InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Captive ❯ Putting The Plan Into Action ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own or make profit from the Inuyasha series Copyrights to Inuyasha and Characters belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. This plot line however is mine.


Seppuku: Death by disembowelment at one's own hand.

A/N: According to my research, Obligatory seppuku was used as a form of capital punishment for disgraced samurai, especially for those who committed a serious offense such as unprovoked murder, robbery, corruption, or treason.

The samurai were generally told of their offense in full and given a set time to commit seppuku, usually before sunset on a given day. If the sentenced was uncooperative, it was not unheard of for them to be restrained, or for the actual execution to be carried out by decapitation while retaining only the trappings of seppuku; even the short sword laid out in front of the victim could be replaced with a fan.

Unlike voluntary seppuku, seppuku carried out as capital punishment did not necessarily absolve the victim's family of the crime. Depending on the severity of the crime, half or all of the deceased's property could be confiscated, and the family stripped of rank.

http: /en. wikipedia. Org /wiki/ Seppuku – you can remove the spaces and go here for more information on the subject, and to verify it for yourselves :)


Putting the Plan into Action:

The next morning, Bankotsu woke up and lay on his bed thinking of ways to force her cooperation without having to kill her. 'It's not my choice to beat women into submission ... I've seen that with my parents and don't like it at all. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth to strike a woman, but sometimes my temper got the better of me.' After all he was once human.

'How do I get her to cooperate, without having to resort to hitting her again?' Remembering how weepy she'd been, he mentally sighed. 'Women are fickle creatures.'

He didn't want her moping about all the time- that would be torture for him. Dealing with a depressed and whiny woman wasn't a thing he ever wanted to face. 'It makes me sick to my stomach - literally.' He shuddered just thinking about it.

'So what now?' he wondered. Stretching lazily on the bed he puzzled it out for a long time. Something finally clicked and his eyes lit up. 'Heh, I know,' He smirked as a deliciously evil plan formulated inside his head. He climbed off the bed before setting his plan into motion.

Kagome woke up moaning to a pair of hands that were expertly teasing her pert nipples.

Bankotsu sat beside her, naked as the day he was born. and played her body like a finely tuned instrument.

Realizing it wasn't a dream, her eyes shot wide and she felt his tongue dancing around her nipple, arousing her further. She gasped as his powerful thigh slipped between her knees, spreading them apart. She panted. "What are you doing?" she stared at the mercenary who was wreaking havoc with her traitorous body.

Knowing her body was already well aroused, Bankotsu smirked. "I'm showing you that sex doesn't always have to hurt." He continued massing her breast, while working his way slowly toward the juncture at her thighs. Dipping his head, he inhaled her blatant arousal and licked his chops.

His free hand slipped up to part her legs further and open her completely to his eager eyes. Licking his lips, he lowered his head and began sensually torturing her with his talented mouth. He trapped one of her legs over his shoulder, while his other hand busily worked her nipple, sending wave after wave of something… strange and exciting through her body.

Kagome moaned as the strange sensations from last night intensified at a frightening speed.

He slipped his tongue deeper into her tight folds and began stabbing it in and out of her, ripping moans of pleasure from her throat.

By the time she was close to exploding, she was a panting and whimpering bundle of pure need. She didn't know how to react to the strange sensations invading her body, or her traitorous body submitting itself to his wicked actions. All she knew was she needed the ache to stop.

Craving the taste of her essence, he increased the pace of his tongue's invasion, while rolling her nipple between his thumb and index finger, sending her catapulting into a shattering release.

Her pleasure filled cry rent the air as her walls convulsed around his dangerous tongue and her juices began flooding into his greedy mouth. Bankotsu eagerly lapped up the thick cream like a kitten drinking warm milk.

He savored the honeyed taste of her, making sure to swallow every single drop, before sensually sliding his body slowly up hers and forcing his tongue into her mouth.

She tasted herself and blinked as his tongue danced around hers and his nimble fingers worked her sensitive bud into another mindless frenzy of need. Harshly he gripped her hips, digging his nails into her soft flesh.

He slipped his raging member into her tight folds, hissing in pleasure of how tight she was. Her moans egged him on faster, as he positioned her onto her knees, pistoning into her faster at a nearly demonic speed.

Lost in the haze of mixed emotions that had claimed her body, Kagome cried out in pleasure and pain as she felt him drive deeper into her core.

He felt the telltale signs of his climax stirring in his loins and gripped her hips, increasing his pace yet again, slamming her back into him as his hips drove his hard dick into her.

She panted harshly as her breasts bounced in rhythm to his vigorous pace and she felt the waves building almost as high as a tsunami inside her body.

One of his hands loosened his death like grip upon her hip, to snake out and warp harshly into her thick hair. He rode her hard and furiously with her head pulled back so he could see her reaction playing on her face.

She screamed at the pull of her hair, but moaned at the increasing waves in her body as he continued branding her with his body. Thrust after thrust, his climax approached, as he rammed full sped into the all too innocent school girl over and over, feeling her nearing her own release.

His hand slid from her hair, over her rib cage, and up to her breasts, where he tugged her nipples, sending streaks of fire to her inflamed sheathe. Before she could comprehend what was happening, her scream shattered the still air and her fleshy walls began milking him with their simultaneous release.

Once all of his sperm filled her tiny body and their combined juices began to leak from her body even with him still completely buried inside of her, she collapsed to the ground unable to stay on her knees any longer, once his hold on her hips was released.

He pulled out of her, sending a twinge of pain and a strange sense of loss though her, both panting harshly from the strenuous activities.

Gazing down in satisfaction at the still panting miko, he flipped her onto her back and captured her mouth in a purely dominating kiss, before pulling back and walking into the bathing area, where he quickly bathed in his private spring.

He smirked. 'If I can't force her into cooperating through violence, then I'll trick her into it by binding the bitch to me through mind blowing sex. Women are very sexual to begin with and her being an innocent… will make this that much easier.' Mind set on his course of action, he mentally patted himself on the back for his brilliant solution.

After he'd cleaned himself, he took a wash cloth and cleaned her skin, purposefully teasing her quivering body again, before placing the cloth aside and pulling on his hakamas.

Walking over to her, he saw the remnants of desire in her eyes and smirked. "See miko, it can be enjoyable without being painful. It all depends on you and how well you behave." Standing up he grabbed his haori. "Remember, your stay here can be easy if you follow my rules."

His eyes filled with satisfaction and a smug grin plastered his face as she noticed him gaping at his purposefully showing, well defined, muscular chest.

Removing his Banryu, he walked out of the room and carried the weapon into the eating room, where he waited for the others to join him and ordered for breakfast to be served.

After breakfast, Renkotsu posed the question that had been weighing on everyone's mind. "Big brother, why did you take Inuyasha's wench?" He stared at his leader.

Bankotsu was reluctantly pulled out of his wicked thoughts and planning for the innocent miko. His eyes narrowed at his second in command. "One: She's not Inutrasha's. And Two: She can sense the shards…" He deliberately trailed off and let that one sink in.

Renkotsu's breath hitched. 'Does he know about me and the shards then?'

Shrugging Bankotsu continued, "I figured since she can see the shards, she'll accompany us and we will collect the shards." He kicked back and lazily placing his feet on the table as he leaned his chair back.

Jakotsu snorted at his leader's statement of her not being Inuyasha's bitch, but perked up at the rest of the news.

Renkotsu blinked. "Does this mean we will -" afraid to believe things would work out right yet.

Not one to tolerate being questioned for long by anyone, Bankotsu cut him off annoyed. "This is the last question I'm going to answer," Glaring at each of his men, he continued, "What it means Renkotsu, is that I'm as sick as the rest of you are, of playing patsy to that half breed Naraku. I vowed to myself when I brought you all back, to make things right with each of you."

He sighed heavily. "Unfortunately Mukotsu and Kyokotsu are gone, nothing more can be done for them. However, once we've collected enough of the shards, we'll kill that bastard once and for all."

Renkotsu blinked. 'Perhaps I should rethink my plan? If big brother intends to free us from Naraku, we might all just make it out of this alive yet.'

Jakotsu mentioned fondly, "At least we were allowed honorable deaths because of big brother's persuasive powers."

Genkotsu added happily, "Geesh," as he rolled a little further into the room.

Bankotsu looked stricken and haunted for an instant. He took a sip of tea to try and cover up the dryness of his throat, as he recounted having to watch each of his brothers' slicing open their guts before their beheadings, before his own. He stared into his cup. 'At least I was able to bargain for them to be allowed Seppuku, with the agreement that I was only beheaded- therefore dying without the honor of a warrior.'

As the realization that his big brother was trying to right the wrongs from the past sunk in, Renkotsu's expression grow deeper and deeper. It turned into one of guilt as their deaths replayed in his head. He had been so blinded by his fear of dying again, that he'd forgotten that Bankotsu had bargained for them to be allowed to die with some semblance of their warrior's honor intact.

Renkotsu stepped over to Bankotsu, pulling out the bottle. He held his hand out to Bankotsu. "Here... I, um, meant to give these to you and I forgot until just now." He apologized; "Forgive me for doubting you big brother," he bowed his head, awaiting his leader's response.

Snapped out of his stupor and grim thoughts, Bankotsu watched them drop into the palm of his hand, still warm from Renkotsu's hand. After a long minute of silence, Bankotsu's eyes turned hard. "So you've been holding out on me, eh?"

Noting Renkotsu shakily bowing before him and pleading for forgiveness, he sighed. 'I can't bear the thought of losing another one of my brothers.' He stared at his second in command. "I forgive you for 'forgetting' to give them to me earlier." Eyes turning serious, he snatched Renkotsu's throat and held him off the ground. "But don't make any more mistakes Renkotsu," He tossed him harshly to the wall and ordered him to the sweep the castle floors and mop them clean.

Renkotsu vowed, "Understood," and breathed a sigh of relief at only having been reprimanded, rather than getting his ass ripped off.

Used to Bankotsu's harsh reprimands, Suikotsu continued on like nothing had happened. "What about the wench?"

Bankotsu glared at him. "What of it?"

The split personality doctor shifted uncomfortably under his leader's glare. "Um, nothing, big brother."

Bankotsu clutched the jewel shards in his hand while trying to calm his temper. He'd known very well Renkotsu was always plotting behind his back, and had been trying to give him a chance to fess up. He was relieved he didn't have to call him out though. Because the others had been present, he'd let it slide with just a warning- this time.

Renkotsu quickly jumped to work on cleaning the castle floors, knowing if he didn't he'd face an even worse punishment at the hands of his leader.

Bankotsu ordered Ginkotsu to patrol the lands, and Jakotsu and Suikotsu to go hunt, before smashing his tea cup against the wall and returning to his room.

Kagome jumped awake as she heard the door slam shut and gasped as she watched Bankotsu insert two jewel shards into his right wrist. "Where did those come from?" she stared up at the brooding mercenary.

Bankotsu growled out, "From Renkotsu, he was holding out on me," he plopped onto the bed running a hand through his bangs.

Kagome's eyes widened. "How did -"

He cut her off. "You're surprised that I know?" He sent her a very charming grin. "I know all of my brothers very well. It would be just like Renkotsu to try and slip past me that he's got more than one jewel shard."

His face turned somber. "Both Kyokotsu and Mukotsu succumbed to the same desire for more jewel shards. It led to their unfortunate ends. Renkotsu would at least have to trysomething like this just once- just to see if I'm still at the top of my game or if I've been dead so long and I've lost my edge," he ended in a bitter tone.

Kagome's eyes fell to the floor.

Bankotsu glared at her and reprimanded, "Next time wench, you'd damn well better tell me when any of them are holding out."

Swallowing nervously, Kagome met his eyes and nodded that she understood.

A semi comfortable silence feel over them for a while, each lost in their own thoughts.

Bankotsu's mind drifted to the reports of his former brother's deaths. Staring at the girl on the floor he demanded, "How did Mukotsu die, exactly? Jakotsu told me this 'Sesshomaru' killed him. You were there. You saw what happened," His sapphire eyes held hers and expecting an answer.

She sighed heavily. "No I didn't, actually. I was paralyzed on the floor of a hut, and Sesshomaru burst in there, pushing Mukotsu out. That was the last I saw of him until I saw his bones."

Bankotsu scoffed. "He paralyzed you with his poison, just to get your jewel shards? Why bother doing that when he could have just killed you? It certainly would have been easier."

Kagome's hands balled into tiny fists at her sides, while she glared up at him. "You know why that creep kept me alive? He wanted me alive so he could rape me," she screamed.

Bankotsu shrugged seemingly unimpressed. "So that's it," he voiced, thinking out loud.

Kagome spun around facing her back to him, biting her lower lip to keep her tears at bay, as she hugged her knees to her chest. She'd never expected any sympathy from him anyways.

Bankotsu snorted. "That sounds just like him, always trying to get a woman." Sighing he laid back on his bed.

Kagome bit her lip to keep her tears at bay. Mukotsu had tried to rape, and Bankotsu had done so, twice now. 'What am I going to do now? Inuyasha will never see me as anything but a whore now.' She sighed sadly. "Inuyasha," she pulled her knees tighter to her chest.

Blue eyes narrowed at the sound of his enemies' name. Bankotsu ground out harshly, "You should concern yourself with what I think miko, not that mutt," he snorted in disgust.

Kagome involuntarily flinched as she tried not to incur anymore of his wrath.

Needing to escape the confining room a bit, Bankotsu stood up and walked out of his room with Banryu over his shoulder.

"Jakotsu, come with me. Suikotsu, stay here and watch over the wench. No one enters my room - got it?"

Suikotsu nodded and Jakotsu followed his leader outside.

Renkotsu sighed audibly in relief as he felt the anger swirling around his leader lessen as the man got further away. He bent down and wiped the sweat from his bald head, before jumping back to the task at hand and scrubbed the floors completely spotless.

He'd gotten off real easy with this punishment, for he still had his limbs in place. 'It's a rarity for that brat Bankotsu to go easy on anyone… I wonder what happened for him to be so lenient?''


Able to finally breathe without fear of Bankotsu coming back for a while, Kagome allowed her silent tears to fall. 'Inuyasha will never forgive me for this. He'll see me as Bankotsu's private whore now.' Her life had officially hit rock bottom.

'What will I do now?' her tears continued to fall. She felt alone, isolated, destroyed, and filthy. 'Inuyasha will never love me now,' Her heart cried.

Anger began to replace her sadness. 'That bastard has taken everything from me. If I don't help them find those stupid shards, he'll kill Sango and the others.' Her tiny fists clenched into tight balls. 'Like hell I'm going to just let him just do whatever he pleases. He's already taken my virginity; I won't let him take my friends too!'


A/N Okay, so now we all know Kagome wouldn't take this lying down –no pun intended- and we see Kagome is getting her gander up, what happens next? Guess you'll have to wait for the next installment! XD read and review please.