InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The darkness that is shippo ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: don't own Inuyasha if you sue me ill pwn you.
I have a challenge for you faithful readers. After six years shippo must have picked up some things from his old companions while reading see if you can find any personality traits or quotes from others from the inu group. Also remember shippo is only 13 but he has an adult appearance.
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It was dark and shippo was looking for a place to bed down after he had been traveling for 3 days nonstop trying to out last any pursuers that may had followed him. He found what seemed to be the nicest inn around and went to work.
Hid behind the trees and pulled out some leaves. “MULTIPLY” And 5 shippos popped from the leaves after that they transformed into different yokai while the original was casually walking towards the inn. The 5 other shippos attacked the town. (Not really attacking just acting). There were screams chaos and the like until a “brave wandering samurai” to slay the demons. After a “vicious” battle the fake yokai were slain and shippo got free food and room at the local inn as a reward.
Finally rest shippo had gone though the bounty notice over and over again.
For the past week shippo had been ambushed, waylaid, and attacked by humans and demons alike. For every bounty hunter he defeated one day, two more came in there place. *sigh* what I would do for some soda
He came to the conclusion to construct a new guise for him to take on. The wandering samurai gave me some rep but the bounty hunters know I use that soo… he went though a number of professions he could take tailor, blacksmith, whitesmith, spice trader, he even when to the length of using the opposite sex as a disguise. Being a woman to escape the bounty hunters is a great idea but I'd probably make her too sexy and every guy would pull a miroku on me and that would just be wrong he continued to ponder a guise as he slept. Yeah I think I got something here yeah this is awesome!
Shippo woke early in the morning and set out in to the forest to try out his new disguise it took several hours to get it right but shippo was pleased with his work his new disguise was in fact that of an ordinary boy of 13 or so years of age with black hair and brown eyes his back story he made up was he was a merchants apprentice and was sent to collect silk from a tailor in the south.
I am so good; he resumed his travels once more with his new form on hand.
He was good he passed many ambush points with out as much as a care from the bounty hunters waiting there.
By night fall he was at the Kiasake Bridge the only connection between the rivers for leagues. He was stopped by a band of bandits. “And just where do you think your goin you cross our bridge you pay the toll” somehow I knew I shouldn't have bought all those trinkets I don't have a coin to my name! Im sorry sir I don't have any money but I could give you some of my stuff as payment” he them a bag of trinkets he bought earlier this better work I don't want my cover blown again. “And just what are we going to do with a bunch of meaning less beads” and threw the bag in to the river. Ah crap, well another night making a new disguise coming up “leave the kid alone!” the voice came from behind him. He turned around to find woman toting two swords upon her purple and blue kimono. She had auburn hair and silver hawk like eyes. She was (um for lack of a better word) developed. She wasn't human he could tell that much but was still thanking god for this intervention. “oh yeah and what if we don't” said one of the bandits as another grabbed shippo and held a knife to his throat she can take care of this just act frightened and everything will be ok.
The woman drew the sword on her right shoulder and it burst into flames. Strangely enough the bandits only stepped back once and drew there swords.
Are these guys nuts!! Two of the bandits charged her and were easily ripped to shreds by the woman she ran towards them with speed that almost matched shippo's, jumped up and mad a slash. The sword flung several bolts of fire careening at the bandits incinerating two and hit the bridge behind them so they had no escape. She landed and severed two of the remaining bandits' heads and put her sword though the throat of the one that held shippo giving him time to escape before he burst into flames. Soon all of the bandits were and the bridge stopped burning when the woman sheathed her sword.
Well that was impressive to say the least “thank you miss” shippo bowed to show respect. “Its dangerous for little boys to go traveling by themselves yah know you should be more careful” great she's lecturing me “sorry I was in a hurry to get to a town before night fall”
“so where you headed” why wont she leave “to the south im getting silk for my master” “what a coincidence im going south too we could travel together” DAMNIT!! Well I cant refuse or she might catch on, besides she looks nice. “Sure why not? But one question your not human right?” “Perceptive boy aren't you. Yes im a kitsunne yokai not afraid are yah?”
“My father said not to judge people on appearances or race including demons” “what's your name?” DAMN I never thought of that, oh well “my name is Shippo what's yours?” “Katsuki” the two new companions went on south, all ways to the south.
How'd you like it plz R&R thanks and goodbye