InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Demon's Heiress ❯ Running ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


The Demon's Heiress

Pg-13 "Inuyasha" Romance (Sess/Kag)

Disclaimer: I hold no claim whatsoever to Inuyasha and its characters, therefore, do not sue moi.

Summary: (A/U) Kagome is known as the Demon's Heiress, burdened with the Shikon no Tama and riches she inherited from the man she despised most. Seeking haven within Lord Inuyasha's forest, Kagome releases Lord Sesshoumaru from his half-brother. Now captured, Kagome seeks to understand the Lord of the Western Lands while Sesshoumaru must ignore the hunger within his heart. But nothing could prepare the two for the passions they spark within each other…


Author's Note in Response to Reviews:

Wai! I loved your reviews ^-^ I signed on this morning and I saw like 28 reviews, not all for this fanfic though, but most were, and I was like `Woah, damn' and I was like so happy that you were happy with my fanfics. Er, that's a little messed up sentence, but you get the idea, I'm REALLY REALLY happy that you all reviewed. ^^;;

Anyhow, in regards to some concerns, I just wish to clear up some misunderstandings, like in the beginning, with all the sappy stuff, its sort of a vague scene from an earlier battle that I will describe later on that Naraku died from. And no, Kagome is NOT married to Naraku. I didn't state that yet but in the Prologue, there was only the indication of a "proposal" and an unwilling consent from Kagome. Basically, they were gonna go get married, arranged by Naraku since he is the Lord and Kagome has no choice, but Naraku got seriously injured from the fight and during his last breaths, he told Kagome he had left everything to her. Sorta like the will thingys. And in regards of a particular review, indeed, my last attempt at "The Demon's Heiress" was indeed where Sesshoumaru sort of tries to marry Kagome for money to save his lands but somewhere along the way, he really does fall in love. This is a similar version with very different events, but nearly the same basic idea. Just read on to find out!

Oh, and I just recently posted up "p id gin", which is a Nar/Kag fanfic. I know that it's not a really good pairing, but I just love alternate pairings, and this is sort of a challenge for myself to see if I can capture Naraku's character and still make him fall in love with kagome. It's an alternate universe fanfic, cause I can't really think of an original way to bring the two together in the Feudal Ages. Anyhow, if it won't be much of a bother, please read it? Onegaishimasui? Pretty please? >< I only got 1 review so far and its been like at least 2 days since I've posted it and I'm getting really really really depressed right now. -sighs- But I guess its cause its really boring right now, don't worry, I'll update today I think. If not, tomorrow. =)

Thank you for you time and patience! And oh, please oh please, do review! I live for them. ^. -


Brief synopsis of last posted entry:

"That's not the only reason is it? It's is because I am the Demon's Heiress is it not? Why not just say so? Instead of pretending to send me off for my own good?"

`Why must Naraku have proposed to me? He knew I had no choice anyways since he is the feared Demon Lord of the Shadows. Why did he have to die then? Now I have no where to go…..

…….except the Forest of Shadows'


Part 1: Running



Running Footsteps.

Panting, breathing heavily, brushing past the low branches of trees, running across the dirt path of the Forest.

Inuyasha's Forest.


"Why Inuyasha? Why?"

Inuyasha fidgeted next to Kikyo.


"Why Inuyasha? Why did you leave me like this? You know what hurts more? You betraying my heart, or you betraying my trust? Huh? Do you know Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha stared into the ground, shame across his face.

"No, you don't. You don't know."

"….I love her…" Inuyasha whispered.

Kikyo placed her hand upon his shoulder, lending him her strength. Her ever so calmness. Her perfection.

Kagome tore her eyes away from the heart-touching scene between the two lovers. She had stumbled upon Inuyasha making out with Kikyo…

…on their anniversary.

A tear slipped down Kagome's face and she wiped it away, frustrated.

They had been seeing each other for three years now. Three damn years. Did it mean nothing to him?

"Why Inuyasha? Why would you do this to me?" Kagome whispered into the air. Not bothering to listen for an answer.

Inuyasha looked up, his ears picking up Kagome's soft words. "I'm sorry Kagome…"

"No, you are not. If you were, you wouldn't say that. If you were, you wouldn't be hurting me this way. Hai, you broke my heart, you should be sorry for that. But betraying my trust? You should go to hell for that!" At the mention of Kikyo's former dwellings, Kikyo lifted her placid face to glare at Kagome. "What? Yeah, you betrayed my heart, which's bad enough. But did you have to destroy my trust like that? Destroy me like that? I trusted you! I trusted you with my heart, but you just threw it away like it was nothing. Nothing! You could have just told me in my face that you didn't love me and loved Kikyo, and that would have been BETTER than this! I didn't do anything, anything, to deserve this. I would have been devastated, but at least then I could have still trusted you. Still be your friend…" Kagome choked back a sob.

`All I ever was to him was a friend…never…Kagome. Kagome, who sacrificed her part of her soul to save Kikyo, his supposedly "dear friend and past love". Sure, it's past all right.' She sneered.

"Go ahead Inuyasha. I hope you are happy now. You tore away the trust and love from both of us who loved you. First Kikyo, now me. I wonder, how do you live with this guilt, huh?" Kagome asked. She knew it was a low blow, but she had to make him see her pain. See how much she hurt. But she knew it wasn't possible. He couldn't possibly understand her pain. He doesn't know what it's like to have your heart taken from you and your trust and belief in someone you cared for. Sure, Kikyo was taken from him, but Kikyo never broke his heart or his trust. He wouldn't understand. The least Kagome could do now is remind him of the guilt he would forever carry due to his miscalculations. His mistakes.

`He brought this upon himself. If he told me he wanted to leave me, his guilt wouldn't be half as large. This was supposed to be our anniversary….its supposed to be happy..'

The three stood there, silently challenging the other to speak. Minutes passed by, each like a knife stabbing at their conscience.

::End Flashback::

Huffing sharply, Kagome sat down near a tree to rest. She looked out into her surroundings.


How long has it been since they've seen each other? Wonder if the two are happy now….wonder if they are mates…

`Why did you leave me? Why did you have to cause all this pain?'

Everything hurt. Her back, her legs, her lungs.

Her heart.

`You don't know all the troubles you've brought upon me. You tore up my heart and my trust, but that's not all. That same day, the day I found you cheating on me, Naraku proposed.' Her mind wheeled upon memory.

`If you had been there, if you didn't leave me that day and just betrayed me again later on, if you were next to me when I went back to the village, then Naraku would not have been able to propose. True, at least we're not married. But we could have been if he didn't go to the battle near his Forest. And now that he is dead, I'm now his proclaimed Heiress.

The Demon's Heiress.'


Inuyasha lifted his head. His ears twitched.

`Could it be….?'

"Inuyasha?" Kikyo placed her palm softly on his chest. Worry etched into her soft brown eyes.

"I'm fine. But I have to leave. There's something that needs to be attended to"

He lifted his head and sniffed. He turned and ran.

`The Shikon no Tama! I feel it! But why is it here? Isn't it supposed to be with the Heiress? What could she be doing here instead of the Forest of Shadows?'

An image flashed through his mind. The image of Naraku proposing to Kagome.

`No, I won't think of it now. Even if Kagome is the Heiress, she wouldn't be back. She hates me.'

Why wouldn't she? He tore her heart out. And betrayed her trust. And left her to be supposedly `happily engaged' to Naraku.

Yeah, he knew about their engagement. He had followed her back to the village. He saw when Naraku proposed to her. Yet, he didn't stop him.

`Why didn't I stop him? He doesn't know I chose Kikyo. And even if he did, I could still pretend I chose Kagome again and then he couldn't have taken her. Why didn't I help her?' Inuyasha berated himself, asking for an answer.

But inside, he knew. He was scared. Both of Naraku…and Kagome. Naraku because he was the feared Demon Lord. And Kagome, because he didn't know if kagome would appreciate his help in claiming her, even if it did save her from marriage to Naraku.

`Well, at least they're not married. I wonder who the Heiress is then? For all I know, Naraku had no relatives and he and Kagome aren't married yet. Oh wells. I need the Jewel for Kikyo. She's dying, rotting slowly from inside out. The Jewel is her last hope. The only thing sustaining her time here is Kagome's soul. I need that Jewel!'

And with that thought in mind, he raced towards the call of the Shikon no Tama.



That's it folks! I thought that `Running' would be a good name for this chapter. This is so cause it reflects what Kagome and Inuyasha are running from. Kagome is running from the pain of not being loved or accepted for that matter, and Inuyasha is running from guilt and responsibility towards Trust. Cool huh? And it's really neat how it just so happened that Kagome and Inuyasha are running physically as well. I just figured that out a moment ago. ^^;; Anyhow, please review!