InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Choices Made ❯ Chapter 13

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fauna's mind had been busy again and has brought something new to this story. Kami help me. With the way this is going, it is going to last forever! She gets one compliment and it goes to her head. Sheesh! Anyway, this chapter is going to be longer, (and hopefully better) than the last chapter. Read away!
Chapter Thirteen (insert your own title here)
`Inuyasha actually kissed me? Does that mean…it must! Will he do it again?' All Kagome could do was stare at Inuyasha with her mouth agape, and a most surprised look on her face.
“Feh. What are you looking at?” asked Inuyasha in a tone that sounded more afraid and nervous than angry. “Well? Are we going back? I want Ramen.”
“Is that all you can think about?!”
“No…but I want Ramen.”
“ARG! You are so stubborn and have such a one track mind!”
“Yeah, well…you smell…”
Kagome laughed. “Is that the best you can come up with?!” stated Kagome in an annoyed voice, then stuck out her tongue.
She actually stuck her tongue at him! OH! That gave him a wicked idea. He ran up to Kagome and stuck out his tongue to touch Kagome's tongue.
“Eck!” `What did he just do?! Oh….' At first, Kagome was a bit freaked out that Inuyasha's tongue touched hers and jumped back. But…it was an invite to more…
Inuyasha looked a lot more nervous now…with a “oh no…what have I done, I am going to be sat for now” look.
Kagome smiled and Inuyasha relaxed a bit now. Kagome decided to take the offensive this time, and took a giant step towards him. She threw his arms around his neck and crushed her lips on to his. When Inuyasha opened his mouth in shock from her boldness, she quickly snaked her tongue into his mouth daring him to do the same. Inuyasha quickly took Kagome up on her dare.
They were camped out for the night. They were so close, but there was no point in traveling any further that night. They would reach Inuyasha and Kagome by morning, and even though Kikyou was dead, she was still only a weak human…true…she was strong for a human, any human including the males and could easily defeat almost any demon, but still a human. Also, Sesshomaru wasn't too sure if he wanted to admit something that he pondered ever since they started traveling together.
Was he in love with Kikyou? He admit that he could not seem to get enough of her scent…it was like a drug to him…it was pleasurable and he bathed in that pleasure every time he was able to get a strong whiff of her scent. He also found himself wishing that Kagome was further away so that they would not reach her as soon as he had first hoped. Dare he say it? He wanted to spend more time with this cold undead Miko! What was it about her (besides her scent) that he was so attracted to? What was it that pulled him to her?
Why the hell were they resting? Sesshomaru suggested it. Even though she was once a human, those weaknesses no longer had any effect on her…she was no longer weak like she had been when she was alive. Whatever. Her soul collectors liked it better when she stayed in one spot. Their jobs were easier then. So be it.
Sesshomaru started at her often now. In the past, it would have worried and creeped her out, but now she found it was nice and could not help but to feel a little embarrassed. She couldn't show her emotions though, even though they were coming rushing back. Inuyasha didn't really bring emotions to her…only anger, hatred, and revenged came flooding back to her and engulfed her mind whenever he came to talk to her. How was it that his brother, and no one else, not even her past lover, could bring such silly emotions such as embarrassment, contentment, and dare she say it-caring back into her being.
“Uh. Maybe Miroku was right and I shouldn't have eaten all that candy” groaned Shippo as he now realized Miroku did have some wisdom in that lecherous mind of his. Speaking of which, where was Miroku and Sango? They had been gone for quite some time now. A few hours at least. Shippou's mind now was curious. He made a move to get up, but then a powerful wave of nausea hit him and he decided that wasn't such a good idea anymore. `I'll just find out later' thought Shippo. `I always do anyway.'
“You lecherous monk! Get back here! You still have yet to answer my questions, to which you'll probably deserve a beating with my Hiraikotsu for!” Sango laughed to herself. He probably deserved a beating and no doubt she would be mad at him, but she was having fun chasing him now, Hiraikotsu in hand. To be running around with Hiraikotsu familiar weight made her happy. She had become so bored with Kagome being gone so long, then having her coming back only to have her and Inuyasha disappear again.
Miroku seemed to be tiring out. She would need to find out these answers…just a few more miles of running and he would be slow enough for her to catch him.
“Oh Buddha” prayed Miroku while running. “Please save me from the wrath of Sango…just long enough so I can explain, and maybe die a happy man” grinned Miroku as a perverted thought entered his mind. Kami! He was so out of shape. `Its amazing how out of shape you can get after staying in once place and eating rich and good food for about a month. My lovely Sango on the other hand still seems to be in great shape. She doesn't seem tired at all, and she is carrying the Hiraikotsu around too. That thing was really heavy. How does she do that?' Just then he remembered that she had threatened him with a beating from the Hiraikotsu and remembering that pain brought a whole new wave of energy to him.
`Eh. This is starting to annoy me now…' “HIRAIKOTSU!” yelled Sango as she hurled the Hiraikotsu at Miroku's feet. Him turning around to jump over it gave her enough time to put forth another burst of speed to tackle him to the ground. They rolled around a bit until Sango was able to get the upper hand and land on top of him, sitting on his chest, while his arms were pinned to the ground.
“Wanna tell me now why you were running so much now and why you don't want to answer my questions? And why did you disappear for hours at a time with those girls as Shippo says you did?”
`Shit. I was hoping it wouldn't have to come to this now…'
“Um…Sango. I was just talking to those girls…mostly about you. There was some questions about the female psyche that I wanted to know about, like how you think and what you think about, and how you would react to certain things. That's all.”
Sango just looked at him and blinked several times.
“Ok…but why did you run away from me like that? And why wouldn't you answer my questions and why did you get all nervous like you did?”
“You always consider me a hentai, which I do admit I sometimes am, so whenever you look at me a certain way, I know that the Hiraikotsu is coming, and that really hurts, though usually I deserve it.” Miroku sighed. “By the way Sango, if you wanted to be on top, all you had to do was ask, and I would have been happy to let that happen…”
Sorry for not much Inuyasha/Kagome and Sesshomaru/Kikyou writing, but I am still experimenting with writing that kind of stuff as you can probably tell. Also, the whole Sango/Miroku was just nagging me from the back of my mind and I just had to get it out. I really didn't expect them to get in much of an appearance but Fauna again.
Smartjock: Fauna is happy about getting mentioned. She is now singing for joy at the top of her lungs for hours now and will not shut up even though I have offered much chocolate and Dr. Pepper if she does…*sigh*
InuYashasloveLorn: yay! There are others like me! How do you say that moo cow thing? I try to say things in Japanese to my friends and they look at me like I'm nuts. It won't catch on for them. I named my fish Sakana which means fish in Japanese and have gone into naming things in Japanese. Arigato for clearing up the moo cow cow goes moo thing for me. Putting the moo cow in there got me thinking about Toutousai, but I don't think I could work him in anywhere…would anyone want him worked in there?