InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Binding Of Lonely Hearts ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Binding Of Lonely Hearts
By: AngelAnita

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha; are you happy yet, Rumiko?


Chapter 7 Review…

As he watched her form move away as fast as possible, Inuyasha didn't bother to follow her, and stayed at the base of the tree trunk, still mesmerized.
I like this girl…oh damn…


Chapter 8

Back at home, there was an endless flow of worry and questions from her family, but she shrugged it all off. Kagome's mother was always one to worry, and threatened her with not being able to go back through the well, seeing her broken arm in a make-shift sling, and bruises over the visible parts of her body.

Kagome wasn't obligated to say anything about what had happened, so she decided she wouldn't. Her mother would probably freak if she spoke about half or full demons, anyway.

Struggling upstairs to her bedroom, Kagome encountered her younger brother, Souta, along the way. He looked at her questioningly, but Kagome smiled in response, and patted him on the back as she went to her room.

Laying down for the first time in a few days on a soft mattress, Kagome nearly cried out in bliss. It was much more comfortable here, than in the feudal era…

…although sleeping alongside Inuyasha's chest was comfortable too…
Shaking her head at her mildly perverted thoughts, Kagome couldn't help but sigh in sadness. She'd only been home for a few minutes, and she missed him already.

“No,” she said to herself out loud. “I can't go back there; not so soon…”

Shooting up in bed suddenly, Kagome groaned at the pain it caused her back.

“I forgot my yellow bag there!”

Chewing on her lower lip absentmindedly, Kagome frowned after a minute or so. This wasn't good; that yellow bag was her favourite.

“I guess I'll have to go back sooner than I thought…”

Looking at herself in the full length mirror against the wall, Kagome blanched at her appearance.

Oh my gosh! I haven't showered in…3 days?


Immediately getting out of bed, she walked outside of her bedroom and shouted “PLEASE DON'T USE THE WATER!” to the current occupants of her house, and trudged to the bathroom.

Grinning when the hot water sprayed roughly against her neck, shoulders, and back, Kagome could almost see the grime fall off of her body.

Taking a scrutinizing look at her legs and armpits, she nearly fell over at the hair that was there. In all honesty, it was barely visible, but with Kagome being feminine, she freaked out.

Shaving it all away for the next twenty mintues, she stared at her handiwork, and grinned when the task was complete. It was annoying to continually do this once every few days, but it was something that had to be done.

Nearly forgetting her hair, she snatched the shampoo bottle, and dunked it's contents into her open hands.

Scrubbing her hair with a vengeance, Kagome smiled once it was squeaky clean
, after two washes. Carefully applying a small amount of conditioner into the palms of her hands, she massaged the small amount of cream into the lengthy, thick strands of her hair.

At least I'll be able to brush it now; I'm so doomed without conditioner! What would I do without it?

Giggling at the thought, Kagome rinsed out the conditioner, and then turned off the shower. Stepping out, she grabbed the towel from off the rack, and wrapped it gingerly around her body.

Humming an unknown tune as she went through her closet for clean clothes, she nearly dropped the towel when someone knocked on her door.

“Kagome-channn,” her brother whined from the other side.

“What?” she snapped back, uncaring of his attitude at the moment.

“Dinner's almost ready.”

“Yeah, well…I'm sort of not…“dressed” for the occasion, go downstairs; I'll meet you there soon.”

She could practically feel his confusion through the door at her awkward statement, but didn't say anything.

When she head him descend the stairs, she let out a deep breath.

Dressing herself in a short, black pleated skirt and white v-collared shirt, she smiled at her appearance.

Quickly running a brush through her unruly locks, Kagome blow dried it as fast as she could, making sure it didn't puff like an afro in the process.

Smiling at her
appearance in the slightly steamy bathroom mirror, she walked out from the adjoining bathroom, into her bedroom.

Hearing her name being called from the floor below, she nearly scowled.

Jeeze, they
're so impatient

Rushing down the stairs, she sat at the table, and picked up her chopsticks.

Are you ready to eat now, princess? her brother mocked in amusement, but Kagome glared at him in response.


Glancing at the digital clock in her bedroom, Kagome smiled.


Everyone HAD to be asleep by now; Kagome could easily sneak out, go to through the well, get her bag, and come back,
couldn't she?

What if Idon't come back right away?

Scoffing at the idea, Kagome relented.

I'm just getting my baga quick in and out. Inuyasha's probably sleeping, anyway

Leaving a note on the breakfast counter as a precaution, Kagome crept to the well house, and winced when the door creaked as she opened it.

Closing it behind her, she nearly gasped at the darkness that ensued. Breathing deeply, Kagome blindly fumbled her way around with her arms out in front of her, looking for the portal.

A good ten minutes later, she succeeded, reaching the well in one, unharmed piece.

However, she nearly
jumped out of her skin when she heard the door open behind her.

Kagome? a soft voice called out, but Kagome immediately knew it was her mother.

Yes? Kagome whispered back, not wanting to be too loud.

Oh good, I'm glad I caught you before you left.

Leaving the door open, her mother made her way down to where Kagome stood.

I don't really want you to go, because you might get hurt and all, but it's obvious I can't stop you. Take these with you, at least, she said hopefully, passing her daughter a bag. It was filled with food, bandaids, and some other medicines from their home.

Thank you, mama,Kagome said, taking the items gratefully.

Hugging her, she heard her mother whisper,
When will you be returning home?

In all honesty, Kagome had no idea.

I don't know, she answered, pulling back and looking into her mother's eyes as they filled with tears.

Aw mom, don't cry; I'll come home soon, I promise.

Feeling her mother hug her tightly again, and nod her head against her chest, Kagome gently removed herself from her embrace, and waved.


Jumping back into the well, Kagome smiled, clutching the bag of goods and smiling as the light shrouded her being.

Climbing the damn vine as she entered the feudal era, Kagome groaned as she made her way up. This was becoming a more and more difficult task as she progressed, but it was worthwhile when she reached the top, and jumped out. Bright, sparkling stars met her as she stared into the inky depths of the sky.

Wow, it's so beautiful here, she murmured, loving the fresh air and natural tranquility.

A cold, clawed hand that gently rested onto her shoulder nearly threw Kagome into a screaming fit.

The hand immediately clamped down onto her mouth, prepared to muffle the scream that was almost let loose from her lips.

Snapping around at the person behind her, Kagome physically
relaxed when she saw who it was; Inuyasha

Jeeze! Are you in your right mind? You can't just come up behind people like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!

Looking confusedly at her when she mentioned
heart attack, she merely shook her head and smiled.

I haven't seen you for a while, Kagome quipped sarcastically; she'd just seen him a few hours ago, after all.

Smirking, he walked towards the tree he
'd been residing in before she decided to come and visit.

What are you doing here? he asked tonelessly, doing his best not to feel excited that she came back.
I left my yellow bag hereyou didn't happen to see it, did you?

Nearly frowning when he realized that she
'd only come back for some stupid bag, he leaped into the tree, landing gracefully onto one of the higher limbs.

It's in Kaede's house, he replied, not looking at her as he spoke.

An uncomfortable silence settled between the two, which made Kagome nervous.

Shifting back and fourth on her feet, Kagome gazed at him from in the tree.

You know, I'd love to be in that tree, where you are right now. I bet I could see the stars even better from up there!

Taking her hint, he leapt back down, and stared at her short form. She was smiling, although she didn
't really have anything to smile about; that was probably why he liked her.

Picking her up easily, and being mindful of her arm, Inuyasha jumped to the top of the tree, steadying her against his chest as she stared above her.

This was, in all actuality, the same tree she
'd fallen from earlier, but this wasn't brought to her attention as she became entranced with the sky far above.

Holding her tightly against him, he nearly flinched in unexpectedness when she began to

Did you see, did you see, Inuyasha?

Withholding the strong urge to smile, he smirked instead.

See what, wench?

Kagome rolled eyes.

I guess it's back to the name calling

The shooting star, silly! Did you see it, or not?

Shooting star?

Craning her head
around, Kagome stared into his intense golden eyes.

You don't know what a shooting star is? Maybe you peopleerm demons, call them something else here.

Trying to think of another word, she sighed and gave up.

Shooting starsyou know, those stars in the sky that suddenly move, and disappear in a few seconds?

Oh! Recognition lit his features, and he nodded, smirking once more.

Well, we humans in the future era, make wishes upon them.

Inuyasha seemed to consider this, but said nothing

Do these wishescome true?

Kagome laughed lightly, loving the curious expression on his face.

Well, no, not REALLYit's just for fun, I guess.

Inuyasha growled, not understanding her.

Why would you make a wish, if it didn't come true? What's the point?

Kagome laughed again, leaning into his chest for comfort.

I don't know, it's just how things are.

Accepting this answer unhappily, Inuyasha allowed her to keep her body close to his. It felt sort of nice, even though she was a human, and a miko.

Feeling her body slacken and breath deepen, Inuyasha grinned against the top of her head.

Kagome? he whispered, waiting for her response.

There wasn
't any; she'd fallen asleep.

Listening intently to the steady beat of her heart for a moment, he then, stealthily, leapt out of the tree, and onto the forest floor, which softened the loudness and impact.

Carrying her back to Kaede
's hut, he snuck inside, not wanting to wake the older woman.

Sitting down comfortably on the ground, he sat her on his lap, so her back was against his chest.

Leaning against the wall, Inuyasha closed his eyes tiredly, as sleep finally consumed him.


Author's Note

This was an extra long chapter to make up for the extra long wait;
Ihope everyone enjoyed it!

Thank you for reading and reviewing.