InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Birth of Love ❯ Storms, Shacks, and an Obnoxious Wolf! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Note: Okay, you people want longer chapters? You get longer chapters! My fingers are going to hurt me for this....oh well...^-^

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA....*growls*

The Birth of Love
Chapter IV

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The sun was nearly over the horizon now, and Inuyasha was yet to sleep. He had made a perch in a branch that was high for a boy, or hanyou for his age. The newly named child, now known as Kagome was curled up within the inner chamber of his haori between his white shirt and his arm which held her tight. She was fast asleep, as she had been for quite some time. 'She'll be waking soon, and she will be hungery, that I am sure of.' he thought, staring at her, with her tiny fingers curled up into fists.

He then looked away from the child, into the slowly rising sun. He sniffed the air, inhaling the scent of freshly fallen dew on the leaves and grass, and the humidity-it was going to rain. Inuyasha startled for a moment. He couldn't let Kagome get sick, but they had no place to stay. 'That's gotta change!' he thought as he grabbed the backpack and lept from the tree, and landing without even a sound.

He quickly ran through the town, trying to out run the soon to be falling rain. 'I've gotta hurry!' he thought, looking for anywhere-an old barn, a shack, heck, a dog house would do, just somewhere out of the cold and rain. He couldn't let Kagome get sick. If that happened, she might...might.....oh, he couldn't even think the word!

The tiny droplets of the warm water started to drip from blackened storm clouds above, and in the distance, the sound of rumbling and clashing could be heard, as streaks of lightening lit the early morning sky. 'Dang it!' he thought, as he was running. He then noticed Kagome's breathing had changed-she was awake. "Just what I needed...." he mumbled as he kept looking on the roadsides for a shelter.

The rain started coming faster, the lightening gleamed across the sky, thunder shook, and still no shelter. "Man! Why can't I find a-" he noticed something out of the corner of his eye, "-shelter?!" He ran up, and sniffed the surrounding air-a mixture of dew, humidity, flowers, and old wood-no humans inhabited the old shack! He quickly entered it without a second thought, and just as he did, Kagome began to cry.

"Perfect timing." he said, rolling his eyes and wishing she's shut up, but he knew it was because he was hungery. He could even feel his own stomach rumbling. He removed the girl and his haori, laying her on the floor carefully as he dug into the backpack, then pulled out a bag of milk (Remember? The baker used icing-pipe bags for her milk!), already prepared. He sat it to his side, and put Kagome in his lap, proping her up to feed her as he had done before.

She sucked on the bag happily and contentedly, having her belly being filled. "Good stuff, huh?" he smiled, watching her drink. She stopped long enough to coo, as if to say "Hai, very good stuff!"


Once Kagome was filled, Inuyasha remembered what he had seen women in the village do to their babes- lean them over their shoulder, and burp them. (I know, definately OOC).. Since he had seen so many mothers do it, evidently, it helped the baby, so he carefully placed her over his shoulder, and patting her on the back. He heard a couple of noises, but no burp, so he kept patting. Within a few moments, she burped, but that wasn't all that came up. She spat up on Inuyasha's white shirt. He felt something running down his shirt after the noise, and said nothing, just sat the child down in his warm haori, and removed his now dirty white shirt, placing it in the rain to be rinsed.

"I needed to change anyways." he said, once again digging in the backpack and pulled out a shirt for himself, quickly slipping it on. "There.....Now time for my breakfast.." he said, as he finished slipping on the black tee and felt his stomach rumble once again. He retreived a loaf of bread, broke it in half, and stuck the other half in the pack, and ate the remainder hungrily.

"This stuff is good..." he said in between chews to no one but himself. Kagome had curled up inthe warmth and fell asleep, now that she was full.

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By the time he was done eating, which wasn't long, he looked out the door. "Hey, it stopped raining." he said, then turned his attention to Kagome. She had been asleep and so quiet the whole time. 'What am I going to do when it rains? I can't just go out and find a hut every time it starts to rain or something happens.' he thought. 'What can I do?' He looked around the room. 'Well, this place isn't so bad, maybe....just maybe, this could be our home-atleast until she can walk so I don't have to carry her, and she's not so prone to being sick...Feh, weak humans....'

He thought about the idea a little more, then decided upon it. This would be there home, atleast until she could walk.

He could tell Kagome was awake again, and she opened her chocolate eyes, and giggled at Inuyasha, as his ears twitched.

"Do you wanna stay here?" he asked, knowing she couldn't speak, but tickled her chin carefully, being weary of his claws. She giggled and cooed, then grasped her foot, examining her toes carefully, then lifting her foot to Inuyasha, as if she was showing him a new found discovery.

He laughed at seeing this. "Alright then." he said, thinking of things they'd need. For starters, he surely couldn't let Kagome stay in his unsturdy haori for a bed, could he? He carefully wrapped the girl in his arms, leaving his haori, and making a mad-dash for Kaede's.

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"Kaede-sama!" he called, as the bell on the door rang lowdly as he flung it open.

"My, Inuyasha, what's gotten into you?" she asked, working on some darning she had to do.

"Kaede-sama, will you look after Kagome while I prepare our home? Dozo?" he asked, eyes shining bright.

Kaede could not resist. "Hai, hai Inyasha. Sit her down in there." she said, motioning to a wooden play pin she corner of the store. She had set it up so when her customers visited, and descided to look around for awhile, they could leave their children contentedly playing, so they would not be distracted from what they needed.

Inuyasha carefully ran over to the play pin, and sat her in it. "Play well, Kagome, I'll return soon." he smiled.

"So her name is Kagome, ne?" Kaede asked.

"Hai." Inuyasha nodded as he turned towards Kaede.

"What a lovely name! And I'm sure she is blessed by the gods!"


"Oh, never mind! Get going! You only have hours 'til noon!"

"Arigato!" he said as he ran out of the shop.

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He quickly dashed into Inuyasha's forest (how ironic!...not...), and lept to the tree tops. He was insearch of a tall, strong tree, that he could not only make Kagome a bed out of, but other things as well.

"That one looks good." he said, looking at a cherry-oak tree. It's color was dark and rich, and it was an old tree, but yet it held much beauty. That would make a beautiful bed! He quickly ran to it, slashing into it with his claws, then charging at it to give it a swift kick.

There was a crackling sound heard as it fell to the ground, but towards Inuyasha.

"Oh crap." he said, as it grew closer and closer to him. He quickly readied his arms for balance, and not a second too soon. His legs lowered as he sat the tree down. He started carving and slashing at it with his claws, carving a beautiful yet chibi bed for the babe, but he stopped in mid-slash, and sniffed the air. He wasn't alone.

He postponed the project, as he followed the youkai's scent and he let a growl escape his throat. "Show yourself!" he said, stopping where the youkai was going to cross.

A blue whirlwind appeared, as he heard the howl of a wolf. As the whirlwind desintigrated, the form of a young youkai appeared. He was about Inuyasha's age, wearing a fur pelt, and a strip of fur across his forhead to hold back his shoulder-length tresses. "I am Kouga, of the wolf tribe." he stated cooly, sniffing the air. "So where is the human, dog turd?"

Inuyasha's expression grew blank. 'He's cockier than I am!' "Why? So you can kill her?" he said, crossing his arms and giving Kouga a stare.

"So it IS a she....well then, you definately have to tell me where she is!"

"Not without a fight I won't!" Inuyasha shouted.

"Fine! Have it your way! I need some practice anyways."

Inuyasha began to slash at Kouga repeatedly, inguring his legs and his left arm. Inuyasha, on the other hand, barely had a scratch on him. He was too agile for the wolf, even though Kouga was a full youkai.
'We're not done yet! Just wait!" Kouga shouted, limping off.


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To be continued.

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I hope you liked it.