InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Duty Of Blood ❯ Ankle biters, evil spiders, and old friends ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

First, I want to apologize for the spelling of Naruke/Naraku's name. For some reason, my hands insist on spelling it Naruke (possibly because of some early fan subs, I don't know). Anyway, by the time I realized it this chapter, I was no longer sure WHICH was the correct spelling. Anyway, since that's the spelling I've been using the entire story.. Well, I just decided to go with it. If I ever decide to rewrite this story, I'll change it. Until then, thinking of the correct spelling every time I use it is doing nothing but interrupt the flow of my writing, so I will just use Naruke for now on.

I don't own anything, except the twins and their nurse!

The Duty of Blood - Chapter 8
By Caliko

Sesshoumaru stopped in front of the castle, unnoticed by his father and his runt of a brother. Inu Taisho stood in front of a half-transformed Inu Yasha, growling as the reject once again screwed up. His brother had the hind legs of a dog, but the rest of him was his normal, pitiful self.

"Concentrate, Boy! How the hell do you think you're gonna resurrect in the mortal realm if you can't even call enough matter here?"

"I'm trying, Old Man! It's not easy!" His brother gritted through his teeth. "Unlike you, I wasn't born knowin' how to do this!"

Sesshoumaru just smirked and walked up to the duo. "Father, you may expect too much from the mongrel. He has always been the type to take the path of least resistance - hence he blames his inability to transform on not being born with the knowledge. Perhaps he needs a harsher motivation?"

Inu Taisho smirked as well, realizing that once again he could put his shock treatment into use. "Harsher motivation, hmm? What do you think, Boy? Should I get my favorite toy out?"

:::Toy? What is the old man about? I was just hoping that I could hit him whenever he screwed up!::: The younger Taiyoukai pondered this, then thought, :::Maybe this 'toy' is a new sword.:::

Inu Yasha started to sweat, "NO way, you sadistic asshole! You come anywhere near me with that thing and I'll…."

"You will what?" His father growled, knowing that his youngest son was no match for him.

"Dammit! Just keep that thing away from me!"

"Then try harder, Inu Yasha!" His father grinned, leaning back onto his elbows. "Now, calm yourself and listen! There are two ways to reach our true form. The first is the demon rage. That requires little thought, but extreme anger. Unfortunately, when you transform using the demon rage, your intelligence is rather limited. The only thing that you recognize is the need for blood. That way isn't good for what we need, as you would go on a killing rampage as soon as you formed.

The other method is to will yourself into your form. That will carry your personality and thought processes into the form, leaving you a powerful dog demon that thinks with intelligence. THIS is the method that you must use. Now, try again."

Inu Yasha sighed, then closed his eyes. Standing still, he concentrated on his body, imagining his hands to turn into paws and his face into the muzzle of the dog. Slowly, he remembered what he was doing when he successfully changed his legs, concentrating on the feel of fur growing all over his body. He could of sworn that his tail multiplied into three sections, whipping in the wind called up from his powers. He growled, feeling that same power grow, expanding into every part of his body until it felt like he would explode. Then, a bright light pounded on his closed eyelids, only to flash and die out a moment later.

He opened his eyes, searching for approval on his Old Man's face. Unfortunately, he received silent exasperation instead. His brother looked as if he was about to choke on his humor as their father stalked closer to him.

"What is that, you imbecile?" He growled, looming over Inu Yasha. "I said 'dog', not monkey!"

Yasha blinked, then looked down at his arms. Sure enough, they were humanoid and hairy. "Dammit! I thought I got it that time!" he tried to say. It came out "Grrrrrrrrsht! RoooROoo Roo roo roo grrr rrrsht!" He shook his head, embarrassed.

"Hmmm.. You look like Naruke." Sesshoumaru once again smirked. It seemed to Inu Yasha that his brother only knew three expressions - smirk, frown, or emotionless.

"Grrrsht roo!" ("Fuck you!" for those that want the translation…)

It was some time later that they had decided to rest. Inu Yasha had managed to make it to dog form - unfortunately it was the size of a rather large rat. Still, it was a dog, not a monkey or a half-man/half-dog hybrid. Relieved that he was getting better, the former hanyou plopped down, and concentrated on becoming himself once again. A few moments later, he opened his eyes only to find nothing changed.

"Woof!" He sounded, his head turned to the side in confusion. He couldn't understand what he did wrong. Inu Yasha once again closed his eyes, his face screwing up as he concentrated on what he used to look like. There was no way he was going to be stuck like this!

Again, he opened his eyes to see his Old Man's ankles.

"Hmmm…" His father looked bemused, while his brother finally showed true amusement. "Maybe your just tired, Inu Yasha. You worked hard today."

"For once." Sesshoumaru muttered.

"Shut it, Boy. Now, Son, get some sleep, and we'll try again when you wake up."

"Grrwl?" (Food)

"Oh course. Of course. Food first."

Inu Yasha started wagging his tail, then bounded indoors, leaving his family outside sweating as they realized that with his concentration, Inu Yasha might be like that for a very long time.


The next morning:

"Miroku! Are you sure we're going the right way?" Sango asked, looking aghast at the creepy path that led between the two mountains.

"Yes, my love. Kagome's spiritual aura is still straight ahead of us."

"Do you think it's far?" Shippo asked, coming up besides them.

"Maybe a couple hours. We should be there by midday if we keep up this pace." For the first time, Miroku realized that the kitsune was growing up. It seemed as if he got taller every time he seen the boy. Now, Shippo's forehead came up to his shoulders. "Think you can keep up with us, Shippo?"

"If it gets me to my Mom, I can keep up with Kouga!"

Unnoticed by either of them, Sango had gone ahead. Now, at the entrance to the mountain pass, she looked back. "Are you two coming?"

Shippo laughed, "Sango is the one we have to keep up with!" Miroku sighed, then smiled as the two jogged to reach the demon slayer. "Coming Sango, my love!"


S esshoumaru woke up that morning to the feeling that someone was watching him. Sitting up, he met Aika's gaze unflinching. "This is beginning to be a habit. Tomorrow, meet me outside the door. For now, go into the meditation chamber and wait for me."

A little while later, he joined the child in the room and positioned himself on the tatami mat. Aika sat across from him, carefully mimicking how he placed his arms and legs.

"The first lesson is posture." He started. "You have to be comfortable, but not so much that you fall asleep. Relax all of your muscles, and then close your eyes." He lowered his voice to a soothing tone. "Try to think of nothing. Not any fights with your sister, or what you want to do today. Just let your mind drift."

The little girl tried, but the more she tried, the more she tensed up. "How can I think of nothing when I'm always thinking?" She finally complained. "Something always pops up!"

He sighed. This was going to take awhile. "It's very rare to reach the right state on the first try. Some people take weeks or even months learning this. It's what meditation is - a state of perfect calm where your daily worries do not intrude. Now, relax and do not try so hard. Keep practicing quietly while I move on to my meditation."

Later, after he released Aika from her lesson, he left to find Kagome. He had promised to keep her updated on Inu Yasha's progress. She was in the garden with Nari, picking flowers for an arrangement. "Sister." He stated, waiting for her to look at him. "I have news of my brother."

"How is he?" She asked, following him to an isolated corner. "Has he learned to transform yet?"

A strange grin lay on his mouth, barely noticeable unless you were used to seeing his usually emotionless face. "He transformed."

Kagome blinked, tilting her head forward as her hands nervously fingered the blue silk of her kimono. "Then, that's good! We should be able to perform the ritual soon!"

"Of course, if you wish for a mate that is the size of a large rat." He was really smiling now. "The last time I saw him, he was stuck in his dog form, and no taller than your ankle."

The Miko's eyes grew wide, then she sniggered. The sniggering became chuckles that just wouldn't stop. "Oh boy! My husband, the ankle biter."

"You laugh at your mate? Does Inu Yasha not provide for you? Protect you when you need it? Now, you laugh at him?" Sesshoumaru just couldn't understand this particular human. It was one thing for him to be amused, but this woman was supposed to uphold her husbands honor when her mate was not there to do it himself.

Kagome quieted, but the smile stayed on her face. "One of the reasons Inu Yasha loves me, is that I can see the humor in a situation. Besides that, we enjoy torturing each other a bit. It keeps things interesting." She paused, "And right now, aren't you the one doing the providing and protecting? And I know you think it's funny. I could see how hard you were trying not to laugh yourself!"

"It's not the same. He expects me to laugh at him." The Taiyoukai defended himself. "It's how we relate to each other."

"Hmph!" She smiled wider, leaning against the tree at her back. "Brotherly love? Yes, after living here these past few weeks, I can believe that. Then think of my laughing at Inu Yasha as my way of relating to him, as well. I love your brother, and he loves me. But, sometimes, laughing is the only way to keep from crying."

Comprehension finally shown on his face, and he nodded. "I understand." He finally said. Sesshoumaru wouldn't apologize for doubting her, but that was alright. Understanding dealt with the future, while apologizing only dealt with the past.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" The cry came from the front of the castle. "Three people, and a firecat are on the horizon!"

"It seems that your friends have come to visit." He didn't growl, or sound surly, so she assumed he was just stating fact. "Go. Get the twins changed into something clean, then meet me in the audience chamber. We do not wish to keep your guests waiting."


Miroku entered the hall with Shippo on his right. Sango was acting the obedient wife for the benefit of the nobles and stayed behind him with Kiarra (spelling?) on her shoulder. "My Lord." He said, eyes downcast. It would not do to show disrespect to the Taiyoukai in front of his people. "We have come to deliver Lady Kagome's adopted son to her, as well as to bring you news of Naruke."

Sesshoumaru was stoic, but inside he was thankful that they were not being belligerent. "Naruke is dead. My brother killed him in battle before he disappeared."

"My Lord, if I may disagree, I have proof, of sorts, that Naruke is still alive." He held out his hand. "You know of my air void?" At Sesshoumaru's nod, he went on. "It originated on my family line by a curse laid on my grandfather by Naruke. The curse will only be broken by Naruke's death. If he were dead, my hand would be normal once more. Lord Sesshoumaru, the air void is still active."

"Are you certain, Monk?"

"Yes, sir. I had to rescue a certain kitsune from an angry tiger youkai on the way to your castle. I had to use the void to confuse it. There is no doubt in my mind that Naruke is still alive."

Sesshoumaru heard Kagome's footsteps coming closer, trailed by the girls. "Say nothing to Lady Kagome about this. My brother is with my father, and they are working on a way for him to come back. Until then, she shouldn't be worried about the spider hanyou."

Miroku nodded, overjoyed that they knew of Inu Yasha's whereabouts, but angry that the Taiyoukai was planning on keeping this information from the Miko. Still, he was her guardian at the moment, and the Monk could do nothing.

Behind him, he could hear the angry grumbling from Sango, and knew that he had to get her away from the courts eyes. "My Lord, is there a place where my wife may go to refresh herself?"

Sesshoumaru's youkai ears had already noticed the slayers anger, of course. With a nod, he gestured to a servant to show the woman a nice quiet, isolated chamber in which she could calm down. "Follow Sumi, Lady Sango. She'll take you where you may clean the dust from your person."




THIS was a hard chapter to write! (head spinning) I knew where I had to go with it, the little good that did me! They (the characters) just refused to act correctly, and for that, my chapter was a bit stiff. I'm sorry about that. I think I need a co-author to go over my chapters and smooth them out for me. /sigh/ I am still not sure just when that stupid spider hanyou is going to show his creepy head, and what he's going to do. BUT.. At least my foreshadowing is good!

I'm also sorry for the long wait between chapters! I've gotten bit by the inspiration bug to work on an old, old fic of mine - Nitrous Nights. It's a continuation of my Gundam Wing series, The Box. I'm almost done with the next chapter, so if anyone wants to read the series, go to Caliko's World. Even if you don't like GW, you might like this. It was one of my best series, and I got a LOT of reviews for it. It IS mainly humor, and there is a lot of adult humor. So NO READING IF YOUR TOO YOUNG! ^_^