InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ To discipline your Inu ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 2. To discipline your InuAfter the events of the previous day, the three humans took to teasing the hanyou about ‘his ‘table-manners’. It invariably caused either a shriek of protest, or a pair of little white ears to flatten in disgust as the owner turned away in a huff. They had been unable to move on this morning because, like most of the canine variety, Inuyasha had no idea where his ‘stopping point’ was when it came to food. As a result, he was one sick little puppy. Pun intended. Kagome watched Sango taunt the ill hanyou with unflagging enthusiasm. It didn’t matter how many times she saw them at it, watching Sango drop on her back and thump her foot in imitation of Inuyasha always brought a laugh. “I DID NOT!” He’d snarl back, before sticking his nose in the air and presenting his back. And Sango would grin with playful maliciousness. Miroku would just shake his head, shoulders jerking suspiciously. Then he’d pull a straight face as Inuyasha turned a watchful eye on him, waiting for an excuse to take out his embarrassment on the monk. It was now late in the afternoon, and Kagome had finally gotten a chance to begin a class project that was due in a few days. Scraps of paper littered the grass in a four foot diameter about the girl as she cut out bits and pieces of newspaper and fixed them to the pages of an empty sketchbook with a light layer of paste. Inuyasha had already made known his low opinion of the scent of said paste with a scrunching of his nose and a rather foul comment that did not bear repeating. He was promptly eating dirt under the rather lovely trees, and Kagome moved her project away from the muffled curses of the flattened male. It may have been a bit childish, but Kagome was enjoying this project. Sango would flip through the pages of the newspapers and point out any that she found fascinating beyond the fact that it was futuristic. Kagome would cut it out, have her describe what she liked about it, write it down under the clipping and then go on to the next after writing down her own interpretation. It was a simple comparison between what one person sees vs. the other. And so far, they had managed to fill up almost half of the book. Between bouts of Sango’s ‘Yasha-bashing’, that is. So you could imagine her surprise when, come sundown, Inuyasha stomped over to her demanding his dinner. “You’ve got to be joking.” “Now, wench!” His belly was still swollen from the day before, visible even under the heavy fire-rat. Kagome stood with an exasperated sigh, rolling a section of the paper absently in her hands as she spoke. “Inuyasha, I’m not going to make more food for you until your stomach shrinks back to normal. I don’t care if you are half youkai, that’s not healthy!” She was rewarded with the stomping of a foot and the crossing of arms as the hanyou took up a pose that she supposed he thought made him look intimidating. He only looked like a spoiled child when informed of an oncoming nap. That, or a bath. Because he would definitely need one, if he continued on as it seemed he would. The growl he let loose then would also have been threatening. Again, if she hadn’t had his brother’s to compare it to. Now why had she thought about that? ‘Remember, no thinking about Taiyoukai and their pretty hair and curious tongues!’ She almost nodded to herself in agreement…if she hadn’t known how such an action would look. She could just imagine the look on Inuyasha’s face as he scooted away from the crazy human girl who had finally cracked and was holding conversations with herself. Which…she was. Grrr “Hey! You listening to me?!” His volume left something to be desired. Like ear plugs, maybe? “Yes, Inuyasha. And no, I’m not making you anything ‘till you’re back to normal. You can just wait.” He chose that moment to stick his nose in her face with another of those ‘threatening’ growls. -WHACK- He blinked in disbelief, before scooting back a few feet, holding his nose. Kagome had popped it with her newspaper! It hadn’t been all that hard of a blow, but the surprise of it left him momentarily dumbfounded. She looked almost as surprised, staring at the rolled up paper in astonishment.
“Why the hell did you do that!”
came Inuyasha’s muffled bellow. She smiled sheepishly. “It’s how you punish unruly puppies in my time. My cousin just got one and…well…heh…” Inuyasha crossed his arms and presented his back. “I ain’t no puppy! I’m an adult!” Kagome shrugged. -WHACK!!!- The hanyou clutched his bottom with an oddly feminine squeal of outrage. By this time both Sango and Miroku had collapsed in a heap on the ground, laughing so hard tears trailed down their cheeks as Inuyasha spun to face his ‘attacker’. His face glowed red like an outraged maiden’s. “Why the hell did you-” “You said you were an adult.” She grinned. “That’s how we discipline ‘adult’ dogs who misbehave.” Inuyasha eyed her for a moment, clutching at his wounded dignity with both hands. Then his face scrunched in disgust and he stormed ::cough:: waddled ::cough:: back to ‘his’ tree and climbed up, unable to simply jump as he was accustomed to. His face flamed in embarrassment as he turned away from the rest of his pack. Kagome finally lost all ability to keep a straight face, collapsing into the pile with the other two as they each strove to bring in a full breath of air amongst their giggles. The hanyou scrunched his shoulders at the sound, making a mental note to never again overstuff himself in their company. His pride couldn’t take it.

The observer shook his head in amusement at the antics of the hanyou’s pack. His golden eyes gleamed as the young male hunched his shoulders with every echoing peal of laughter. He’d been a bit surprised, however, at the faint sense of envy that had radiated from his inner beast. He must have had some long-hidden kink in his psyche, because the idea of the little female smacking his backside was strangely...intriguing. A hidden trace of masochism, perhaps? Sesshomaru shrugged. Most likely it was simply the thought of her delivering the blows that did it for him. He smirked. Now, if only he could manage to get himself into a position to experience her brand of ‘discipline’ for himself…

Lesson two - when disciplining your Inu, be certain that he understands why he has been punished.

a.n. These are all things that come into my head while I’m trying to concentrate on anything serious…you see how well that goes…::grins::

Next chapter: Bathing your Inu

a.n.- Gonna try this again. If you wish to be added to the 'Update Mailing List' of this story, please write to and place 'Update for Idiots' in the subject line.