would be or how well it would work out… As enjoyable and rewarding as it was to work there, especially with Kagome, it wasn't on my list of top ten good places to flirt.
Needless to say, the rare meetings and the lack of opportunities to flirt had left me wrestling with a craving that had been growing continuously, sprouting from a seed of fascination deep in my subconscious planted months ago when I met the enigma named Kagome… And after that night nearly a month ago though, where I had been so close so many times, the craving that I had been able to keep relatively confined to the subliminal parts of my mind had broken through the layer between my subconscious and my conscious thoughts and had left me unable to ignore them any longer. Hence, more than 3 and a half weeks later, I was still reeling from that Thursday night. Wondering if I would ever get over it I nearly missed Inuyasha speaking.
“What,” I muttered, running a hand over my face as I tried to focus on something other than my musings.
“Regretting that you're a sorry excuse for a male, again,” he smirked from behind his desk, leaning back in his chair with his hands clasped behind his head. The picture of nonchalant and cocky, I thought as I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance.
“No, far from it, idiot,” I sighed.
“Oh name calling,” he laughed. “You know that comes from feeling insecure, right? Feeling uncomfortable with yourself Sesshoumaru - now that you realize how much of an idiot you are for not just taking her and kis-“
“Oh, would you drop this already,” I glowered at him. “Go find another tree to go bark up already.”
“You're just sore that you haven't gotten to taste those delectable looking lips yet,” he goaded.
“Inuyasha,” I purred, voice cold.
“Yes Sesshoumaru,” he asked sweetly.
“Don't make me come over there.”
I was sitting at my desk during work, staring out the window and thinking about life in general. Actually, to be honest, I was thinking about the man that my life now seemed to nearly revolve around. It'd only been two months and nine days since Miroku and I had shared our first kissed, but my feelings towards him had already turned more serious than I should've let them. That much is obvious, I snorted sardonically, I know to the day how long it's been since we kissed. How crazy is that?! Some might even call it sad.
To be fair, we'd been friends for years and I'd started to like him shortly after that time. Despite all of his flirting with girls I'd failed at my attempts of getting over him and over time my feelings for him had only grown - although I still have no idea why. Looking back on it, I think at one point I would've succeeded at getting over him, but he'd suddenly quit flirting inappropriately with the women who fit his criteria: in other words, anything female capable of movement. It had been such a relief when he stopped, but at the same time it made me lose my internal battle and the feelings had sprung vivaciously back to life, much to my vexation. There'd been one irrational, emotional downside when he'd stopped his flirtations: he had stopped flirting with everyone, including me. So for over a year, most of our senior year of college and the time after we'd gotten our jobs, I'd been left with feelings that I couldn't extinguish for a man who I thought saw me as `one of the buddies'. It'd been heartbreaking and enough to make me feel like physically strangling him at times.
But now. Now, things were different. We were together and nothing had ever felt more right. At least that's how I felt, and this feeling had allowed my hopes to go wild and now, after two months and nine days, I was already feeling like he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. And that, I thought with a sigh as I tore my eyes away from the window to look at the papers littering my desk, is just an invitation for disaster…
These dark thoughts were suddenly interrupted however when a smooth, masculine voice that I knew better than anyone whispered in my ear, “Hello Beautiful, how about going to a new restaurant tonight. I think I've found another one that you'd enjoy.”
Oh, I give in, I thought with a dreamy sigh, wholly, completely, and unconditionally.
The different techniques and methods that man uses to keep track of the passing of time are fascinating, I mused on my way to the soup kitchen Saturday morning. While we often use the more common methods including the movement of the stars, the spinning of the planets, the waning and waxing of the moon and the change of the seasons to measure the flow of time, we also use momentous events that affect, or add to, the course of our lives in a significant way. Using the more traditional method I would describe today as: Saturday, August 25th. But if I used the more eccentric method I would describe today as: the 31st day since I had nearly lost self-control and nearly kissed a god of mythos, and the 23rd day since I was kissed by a cobra in Starbucks.
With a frown I stopped outside the doors of the building that hosted the soup kitchen and thought for the millionth time since I'd had the unpleasant experience of having my flesh meet Naraku's lips again, It's more than a terrible injustice for the fates to allow that man to get his dirty mouth on me twice, when the one man whose lips I'd actually like to do something with haven't even touched me once. Crossing my arms, and tapping my foot slowly as my eyebrows drew together in concentration I muttered mentally, Whether or not he wanted to isn't the question, and isn't something I'm brave enough to consider. However, It doesn't change the fact that the fates are being far too cruel letting Naraku touch me but not him. I then had the most unpleasant experience of hearing a snide voice in my head quip, Well, if you would've had a spine and some guts you could've gone for it 31 days ago, you yellow-bellied chicken. With a shake of my head and a low growl I stomped towards the closed door and yanking it open none-to gently, muttered under my breath, “You make it sound so easy.”
Mr. Iwase looking up from his place behind the small table set up near the entrance quirked an eyebrow and in a teasing voice said, “Speaking to yourself again, Kagome? You know what that they means don't you?”
“That I'm on the verge of insanity,” I sighed, setting my bags down behind the table so he could keep an eye on them. “Yes, I've heard that one before.”
“No, not that one,” he grinned. “It means you're severely distracted by something or frazzled… In your case I think I could hazard a guess that it has something to do with that handsome celebrity that you got to come volunteer here,” he finished, head tilted, as wicked mirth danced in his eyes.
“For the last time, Iwase, I did not convince him to come here and work, nor am I the reason for his generosity,” I sighed. “Honestly Mr. Iwase,” I grumbled as I pulled my hair into a messy bun.
He merely chuckled and said with a shake of his head, “I'm not trying to say he's not genuinely wanting to help, Kagome. I'm not blind though; it's an extra bonus getting to work with you.”
“Is there nothing I can say to convince you that you're hallucinating?” I asked sweetly. “Because you are and you need to get help. The first step for a cure is to admit that you have a problem Mr. Iwase.”
“Right back at you, hun,” he laughed. “You have serious issues with either naivety or living in la-la land - take your pick.”
“Neither,” I scoffed, trying to glare at him but failing miserably. He gave me a look that said I was about as intimidating as a kitten and I stood up as straight as possible and with a serious look on my face said, “Well, time to get to work!” Scurrying away from the man who liked to tease too much I went to seek refuge in the kitchen.
August was nearly over. Nearly over and they weren't going out yet. Hell, they hadn't even kissed yet. This whole lack of action was driving me over the edge. On top of that, they were both so busy, Kagome with her break and Sesshoumaru with business, that they'd hardly seen each other since the night they both disappointed me terribly. Getting that close and not doing what they obviously wanted to do, I grumbled as I threw some ingredients in the mixing bowl and began stirring, using the motion to get out some of my aggravation. Are they mentally handicapped when it comes to the opposite sex or what?
Sure, they'd seen each other several times at the animal shelter or the soup kitchen whenever Sesshoumaru was able to make it. There was usually no flirting during those visits though due to a certain bubbly little girl's presence. Bless her, she kept them from doing something but she did do one good thing. Rin's obvious adoration of Kagome had made Sesshoumaru like Kagome more. It was obvious in his eyes, those incredible gold eyes of his that looked differently at her, a strange swirl of warm emotions in their depths. That was at least something. Not what I wanted, but something none-the-less and according to Miroku I was just going to have to settle for that. Damn it all.
It had been nice getting to know Sesshoumaru, but frustrating at the same time because the more I got to know him the more I became convinced that he was perfect for her. I could see that. Miroku could see that. Even Rin could obviously see that. So why can't those two get it and get on with it already? I growled, slamming an empty eggshell in the sink as one of the objects of my frustration strolled into the kitchen, a frown marring her features as she took an apron off the peg on the wall.
“Good morning, Kagome,” I said, instantly making my voice cheerful - a nearly impossible feat when all wanted to do was scream in frustration, “Admit it damn it! You like the man!”
“Good morning Sango, how was the date last night,” she asked, grinning at me slyly.
Growling I put my hands on my hips as she approached the sink and began to wash her hands. “Don't think you get to ask me questions with that expression on your face! You have lost all teasing rights Kagome.”
“Huh?” she stared at me wide-eyed.
I poked her in the shoulder hard for emphasis as I grumbled, “The girl who lives in la-la land and won't admit that she has something for the gorgeous white haired man who likes her doesn't get to tease me when I'm dating the guy that I like.”
Glaring she muttered, “First of all, what is it with people telling me I'm in la-la land this morning and seco-“
“It's because you are,” I cried in a strangled whisper, throwing my arms up in the air.
“I'm not. But besides that, he doesn't “like” me as you put it,” she shook her finger at me failing to intimidate me in the slightest due to my roiled up state.
“Ha!” I cried triumphantly, catching something and running with it, “So you don't deny you like him?! Good, you can learn!” I said sweetly.
“Sango,” she growled, glaring up at me, obviously attempting to look terrifying but I had long grown immune to her “death glares.” Opening her mouth to no doubt deny, for the millionth time, that she didn't like Sesshoumaru she was cut off by a cheerful male voice.
Shivering at the sound of the voice I knew all too well I turned and found Miroku leaning against the doorframe, a roguish grin on his face. Oh my go- Can I eat him please?
I'm going to invite her. I'm tired of not seeing her, I decided as Rin and I reached the door and watched as Rin flung the door open a little too enthusiastically and Mr. Iwase winced as the door shuddered after it hit the building. “Rin,” I murmured chastising while inside I was chuckling. She's always as eager as I am to see her beloved “Teacher” although, for different reasons, I smiled as she apologized, greeted Mr. Iwase with a happy chirp, and skipped merrily off to the kitchen.
“Good to see you again today Mr. Taisho,” the kind volunteer smiled from his seat behind the folding table.
“You too, Mr. Iwase,” I nodded, smiling cordially. “So who's here today?”
“Everyone,” he laughed, “and today they seem to be quite volatile. I've heard quite a bit of ruckus coming from the kitchen.”
“Is that so?” I murmured, an eyebrow rising unconsciously.
We served breakfast and lunch and were cleaning up when the right time finally presented itself. Going to join her as she wiped down the tables, the others working in the kitchen, I drew close and asked, “Are you busy tonight, Kagome?”
Eyes wide she looked up at me before she straightened up from the table, wringing her cleaning rag in thought, “Yes. Why?”
Moving to stand just a hair's breadth away from her I watched with pleasure how her cheeks grew red and her pulse jumped before I murmured, “I haven't gotten to see you much lately since we've both been so busy so… Tonight Rin and Inuyasha and I are going to the Sumida River Firework Festival and I was wondering if you'd like to come with us?” My hand, of its own volition, reached out and took her perfect hip in its grasp, pulling her to me in a fluid motion. At the contact I realized that bringing her stunning body against mine in such a manner was just asking for a sensory overload; the way she felt, her intoxicating scent, the sound of her heart beat loud in my ears, and her torturously close proximity made me feel drunk, the blood roaring through my veins like molten lava rushing down a mountain side; unstoppable. Reeling from the violent surge of heat and want that she inspired I said as calmly as I could manage in my current state, “So, what do you say?”
Eye still wide as the sound of her fragile human heart fluttering wildly filled my ears she breathed shakily, “S-sure. That,” she tried to smile but she was obviously too flustered, “sounds wonderful.” I lost myself in the blue sea of her eyes and let her scent of flowers and life laced with the perfume of attraction wash over me before, with great reluctance, I broke the spell, pulling back slightly. As I did, Rin's words from earlier in the morning echoed in my head, Dad quit being in denial - you've got to be the worst, still denying that you like her, that she likes you… It's just stupid. Even if I couldn't see it in the eyes I can smell it all too clearly when you two are around each other so admit it already, dang it.
She's right, I know it, I thought as Kagome and I collected ourselves and tried to begin cleaning the tables. I can smell her attraction when I'm near her, but it's not enough. I inspire that scent in far too many women to just assume that it means she has real feelings for me. Glancing sidelong at the woman that had opened my heart I nodded slightly, turning my gaze back to the table as I decided conclusively, I want to make sure that there's more than just attraction before I make a move. I shouldn't let pheromones make me doing something rash…
A growl cut through the sounds of dishes and counters being washed. Flinching I wondered who had growled but looking around and finding two pairs of brown eyes staring at me in shock I realized that I had been the perpetrator. Blushing slightly I grumbled, “Sorry. I'm just losing patience with my dad.”
Sango arched an eyebrow inquisitively and said, “Oh, and why is that?”
“He's been an idiot living his life in denial,” I sighed, picking up a wet dish and vigorously drying it before I set it on the counter.
“Gee,” she huffed, rolling her eyes, “it sounds like you could be describing another person we know.” Miroku laughed and handed me the next dish.
“So I see you understand things better than those two do, too, huh?” he smiled, brown eyes twinkling with amusement.
“This is hardly funny,” I grumbled.
“I agree,” Sango growled, crossing her arms over her chest and glowering at no one in particular. “It's so obvious just in the way they look at each other - I don't how they can't see it when their eyes meet.”
“Oh, no,” I shook my head, “you don't realize it but he's actually much denser than that.” I sighed, “I can smell their attraction and I can hear their heart rate jump through the ceiling… Which is why I growled just now.”
“Really,” Miroku asked, “You can um, smell attraction?”
“Yes,” I replied dully wondering why he was asking.
“So, did you um, smell…them right now?” Sango asked hesitantly. I nodded in affirmation and she muttered, “Oh for Pete's sake.”
“So um, Rin,” Miroku asked, eyes dancing with a wicked light as he moved towards Sango. “Would you be able to smell if Sang-“ he started as he wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her up against him, her eyes bugging out in shock.
“Yes Miroku,” I shook my head at the mischief-maker and sighed in long-suffering, “You are both reeking. In fact, could you try to tone it down a little bit,” I grumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose as I gave him a dirty look, “you're giving me a headache.” Adults, I thought grumpily as I turned away from the couple and began to roughly wipe down the next dish. Unfortunately the sound of dinnerware breaking filled the kitchen only moments later.
Apparently I hadn't scared the woman enough to keep from doing her normal routine, a fact that I noticed quite happily almost a month after our meeting in Starbucks. At least not permanently, I admitted to myself begrudgingly. She had stopped going to that particular Starbucks for nearly 2 weeks but eventually she had returned. It was obvious that I had not interested her at all, but instead managed to repulse her and as such I had decided it was best to wait a bit before I approached her again… However, there's a fine line between love and hate, obsession and repulsion, and pain and pleasure and I was greatly looking forward to teaching her that life lesson. After all, I thought as I smirked wolfishly, hungry eyes eating up her perfect form while she opened the glass door and headed inside, “I always get what I want in the end. Kagome Higurashi's no different.
Leaving my hiding place I quickly walked to the closest florist, my long legs eating up the distance in short time. Purchasing a massive bouquet of 4 dozen red roses I returned to the coffee shop quickly and strode inside as if someone was expecting me, dark eyes scanning the crowded tables and chairs for her heavenly face. Finding her in her customary window side seat I couldn't help but leer as I saw the way the sunlight made her hair glow while it touched her pale skin and highlighted every curve. Straightening my shoulders I put on the façade of kind and apologetic and moved forward, more than confident that this confrontation would go better than the last. Little steps, I told myself as I smothered the beast in me that wanted to take her right then and there in the middle of the shop, Just one little step at a time… Damn, but it would be such an experience to take her here with everyone watching…
“Kagome,” I purred, coming to stand next to the empty chair at her table. Flinching and paling visibly she looked up from her book and opened her mouth, no doubt to say something sharp but I quickly cut her off. “I wanted to apologize for the last time. I was unforgivably rude and as a sign of my apologies I'd like to give you these flowers. They're nothing much but…”
Sapphire blue eyes wide she stared dully at the flowers before looking at me and then returned the jeweled orbs back to the massive bouquet. Finally, without looking back at me she opened her mouth, “I can't accept them.”
“Please,” I begged and she turned the attention of her expressive eyes back to me. “I don't expect you to forgive me but… It would make me feel so much better if you would accept them,” I turned my eyes pleading on her and watched with a mental smirk as she squirmed uncomfortably in her chair. Mmm, I thought as I took in her movements and wondered if she knew how seductive such a simple action was, Hopefully soon I'll have you squirming under me like that…
I hated it when guys played the begging, pitiful, broken card. Hated it. I fell for it every damn time even when I knew they were probably faking it. And I'd been having such a good day too, I grumped as the heavenly memory of Sesshoumaru puling me close only twenty minutes earlier flitted dreamily through my head. Before I could stop myself a dreamy sigh escaped my lips and I realized in horror that I had probably gotten starry-eyed as well and that, no doubt, the puddle of toxic waste thought that it was because of him. Cursing, I brought myself down out the clouds and focused once more on the walking, talking, flower-toting pile of filth. Yuck.
“No,” I forced the words out of my lips despite the lame part of my brain that was being tortured by his pleading and was trying to accept, albeit grudgingly. Once the words were out of my mouth I couldn't help but puff up with a little bit of pride as I realized that for the first time in my life the pitiful, begging act hadn't worked on me.
He frowned slightly, obvious not expecting the resistance. Shifting slightly he asked, voice soft, “It would be a pity though to throw these beautiful flowers away…”
“Sorry,” I shrugged and tried to appear uncaring. However, a part of me was screaming in pain at the thought of such gorgeous flowers going in the garbage. I'd always had a weakness towards flowers.
“There's nothing I can do to convince you?” he frowned sadly. Damn you! I growled as I continued to wrestle with myself. I hope you eat them!
“No,” I ground out, not trusting myself to speak more elaborately for fear of caving.
Eyes soft, something I hadn't thought possible for the man in front of me, he said quietly, “Kagome. I really am sorry about last time, I don't know what came over me…. Can't we start over again?”
“No, Mr. Hayashi,” I sighed. “You went more than way too far last time.”
“I would have thought a woman like you believed in second chances?” he murmured, setting the roses down on the table.
“Not to the point of being foolish,” I forced out. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me,” I sang out as I placed my book in front of my face once more, a clear dismissal. I prayed silently and waited for him to get the hint and leave unlike last time. The heavens either decided to ignore my prayers or were to busy I realized as he sat down, silent as a shadow.
“Kagome,” he said, low voice rumbling up out of his broad chest. “I'm not going to be discouraged so easily.”
I looked up at him from over my book and asked, “Why is that?”
He flashed his charming smile and I couldn't help but notice the shiver of foreboding that ran with icy fingers up my spine. “I'm a determined man Kagome and I always make it a point to get what I want.”
“I fail to see what that has to do with me,” I lied.
“You're a terrible liar, has anyone ever told you that,” he chuckled. “I've made it more than clear that you are what I desire.”
“Well, better go find someone els-“
“Eventually you'll see my side of things Ms. Higurashi. Someday you'll wonder why you resisted so much,” he smirked slightly and then stood up from the chair as he continued, “Have a wonderful weekend Kagome. I'll see you again soon.” With those innocent words that sounded as ominous as if he had said, `I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and destroy you,' he turned to leave.
Blinking owlishly I realized that he had left the damn roses on the table. “Mr. Hayashi!” I called loudly over the noise of the shop, “The flowers.”
“I'll let you throw them away, I don't have the heart to do it,” he frowned; eyes sad and I resisted the urge to hiss at him. Giving me no time to argue he walked through the crowd and out the door, disappearing into the crowd that flooded the street.
Grumbling in annoyance I picked up the bouquet went to the front of the shop to stuff it in the garbage can labeled “burnable trash”. Just as I reached it however, the bell above the nearby door chimed loudly and another powerful aura washed over me, filling the shop with its comforting presence. Turning, surprised, I found Rin and Sesshoumaru standing in the doorway looking at me calmly. “Oh,” I said intelligently.
“I wanted to go to Starbucks and then when we got here we saw you in the door,” Rin laughed. “What are you doing with a bouquet of roses Higurashi-sensei?”
Jumping guiltily I glanced down at the massive pile of plants in my hands and then quickly shoving them through the flap and into the bin I giggled nervously, muttering, “Oh, um, nothing.”
“I'm sure,” Sesshoumaru murmured, golden eyes grim as he captured mine in a iron-like grip. With a twitch I realized that with his over-sensitive nose that he could probably smell on the roses.
Feeling nervous under those fiery gold orbs that were unusually stern I coughed and said, “Well, I guess I'll see you both later tonight then? I need to go home and take Ran for a walk, sorry.”
“Ok,” Rin chirped happily before shooting her a dad a confused glance.
“I'll meet you at Asakusa station then,” I waved and scurried back to my table to collect my things without even waiting to hear their answer. The first thing I'm doing as soon as I get home is take a shower and throw these clothes in the wash with extra detergent.
I'd felt his presence as we approached the Starbucks that Rin had spotted once we'd finished our errand downtown after we'd left the soup kitchen. I thought nothing of it, other than letting my lip curl in distaste, and we'd continued forward. Reaching the window however, my heart attempted to leave my chest cavity and exit my body through my mouth when my eyes found Kagome in front of the garbage can next to the door with a massive bouquet of red roses in her hands. Worry making my muscles tighten I followed Rin who was blissfully ignorant, for once, through the door. With my next breath my worst fears were confirmed and before I could stop myself I was looking her up and down, trying to make sure that she wasn't harmed in some way. When she turned and saw us standing next to her she twitched slightly, her scent spiking with surprise as she adjusted the roses, holding them awkwardly in her hands as if they made her feel uncomfortable. Which they should, a voice in my head growled furiously.
At Rin's question I watched as she jumped guiltily and stared down at the tainted beauty she held and with a muttered, “Oh, um, nothing,” shoved them unceremoniously into the garbage bin. Which is the only place they belong, I grumbled as I stared at her, worry, surprise, and anger swirling around in my thoughts.
The man had given her flowers, which meant he'd known she was here which in turn meant that he was watching her. Unease settled in my stomach like a lead weight as I replied, voice dull, “I'm sure.” Holding her eyes with mine as I tried to rein in my raging emotions I tried to see if she would give away any sign that this hadn't been the first time he'd sought her out. She merely looked uncomfortable and I realized as she made her excuses for a hasty retreat that the subject I wished to discuss would have to wait until later tonight - in private.
She attracts more trouble than anyone I've ever met, I grumbled, scowling at the floor while I stood in line next to Rin.
As I left the restaurant I felt a familiar aura and couldn't stop the growl that reverberated from my chest, my foul mood growing by leaps and bounds due to his appearance. That was, of course, until I realized how opportune his appearance really was. Pausing I turned to watch the drama unfold just as he caught sight of her through the glass, the roses in her hands causing him to pause fractionally. Grinning wickedly I relished the scent of agitation and worry as it rolled off of him in waves the moment his daughter opened the door and he caught my scent. No doubt, being the overly intelligent bastard that he was, he realized the layers of significance behind those innocent looking flowers. Namely that I had been watching her. Chuckling I turned to walk back to my office to take care of some pressing business. That's right Sesshoumaru, I smirked, I will have her one way or another… Just watch mutt, I'll have her screaming my name soon enough.
“Hey Sesshoumaru, you seem kind of stiff? Did someone stick something up your as-“
“Shut your flapping jowl Inuyasha,” I cut him off quickly, pinning him with a belittling glance as Rin giggled. At the sound of the train's speaker system announcing our arrival at Asakusa station I release a sigh in relief, the sound washing over my ears like music. I was tense after the afternoon's revelation and Inuyasha, being the typical younger sibling, was not helping. At all. “Something came up today, that's all,” I said smoothly as I passed the sliding doors of the train.
His only response was to snort in doubt behind my back and mutter, “Yeah, why do I get the feeling that's an understatement?”
When we passed the ticket gates, the massive crowd pulling us along in its strong current like leaves in a river, I tried to scan the mob, searching for the midnight hair and the summer ocean eyes, sniffing the air as I tried to sort out her delicate fragrance. When I found her after only a few moments, standing near a pillar separated from the crowd, I couldn't stop the sudden spasm of my lungs that brought in a lung-full of air with an audible hiss. Dressed in a lovely dark blue yukata decorated tastefully with fireflies and small pink flowers, her hair done up in a playful bun with a few accessories for decoration, and wearing the barest hint of makeup she looked stunning. As usual, I chuckled as I looked at her for a second more before I announced our presence, drinking in the sight of her and burning it into memory.
“Kagome,” I spoke as I drew up alongside her and instantly felt the pull of her body on mine, like the pull of a magnet. She'd jumped a little at my voice and I resisted the urge to tease her saying instead, “Are you ready to go?”
Rin and Inuyasha caught up with me then, and Rin grabbed her hand, gracing us all with a smile that glowed with happiness. “Of course you are, right teacher? Let's go!” Tugging enthusiastically she began tugging at Kagome and pulled her forward, the two of them giggling. Enjoying watching them for a moment I didn't follow after them immediately and Inuyasha moved up beside me, arms over his chest.
“She's really good with Rin isn't she?” he said thoughtfully. I merely nodded knowing that he didn't need me to say the answer. “Explain to me again why you haven't made a damn move yet. And the puppy, while technically it was a move, wasn't clear enough - like crystal clear. In other words a kiss, or a confession, or something,” he glared up at me, attempting to look condescending. It's difficult to pull that off though when you're shorter than the person you're trying to snub.
With a sniff I turned the look on him, “What I choose to do or not do with Kagome is my business. Besides, she's Rin's teache-“
“Oh cut the bull,” he snorted. “You haven't thought of her as Rin's teacher for a long time. And you shouldn't be,” he shook a finger in my face. “But you listen to me Sesshoumaru, as much as you hate the idea of taking advice from me, I'm telling you right now if you don't get your ass in gear someone's going to swoop in and they'll be the lucky man that gets to be with her. Girls like her are rare and they have no end to the suitors that come their way. If you don't want to lose her then-“
“I get the drift Inuyasha,” I grumbled. “No need to repeat yourself.” Stepping forward I moved to catch up the two playful females who threaded their way through the pulsating mass. Festivals were a wild kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and smells. The festival goers with their colorful clothes and their uchiwa flashing in the light of the white and red lanterns and the street lights, the booth keepers' shouts filling the air as the sound of the food being cut, cooked, and crushed run through the air, an undercurrent to all the noise. The sound of drums and other traditional instruments brought back memories of the past and wove a spell in the dark, wrapping magical tendrils around all the people that packed the streets, pulsing against their eardrums in a hypnotizing rhythm. The smell of the food, people's bodies packed together and sweating slightly in the muggy summer night air filled my nostrils while the scent and the sound of the river was a gentle caress on the senses. All of the stimuli together nearly created a cacophony for my overly keen senses, but somehow it still managed to weave the beautiful enchantment that swirled around everything and everyone, taking us all away from the city to another place and time. This ability that festivals had to nearly make me forget that I was living in a city choked by pollution was incredibly soothing and as such festivals had, over the years, become a favorite activity during the summertime.
Looking at Kagome and Rin I could see that the festival had worked its magic on them as well and I couldn't help but smile. “Enjoying yourselves?” I grinned at Kagome before crouching down to Rin's level and wrapping her in my arms, swinging her up to perch on shoulders, her little legs dangling down on each side of my neck.
“Yes!” Kagome shouted over the noise, eyes sparkling happily.
“When do you the fireworks start again,” Inuyasha asked, scratching his head thoughtfully.
“Should be starting in another 30 minutes according to the schedule,” I answered, looking at my watch, “So why don't we go see if we can get any seats near the river.”
I loved festivals and being with Sesshoumaru and his family was, as always, unbelievably enjoyable. The fireworks had been stunning. The parade of taiko drums and floats that crawled past in the street, the mob moving and shifting to allow the floats to be set to spinning as the people in those moving shrines dressed as different mythical people and creatures moved through traditional steps as throughout it all the piercing, mournful wail of the wooden flute rose into the summer night, taking my imagination with it. The booths full of delicious food made my mouth water as the tempting smells hit my nose and the games at some of them were irresistible.
I realized very quickly however when I went to play my first game just how slow humans must seem to youkai. Sitting down at the kingyou sukui booth and tying up my right sleeve behind my elbow I saw Rin sit down on the stool next to me, a massive grin plastered on her face. “Do you like this game Higurashi-sensei?” she asked gleefully, eyes bright.
“Yeah, I do,” I chuckled. “I'm not that good at it but it's fun anyway.”
“Me too, I'm terrible at it, but Dad is really good. He's had training though so it makes sense,” she shrugged nonchalantly and handed the attendant her money in exchange for a paper net. Giving him my money as well he handed me my net, and grinning wolfishly at Rin I got ready to go after my first victim.
When my net almost hit the water I noticed that she hadn't moved yet and following her line of sight I saw the shop keeper straighten on his stool and with a cough say, “Alright, you seem like a sweet little girl so I'll give you a deal and give you four seconds.”
Rin beamed at him and squealed happily, “Thank you! Alright I'm ready Teacher!”
“Huh?” I asked, my brain sticking on the man's words. “Four seconds? What do you mean she only gets four seconds! That's cheating you ol-“
“Um, Higurashi-sensei,” Rin interrupted quickly, placing a small hand on my arm. “It's ok. Trust me.”
Grumbling I muttered under my breath so only she could hear, “He's ripping you off but if you're ok with that…”
With a giggle, covering her free hand with her mouth she nodded her head and said, “More than ok. Now let's start together - on the count of three.” Feeling the playful competitive side of my personality rising to the surface once more I nodded and crouched closer to the table, preparing for the start. With a hiss Rin said, “Three!” and we were both off except that I didn't even see her little hand move and even worse, before my net had even reached the water's surface she had already caught 6 fish. Stunned at her speed and accuracy I turned away from her and tried to focus.
After four seconds the shopkeeper said cheerfully, “Alright, time's up dear. Let's see how many you've got there.” At his surprised cough I couldn't help but turn to look and I found that Rin's bowl was packed full of the small goldfish.
“What the?” a woman yelped and it took me a moment to realize that the woman was me. “How did you… How did you do that?!” I breathed, eyes wide as I stared at the mass of squirming, writhing fish that didn't have enough room or water to swim properly.
Sesshoumaru chose that moment to catch up to us and leaned down between us, his white hair falling over his shoulder, creating a curtain that seemed to be made of spider silk tinged red by the light of the lantern, and my heart stuttered painfully at the sight and smell of him along with the sudden proximity. “Hmm…you're getting better dear,” he smiled warmly then, his voice low and rich, “Good job.”
“But she… Just four seconds… And,” I stuttered numbly, causing him to turn his warm gold eyes on me and I couldn't help by blush.
“Shopkeepers always have to give us a handicap because if they didn't they wouldn't make any profits Kagome,” he smiled. “Usually they limit youkai children to two seconds, three if they're feeling generous,” he shrugged as if he was discussing common knowledge like, `Light clothes reflect light so they should be worn in the summer.' In theory, yes, I knew that youkai were faster and stronger than we humans; I'd had to study that in college to get my teaching license after all, but I'd never seen it put into action in such a… an… an insignificant little thing like a game at a festival. Now that I'd seen it first hand it made sense of course, but my brain was being a bit slow in its attempts to swallow the information. It felt like trying to swallow a horse-pill without something to drink.
With a start I realized he was looking at my bowl, my pitifully empty bowl and I instantly felt my cheeks burst into flame. “Oh gah… That's embarrassing,” I groaned, counting 5 fish swimming happily in the bowl.
“Why's that,” he purred, tantalizing lips so close to my face turning up in an attractive smile, “you did quite well for only 4 seconds and your net's still in tact.”
I laughed, “It's ok, I think I'm good. I know when to admit defeat.”
He just chuckled, the sound bubbling up out of his throat like hypnotizing music and I made the mistake of looking up at his eyes. Instantly lost in the molten depths I felt the blood in my veins grow hot as he held my eyes in a firm grip and murmured, “You really did do very well.”
I would have snorted dubiously if I'd had enough air in my lungs to do so, but instead had to settle for whispering, “No, not really.” Smiling he straightened and Rin scrambled up from her booth, dumping the majority of the fish back into the trough. Standing and dumping my five fish back in I turned with a chuckle, “I need some sweets to recover from the unbelievable butt-kicking. I'll be over at that booth while Rin's getting her fish bagged.” Without waiting for a reply I wove my way through the crowd, taking as straight a path as possible to the ringo-ame booth. Licking my lips as I waited in line, my nose accosted with the enticing smell of the liquid candy mixed with apple I was so focused that I noticed too late the powerful aura that saturated the air around me.
“After you've purchased your consolation prize why don't we go for a walk,” the deep voice caressed my ears like the finest of silk as his warm breath fanned out on the back of my neck. Shivering in the dead heat of the night I turned to face the man that always seemed to be wreaking havoc on my body's functions and I couldn't stop the pleasant, warm feeling of premonition from pooling in the pit of my stomach when I caught the look in his eyes. Suddenly the apple didn't seem so appetizing and I found myself wanting to nibble on something else. A pair of torturously luscious lips that belonged to the impossibly handsome man that stood next to me - to be exact.
“Sure,” I managed to breath with only a slight quiver in my voice. “But what about Inuyasha and Rin?”
“They went to a shooting gallery. They'll be fine, but I have something I need to discuss with you in private,” he smiled gently as the heat in his eyes increased. Oh my go- Just kiss him already damn it, a voice in my head screamed in frustration as my whole body grew hot. Reaching the front of the line I purchased the apple, feeling all the while like I was trying to move through molasses, time seeming to drag by so slowly that for a moment I feared it had stopped completely. Painfully aware of his scent, the way the light from the lanterns reflected on his white hair while that same light reflected brightly in the golden pools of his eyes, I turned to walk with him and couldn't help but notice how he moved with an inhuman grace that spoke of control and immeasurable power. I can't believe I'm walking with this man who seems to have stepped straight out of the tomes of mythos, I thought numbly as we moved through the crowd, being pushed and pulled in its strong current. When we reached the end of the booths I noticed with surprise that he intended to keep walking and asked, “Um, Sesshoumaru, where are we going?”
“A little farther down this street there's a little garden by a local shrine with a nice bench. It should be a nice place to speak privately,” he chuckled at the confusion in my voice.
“Oh, right,” I replied numbly as my brain raced ahead in several different directions at once. This is a recipe for disaster, I thought with a sigh. A walk was bad enough… I don't know how much longer I can ignore the fact that I want to kiss him - badly - and going to a secluded garden to sit on a bench and talk is not conducive to staying in control, I groaned as the realization hit me full force. Sitting with a man that you are falling for - at night in a garden - is not good when you aren't sure how he feels about you yet. Damn it all, I growled before I ran into a very solid form. Looking up, disoriented, I realized that I'd run into Sesshoumaru's back when he came to a sudden halt in front of a side gate at one of the many small local shrines.
“We're here,” he chuckled and I felt the reverberations in his back before he pulled away, fiddled momentarily with something on the gate and then opened it, waving me inside.
“Um, are we allowed to be here at this time of night?” I whispered as he pushed me forward, down a winding path to a small, modest garden decorated with grasses, shrubs, and rock patterns along with a sparse scattering of flowers located around a small pond with a spring that trickled down a few rocks before it joined musically with the larger mass.
“There's nothing of much value here but usually, no, people aren't allowed in this late. I know the man who takes care of this shrine personally though, so I know the combination and have permission to come here whenever I am struck with the need to relax,” he purred, and I wondered briefly how the man could make any conversation sound sexy and alluring. I guess it's all in the voice, I mused as he steered me towards a small, simple, stone bench. Sitting down on it first he took my wrist in his strong hand and gently pulled me down to sit next to him.
Away from the streetlights and the tall buildings the night sky became more visible and I noticed the moon was almost full, just the barest sliver still shrouded in darkness. The noise of the festival was a distant hum, nearly drowned out by the drone of cicadas and the occasional cricket while the shadows were occasionally set ablaze with an eerie green glow from the lighting bugs as they drunkenly bumbled along in the humid air, thick as syrup on the skin. All in all, the gentle quiet and understated beauty of the garden under the light of that gorgeous August moon hanging so high in the sky should have made me feel calm and at peace. Calm and peace were very far from my mind at the moment however. Painfully aware of the stunning man who sat so close, his features complimented by the pale white light, I couldn't keep my heart from racing like a rabbit being chased by a dog. Not from fear, of course. Well, not in the negative sense like Naraku inspires, I admitted grudgingly. But, I guess he does inspire another type of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of dashed hopes. I was suddenly interrupted from my brooding thoughts by the voice that was far too good at making me melt. Turning to face him as my name rolled from those unbearably tempting lips I began chanting to myself, No touching, no kissing, no touching, no kissing, no fantasizing, and did I mention no kissing whatsoever! Finding my eyes straying to his lips again I cursed mentally and forced myself to speak in an attempt to distract my disobedient body, “Yes?”
“I'm sorry to bring this up but,” he hesitated, gold eyes swirling in a strange mixture of emotions that I couldn't begin to sort, “it's important.”
Fighting, wrestling with myself fiercely I kept repeating like a mantra to myself, trying desperately to hold on to what little self-control I had left, You just wanted to ask her about Naraku. You will not do anything stupid that you might regret later. Kissing her would qualify as one of those regrettable things. Just ask her about Naraku. No kissing. Naraku. With a mental growl I dredged up all of the fury that had boiled in my blood earlier in the afternoon when I'd realized the disgusting man had been watching her, had even dared to approach her. As that anger resurfaced I finally managed to get a tighter grip on the few tattered shreds of control that hadn't completely slipped through my fingers. It was still dangerously frail but better than nothing, I decided as I tried to watch the black haired goddess who sat next to me with detached eyes. I'll be here all night, I realized with resigned frustration as I opened my mouth to say her name, deciding that it was safer to get the conversation over with and then run as far away from this secluded place as I could.
Really, what had I been thinking, bringing her here… To this place that was more for a lover's tryst than a serious conversation. It doesn't help that I would love more than anything for it to be the former rather than the latter… Gods, does she realize how beautiful she is? I thought before I could stop myself, and realizing that I was getting nowhere fast I finally managed to force my open mouth to form speech. “Kagome,” I said with more heat than I had meant to reveal. Damn it all.
She turned her angelic face to look up at me, blue eyes looking slightly startled, and I couldn't help the hitch in my breathing. Quickly, before her unbelievable beauty steered me away from the reason for us coming to this ridiculous place - which I was beginning to regret more deeply with every heart beat - I tried to get in touch with the worry and concern that Naraku's interference had caused. The woman just had a way of throwing me off balance. Thank God she's not a business rival, I thought dryly before I managed to speak once more, “I'm sorry to bring this up but…it's important.” I couldn't help the nearly inaudible sigh that escaped my lips as I started to breach the subject that would no doubt be uncomfortable and awkward. Well, it could be worse, I admitted ruefully, I could be asking her out…
Her eyes growing apprehensive she said hesitantly, her voice quiet, “Ok.”
“The flowers,” I replied, as if those two words could say and explain all that needed to be said. Amazingly she seemed to understand quite a lot of what I wanted to say, despite the serious lack of speech.
Eyes growing impossibly wide she breathed a single word, “Oh.”
“Yes,” I murmured.
“Right,” she muttered, eyes narrowing in distaste.
“Hn,” was all I said, hoping that she would elaborate without me having to actually come out and ask bluntly, something I was loath to do if it could be avoided.
“Well,” she said, and I waited for a moment before I realize she wasn't going to add anything.
“Well?” I asked, realizing that our conversation was far too monosyllabic and going nowhere fast.
“Uh,” she responded, squirming uncomfortably under my gaze.
Sighing as I admitted defeat and took the reins of the conversation into my hands again I asked, “They were from Naraku, correct?”
Grimacing slightly she nodded her head, disgust obvious in the crease of her brow and the wrinkling of her nose. “He met you in the coffee shop then?” Another nod, her face screwing up more severely before I continued, “Is it the first time he's met you?” Expecting yet another nod as it was getting to be like a routine I felt my gut lurch violently when she shook her head in the negative. Biting back a growl of surprise I tried to keep my voice neutral as I asked, “How many times?”
“This was the second time,” she murmured, face radiating displeasure. “The last time was nearly a month ago,” she paused, eyes searching mine briefly before she continued. “He found me there, in that same Starbucks… After that I didn't go there for about two weeks but eventually I started going there again, figuring that it was safe. I'd nearly managed to block it out of my mind altogether when he showed up today with those damn roses in hand.” She was growling by the time she finished and I found a small amount of comfort in the realization that she obviously was not blinded, like so many women, by his poisonous charms. Well, she's still too damn innocent and sweet beyond words, but at least she's not being innocently nonchalant about one viper, I thought as relief began to thread it's cool tentacles through my raging blood that, with the negative nod of her head, had blazed like a forest fire.
“Knowing Naraku,” I began, eyes grim, “I'm guessing that he didn't just chat?” It was a statement as well as a question and she hesitated a moment before responding.
“Oh he chatted,” she grumbled, “the whole time he was doing other stuff.” She shuddered and I barely managed to suppress that growl that begged for release.
Unable to stop myself, my desire to know what the filthy man had done to her unbearable, I asked quietly, “What did he do?”
Blushing fiercely before she turned her eyes away to stare at the pebbles on the ground below she mumbled so quietly, had it not been for my keen hearing, I would have missed it completely, “I'd rather not say.”
My hand was out, reaching for her before I knew it had even left its previous resting place on the bench, swallowing her fragile, delicate hand in a gentle hold. Surprise shining in her eyes she looked at me and visibly swallowed before she opened her mouth hesitantly, nothing more than a dry squeak passing through her full lips. With a cough she tried again and said, “I was waiting for Sango the first time he came and he took the empty chair at my table and started trying to…to… Heaven's I don't know,” she shook her head with a growl, eyes turning to glare at the ground as if it offended her. “I think he was trying to flirt with me, charm me, seduce me, or possibly all three. It only creeped me out though, so I kept sending him all the signals, most of them ridiculously blunt, that I was not interested and wanted him to leave. Resisting though seemed to make him more determined and before I knew it he took my hand in his…disgusting one and,” her voice shook as a shiver racked her body violently and I felt my hand tightening on hers protectively, “kissed it. As if that hadn't been bad enough - and trust me it was - he started kissing up my hand and then he was getting ready to bite my wrist or something - like a freak vampire that you read about in novels. That was when Sango got there and managed - barely - to save me,” she shook her head then, looking up at me for the first time since she had begun to recount the details of their meeting. What she saw made her inhale sharply; breath sucking through her slightly parted lips in a loud hiss.
A heat as intense and unforgiving as the sun burned away the small amount of relief I had felt over her obvious wariness of the man when the word, “kissed,” had rolled off her lips. The beast in me raged, roared and thrashed violently against the bars of iron control, begging for release. A release that I gladly would've given it several centuries ago, but now was not the day and age where I could go on a bloody rampage. But damn it all to the darkest depths of hell I want to do that man bodily harm. Serious bodily harm, I thought, the blood pumping through my veins at an alarming rate while my pulse pounded deafeningly in my ears. The man dared not only to approach her and speak to her but dared to touch her with his filthy hands and lips - again. The growl bubbled up out of my chest and this time I didn't bother to stop it, my control on my more violent slide dangerously close to slipping. I hadn't been this truly angry for such a long time that I couldn't even recall the last time. Eyes bleeding red, the beast in me couldn't help but point out that Naraku had done something to her that I'd deeply desired to do. Before me. This realization, as petty as it was when compared to the overall problem, only goaded me further and had it not been for the shocked expressions on Kagome's face I probably would have let out the angry roar that was clawing at my vocal chords, fighting for freedom. As it was she already looked like she was going to faint and so with the speed of a reptile on the coldest day of winter I began snuffing out the raging fire that had nearly made me lose control, one lick of flame at a time.
Finally, after a long time I became aware of her worried eyes on mine and at long last I trusted myself enough to speak, saying with serious eyes, “I take it you understand that Naraku is not someone you would want to be around? He has,” I paused searching for a delicate word, “a history with women that leaves a lot to be desired.”
Still looking a bit shaky she breathed, her breath a wisp over her red lips, “I'd gotten that feeling, yes.”
I'd known that Sesshoumaru wasn't human, was unbelievably strong, and had senses so acute that it shouldn't have been possible. I'd known that, but the man was so charming, so handsome, that I often lost sight of the fact, had not really even contemplated, how unimaginably different and powerful he was. But when I had looked up, feeling an odd prickling on my skin as if the air surrounding us was being pulled tight by an immense suffocating energy, I had learned just how different he was. An invisible power pored off of him in waves that I could feel with every fiber of my being screaming “danger” even though I knew his fury was not directed at me. The power and his eyes the color of blood in the moonlight made me realize that there was a raging animalistic force that pulsed in his every pore. It had been so easy to forget that centuries ago this man, this incredible man, in front of me had not been bound by the chains of modern society as he was now.
Looking into those eyes as he radiated barely controlled, raging power I knew that I was drowning in the eyes of a powerful creature, one that made my heart flutter in my chest while my lungs seized painfully. Feeling faint from the lack of air I tried to hold my place, tried to keep from moving a muscle, afraid that if I broke eye contact or twitched in the slightest whatever was keeping the animal chained would snap. I knew his ire wasn't pointed at me, but at the subject of our conversation instead. Knowing this didn't keep from being nervous, the hair on the nape of my neck standing straight up from the electric power that seemed to make the air sizzle. Asking me to not fear or respect this power is like asking me if I'd enjoy standing in an empty field in the middle of violent lightning storm wearing a full suit of European style armor, I thought nervously as I continued to watch him, struggling to suck in the oxygen that I needed so desperately. And then with painful slowness I saw that he was trying to douse the flames, brick by torturous brick he built the dam and when he finally looked at me again I saw the sun replacing the blood, apology swirling in the warm depths.
Voice low, the slightest hint of that unbearable strength threading through it, he said, “I take it you understand that Naraku is not someone you would want to be around? He has… a history with women that leaves a lot to be desired.”
Breathing shakily, the oxygen running cool fingers down my depraved lungs, I replied, “I'd gotten that feeling, yes.”
“Good,” he purred, lips turning up in the barest hint of a smile.
“I didn't feel good about him from the moment I first laid eyes on him but I didn't forget what you said to him when you rescued me at the party. You said something about him `accosting' a woman the previous week,” I shrugged. “It didn't make me feel any more inclined to give him a chance. That and he obviously thinks that he's God's gift to women,” I gagged, “and that's something that I can't stand.”
“Well,” he chuckled, a rich noise that resonated from his broad chest, “I'll have to keep that in mind.”
Oh my go- did he just say that? But you are God's gift to women! I mentally shook myself violently trying to clear the embarrassing thought. “Good, see that you do,” I sniffed, doing my best to appear scrupulously composed. A lofty goal, I thought ruefully as he merely smirked, golden eyes watching me a warm intensity.
“I will if you keep in mind to, please, be careful about Naraku,” he purred, eyes turning from warm and teasing to dead serious in a breath. “You realize that the flowers mean he's been watching,” at my startled doe look he paused. “I'm not telling you this to scare you, I just don't want you to be ignorant or naïve when it comes to this man. With Naraku ignorance is far from bliss. The last thing I'd want is for you to get caught up in his web and get hurt because I didn't tell you something.”
“So, he has been watching me you think?” I groaned. “I'd been afraid of that, but kept trying to tell myself that he wouldn't waste that much time and energy on me.”
An elegant eyebrow rose in obvious curiosity as he murmured, “And what in the world made you think that?”
I couldn't help it, I rolled my eyes before I huffed without thinking, “Because it's not normal for guys like him to go after plain, normal girls like me.” As soon as the words were out of my mouth I realized that those very words could be directed at Sesshoumaru as well. Of course, that was what I'd always thought about Sesshoumaru. Every time I started to hope or wish or Sango would suggest something I would squash the idea with logic. Wealthy, handsome, smart, kind men didn't pursue normal girls like me. That was what happened in movies… It just didn't happen in real life.
I'd never said anything like that in front of Sesshoumaru though, and now that I had I suddenly felt like the words would become the truth, wholly and completely. Not just a phrase I used to keep myself from getting hurt when dashed hopes, but the truth. A fact. Looking up at him nervously I found a look of consternation on his face and tried not to wince. Good grief, Kagome you are a world-class moron. You and your flapping mouth.
Shaking his head slightly and clearing his throat he growled, “It may not be normal Kagome, but it does happen,” he paused and a strange emotion flashed through his eyes too quickly to identify it. “And where in the world did you ever get the idea that you were `normal' or `plain'? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard,” he grumbled, voice rumbling out of his chest like distant thunder as his eyes grew warm.
Starting to drown in the sun I decided that it was time to change the subject. Fast. “Well, I'll be sure to remember to be careful about Naraku. He's the last person I want to run into, trust me,” I chirped loudly.
His eyes only grew more confusing, more heated and I realized as he spoke in a low, rich voice that my attempt at a distraction appeared to have been a flop. “Good,” was all he said but I felt my blood grow warm and as my brain started to turn to sludge, I grabbed for anything, anything to mention as I tried to keep a hold on what little control I had left. His eyes, his voice, his very presence was stripping away all the layers of protection that I had built against him, against the possibility of disaster. With every second that he looked at me like that I could feel myself drawing closer and closer to the brink, to the dreaded Event Horizon.
“Thank you so much for inviting me tonight,” I said and nearly winced at the nervous quiver in my voice. I need to get away from here now, I thought frantically and ordered my legs to move. Standing too quickly on quivering legs I lost my balance and when I found an unbelievably strong arm wrapped around my waist I knew I had made a damning miscalculation. Looking up at the youkai that now stood so close to me I realized that I'd jumped from the boiling water and into the blazing fire. Looking into eyes that burned I felt my stomach clench as my lungs contracted painfully. Standing under the moonlight, he once again became mythos, a god who'd come down from the moon to walk on Earth.
I only had one coherent thought that went through my mind before I was completely consumed by the flames. Shite.
She had stood up suddenly, teetering wildly, and before I knew it I had caught her, bringing myself dangerously close to the woman that was already wreaking havoc on my control. Cursing my luck I ordered my rebellious arms to let go of the live wire that they held, but it was as impossible as removing your hand from the socket while bolts of raw electricity tore through your flesh. At war with myself I struggled until she looked up at me with those cursed blue eyes.
In that moment, as time slowed to an impossible crawl, the breath that I hadn't realized I'd been holding during my internal struggle abandoned my lungs with a nearly audible whoosh as I crashed into the ocean.
The moon was reflected in the twin pools of her eyes, darkened to a rich blue, beautiful and haunting as it floated on the surface of the roiling sea, and all too soon I felt myself sinking farther, drowning in those depths. My heart lurched in my chest as I tried to breach the surface, tried to escape, and I felt my body, my body that had become nothing more than molten blood and bones and muscles weak from the exhaustion that came with resistance, move closer to her, impossibly, improbably closer. And then, as my mind exploded like the fireworks from the festival, all logical, ordered thoughts sparking brilliantly before they winked out of existence, I lost all self-imposed shackles that held me back from my desires.
Her scent a heady drug filling my nostrils as it clouded my thoughts I brought my face closer to hers, our noses touching as she shivered, blue eyes impossibly wide. A whispered breath escaped her beautiful lips and I couldn't stop the shudder that shook me as its warmth caressed my face. Surrendering myself to the waves, to chaos, I moved forward to claim what I had been burning to taste for far too long.
At the forbidden contact all semblance of sanity abandoned me and the world became nothing more than her, the experience, and the feel of her in my arms, pressed unbelievably close. The texture and taste of her full lips, the gasp that escaped those lips as they were joined with mine, the way she shivered in pleasure, how her heartbeat roared in my ears like the beat of a massive taiko drum, how her scent was flooded with surprise and excitement, how the silk of her hair twisted in my fingers - it was all painfully vivid and nothing had ever felt so right, being with her like this. There was nothing but the two of us under the light of the moon as I reveled in all that was the Goddess in my arms. As she shyly granted me blessed access and I hungrily deepened the kiss, the taste of honey on my tongue and my body nothing more than a living, breathing flame, I was barely coherent enough to pray that time would stop and that the blue-eyed Angel would never pull away.
End Chapter
There is chapter 7 - I don't think that many people are reading it on this site due to the lack of reviews and hits BUT I'm going to keep posting it here anyway - if for nothing else than to make sure I have a back up for those days has trouble with uploading. Anyway, to anybody who is reading this: I hope you enjoy it! And if not, I apologize. Thanks for taking the time to read anyway ( `-` )v
Chapter 7 Notes:
*For those who don't know “Rikki-Tikki-Tavi” is a short story from Rudyard Kipling's “The Jungle Book” but it is so popular that it has been published on it's own as a small book and even put into cartoon form. I don't know how famous it is but anyway, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, a mongoose, goes to war with a pair of cobras who are threatening the human family that saved him (when they found him nearly drowned to death). Random reference there, so I thought maybe I should explain just in case. (I put a poem from the story at the bottom - it's super nostalgic for me, haha. Sorry! “Nag” means “cobra” in India, just for a reference)
*The animals attributed commonly with/sacred to Aphrodite are as follows: swan, dove, and sparrow. The plant myrtle is also sacred to her. - In conclusion, Naraku did not pull it out of his butt. Haha. And Wikipedia is an author's best friend. ( `-` )d Aha.
*Uchiwa: a type of round fan on a stick - if you type it in on google images you can get a bunch of pictures ( `_' )v
*Kingyou sukui: a traditional festival game where you try to see how many fish you can scoop up with a paper net (paper stretched tightly on a circular wire or plastic frame) and throw in your bowl before the paper breaks.
*Ringo-ame: an apple on a stick dipped into liquid candy that hardens as it cools until it resembles lollipop candy. Kind of like a caramel apple except with lollipop candy coating - DELICIOUS. One of my favorites :P
(A poem from)
(From The Jungle Book)
At the hole where he went in
Red-Eye called to Wrinkle-Skin.
Hear what little Red-Eye saith:
"Nag, come up and dance with death!"
Eye to eye and head to head,
(Keep the measure, Nag.)
This shall end when one is dead;
(At thy pleasure, Nag.)
Turn for turn and twist for twist -
(Run and hide thee, Nag.)
Hah! The hooded Death has missed!
(Woe betide thee, Nag!)