InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Centre ❯ Pride Goeth before the Fall ( Chapter 42 )
Ok, quick explanation of Shrine gates. Think Stone Hinge size solid rock…except they are sculpted a bit more. It forms a sort of pie shape (pie as in the mathematical symbol…not the dessert). I want to say they are more than 10 feet high and each leg of the gate is big enough to hide behind. They are pretty big and sturdy since many of these have survived multiple earthquakes. Now if you are thinking big orange gate made out of wood, like Miyajima…that's not a Shrine main gate. I even went down the street and double checked with my town's local shrine and the Buddhist temple behind my house (I do like to be accurate if I am giving people information….good thing I'm a teacher).
I have 100 reviews!!! YEAAAHHH!!! Ok, that out of the way, thank you thank you thank you to everyone who helped me reach my mini-goal. I started editing this story and posting an R version on so we'll see how that goes.
I have 2 new Inuyasha stories in the works so keep an eye for them. Both are AU…sorry if you wanted otherwise, that seems to be where my creativity is currently residing. I am always open to one-shot challenges so drop me an e-mail ( if you think up a situation you'd like me to take a tackle at. Just let me know the tone you'd like it to take (serious, funny….or leave it up to me) and I'll take a short break from the long stories. It'll be a good refresher.
Chapter 42: Pride Goeth before the Fall
"What exactly is going on?" Kagome's grandfather asked the young man who had joined them in the holy barrier around the tree. The poor man was currently nursing sore feet, a result of having run through deadly miasma. How the young man wasn't dead was a miracle. In the courtyard the newly arrived hanyou was holding off the smaller demon as Kagome and some demon slayer were barely holding their own against the larger purple haired demon.
"You must be Kagome's family. Pleasure to meet you, name's Miroku," he said with a smile. "You must be Kagome's sister," he said smoothly to Mrs. Higurashi.
"Poor boy," Mrs. Higurashi said with a sigh. "I think his eyesight was affected too." A small frown crossed her features and she gave a sorrowful shake of her head.
"Will someone explain what's happening?" the old man demanded, shaking small withered fists at Miroku.
"Whoa, ok, ok, chill. I'm not entirely sure of all the details, but here's what we've pieced together. Midoriko gave Kagome something Naraku wants, but we aren't sure if what he wants is really what she has, but he wants her dead either way. Midoriko told Kagome she was too dangerous to be around demons, even Inuyasha, but Inuyasha, ever the one to ignore things he doesn't agree with, came anyway. I'm not sure about Sesshoumaru and Rin….but damn does Sango look sexy when she throws that boomerang," Miroku finished, his attention quickly diverted.
"Who's who?" the old man asked his daughter.
"Well I think the boy with the sword is Inuyasha," Mrs. Higurashi said with a smile. "And Sango is the girl with the large boomerang."
"Inuyasha? Isn't that the Hanyou Kagome's been dating?"
"I wouldn't call their relationship dating," Miroku interjected. The old man gave a sigh of relief. "Accepting a youkai mark is pretty much like an engagement. They are way past dating."
"I'm not sure I want to know what Miroku just said to my grandfather," Kagome huffed next to Sango.
"Oi! Sango!" Inuyasha yelled from across the yard, barely blocking the small, lightening fast demon from taking out his throat. The larger demon was focused on the two women, its deadly glare fixated upon their every move. "Protect Kagome!"
"What the hell do you think I'm doing you idiot?" Sango yelled back, catching Hiraikotsu as it came spinning back.
"What am I? The helpless damsel?" Kagome muttered.
"Just keep her out of harms way until I get there!" he yelled, swinging Tetsusaiga at the small demon. He missed completely, the demon evading the large blade to slice across Inuyasha's chest and come to a sliding stop across the courtyard, small arms coated in blood.
Inuyasha coughed, his chest burning as he took several steps backward. It felt all too like the multiple times Sesshoumaru had attacked him…with poison claws. The little demon grinned at him, its tongue snaking out to lick blood off its razor like arms.
`I need the damn thing to hold still. It's too fast for me to get with Tetsusaiga!' he thought, clutching his claws to his chest in an effort to ease the pain. Power from his blood beckoned him as it slowly began to coat his claws. Looking down at the blood covered claws an idea began to form. He quickly looked up, judging the distance between him, the demon and Kagome. As if hearing his thoughts, Kagome's head turned and her eyes locked with his.
`Be ready when I get there, bitch,' he thought silently. `And pray this works.'
"Uh, Sess, love," Rin asked from atop the large dog demon who had not budged since their arrival. "How come we're not doing anything?"
`No sense in wasting energy.'
"Sess? Is there something you're not telling me?"
`Damn….she can't hear me like this.'
"Are you being stubborn just because I called you Fluffy?"
`You bring that up now?' he growled to himself. `What is it with women and assuming random, irrelevant shit?'
Jumping down from the large shrine gate, Sesshoumaru placed himself at the shrine entrance, but made no move to join the fight.
"You better have a damn good reason for doing this," Rin said with a sigh. "It's a good thing I trust your judgment."
`As if I ever led you wrong before.' Red eyes narrowed at the battle before him. His bastard half-brother was struggling to stand up, blood coating the claw held up to his newly injured chest. `I do love watching him fail,' the demon thought wickedly.
Kagome had no idea what compelled her to look over at Inuyasha during the heat of the battle Sango was barely holding back the demon attacking them. It came rushing at them in a blinding speed, too late for Sango to throw Hiraikotsu. Instead, she held it up as a shield, bracing herself as the demon slammed into it, jaws snapping inches from her face.
And yet Kagome had looked at Inuyasha. He looked half unconscious, blood seeping from gashes on his chest. There was a look of desperation in his eyes. He looked like he was about to do something. She prayed it wasn't something incredibly stupid.
Inuyasha suddenly dug his claws into his own chest, his own blood now thick upon his claws as he turned and faced the small demon. It smiled, looking at the pool of blood presented before it and leapt up from the ground, heading for him at a near blinding speed as its tiny mouth twisted in a horrific grin.
"Let's see how much you like my blood now, you little fuck!" Inuyasha snarled, claws extended as he flung his arm outward in a sweeping motion. Blood went flying in waves of red crescents glowing with demonic power. Shrieking in rage the smaller demon changed its intended course, using its speed to dodge the powerful blood attack the hanyou had not shown until now.
Kagome gasped in horror at the sight. Inuyasha's very blood was power, thrown at the enemy in defense. Only powerful demons could manipulate their own blood. Time seemed to slow for Kagome as she watched Inuyasha pulled himself up, his bare feet pushing off the stone courtyard as he made a dash for them. The blood crescents ended, leaving a small, enraged demon. Its eyes narrowed on the sprinting hanyou, lips curled back in a snarl.
`He's not going to make it,' Kagome thought in horror. `Why did he turn his back on it?' Power began to crackle in her hands before she knew it, building as she commanded absolute control without even knowing what she was doing. All she knew was Inuyasha was in trouble.
"Kagome!" Inuyasha bellowed, putting on a burst of inhuman speed just as he reached her. Power shot from her hand, blowing past his ear as he picked her up in an effortless bound, pushing off the stone to catapult the two of them into the air.
`NOW!' Inuyasha thought, spinning midair and hurling Tetsusaiga behind him. The sword seemed to glow with power and flew straight at the target….
The small demon struggled against the miko power that held it where it was in midair. Looking up it shrieked in horror as the demon blade came singing through the air straight for it. There was no escape. Howling in terror, the blade connected with the demon, slicing through its tiny body. The ear piercing wail that followed forced everyone to cover their ears. The sound died, leaving everyone to look up.
The demon was completely gone….obliterated to dust.
Tears formed in Kagome's eyes as she looked up at Inuyasha. His breath was coming in ragged pants, a slight wheeze suggesting one of his lungs probably had a puncture his body was fighting to heal. He looked down at her and gave a lopsided grin as they slowly descended back down to the ground below.
"You didn't think I'd actually let him catch me, did you?" he said arrogantly. "Now what's all this silly business about you and Midoriko?"
"Silly?" she retorted with anger. "You turning into a full, uncontrollable demon isn't silly! I thought you were a full demon because of me!"
Inuyasha looked down at her in shock.
"Because of you? Keh! I'm not THAT weak, bitch."
"But Midoriko said-"
"So you take some dead wench who failed against Naraku's word against mine?" he yelled back.
"She's been around for centuries! She has patience, unlike some I know!"
"That doesn't make her 100% right about everything!"
"Well that doesn't mean she's always wrong either!" Kagome finished, pushing out of his arms as soon as her feet touched the ground.
Inuyasha opened his mouth to retort, but the hairs on the back of his neck raised in a warning. Ignoring her protests, he pulled her down, shielding her body with his own. An unnatural wind passed over the top of them, taking a lock of Inuyasha's hair with it.
"Fuck," Inuyasha swore as the hair was yanked from his scalp. Looking up his eyes met those of the larger demon. Strands of silvery locks were dangling from its claws, eyes burning in anger.
They'd forgotten about the other demon.
Inuyasha looked to where Tetsusaiga lay untransformed on the courtyard stone…behind the demon. There was no way he could get to the sword. Beneath him he felt Kagome tremble.
"I…can't," she said weakly. Inuyasha did not reply. His only thought was to protect her at all costs.
Hiraikotsu sliced through the air at uncharted speeds, whipping right through the angry demon where he stood. Sango caught the boomerang as it came whistling back to her, the force of it driving her several feet back in a spray of dust. The demon turned its head to her and snarled.
Then promptly slid off the bottom portion of its body, a clean slice right through its midsection ending any danger it previously held to them.
Inuyasha gave a sigh of relief.
"Naraku's still left," Rin commented, watching the baboon form that was floating above the miasma mess below. The two demons were gone, but Naraku remained. "I wonder where that Kagura bitch went to…"
The dog demon beneath her gave a great sigh. It was her only warning before he sprang into the air, coming to land right before the sacred tree. Jaws snapping, he grabbed the Naraku figure and bit down.
The miasma disappeared, leaving only hissing stone and half melted ground. The baboon pelt fell from Sesshoumaru's poisonous jaws, falling to the stone below. Falling at a slower pace, gently swaying in the wind, was a small, wooden figure, broken in half, with a single strand of hair around it.
Miroku picked up the figure with a frown.
"A decoy," Kagome's grandfather said with a gasp. "He's that powerful with a decoy? Who the hell was that guy?"
"Naraku," Rin said with a frown. "That's why you didn't attack," she commented, looking down at the dog demon. Sesshoumaru turned his head and gave a brief nod. "Dammit!"
Kagome came stumbling over, Inuyasha leaning on one shoulder as a trail of blood followed him.
"Miroku, how much spiritual training have you had?" Kagome asked.
"As much as most Buddhist monks."
"Sure don't act it," Sango murmured.
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink," Miroku replied with a smile.
"Naraku won't come after me himself," Kagome said. "And we haven't been able to hunt him down either."
"What do you suggest?" Rin asked. Kagome looked thoughtful, her normally cheerful face taunt and drawn from the past few days' exhausting activities.
"I suggest a change in tactics. We fight fire with fire." Everyone looked at her, uncertain of what was brewing within her head. Obviously she knew what she was talking about….they hadn't a clue.
"Kagome!" Mrs. Higurashi yelled from the house, running up to them with something clutched in her arms. "Here!"
"Mom, what-?" Kagome asked, taking the bundle in confusion.
"Well, with your demotion and all I thought you might want this back."
Unwrapping the paper, Kagome looked down at the gift, her jaw going slack. In her hands was something she thought she'd seen the last of. Now this remnant of her past had come back to haunt her. Kagome looked up at her excited mother, words failing her.
"Seeing as you are a novis again, I thought you might want your old uniform back! Green and white always did look so nice on you."