InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Choices Made ❯ Chapter 5

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Five
“Kagome's coming. I…also smell Kikyou…”
`Oh shit. Kagome also has a salty smell-she was crying. What am I suppose to do or say with both of them here? This cannot end well.'
“Ha Inuyasha. So both the pile of clay and her reincarnation have showed up at the same time-they still must be linked. You can now go and-HEY! WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!”
`Well, that was fun leaving Sesshomaru talking to himself' thought Inuyasha allowing himself a smirk on his brother's behalf. If he went to Kagome first and they left before Kikyou showed up, he might be able to keep Kagome around longer, and he wanted her around…more than he first had thought.
`If they are fighting, I'll just stop it, then let them start with the talking. I have no clue what I would say if I were to start the conversation. What will Inuyasha say?'
Kagome looked up. Inuyasha came out of nowhere running towards her..
`Oh Kami…he was running full speed straight towards her…what the hell was he going to do?'
She stood there. He wasn't slowing down…what is he doin-g…
Inuyasha had grabbed her by the waist and had her under his arm without slowing down or breaking his pace.
`So now I'm a football to him'.
“Uh, why don't you slow down, and where are we going?”
Kagome had asked him where they were going…he had no idea. All Inuyasha knew was that they had to get far away from there and quickly. He had an idea. She liked hot springs, and he knew of a secret one that he hadn't told anyone about. It was in a secluded place and was beautiful. Kagome loved hot springs-that would relax her, then maybe he could figure out what he was feeling and they could talk about it. Hopefully she wouldn't “sit” him anytime soon.
“You like hot springs. I am taking you to a secret one.”
Inuyasha was taking her to a hot springs? He thought she had an obsession with wanting to be clean. Also, she had just came back from her era and had a shower there. She usually had to wait and beg for about 5 days before Inuyasha would slow down enough to let her bath again. It hadn't even been one. Why was he also running at top speed taking her to a secret hot springs? Was it just going to be Inuyasha and herself? Sango, Miroku, and Shippo wouldn't have had enough time to get there. She was a little nervous. What was he planning? Maybe he has been hanging around Miroku too long and was becoming a hentai. Well, he had the prayer beads on so if he tried anything funny…
“Um. Inuyasha? First of all, this isn't very fun or comfortable being held like a football, so can I at least get on your back?”
Inuyasha looked down at her while still going full speed. Kagome could tell that he really didn't want to stop or even slow down until they were at his destination. He did stop though and let her climb onto his back, then took off at full speed running again.
“Ok. Second Inuyasha; why is it just us two who are going and why all of the sudden need for me to wash? You usually make me wait for about a week before you'll slow down and let me bathe, and you think I have an obsession with being clean. I just had a shower in my time. It hasn't even been a full day, and you want me to bathe already? What is going on Inuyasha?”
She wouldn't dare “sit” him while he was running at full speed, with her on his back, would she? Better tell her something good.
“Miroku said you had been crying, and you did smell salty when I first smelled you. You always say how hot baths soothe you, so I…thought you might like one.”
“Oh.” Kagome sounded like she didn't quite believe him or was confused, but it was enough to satisfy her. She just hung on for the rest of the trip.
Inuyasha set her down when they reached there. It was beautiful and very secluded. There were dense trees all around, but yet there was a small clearing where the hot spring and several rocks were placed. The rocks were laid so that there was privacy for the spring, and there were also rocks in the hot spring at about the right height so that you could sit in it. The water also looked as if it had never been touched or visited by any body, or anything.
She heard Inuyasha chuckle and she realized that her mouth must have dropped open.
“Well, aren't you going to go in?” asked Inuyasha after she had recovered from her shock of its beauty.
“Well, I can't very well get undressed and go in while you are watching me, can I?”
Inuyasha started to grumble. It sounded suspiciously like “well, it isn't like I haven't see you before naked.”
“Just go away so I can get undressed.”
Inuyasha snorted then walked away.
She stepped into the hot water, walked over to the rocks, sat down and let herself relax.
He heard Kagome sigh. That meant she was relaxed. He was safe from both Kagome and Kikyou right now. He had avoided that catastrophe perfectly. Kagome didn't suspect anything and also, he would get to spend alone time with her.
“Um, Inuyasha” he heard Kagome asked.
“Why did we really come here? Also, what about what I said earlier?”
`Kami. I'm screwed.'
What about what she said earlier? How did he feel? He was very protective of Kagome and couldn't stand it when she went back to her own era, or when Koga came around, but he knew that he still felt very strongly about Kikyou.
“I told you, you smelled like you were crying-I don't like the smell of tears on you and you know I can't stand it to see a woman cry.”
“Yes, but what about what I said earlier…about loving you” asked Kagome very quietly.
He couldn't tell her that he felt overjoyed to hear it. That he almost forgot about the promise he made to Kikyou, and…that he had wanted to declare the same thing to her too when she had said those words. He did love her…
“Are you hungry? I'll go catch us some fish for dinner, and maybe some meat. I'll be back in a few” said Inuyasha as he leapt away.
`What was that hanyou thinking?'
Kagome climbed out of the hot springs and got dressed. Then she started making a fire. She then sat down and hugged herself.
“Why couldn't I have just not cared and not have gotten Bouyo? Why couldn't I have kept my mouth shut? Why did I have the Shikon no Tama in me? Why did I have to fall in love with Inuyasha?” she asked herself out loud. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes again, and tightly closed them, then hugged herself tighter.
She suddenly felt arms around her hugging her tightly. Quickly she opened her eyes and saw red wrapped around her.
“Inuyasha?” she whispered.
He had started off quickly, just to get away, but after he knew he was out of Kagome's sight, he had slowed down to a slow walk. Then eventually he stopped. He was well out of her ear range, but he still could hear her…especially smell her. What was he going to tell her? Kagome said that she had loved him and he realized that he loved her too. But Kikyou had also loved him, or so he thought, but she ended up trying to kill him in the end.
She was now muttering to herself about Bouyo and the Shikon no Tama, and he began to smell the scent of tears on her again. Not again.
He ran silently back to her. She was tightly hugging herself, with her eyes tightly closed. At the sight of her crying over him, his heart felt heavy, and in pain. He couldn't help himself and went over to wrap his arms around her to try and ease her pain. All he could offer her now was this bit of comfort. He wasn't ready to admit how he really felt about her. He now knew, but couldn't get himself to admit it…just not yet.
Kagome had now whispered his name.
“Yeah Kagome?”
“Never mind. Please, just hold me like this” then Kagome relaxed even more in his arms. He heard her breathing slowing down, then the steady rhythm that he knew meant that she was asleep.
AN: I hate to announce this, but it might take a little while for the next chapters to go up. I have kind of run into a writer's block here, and Fauna (my muse) has made herself scarce (or has been helping me with other things that I don't realize). Not to mention school is getting in the way. I will try though to get something written within February, and that is all I can promise right now.
Arigato for reading, and please review…it might make Fauna come visit me more…