InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ Enforcing Dominance ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 4. Enforcing dominance It hadn't been more than a few minutes before Sango's prediction came true. Inuyasha, who had been griping about weak humans and their overactive imaginations, suddenly growled and drew Tetsusaiga while 'crouching' into a battle stance. Or his current variation, in accommodation of his bloated belly. Though in all fairness, he was much improved from the last time Kagome had encountered the Taiyoukai. Because here came Sesshomaru. She gaped at him in shock…and admiration. Behold…the feudal era's answer to the Chippendale's. He'd apparently just come from bathing, because he'd not bothered with armor. His wet hair lay in a smooth silver sheet down his back, his bangs spiking against the high curve of his cheekbones. His white clothing clung almost lovingly to his wet skin and- Kagome very nearly fainted where she stood. Hadn't anyone ever informed him of the results of donning white silk clothing when wet, while neglecting to wear undergarments? Or maybe he just didn't care. She almost whimpered as he strode out into the moonlight, every muscle and sinew rippling under the delicate fabric. Dear God…she was only human and that just wasn't fair! It was a damned good thing that his kosode overlapped itself and his hakama, or she'd have gotten an eyeful of everything gifted to him by nature of his gender as well. His eyes seemed to glow in the dark as he approached. The list of possibilities for his presence was endless…and so very bad… Scornful gaze on the hanyou - Check. "What do you want?!" Inuyasha barked. Perfect, graceful stalk forward - Check. His brother spared him a mocking smile. "So nice to see you on your feet again, Inuyasha." Inuyasha blushed furiously. "Damare!" Sesshomaru smirked in amusement. "I must say, watching you act in such a juvenile fashion was quite entertaining. Thumping your foot, indeed." He clicked his tongue. Sharp, mocking taunts - Underline and check. He must have seen Inuyasha when he'd overeaten, after all. Inuyasha growled, even as Sesshomaru turned from him to lock his molten eyes on the little female who stood in the background. Hooded, lustful eyes on the miko - Check. Wait- She blinked. Uh oh… That can't be right…because that reason seemed to have, justifiably, slipped through the cracks. His expression shifted from mocking to knowing in all of a heartbeat, a silver brow arcing above a heavily lashed golden eye. At least a heartbeat like Kagome's own, as the organ thudded in her chest. Then his eyes lowered to her aforementioned chest, and the tip of his tongue peeked out briefly from behind lethal fangs as it flicked over his upper lip. But Inuyasha failed to see, as he was turned to keep an eye on the proximity of his pack. In fact, no one saw it, except Kagome who gulped. She would have insisted that he just had to be Naraku by his strange behavior, but Inuyasha would have known by the scent of him…and he had smelled his brother coming long before they had actually seen him. A spell? That was even more laughable. After all, this was Sesshomaru. He would sooner admit to wearing a tutu and dancing the lead of Swan Lake while headlining on the Vegas 'strip before he would allow anyone to control him. Of course…he very well might be. Because the flying monkeys were currently selling tickets for sleigh rides in hell. How else to explain the look the Taiyoukai was giving her? She shook her head at her wandering thoughts, bringing herself back to the present. That present contained a youkai that was slowing easing closer to her with every second that passed, his lips curved in a way that sent goose bumps skipping down her spine. Her eyes shot wide. "Hey! Asshole! Get away from Kagome!" Sesshomaru rolled his eyes, even as he continued advancing. Slow. No use in scaring off his prey…though, it would be rather delightful to chase her down. He well remembered the few occasions he'd had to walk behind her when he'd infrequently joined up with his little brother's pack. Most especially, he remembered the way her little, round backside seemed to smile at him with every swaying step she took. So, sure, he'd developed a taste for her. He'd very much enjoyed the taste of her lovely breasts. Now he simply wanted to sink his fangs into her equally lovely ass. That, and indulge in his newfound kink. Kagome still stared, unnerved by the look in his eyes. Something in her head had insisted that whatever it was that had gotten its mouth around her had felt eerily familiar. She had ignored it, because one, she knew very few people who would do such a thing. And two, Miroku couldn't hold his breath that long, no matter the motivation. Thinking back, she realized that it had in fact been lips suckling at her, and not a fish attempting to eat her. Rather familiar lips that she well remembered from the way they had wrapped around her fingers. But…that would make the Taiyoukai even worse than Miroku… Sesshomaru's eyes lifted to hers, wicked amusement dancing in the tawny depths to match the smirk that curled his sensuous mouth. "You!" She was rather proud of the fact that she could speak at all and so chose to ignore the way her voice squeaked. "Huh?" Inuyasha whipped his head around with his oh so eloquent inquiry. Kagome's face was redder than he'd ever seen, her eyes like the headlights on one of those 'car' things he'd seen in her time. "What was 'who'? What's goin' on?!" "Haven't you heard, Inuyasha? Apparently I'm a…" The Inu paused, a long finger tapping his lower lip as if he were deep in thought. "Oh yes. A 'freaky, perverted youkai fish' is, I believe, how she phrased it." His smirk, if possible, grew even more wicked. "-the hell…" Inuyasha turned wide eyes on Kagome. "You didn't-I mean he didn't-" "Take a deep breath. Try again. I'm sure it will come." Once again, Sesshomaru with the sarcastic commentary. "Kagome." Inuyasha's voice was gruff. "What did he do?" "He-he-lips and-" Kagome was unable to spit it out. "WELL??" Sesshomaru snorted in amusement even as Miroku, ever the lecher, attempted to get close enough to hear whatever it was that Kagome finally managed to whisper into Inuyasha's twitching puppy ear. Inuyasha's jaw dropped. "What the hell, Kagome?! AND YOU LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THAT?!? Fuck, you swatted me with your paper for growling at you! You shoulda been swatting his ass, instead! It's not fair!" he said with a stomp of his foot. Sango and Miroku's jaws dropped in unison. Was he really that dense? But the Taiyoukai, who they'd assumed would retaliate in a way best not described, simply shrugged his long hair over a shoulder and presented his broad back to the girl. He arched a brow at his brother. "She's more than welcome.” he stated in that perfect, faintly husky tone of his. "GAH! You perverted…pervert!" Inuyasha gasped, eyes bulging. Kagome was half afraid that he was about to have a coronary. Unfortunately, he also sounded like some outraged maiden aunt. Miroku grinned, gazing starry-eyed at the Inu lord as if he'd just found a new hero to worship. Which earned him a reprimanding slap on the backside from Sango, who in turn was too stunned to even realize what she'd just done, even as it earned her an adoring gaze from the Monk. Sesshomaru, after having decided that the desired smack would not appear, sighed as if disappointed, before regaining his former position, that of 'stalking' the miko. His head tilted in that oddly predatory way she had grown used to with him just before he would attack. "Eeeep!" She suddenly found herself ass over head as she was tossed over his shoulder, the air hurriedly exiting her lungs and preventing any further protest. "Hey! Let her go, you fucker!" Inuyasha took a swing at the elder Inu, yet had to pull the blow for fear of hitting Kagome. "Did you not mention that a 'swat' to the backside is a form of punishment for a wayward Inu?" "So?!" There was a slow sweep of lashes as Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes in anticipation. "This Sesshomaru believes he has been suitably wayward." "And?!?!?!" "In the simplest of terms, little brother? The girl owes me a spanking." That said, the Western Taiyoukai pivoted on one elegantly shod foot and strode away, a stunned and bug-eyed miko bouncing atop a well-muscled shoulder.

lesson four - be certain that your Inu truly understands who is dominant.
a.n…oh god….there's no way to stop him now…::cringes and fetches a shovel to bury herself::
Next chapter: When to allow your Inu into your bed