InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Complex ❯ Enter The Plan ( Chapter 8 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Complex
Dea Mariella
Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, shape or form, own any part of Inuyasha…except my Kirara plushie!
Chapter 8: Enter The Plot [A.N. cause there never was one before…]
`This has GOT to be the most boring activity in the world…'
I had no sooner gotten home from Miroku's apartment, when Kohaku bombarded me with demands for food and answers. Upon opening the cupboards, I discovered that the brat had eaten all of the food…INCLUDING MY ICE CREAM!!! Oh, he's gonna die for that…just not right now.
Anyways, that's why I was here…in a grocery store. Lots of excitement, ne?
So, I wander the aisles, looking for good stuff to buy…ooh! Buy two boxes of Cap'n Crunch, and get the third free! I'm such a sucker for gimmicks; but I grab the boxes anyways. So what if I'm the only one who eats the stuff…more for me!
The cereal aisle is like a haven, I wander amidst all of this good tasting anytime food, selecting many boxes.
I actually LOOK in my cart, and gasp. There is definitely TWENTY boxes of cereal. I quickly curtail my happy cereal mood and head towards frozen food.
Ahh…my ice cream…food of the gods…
Snag some eggs, some fruit juice and think about cold cuts…Kohaku is such a strange person, I never know what will feed him.
In a relatively short amount of time, my cart is full and *sigh* my wallet is empty. Who knew groceries were so expensive?
It wasn't until I was out of the store that I realized, I have a million and a half bags of groceries, and a 5 block walk home. What am I going to do?
I do the obvious…panic. I'm NOT gonna give up my cereal…never! You'll have to take me alive, carbs and all!
I was debating whether to attempt the walk or just steal a cart, when my knight in shining armor appeared.
“Are you stalking me or something? Gods, you have impeccable timing!”
Miroku grinned, and gestured towards his car.
“I am presently at leisure, m'lady. If you would care for some help?”
I gave a rueful smile and quite politely asked if he would be so kind. I was proud of the politeness, it's a rare occasion for me.
That is, I was proud until I felt the hand…across my bottom. I swiftly slapped Miroku across his face and proceeded to berate him properly.
That is, until some jerk on a bike decided he liked the sidewalk far better than the busy streets. All I knew was, I was airborne.
`Wow, the concrete is coming up awful fast…wait, I didn't know concrete was blue…'
I don't know how he did it, it seems impossible. Miroku had managed to catch me against himself so that HE hit the ground and not I, amidst all of my groceries. Considering how fast it all happened, the man had some pretty good reflexes.
“Are you alright Sango? Are you hurt anywhere?”
That was the first time he had ever flat-out said my name. It was usually some random trite pleasantry that he used. I blinked up at him, also amazed by the amount of emotion emitted in those short phrases. Him, who was usually so hidden, was showing buckets of affection and concern…this was cause for worry in itself.
“I'm quite fine Miroku, thank you very much. Now if you would let me up? There are people starting to stare.”
He looked up, and saw the crowd of people around us. He just laughed. “So there are! But, I don't really feel like letting you up. This is quite comfortable…”
At that ridiculous statement, I bopped him on the back of the head. He laughed again, but let me up.
“You do realize, that I am now COMPELLED to drive you home? The sidewalks are obviously not safe enough, you never can tell when some crazy cyclist might want to mow you over yet again.”
I looked at my bags upon bags of groceries, then I looked at his face. He had a pleasant expression on, but you could see the determination underneath. He wasn't about to let me walk now…at least not without him driving behind me at a snail's pace. Sometimes, life just wasn't fair. But wait…
“I will go with you on one condition: help me set Inuyasha and Kagome up.”
Miroku's urbane manner did not falter or even register surprise. He merely bowed, and started picking up the bags.
“We can discuss it on the ride m'lady.”
Oh, so now we're back to that are we? I suppose two could play that game.
“Why thank you ever so much kind sir!”
I hate gushing on general principle, but the expression on his face was worth it. That is, the shock was rewarding, but the conniving smile afterwards worried me a touch. It's so hard to pull one over this guy. A slight smile touched my lips as well, as I reached over to help him put the bags into the car.
A.N. Next chappie, the car trip and plotting. What will happen now that Miroku knows where she lives? Scary-ness!
I'm such a lazy person, look at the size of these updates! I really need to start writing regularly. I get all of these ideas for fics and amvs, and I never do any of them. ::sigh:: Oh well. Until next time folks!
Randomosity: This fic started out loosely based upon reality, but all of the people who I based it upon have left! Oh well…
“Randomosity is an aquired taste…please keep your randomness out of direct sunlight…” ~Chang Penguin