InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Dog Demons ❯ Proper handling of your Inu ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 13. Proper handling of your Inu

Kagura blinked as the hanyou’s words filtered into her brain.

Huh. Well…there was something she’d never expected to hear. From anyone. Let alone the nervous…and oddly adorable…male sitting next to her, blushing as if he’d just seen his first naked girl.

His older brother was peering at him as if he’d just encountered some new and rather fascinating breed of fool. She did note, however, that it did not stop the male from continuing to stroke the little priestess ensconced in his lap.

Well, she supposed, she had always wondered just how deep the ice went. And as Kagome had yet to acquire a case of frostbite, it must not have been very deep.

She hid a snicker at the way the hanyou cringed as if awaiting his doom.

He was attempting to sneak looks at her from the corners of his wider-than-typical eyes, hand over his mouth as if to keep the thing from betraying him yet again. She couldn’t help herself, then, and smirked at him, dainty fangs glinting in the firelight.

He jumped, almost hiccupping in surprise. The others glanced at him, though they quickly returned to their conversation when nothing else was forthcoming.

She did not miss the way he squirmed, or the way his eyes flickered fast as lightning over her silk-clad legs.

She stretched them out towards the fire, feet flexing and toes curling as she took in the warmth from the flames. His eyes locked onto said toes, and he gulped.

For a second, Kagura was confused. Because, contrary to popular opinion, she had never been promiscuous. In fact, other than the occasional grope from one of Naraku’s accomplices that she fended off with threats of dire pain and a couple of shy kisses from an unknown human in a tavern one night, she had about as much sexual experience as little Kanna. She was still a newborn as youkai went, though she had been born into the body of an adult with an adult’s mental facility.

Then an idea began to trickle into her canny brain. She knew that some beings were attracted by things that the general populace would have found bizarre. She’d never had the opportunity to experiment, herself, but she was not a dimwit either. This could be the perfect occasion for her to experiment a bit with things that she’d never bothered with before. She doubted that Kagome would mind all that much. She had her own male to deal with, and he was a damned handful and a half. In fact, she almost envied her…until she watched the Miko pulling his hands out from under her clothing for the fifth time.

Nope, if she was to experiment at all, it would be her in control of the proceedings.

Besides, Inuyasha wasn’t anything to sneeze at. He may not have been as tall as the Taiyoukai, nor quite as muscle-heavy, but he was damned cute. She almost wondered if she preferred it that way.

The first time she’d encountered Sesshomaru, she had stopped and gawked. Just like anything with functional eyes. He was almost impossibly beautiful, but had that masculine edge that told the truth of his gender. Now, armor free, he actually seemed even larger than he had while wearing it.

They made a beautiful pair, he and the Miko. She was small and slender, he tall and powerful, and both almost ridiculously attractive. She grinned to herself as Kagome chastised the smirking male about his wandering hands, before tugging at his silver mane in playful reprimand.

They were a handsome pair, and Kagura was female enough to be happy for the girl’s newfound ‘fortune’ in mates.

And speaking of mates…

Another glance at the hanyou, this time from under her lashes, and she could see him nibbling at his lip as another blush covered his face. He would not be such a bad catch. She had seen his antics of the past few days; though Naraku had somehow missed Sesshomaru’s mating and had only been
able to guess that Kagome had simply returned to her home for a while in explanation as to her absence. Something that she would not hesitate to rub in his smarmy face later on. But Inuyasha was inhuman enough that something so foolish as overeating would not cause a permanent affliction. And she was more than capable of keeping him in line, should the occasion call for it.

She wondered how he would take to being dominated by a female.

Oh, not all the time…just where it mattered.

She felt someone’s eyes on her and turned.

The huntress was watching her. Her dark eyes were curious, though not, as Kagura was oddly grateful to see, with any form of suspicion. She arced a brow in question, and Kagura
tilted her head.

Then the huntress smirked as she took in Inuyasha. He had wandered off into his own little world, smiling stupidly at whatever drifted through his mind’s eye. Her brow lifted in mirror of their newest pack-member, giggling at the blush on the Kazi’s pale cheeks. Kagura turned to her for a moment, before crossing her ankles. Inuyasha twitched almost imperceptibly, and Sango poked Kagome in the leg to draw her attention.

Was it that funny?

She did it again and right on cue…


The two human females grinned widely, both giving her thumbs up.

</>Okay, so it really was that funny!

Imagine, Mr. Gruff-an’-bluster affected by lil ol’ her!

The Ookami chose that moment to growl at her and she rolled her eyes. “Listen, puppy-prince, I don’t have any more desire to be in your august presence than you do to be in mine! Get over yourself.”

Koga blinked in surprise. “How dare you!? Bitch!” He snarled and fell face first to the ground as he attempted to get at the female. It was rather embarrassing to watch, as all he could manage was to inch-worm his way over the ground, sputtering curses the entire way.

And Kagome had had enough.

She launched herself from her mate’s lap and pounced on Koga’s back with a frustrated sound. She landed with a thump, both of them hitting the ground with wince-inducing force.

“Koga quit being such an ass!”

He turned to glare at her as best he could from over his shoulder. “You’re gonna take her side?!”


He gawked at her, mouth hanging open. Then-


Kagome’s weight abruptly disappeared from his back, and Koga thought he’d finally gotten through to her. He did not hear the male stalk him on silent feet, but he did not miss the huge hand that coiled his long topknot around itself and began to drag him off.

Kagome almost protested. After all, Sesshomaru was seething and that was never a good thing.

“Is it just me, or does he look like a caveman carting his latest meal off to the cave?” Sango asked. The other two females nodded in agreement.

The Taiyoukai stopped for a moment and turned bleeding eyes on Ginta and Hakkaku. They went still as stone, both fearing to even breathe if it displeased Sesshomaru. But a snap of his fingers and a short jerk of his head informed them that they were to follow and so they wasted no time falling into step.

“Do you think we should go after them?” Kagura asked. “I mean, the Ookami is a jackass, but your mate looks pissed.”

Kagome fidgeted. She didn’t think that Sesshomaru would kill Koga, but-

A shrill squeal echoed through the trees as a series of loud thumps and crashes preceded it, followed by a vicious growl, and then all was quiet.

The white figure emerged, calm as ever, a strange bounce in his step.

He was alone.

“The pup decided to return home.” He stated evenly.

Inuyasha lifted his head and sniffed the air, then sighed in disappointment at the lack of blood scent. “Couldn’t you have just killed him and put him out of my misery?”

“Inuyasha!” Kagome smacked him upside his head, much to the amusement of Sesshomaru. “Don’t encourage him!”

Sesshomaru came to a stop before her, one brow lifted in amused question. “Encourage me? As if I were some pup to be kept in line?”

Kagome gulped. Oops! “Heh…It was a slip of the tongue?”

He curled his fingers into the front of her top, dragging her upwards until her toes barely brushed the ground as he bent to press his nose to hers. His smile was absolutely evil as he purred in response: “Darling…I’ll show you a 'slip of the tongue' you’ll never forget…”

Inuyasha was certain that he hadn’t even blinked, before his brother and sister-in-law disappeared into thin air with a squeak that could have only come from Kagome.

His jaw dropped. “Damn…he’s got more stamina than an entire American football team…”

Football was something that he had taken a liking to in Kagome’s era. It was stupid and manly and violent. Everything to tickle a hanyou’s fancy. She’d even recorded it on occasion and brought it back via portable DVD player and the four of them had taken to sitting down with soda and ‘popcorn’ to cheer on whatever team they happened to admire, after Kagome had sat down and explained the rules. Sango, at first, had turned up her nose. But she was what modern folk would have termed a ‘tomboy’, and so had come to be the most vocal in her enthusiasm for the rough sport.

Now, Inuyasha was forced to admit to admiration of something his brother possessed…beside the ability to eviscerate a person with naught but a few well placed verbal barbs.

He wondered if it ran in the family…

He turned towards the Kazi, who wasn’t quite certain she understood the significance of the situation. Her eyes were almost as wide as Kagome’s had been when Sesshomaru had slung her over his shoulder a few days ago. “Did he just-“

Inuyasha even managed to keep himself from blushing and stuttering as he turned and answered her.


“And he’s going to…?”

“At the very least.”

Kagura blushed furiously. “Oh.”

Then she glared at the hanyou, who was watching her in amazement. “Don’t stare at me!”

He immediately turned from her, nodding. “Yes mistress.”

This time, he fully intended on what came out…and he was grinning.


lesson thirteen – never mistake the complacent Inu for being tamed


::Po kes the Inu and demands a seat:: If you’re going to take over my keyboard, the very least you can do is provide a lap, you big mphggle!-

Next chapter: Training an Inu to obedience